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Kenny Kolander

883 East Everly Street, Apt. 11

Morgantown, WV 26505
Ph.D., History, West Virginia University (WVU), 2016; Committee Chair: James Siekmeier.
o Major Field: History of U.S. Foreign Relations.
o Minor Fields: 20th Century U.S. History, World History, British Imperialism/Decolonization.
M.A., History, University of Kansas (KU), 2011; Committee Chair: Theodore Wilson.
o Major Fields: United States History, Diplomatic History.
o Minor Fields: Modern Middle East History, Modern European History.
B.A., History/Political Science, with honors, Simpson College, Indianola, IA, 2003.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, WVU, 2016-2017.
Graduate Instructor, WVU, 2015-2016.
Arlen G. & Louise Stone Swiger Doctoral Fellowship, WVU, 2012-2015.
My research explores congressional-executive relations in the context of U.S.-Israel relations
specifically, and U.S. involvement in the Arab-Israeli peace process more broadly, 1967 to 1979.
o Research conducted at numerous archives.
Israel State Archives and Central Zionist Archives, both in Jerusalem.
U.S. National Archives in Washington D.C. and College Park, MD.
Presidential Libraries of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy
Academic institutions holding the papers of congressmen George McGovern, Henry
Scoop Jackson, J. William Fulbright, James Abourezk, and Thomas Tip ONeill.
Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College, IL.
Publications and Reviews:
The Military-Industrial Peace Process: Congress, the Executive, and the U.S.-Israel Special
Relationship, 1967-1979, book manuscript in-progress.
A Research Note on the Israel State Archives, Passport: The Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations Review, Volume 47, No. 2, September 2016, p. 59-60.
Phantom Peace: Henry Scoop Jackson, J. William Fulbright, and Military Sales to Israel,
Diplomatic History, accepted.
The June 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Soviet Policy by Other Means? Middle Eastern Studies, Volume
52, Issue 3, May 2016, p. 402-418.
Roy Gustafson: Christian Ambassador for Israel, article in-progress.
What Do Unpopular Wars Have in Common? History News Network, June 14, 2015,

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Review of Kuntsman, Adi; Stein, Rebecca L., Digital Militarism: Israels Occupation in the Social
Media Age, H-War, H-Net Reviews, November 2015.
Review of Monshipouri, Mahmood, Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East: Youth,
Technology, Human Rights, and U.S. Foreign Policy, H-War, H-Net Reviews, April 2015.
Phantom Peace? The U.S. Congress and Military Sales to Israel, 1969-1973, The Society for
Historians of American Foreign Relations [SHAFR], San Diego, CA, June 2016.
U.S. Domestic Politics and Sinai II, SHAFR, Lexington, KY, June 2014.
The Personal Diplomacy of Roy Gustafson, Baptist History & Heritage Society, Sioux Falls, SD,
June 2014.
Roy Gustafson: Christian Ambassador to Israel, Popular/American Culture Association in the South,
Savannah, GA, October 2013.
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards:
WVU Foundation Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship, 2016.
Arlen G. & Louise Stone Swiger Doctoral Fellowship, WVU, 2012-2015.
Wesley M. Bagby III Scholarship, History Department, WVU, 2014-2015.
Dissertation Research Fellowship, History Department, WVU, 2015.
Dissertation Research Grant, History Department, WVU, 2014.
Research Travel Grant, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, 2013, 2005.
Second Place Best Sports Story, Weeklies Class 3, Iowa Newspaper Foundation, February 2002.
Teaching Experience:
Visiting Assistant Professor/Graduate Instructor, WVU.
Upper-level Undergraduate Courses.
o Practicing History [Fall 2016].
o Recent America: United States since 1918 [Fall 2016].
o 20th Century United States Foreign Relations [Spring 2016].
o The Making of the Middle East [Online Course, Summer 2015].
o United States Foreign Relations with the Middle East, 1945-Present [Fall 2014, Spring 2015].
o Arab-Israeli Conflict and Peace [Spring 2017].
Survey Courses.
o History of the Middle East, 7th century-present [Fall 2016].
o U.S. History through the Civil War [Fall 2015].
o U.S. History after the Civil War [Summer 2013, Spring 2016], Online Course [Summer 2014].
Graduate Teaching Instructor, KU.
o U.S. History after the Civil War.
o Western Civilization, 1500-Present.

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Graduate Teaching Assistant, KU.

o Western Civilization, pre-1500.
o Western Civilization, 1500-Present.
o U.S. History through the Civil War.
o U.S. History after the Civil War.
Administrative/Advising Experience:
WVU Academic Advisor, Fall 2013 Present.
WVU Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta, Fall 2016 Present.
WVU History Department Undergraduate Committee, August 2014 May 2015.
Foreign Languages:
Reading proficiency in French, through completion of FREN 100 and qualifying exam (KU).
Currently studying Hebrew.
Volunteer Experience:
Literacy Volunteers of Monongalia and Preston Counties, August 2016 Present.
WVU Student Adviser to Board of Directors, Lutheran Campus Ministry, January 2013 May 2015.
Membership in Professional Organizations:
The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations [SHAFR].
American Historical Association [AHA].
James Siekmeier, Associate Professor of History
West Virginia University
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, Professor of History
West Virginia University
Katherine Aaslestad, Professor of History
West Virginia University
Thomas Schwartz, Professor of History
Vanderbilt University
Salim Yaqub, Professor of History
University of California, Santa Barbara

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