String Functions: Strcpy Function

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String Functions

strcpy( ) Function:
This function is used to copy one string in another string. Its syntax is strcpy(string1, string2);

strlen( ) Function:
This function is used to return the length of a string (All characters before null termination).
Its syntax is strlen(string1);

strcmp( ) Function:
This function is used to compare one string with another and returns a signed number whether str1 is greater than,
less than or equal to str2. Its syntax is strcmp(string1, string2);

strcat( ) Function:
This function is used to concatenates string 2 to the end of string 1. Its syntax is strcat(string1, string2);

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strncpy( ) Function:
This function is used to copy a specified number of characters to string1 to string2. Its syntax is strncpy(string1,
string2, n);

strlwr( ) Function:
This function is used to convert upper case letter to lower case. Its syntax is strlwr(String1);

strupr( ) Function:
This function is used to convert lower case letter to upper case. Its syntax is strupr(String1);

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strchr( ) Function:

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