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Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

April 22, 2013
(Supply and Delivery of CWS Requirements for the Enhancement of MDA Capability
and Security of DOE Service Contract Areas)
This Supplemental/Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective bidders the modifications / amendments that shall form
part of the bidding documents for the Supply and Delivery of CWS Requirements for the Enhancement of MDA Capability and
Security of DOE Service Contract Areas of the Philippine Navy:


1. Network Management Systems Center
In page 71, Section II, letter a, the project entails construction of a
Network Management Systems Center (NMSC). We would like to
ask where this NMSC would be constructed.
2. Coast Watch System:

The location of the NMSC is at Naval Base Cavite, Cavite

City (see Annex B Item Nr 31)

May we request to have the exact coordinates of the CWS both

new and existing? Also, in order to properly integrate existing
subsystems, may we also know the type, format, and bandwidth

The exact coordinates of the existing and new CWS will be

made available to all qualified prospective bidders during
the joint site survey. At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to
reveal the exact locations of the existing as well as the new
sites due to National Security concerns. At most, the

3. CWS Radar, Camera, AIS, and RDOP:

approximate distances between the Coast Watch Stations

and the Center may be made available for purposes of
aiding the prospective bidders to determine the technical
requirements of integrating the Stations to the Center. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection

Shall brand/model data be provided to bidders? Also, shall

communication protocols be provided?
4. Radar and EOS Subsystems
Specifications neither for target size (RCS) nor for sea and/or
weather conditions were mentioned for the detection criteria. Shall
the SBAC2 allow bidders to propose such detection conditions for
the required ranges?
5. Electro-Optic Surveillance System (EOSS)

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

It is mentioned in page 72 that a non-cooled thermal camera is

requested (part of a 3 in 1 solution together with the following
capabilities: low light, and high definition daylight color camera).
Would this be mandatory or may we, as the bidder, suggest the
use of cooled sensors to achieve the eight (8) nautical miles
6. Opening and Preliminary Examination of Bids for Two Stage a. See Final Checklist of Requirements (First Stage)
Bidding (page 18). The BAC shall open the first bid envelopes b. Yes, Financial Component will be submitted during the
(eligibility documents) of Bidders in public as specified in the BDS 2nd Stage Bidding Process
to determine each Bidders compliance with the documents
prescribed in ITB Clause 12. For this purpose, the BAC shall
check the submitted documents of each bidder against a checklist

of required document to ascertain if they are all present, using a

non-discretionary pass/fail criterion. After reviewing the
instructions to Bidders portion, we would like to clarify if the
Checklist of Requirements (Section lX page 88 onwards) refers to
the First Stage bidding process. We noticed the following
a. ln the First envelope Technical component checklist,
under Class B documents, it specifies the need to submit
valid NTC permits and DTI Certificate of Accreditation for
electronics Service and Repairs. However on page 34
(BDS Section 29.2 d), it states that these documents are to
be submitted during Post-Qualification. These documents
are also specified as part of the Post-Qualification
submission requirements that need to be submitted three
(3) calendar days upon bidders receipt of the notice from
DND SBAC 2 (seen on pages 91-92)
b. The Second envelope- Financial Component, we assume
that this forms part of the Second Stage Bidding Process.
7. It was mentioned In the Pre Bid Conference, as well as
stipulated in the bid documents that Foreign Entities are allowed
to participate. If this is the case, may we get your clarification on
the following:
If a Foreign Company will participate as a bidder, will it need to
submit a valid PCAB (Medium A) License? Only local companies
are issued PCAB licenses.
a. The bidders are given the option to simply sign an intent
to enter into a JV (and not a JV agreement yet) at this
stage. If this is the case and the company opts to sign this
intent, does it follow that the foreign company does not
need to submit a PCAB license at the time of bidding?
Please clarify.

The foreign bidder can only submit the PCAB License of, at
the option of the bidder, the would be local JV partner or a
sub-contractor who should be disclosed at the bid opening
and should be made jointly liable together with the bidder
for the infrastructure aspect.
In case the local contractor is a party to the JV, it
should be a co-signatory of the duly notarized
statement required under the Checklist of
Requirements, Class B Eligibility Documents, Item

8. As per Criteria A table, page 19, it mentions that the Company

(Bidder) must have a Local Integration Facility (if the SI is a
foreign company).
a. Can you clarify what Local Integration Facility refers
b. What kind of document should the company submit in
order to prove that it does have a Local Integration

9. As per Criteria A table, page 19, it mentions that the Company

(Bidder) must have a Local Partner (if the SI is a foreign
a. Is this Local Partner different from the Local
Representatives being referred to in the Bid Data Sheet
Section 5.1 page 30?
b. Depending on the response to 3a, what kind of the
document should the company submit in order to prove
that it does have a Local Partner?
c. Given that the JV is optional in this case (as mentioned
in the Pre-bid Conference), what will be the relationship of
the Bidder and the Local Partner/Representative?
d. If the Foreign Company is in Joint Venture with the Local
Contractor/ Company, is it still necessary to submit the
Authority of Local Representative mentioned on Section IX

a. Generally, the Local Integration and Service Facility

(LISF) requirement is meant to provide an accessible
In-country service facility as part of the After-Sale
Service which will cater all repairs and servicing
requirements of all CWS equipment provided in the
contract. Similarly, the facility will also serve, during
the contract implementation, as the suppliers initial
integration testing facility to assemble, calibrate and
test the operational readiness of the system prior to
installation in the project site.
b. An Affidavit of Undertaking will be submitted to
initially prove the bidders commitment to establish
an LISF if ever awarded the contract. Said facility will
be devoted solely for this project and shall be
established within three (3) months upon opening of
the Letter of Credit and should be in existence
throughout the warranty period.
Local partner and local representative are
different from each other. Local partner makes you
jointly liable with the foreign bidder but not for the
local representative, being a mere agent.
The requirement for a local representative has
already been deleted. However, a foreign bidder may
be required to enter into a JVA with local companies
to address the requirements of the project or appoint
a sub-contractor for the infrastructure who should be
disclosed at the bid opening and should be made
jointly liable together with the bidder for the
infrastructure aspect.

Checklist of Requirements Tab J, page 90?

In case of a local partner, the best document to
prove such is through a joint venture.

please read answer to a.

Yes if the local representative is not a party to
the joint venture of the local contractor/company.
10. Subject: Local Representative. Authority of the Local
a. Yes.
Representative (as seen on page 90, Tab J for Class B
b. There is no fixed or specific requirement to be
imposed for a local representative to be qualified as long as
a. Is this the same as a Special Power of Attorney?
the local representative submits proof of the authority given
b. What is the requirement or qualification of the Local by the bidder.
Representative to be chosen?
11. Subject: NTC PERMITS. In page 91 (Post Qualification
Additional Requirements) it was mentioned that Other
appropriate licenses and permits required by law and stated in the
Bidding Documents (if applicable). If the Foreign company
currently does not have a valid NTC permit, is it required to go
into a Joint Venture with a local company that has the NTC
12. Subject: PCAB License. In page 89, Valid Philippine
Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) license (Medium A) and
registration for the type and cost of the contract for this Project.
Please state what is the level of PCAB license required, principal
classification and category and for which kind of project/ type of

Yes, the foreign bidder must submit the NTC Radio

Communication Equipment Dealers Permit of the local
The same shall be required during the post qualification
The PCAB license must be at least Medium A, Category B
Classification-General Construction, Ports and Harbor

13. SECTION VI. Technical Specifications : System Connectivity

(page 76). A fully-equipped and fully-furnished Network
Management System Center (NMSC) will be established having a
floor area of at least 160 sq.m. It must have a main hub for earth
station of at least 4.5m C-band linear, motorized antenna with at
least 10watt BUC plus LNB, modem sttelite router and
accessories. The NMSC must also have a main hub for ship of at
least 3.7m Ku-band linear, motorized antenna with at least 10watt
BUC plus LNB, modem, satellite router and accessories.
Is this the unique anchoring station for the shipborne terminals?
14. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Infrastructure (page
Network Management System Center
VSAT System
*4.8-meters antenna
Referring to the SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; System
Connectivity (page76) where a 4.5m antenna is required, please
clarify the minimum requirement for antenna.
15. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Infrastructure (page
76). It must have a hub implementation package, line cards and
routers with Ethernet interface; a shared bandwidth of 16Mbps;
and 99.8% blended availability.
Item Nr Description
Ku-band uplink
C-band uplink
Is the provision of the satellite bandwidth within the scope of the

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

Program? If so, for how long will the duration be?

Referring to Appendix 2, does this mean that the prospective
bidder should provide the satellite capacity? If not, could you
please clarify what are being required in the terms?
16. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Infrastructure (page
76). It must have a hub implementation package, line cards and
routers with Ethernet interface; shared bandwidth of 16Mbps; and
99.8% blended availability.
Would the requested data rate (16Mbps) be for the whole network
(earth stations segment plus shipborne terminals segment)?
17. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Infrastructure (page
76). A number of ships (initially 10) are to be fitted with Ku-Band
VSAT allowing for voice and data communications, capable of
transmitting near-real time video to the CWC and should be
designed to be integrated with the Ku-Band VSAT equipment of
PF15, PF16 and to the Coast Watch System.
We would like to ask for detailed technical specifications
regarding currently installed VSAT systems in the PF15 and
PF16? Which antenna /model is employed? Which baseband
modem is integrated?
18. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Infrastructure (page
76). It should have a Committed Information Rate (CIR) of
256Kbps and Maximum Information Rate (MIR) of 512kbps and
must be integrated to the existing PN IP-VPN
Would this MIR and CIR requirement be applied to the Network
Management System Center (NMSC) or to all the network
terminals (ship and earth station)?

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

19. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Enhancement of C4I

(page 70)
Provide integration and connectivity (VSAT, Fiber optic, etc) to the

Command Centers -6

Unified Commands- 4

Naval Forces Operation Center 6

Maritime Research Information Center

Coast Watch Centers 3

Coast Watch Stations and Islands 30

Ships 10

Aircraft (UHF Data link for real-time video transmission) 3

Kindly clarify if all these stations shall be enhanced with VSAT
Terminals? This statement is contradictory with all the
infrastructure scope of supply (page 78) where VSAT Terminals
are only seen for the CWC West and the Network Management
Systems Center.
20. SECTION VII. Technical Specifications; Capabilities and
performance for the Coast Watch Centers (page 73). All CWS
through VSAT connectivity should be able to download
information such as radar tracks, AIS and Video to their
respective Coast Watch Centers (CWC) located at Davao,
Zamboanga and Palawan. Additionally CWSs Cabra and Capul
are to be connected to the Operation Center of Naval Forces
Southern Luzon providing AIS information and CWS Zambales
should be connected to Operation Center of Naval Forces
Northern Luzon in a similar fashion.
Additionally the KIG islands will be connected by VSAT to CWC
West. The CWCs themselves have the capability of being
integrated onto a Common Operating Platform (COP) by means
of IP-VPN (primary) or VSAT connectivity (secondary) onto a

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

centralized Command and Control platform C4i.

Naval Forces West, Joint Task Forces Malampaya and Western
Command are linked to CWC West in order that they have the
capability to share situational awareness. The Operation Centers
of Naval Forces Eastmin and Eastern Mindanao Command are
linked to CWC Eastmin in order that they also have the capability
to share situational awareness. Configuration of the Coast Watch
Information System (CWIS) defines the area that may be
monitored by any CWC. It is a requirement that all CWCs have a
video teleconferencing capability.
This statement is contradictory with the requirement for the
Network Management System Center (NMSC), where a main hub
is required with two antennas (one for the earth stations and a
second one for the shipborne terminals). If a hub is required just
in the NMSC, stated requirement of SATCOM connectivity will not
be implemented as it will establish a pure star topology. Kindly
clarify the section stated in page 73.
21. SECTION VII. Technical specification; (general)
Kindly clarify the quantity of desired VSAT terminals and topology
Is there any SATCOM hub already installed?
Should the required SATCOM system be integrated into any
existing hub or platform? If so, could you please provide detailed
information regarding the manufacturer, equipment models, hub
configuration, etc.?
22. APPENDIX 2. Coast Watch System Connectivity Equipment.
MILESTONE 3; One year spare parts list. Spare parts included
within the table refer to specific equipment manufacturers such as
Intellian for the shipborne Terminals or iDirect for the SATCOM
baseband/hub subsystem. Does this mean that the prospective
bidders VSAT solution for the complete proposal must be based

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

on these manufacturers?
We wish to invite your attention, regarding the Bidding
Amendment under Section IX: Checklist for Requirements,
Eligibility Requirements Class A Legal Document to read: Valid
PCAB License, License Medium A Category B, Classification
General Construction, Ports and harbor and registration for the
type and cost of the contractor for this project.

The required PCAB License must be at least:

Medium A, Category B
Principal Classification General Construction, Ports and

The main consideration in the construction of CWS in Rizal

Reef which is submerged in water will entail a massive
Please be advised that the above subject do not entail construction of pile foundation intended for the platform for
construction of port and harbor instead communication network is its facilities (i.e. Antenna Tower, CWS Building, Helipad,
required in the bid documents. Therefore the PCAB License etc.)
Medium A Category B, with Classification Communication should
be the main consideration for the above project.
ELTA is kindly requesting to have the present equipment list on The present equipment list on site will be made available to
site in order to price the upgrade needed.
all qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey.
At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
equipment list on site due to National Security concerns. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
ELTA is kindly requesting to know according to what satellites we This will be determined during the crafting of the final
need to calculate the Link Budget?
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical

requirements of the system will be in accordance with the

revised technical specifications.


This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
ELTA is kindly requesting to know if there is a requirement for two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
mesh or multistar topology in one hop.
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
ELTA is kindly requesting to know if there is a preferred space None. Any Satellite that is compatible with the existing
segmet/satellite or satellite vendor.
CWS/CWC Satellite Communication system will suffice.
Network Management Systems Center: One-Story Building (at The location of the NMSC is at Naval Base Cavite, Cavite
least 160 m2) - Where is the exact location of the Network City (see Annex B Item Nr 31)
Management System Center?
ELTA is kindly requesting to know if the development of the Coast The development of the CWIS will include installation and
Watch Information System (CWIS) does include installation and integration of equipment and system of all 44 sites (please
integration on the CWC West only or on the CWC West and the 5 see Annex C, CWIS Deployment Sites).
CWSs in Rizal, Lawak, Mapun, Melville & Busuanga.
Does the Navy intend to produce a Unified Situation Awareness No. Aside from the CWC situational awareness, there
Picture through the CWC level only?
should be a common operational picture at the level of the

headquarters which is MRIC. Hence, MRIC will be able to

have Maritime Domain Awareness of all CWCs and all
CWSs which will be shared to other stakeholders.


4. PAGE 70.
Enhancement of C4I
a. Construction of a Network Management Systems
Center (NMSC)
b. Provide integration and connectivity (VSAT, Fiber optic,
etc) to the following:
Command Centers-6
Unified Commands - 4
Naval Forces Operation Center 6
Maritime Research Information Center
Coast Watch Centers 3
Coast Watch Stations and Island 30
Ships 10
Aircraft (Data link for real-time video transmission)-3

Yes, the connectivity that will be made for these new sites
will be integrated to the existing eleven (11) VSAT terminals
so that it will be interconnected.

Is the intention here: Establishment connectivity and integrate the

existing 11 VSAT terminal between the following:
5. Page 70-71:
In lieu of what indicated in pages 70-71 regarding the radar
requirements, ELTA would like to request that the radar technical
description will be replaced by operational requirements which is
the most important factor of all the system and environmental

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

conditions. Such parameters might be:

Operational requirements:

Maximum detection range

Minimum detection range

Range and azimuth discriminations

Range and azimuth accuracy

Environmental conditions:

Ambient temperature: In operation -200C to +550C

Humidity: Up to 95% with condensation

Fog and salt: Coastal air environment of 5% NaCl


Fungus: Resistant to fungi per MIL-STD 454F

Wind: Gusts up to 70 knots (operational)/Gusts up to 90

knots (non-operational)

Reasoning: There are currently on the market several different

Radar technologies which can provide good Coastal
Surveillance. The Radar performance is usually dictated not
just by the Antenna Characteristics but also by the
transmission, the technology and signal processing. The
tender currently calls for very specific antenna design that has
specific minimal gain and maximal beam width among other
parameters which may limit the overall performance of the
system and limit the system performance dramatically while
not allowing to provide much better Radar and target

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

6. PAGE 72. Communication system

a) HF transceiver
Primary (Mil spec)- Operates from 1.6MHz to 60MHz
In appendix 1 CWC West equipment it is described as:

HF SSB Military Spec 1.6- 1



What are the correct parameters which are required?

7. PAGE 72. Communication system
b) HF transceiver
Secondary (Commercial Brand)- Operates from 1.6MHz to 27.5
MHz transmit frequency and 0.5-29.99MHz

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

In appendix 1 CWC West equipment it is described as:


HF SSB commercial spec 150W, 1.6-29.9MHZ


What are the correct parameters which are required?

9. PAGE 72. Communication system
c) A multiband VHF/UHF radio
Frequency range: 30MHz to 512MHz
In appendix 1 CWC West equipment it is described as:

VHF/UHF multiband 30MHz-2GHz


What are the correct parameters which are required?

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

10. PAGE 72. Communication system

d) A VHF Marine Band radio
Able to operate on the following frequencies:
- Transmit : 156.025 to 157.425 MHz
- Receive : 156.050 to 163.275 MHz
In appendix 1 CWC West equipment it is described as:

25W VHF Marine Band

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.


What are the correct parameters which are required?

11. Page 76.

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
A fully-equipped and fully-furnished Network Management revised technical specifications.
Systems Center (NMSC) will be established having a floor area of
at least 160 sq.m. It must have a main hub for earth station of at
least 4.5m C-band linear, motorized antenna with at least 10watt
BUC plus LNB, modem, satellite router and accessories. The
NMSC must also have a main hub for ship of at least 3.7m Kuband linear, motorized antenna with at least 10watt BUC plus
LNB, modem, satellite router and accessories.
e. Network Management Systems Center: VSAT system: 4.8meters antenna
Do we need to install 2 satellite antennas or only one?
What is the right size of the antenna, 4.8m or 4.5m?
12. Annex B.

Two tables of CWS connectivity sites are described. One table is The correct table is the one with the Forty four (44) sites.
with 41 sites and one with 44 sites. What is the correct table?
ELTA is kindly requesting to extend the deadline for Submission
of Factory acceptance test/Pre-delivery inspection of the Radar
system, in manufacturers facility to two hundred seventy calendar
days after the receipt of NTP or opening of Letter of Credit and
subsequently the date of the submission of Delivery of the goods
at the suppliers facility within one hundred twenty (360) calendar
days due of the following reasons:
- Military Grade radar systems which take longer time to
produce and test due to high quality requirements which
are defined by Israel Minister of Defense as per Elta export
license to the Philippines
- Critical Design Review and Program Design Review with
the customer
- Long lead items which take long time to produce
- Assembly time and sourcing of components and testing
- Integration between C4i information system, the radar and
the electro-optic system
14. APPENDIX 1. Coast Watch Center West Equipment

Cable, RIU DC Power




Cable, RIU to VHF Radio




Harris 1



Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring

entity intends to have this system up and running within
eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought which is
about five (5) months will substantially delay the completion
of the project.

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

Since the customer is already mention that radios are from Harris,
why not to provide it as GFE (Government Furnished Equipment)
and we will integrate it?
One year spare parts list.
10-port LAN switch
10 Intellian Level 2 spares 3
11 Intellian ACU spares kit


This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.


Since the customer is already mention that SATCOM are from

Intellian, why not to provide it as GFE (Government Furnished
Equipment) and we will integrate it?
1. On the audited financial statement requirement, please confirm
if only one of the JV partners needs to have the required
documentation not both.
2. For the PCAB registration, will it suffice to submit the
registration of our subcontractor? Or is it required to form a JVA
with the subcontractor?

Note: The SATCOM equipment should be provided by the

winning bidder.
Either of the JV partners may submit the audited financial
The bidder may submit a contract with the subcontractor
that he is appointed as sub contractor for the project with
the colatilla that the sub contractor will be jointly liable with
the bidder for the infrastructure aspect. It is at the option of
the bidder to enter into a JV or sub contract the same.

3. On the bid security, the Government Procurement Policy Board The prospective bidder may use the bid securing
(GPBB) has issued a resolution (Resolution No. 03-2012) declaration as allowed under GPPB resolution nr 03-2012.
allowing the use of bid securing declaration as an alternative form
of bid security. Please confirm that we can use this form vice the
standard security bid bonds.

4. In the BDS, it was mentioned in item 20.3 that we have to

submit ONE (1) ORIGINAL & NINE (9) COPIES of the Technical
and Financial Components of the bid but in the presentation it
was mentioned to submit ONE (1) ORIGINAL & SEVEN (7)
COPIES. Please correct the inconsistency.
5. For the post qualification requirement, it was mentioned that
both parties of the JVA shall submit the said requirements. If the
JVA is between a local and foreign country and the local partner
is a Philgeps certified, do you still require a Philgeps registration
certificate for the foreign company or only one will suffice by virtue
of the JV? Please take note that, the document of one is the
document of the entire JV.
6. Does the satellite subscription for connectivity to be included in
the Bills of Quotation of this Project? If yes, when will the
subscription start and expires? Will it start during the
commissioning of first or 11 months from the final acceptance of
the whole system?

To read:
ITB Clause 20.3. Each Bidder shall submit SEVEN (7)
the Eligibility documents and the Initial Technical Proposal.
The PHILGEPS registration, together with the Tax
Clearance Certificate, and Latest Income and Business Tax
Returns of both foreign and local partners are required
during the post qualification.
Yes, the satellite subscription will be part of the Bill of
Quotation. The 1 year satellite subscription will start and
covers the following:
a. One (1) month subscription upon completion of the
whole system for the purpose of integration; and,
b. Eleven (11) month subscription upon final acceptance
of the CWS Project.

7. Since the Philippine Navy is the user, do we still need to have a No. VSAT License is no longer required.
VSAT License to Operate for the Connectivity part of the project?
8. Who will conduct the soil test for each site where building The soil test for CWS Rizal will be conducted by the
construction is needed?
Philippine Navy. All other sites will be the responsibility of
the prospective bidders.
9. Does the DND have the detailed structural design per building This will also be determined during the crafting of the final
since the materials is already in detailed form?
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
10. Page 31 ITB Clause Para 8. It is noted that Clause 5.2 is
ITB Clause 5.1 of the BDS is modified to read:

omitted from the Bid Data Sheet requirements. This

clause is also mentioned first line in Sub-Para 5.1
page 30. Please advise the particular/context of
Clause 5.2.

11. Page 52 Special Conditions of Contract Para 1.1 (j)

It is noted that the Department of Energy (DOE)
Capital Outlay CY 2012 in the amount of Eight
Hundred Seventy Seven Million Sixty Thousand
Pesos (Php 877,060,000.00) only.
Question: Is the complete project TAX EXEMPT or
are one or more of the following elements
Import Tax and associated duties various 20%
Value Added Tax 12.5% = Peso
Withholding Tax - 7% = 61,394,200.00
If the program excludes as an example the Import
Tax then the total amount of tax payable to be
included will be 19.5%. This amounts to Peso
171,026,700 leaving available actual funds of
approximately Peso 706,033,300 for the project.
The balance is TAX to be paid.
12. Page 56 Transportation. The emphasis of the bid document
appears to be towards Sea Freight. Are there any
restrictions to Air Freight carriers as most of the

Subject to the condition set forth under ITB Clause 5.2, this
bidding is open to all qualified local or foreign suppliers,
distributors, manufacturers and/or integrators. Such
document, if issued in other foreign language, must be
accompanied by an English translation which must be
certified to be its true and accurate translation by the
appropriate embassy or consulate of the foreign
proponents country of origin in the Philippines.
Import tax and associated duties will be waived as the
delivery INCOTERMS for this project is DAP project site. All
other applicable taxes apply.

There is no restriction as to air freight carriers.

CWS and CWIS equipment may actually be sent via

Air Courier Services or Airfreight.
13. Page 58 Para 10.1 Sub-Section (g).
There appears to be an allocated budget for the
Equipment Component and an allocated budget for
the Civil Works Component. Please confirm that
these figures are of an indicative nature and so long
as the financials are within the total budget it is up to
the bidders as to how the split between CWS
equipment and Civil works is made.
14. Page 77 Communications equipment for NAVSOU FOD.
Section c). Team Radio. Please confirm the
frequency range for these radios.
15. Page 90 Class B Documents Para K relating to DTI
Certificate of Accreditation to be removed refer
comments relating to Page 92.
16. Page 92
SECTION 1. OneComm/Baybridge JV would query the
requirement for the bullet points relating to;
DTI Certificate of Accreditation for Electronic Service and
Valid NTC Permits as listed i.e.
1. Radio Dealers Permit
2. Service Center Permit
3. Shore-Based Maintenance Entity permit
Please confirm that these items are not applicable to the

For purposes of bid evaluation, the total bid price will be

used to determine the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB).
However, the bidders will also be required to submit the
itemized Bid Prices and Bill of Quantities for each

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

Please see Checklist of Requirements (First Stage)

Coast Watch Station proposal and can be removed as a

requirement in their entirety.
Specific documentary for CWIS

Except for the ISO 27001 (or equivalent) requirement, all

other specific documentary requirements are deleted. US
1. Please clarify in paragraph 1 that the requirement relates security accreditation process is considered.
to SOFTWARE support for 10 years rather than Spare Parts
as the requirement is specific to CWIS and not CWS Please see Checklist of Requirements (First Stage)
2. Please clarify in para 3 the Certification requirement.
Command and Control Software would relate to Armed
Forces. Please confirm that by Armed Forces we would
cover Navies, Coast Guards, Air Forces, and Ground Forces.
3. At the same time within para 3 please confirm that
Maritime Domain Awareness applications would also include
usage by Port Authorities and Maritime Police which are
essential for their own Security Systems.
4. Within para 3 one has to understand the security issues
relating to the divulgence of Security Information / Systems to
Third Parties.
In this respect certification may not be
available. However, invitations to visit sites where the CWIS
being proposed by OneComm/Baybridge has been deployed
would be available upon request.
5. Perhaps it would be appropriate to have this requirement
written in a different manner to include two of more
Governmental sites without being specific to the end-user.
6. Under para 4 the requirement for ISO 27001 or an
ISO 27001 is a security practices certificate
available to commercial entities and relates to internal
security issues.
For the CWIS being proposed by
OneComm/Baybridge JV the US Government believed that
ISO 27001 didn't provide sufficient value. CommandBridge,
the proposed system of OneComm/Baybridge is on the US

DoD network and went through a US Government certification

process currently referred to as a DIACAP (Defence
Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation
Process). This is a certification and accreditation that
includes security processes to operate on a US DoD
network. Please confirm that this US accreditation process is
acceptable to the TWG and DND-BAC as being acceptable
for this project.
7. Under para 5 page 92 there appears to be a word missing
between . Representatives within one (1) ? upon
notification. What are the words that should go between (1)
and upon notification ?
8. Under para 9 page 92 it is necessary for the end-user to
define the word component. Is this a component for
example on a PCB or is this a sub-module (Unit) of a system.
MTTRs can be provided for repair by unit replacement but
not for individual components.
The same number of calendar days as stipulated in the
bidding documents would apply.
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
Milestone 1 Factory Acceptance Delivery Schedule of one
hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after the receipt of
NTP or opening of Letter of Credit which ever comes later
in respect of the RADAR Antenna/Scanner Factory
Acceptance Test/Pre-Delivery Inspection at the RADAR
Manufacturers facility.
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
Milestone 2 Delivery, Provisional Inspection and
Acceptance of the goods at the their facility in Metro Manila
within two hundred forty (240) calendar days after the

receipt of NTP or opening of Letter of Credit which ever

comes later relating to 1. Coast Watch Center West
Equipment, 2. Coast Watch Station Equipment for (a) CWS
Lawak, (b) CWS Rizal, (c). CWS Melville, (d). CWS Mapun,
(e) CWS Busuanga and 2. NAVSOU FOD Lawak
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
the Final Inspection and Acceptance at the Project Sites as
per Annex A in the time lines as stated under Item Nr, 1, 2,
3 and 4.
One Year Spare Parts List (TBDL)
It is presumed that this would be a listing of recommended Spare
Parts for One Year but not part of the proposal budget
deliverable items. Please confirm
To confirm that the OneComm/Baybridge JV would be able to
meet an amended Milestone 1 Factory Acceptance Delivery
Schedule of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after
the receipt of NTP or opening of Letter of Credit which ever
comes later rather than the ninety days (90) calendar days as
mentioned. An extension is requested for Milestone 1 deliverable
of the Network Management System as mentioned above.
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
Milestone 2 Factory Delivery and Inspection Schedule of one
hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after the receipt of NTP

The listing of recommended Spare parts for one year should

be part of the proposal budget deliverable items.
The same number of calendar days as stipulated in the
bidding documents would apply.

or opening of Letter of Credit which ever comes later with the

exception of Item 8 and Item 9 relating to the Airbourne The requirement for the UHF Aircraft to Ground capability
Transmitters and Coast Watch ground receivers. It is requested will be removed from the project.
that these two line items are excluded from the Coast Watch
Connectivity requirements.
19. Appendix 3 Coast Watch Information System equipment
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
Milestone 1 Factory Acceptance Delivery Schedule of one ninety
days (90) calendar days after the receipt of NTP or opening of
Letter of Credit whichever comes later.
To confirm that OneComm/Baybridge JV are able to meet
Milestone 2 Factory Delivery and Inspection Schedule of one
hundred twenty days (120) calendar days after the receipt of NTP
or opening of Letter of Credit whichever comes later.

Final Inspection and Acceptance at the Project

As mentioned during the pre-bid meeting, the requirement for the

UHF Aircraft to Ground capability should be excluded from the
final acceptance if not removed from this project.
Soil samples are required before a detailed submission for the
construction of this off-shore site can commence. Please confirm
when SOIL SAMPLES and other site data may be available for
21. What situation is shown in the existing CWCs that are not
built by the contractor? Is this information being sent today to the

The requirement for the UHF Aircraft to Ground capability

will be removed from the project.
The soil boring test result will be provided to eligible bidders
on or before the conduct of joint site survey.
Yes, there are situational picture in the existing CWCs built
and provided by other contractor and these information are

MRIC? If so what is the interface specifications?

being sent to MRIC. More so, to obtain the interface

specifications, it will be directly coordinated by the winning
bidder with the previous supplier.

22. Do the existing CWCs send tracks or fused tracks to the Yes, the CWCs send fused tracks to MRIC.
23. In order to evaluate the CWIS work please provide the APIs We understand that the APIs and other standard protocols
of the existing CWCs and CWSs at the MRIC.
will be needed in order to interface the equipment to the
current CWIS, however, these will be determined during the
Joint Site Survey wherein the winning bidder will directly
coordinate with the previous supplier in order to secure the
needed APIs and other standard protocols.
24. Can the picture and/or targets in the existing CWCs be sent This will be determined during the crafting of the final
on a TCP/IP line through the VSAT? If so, can you supply an revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
interface Requirement Specifications?
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
25. The items are listed in the different appendixes are not requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
relevant. Those items are fitted to a certain system and not sure revised technical specifications.
that it will match another manufacturers system.
26. The final list has to be mutual agreed with the PN after
completion the technical proposal (final list of vendors & systems
is accomplished).
27. Please detail the source and media for the following
information input:
a) Environment Status
b) Vessel Info
c) Vessel weapon info
d) Crew info
e) Passenger info
f) Location of Assets
g) Unusual events
h) Environmental Threats
i) Wanted/ Suspected personnel

j) Victim info
28. What are the interfaces at each of the existing sites in terms
a) Mechanical Interfaces.
b) Power and Electrical Interfaces.
c) Communication Interfaces (VSAT, Ethernet, TDM)
d) Software Interfaces- Application
29. Are all civil works in all sites including electrics PS CFE?
30. Can we have a list of breakdown and definition of each
existing VSATs and serviceably status?
31. Can we have about each existing site the following interfaces:
a) Mechanical
b) Electrical
c) Communication
d) Application
32. Who will perform the installation on the vessels of the
maritime terminals? Will vessel provide INS connection?
33. Hub RF Please clarify if 3 antennas are required 2 C
uplink and one Ku uplink - or only 2 the >4.5m C band and the
3.7m Ku. In this case will the two C band uplinks be sent from the
4.5m antenna? We need very clear definition of what is an Uplink
and what is a HUB in your requirement.
34. Are all fiber-optics links mentioned in the RFP CFE?
35. What are the characteristics of the IP-VPN that we have to be
integrated with, in terms of install-base, capacity, protocols. We

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
All civil works and power system should be provided by the
winning bidder.
The present equipment list on site will be made available to
all qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey.
At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
equipment list on site due to National Security concerns. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
The winning bidder will perform the installation,
operationalization, integration and commissioning on the
vessels of the maritime terminals.
This will be determined during the crafting of the final
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
Not all fiber-optic links mentioned in the RFP will be CFE.
Other details will be determined during the crafting of the
final revised technical specifications.
This will be determined during the crafting of the final
revised technical specifications and during the Joint Site

ask to have the interface description

Survey however, the winning bidder will directly coordinate

with the previous supplier for the required information.
36. Is an IDIRECT hub a mandatory requirement and is this Hub iDirect hub is not specifically mentioned in the bidding
37. Number of Fixed Connectivity site:
This will be determined during the crafting of the final
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
a) Appendix 2 says: 48 remote VSATS.
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
b) In LOT1_BID DOCS CWS Page 71 it is written: Provide revised technical specifications.
6+4+6+1+3+30 = 50. Assuming that only part of those
locations require VSAT. Which?

The first table has 41 VSAT sites (is because it does

not count CWC?)


The second (connectivity site) table is counting

three CWC (without the CWC NL) and speaks about
44 connectivity sites.
38. Please clarify the difference (terminology?) in the following:
It is terminology mismatch referring to one location (i.e.
CWS Pilas, Basilan in page 60 is the same as Pilas, Tausan
It is one example of geographic or terminology mismatch
Hill, Pilas, Basilan in Annex B.)
Note: Under Annex B, Pilas is under the Column of Station.
a) From the document LOT1_BID DOCS CWS Site survey
at Connectivity and CWIS Component
Western Mindanao
-CWC WM, Upper Calarian, Zamboanga City
-CWS Pilas, Basilan
-CWS Pangutaran

-CWS Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

-Naval Forces Operation Center (NFOC), Upper Calarian,
Zamboanga City
-Western Mindanao Command, Upper Calarian,
Zamboanga City
b) From the document CWS Connectivity Site ANNEXB:
CWC Western Mindanao Upper Calarian Zamboanga City

Lower Calarian Zamboanga

Tausan Hill Pilas Basilan
Stio Badbad Utang, Siganggang, Pandami,
Brgy Luuk, Banguingi, Sulu
Taganak, Turtle Island, Tawi-Tawi
Bongao Peak, Bongao Tawi-Tawi
Mt. Leran, Mapun, Tawi- Tawi

39. Please elaborate about the geographical locations of the

following. Or attach them to the ANNEX with the detailed location
a. Provide integration and connectivity (VSAT, Fiber optic,
etc) to the following:

Command Centers 6
Unified Commands 4
Naval Forces Operation Center 6
Maritime Research Information Center
Coast Watch Centers 3
Coast Watch Stations and Island 30

Please refer to the revised Annex B, also

note that Naval Forces Operation Center will be changed
from 6 to 4 connectivity sites, thus there will be a total of 48

40. Traffic Specification

We ask to have the detailed traffic characteristics per
service (data, voice, video conference...) how much bps is
required in your calculation I terms of CIR and MIR at each type
of Node in the network.

This will also be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

41. Link budget calculations

There are some requirements that are generally derived
from link Budget calculations, Antenna size for example
(4.8meters at the CWC West, 2.4 Meters at the CWS). We ask to
receive those calculations, and the satellite that they were
calculated with.
42. For the AIS BFT we understand that the shore units have to
match the sea assets. What kind of AIS BFT is being used
onboard the ships?

Appendix 1: Coast Watch Equipment

43. The item that are listed in appendix 1 are not relevant. Those
item are fitted to a certain system and not sure that it will match
another manufactures system.
44. The final list has to be agreed with the PN after completion the
final technical proposal (final list of vendors & system is
45. For example in the CWC West equipment was requirements
of four (4) 2 KVA UPS. Why four UPS, Why 2 KVA?
46. It will be better to concentrate on System requirements like HF

The present AIS BFT will be made available to all qualified

prospective bidders during the joint site survey. At this time,
the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present equipment list
on site due to National Security concerns. As much as
possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

military, HF commercial, radar systems, etc.

47. The same remarks to all of the CWS Stations.
48. Proposed time schedule:
a) Milestone 1: RADAR FAT NTP + 270 DAYSAcceptance test Procedure for each radar.
b) Milestone 2: CWC & CWS Hardware Delivery NTP +
450 Days (need to perform an internal ATP to CWIS

Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring

entity intends to have this system up and running within
eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.

c) MILESTONE 3: Final Inspection and Acceptance at the

Project Sites NTP + 720 DAYS
49. The items that are listed in appendix 3 are not relevant. Those
items are fitted to a specific system and not sure that it will match
another information system.
50. Proposed the Schedule:
a) Milestone 1: NMS FAT NTP + 360 DAYS need time
for integration and evaluation of the system
b) Milestone 2: Connectivity Hardware Delivery NTP + 450
DAYS (after the completion of the NMS FAT)
c) MILESTONE 3: Final Inspection and Acceptance + Spare
parts of the Connectivity NTP + 720 DAYS
51. The items that are listed in appendix 3 are not relevant. Those
items are fitted to a specific system and not sure that it will match
another Information system.

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring
entity intends to have this system up and running within
eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical

52. Proposed time Scheduled:

a) Milestone 1: Information System FAT NTP + 360 DAYS
need time for integration and evaluation of the system
b) Milestone 2: CWIS Hardware Delivery NTP =450 DAYS
(after the completion of the CWIS FAT)
c) MILESTONES 3: Final Inspection and Acceptance at the
d) There is probably a typing mistake the document says:
150 months for testing and debugging and 120 months for

requirements of the system will be in accordance with the

revised technical specifications.
As read:
Item Nr
Testing and Fifty (150)
months after
the systems
months after
final testing
To read:
Item Nr


Testing and


Fifty (150)
days after
the systems


53. For what designated CWS stations are the 7 generator sets of

(120) days
after final
testing and

As read:
Item Nr
To read:
Item Nr
(6.5KVA) for
KIG Islands

54. For what station is the generator set of 50KVA?

55. UHF
a. What are the characteristics of this link in terms of:
frequency, payload (camera) interface?

50KVA will be used for NMSC at Cavite City

The requirement for the UHF Aircraft to Ground capability
will be removed from the project.

b. Who will perform the installation on the Aircraft?

56. PF15? PF16?
1. Coast Watch Equipment
Milestone 1. Factory acceptance test of the RADAR

As stated in the bid docs: 120 calendar days upon receipt

of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.
Elbit recommendation: 360 calendar days upon receipt of
NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.

Question needs further clarification.

Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring
entity intends to have this system up and running within
eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.

Milestone 2. Delivery, provisional inspection and acceptance at

the suppliers facility:
- As stated in the bid docs: 240 calendar days calendar
days upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever
comes later.
- Elbit recommendation: 450 calendar days calendar days
upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes
Milestone 3. Installation, Operationalization, Integration, and
Commissioning of CWS and CWC Equipment
- As stated in the bid docs: 90 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
- Elbit recommendation: 180 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
2. Coast Watch Connectivity

Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring

Milestone 1. Factory acceptance test of the Network

Management System

As stated in the bid docs: 90 calendar days upon receipt

of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.
Elbit recommendation: 360 calendar days upon receipt of
NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.

entity intends to have this system up and running within

eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.

Milestone 2. Delivery, provisional inspection and acceptance of

the goods at the suppliers facility:
- As stated in the bid docs: 120 calendar days calendar
days upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever
comes later.
- Elbit recommendation: 450 calendar days calendar days
upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes
Milestone 3. Installation, Operationalization, Integration, Testing
and Commissioning of CWS connectivity equipment for
various coast watch sites and PN units.
- As stated in the bid docs: 90 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
- Elbit recommendation: 180 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
3. Coast Watch Information System
Request cannot be favorably granted because the procuring
entity intends to have this system up and running within
Milestone 1. Factory acceptance test of the Information system eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of LC or
and server/client equipment
by 1st Quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.
- As stated in the bid docs: 90 calendar days upon receipt
of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.

Elbit recommendation: 360 calendar days upon receipt of

NTP or opening of LC whichever comes later.

Milestone 2. Delivery, provisional inspection and acceptance of

the goods at the suppliers facility:
- As stated in the bid docs: 120 calendar days calendar
days upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever
comes later.
- Elbit recommendation: 450 calendar days calendar days
upon receipt of NTP or opening of LC whichever comes
Milestone 3. Installation, Integration, and Commissioning of CWIS
and its equipment for various coast watch sites and PN
- As stated in the bid docs: 90 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
- Elbit recommendation: 180 calendar days calendar days
upon conforme/availability of building facilities.
4. In the Bidding Documents, Section 24 speaks of the Opening
and Preliminary Evaluation of Bids for a Two-Stage Bidding
Process, the First Stage of which makes mention of the opening
of the Eligibility Documents (under 24.1) followed thereafter by the
opening of the Technical documents (24.2) both of which must be
hurdled by the prospect bidder in order to pre-qualify for the
Second stage, its clear that the Revised Technical Proposal shall
be opened and the Financial Proposal of all who qualified opened
thereafter. Perusing the covering BDS relative to the above
matters, it is also clear that the submission dates for each stage is
distinct from each other, the documents for the First Stage to be
submitted by March 11, 2013 (thereafter postponed to April 12,
2012, per the recently issued Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. PN-

The Financial Proposal / Bid Price Proposal together with

the Revised Technical Documents will be submitted during
the Second Stage Bidding wherein the date will be
determined later.
For further guidelines, read ITB Section D, Submission
and Opening of Bids paragraph 24.1 and 24.3.

CWS-13-02) and April 24,2013 for the documents to be opened

for the Second Stage, which are the Revised Technical Docs and
the Financial Documents/Bid Price Proposal.
The above instructions should have been clear except that under
Sub-Section 20.1 of Section 20 Sealing and Marking of Bids, it
states that the Financial documents sealed in an envelope must
also be included along with the Eligibility and Technical
documents which must also be sealed in one envelope. Ergo, it
follows that the Financial Documents/Bids Price Proposal shall be
submitted on the same date as the Eligibility and Technical
Documents? The appertaining statement in the BDS relative to
Sub-Section 20.1 states No Further Instructions.
So which is which? Will the financial Proposal /Bid Price Proposal
be submitted along with the Eligibility and Technical on April 12,
2013 or will it be subsequently submitted after the prequalification stage?
5. The Bidding Documents speaks of a Revised Technical The Revised Technical Proposal pertains to the final
Proposal, what exactly does this contain?
technical proposal which will be submitted by the
proponents after the conduct of joint site survey and the
6. Kindly clarify further if the Affidavit of Bid Securing Declaration Yes, the mentioned affidavit is acceptable.
as stated in item 18 of Bidding Documents is acceptable and or
possible. We noticed that there is no available Form in Section
W111-Bid form.
7. Are these additional certifications being required for See Final Checklist of requirements (First Stage).
submission? These Certifications in particular:
1. Certificate of Availability of Spare Parts for at least 10
years reckoned from the date of first delivery of the

2. Certificate of Availability of one (1) technical manual and

one (1) user/maintenance manual per Coast Watch site
and PN unit where the CWIS will be deployed.
3. Certificate that the Command and Control Software or
Maritime Domain Awareness Software is being used by
Armed Forces of two or more countries.
4. Certificate that the developer or proponent has a
qualification of at least ISO 27001 or its equivalent.
5. Certificate of the Availability of Technical Representatives
within one (1) upon notification.
6. Certificate of Availability of initial spares for three (3) years
7. Certificate of Availability of other technical manual of repair
kits and special tools for maintenance and handling.
8. A certification should be provided by the proponent on the
maximum life of the CWIS and all its peripherals
9. The proponent should provide a certification for the
minimum repair/replacement time of each component.
(Note: Or its equivalent in the case of a foreign company)
1. Location of C-band and Ku-band hub.

The location of the NMSC is at Naval Base Cavite, Cavite

City (see Annex B Item Nr 31)
2. Required size of remote antenna both for C and Ku-band This will also be determined during the crafting of the final
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
3. Quantity of sites that shall use X3 and X5 modems. Do we two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
assume that all the C-band VSAT will use X3 and Ku-band use requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.
Can we use other brands of motorized antenna aside from
Will the 16 Mbps total bandwidth for system connectivity be The first twelve (12) months of airtime subscription will be
included in the bid or will it be for the account of the buyer?
shouldered by the winning bidder. The total bandwidth will
be determined during the crafting of the final revised

technical specifications. Considering that this is a two stage

bidding, any specifics regarding the technical requirements
of the system will be in accordance with the revised
technical specifications.
1. Section VI. Technical Specifications page 70. 5 CWS
stations have to be established in 5 islands of the Kalayaan
Island group (KIG). What are the government assurances
that the awarded contractor will be able to conduct its works.
Please elaborate on additional clauses for defining Force
Majeure (GCC 32), Act of War and how contractors staff will
be able to work and get insurance coverage during the
2. The requirement is for at least a 20 m tower. The proposed
sites have a very low to low elevation. Maximum tower
height will be around 30m. On page 72 for the capabilities of
the radar, a range of 40nm is mentioned. However this will
only be valid for very high targets as the line of sight for
radar horizon is limited. Please provide list of targets of
interest Radar reflective Area and detection range in
relation to sea state.

As above, but also for CCTV.


Please explain why the specifications mention antenna

installed on cliff top or hill site The specifications point out at
the antenna of a specific supplier (40 dB sensitivity,
parabolic) namely EASAT. However these antennas are
very heavy besides having a serious impact on required

In the event of external interference that hinders the

establishment of CWS in a certain pre-determined area, the
Procuring Entity reserved the right to identify new CWS
sites for the relocation.

This will be determined during the crafting of the final

revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

tower strength and thus costs. How do we need to see these

requirements in relation to the 5 new sites that are low lying?





On page 77, System connectivity it mentions All coast watch

Stations AND KIG islands shall be connected to their
respected CWC by the means of C-band VSAT. What
bandwidth is provided/required in the present system?
Contractor will only offer hardware, bandwidth and
connectivity up to setting to work and acceptance. Please
confirm that future VSAT costs are not to be included.
Selection Criteria Page 19 item 2: The Company must be
able to integrate the existing system with the new system.
Please provide detailed overview per location of sensors,
processing, data interfaces for AIS, radar ,video and
communication equipment.

The cost of the 11-month satellite subscription for

connectivity after the final acceptance is included in the
scope of the project.

The present equipment list on site will be made available to

all qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey.
At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
equipment list on site due to National Security concerns. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
Selection criteria Page 19 item 2: The SI must be able to process.
supply processors (e.g. composite tracker, RDOP, camera
manager) with the same specifications. Pease provide
overview of all existing equipment (name, type, year of

Please provide output, interface standards used for track

data, radar video, CCTV video format.
10. Page 27 Electro Optic Surveillance System. What is the This will be determined during the crafting of the final
reason for uncooled IR. This in relation to the high revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
temperatures of seawater and humidity in the operating area. two stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
revised technical specifications.

11. Range for Electro optic will be seriously limited with uncooled
camera. Please provide target size and range at which target
must be detected with IR.
12. How are the existing sensor stations integrated into a C4I
13. What information is at this moment available in the CWC and
command center in Manila and in the CWCs?
14. Contractor cannot be responsible for performance of existing
sensors. What is the state of maintenance of the existing
sensors and systems
15. Section 3 GCC of contract para 7.1 Subcontractors must
provide documents requirements under ITB Clause 5. Not



The present system setup on site will be made available to

all qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey.
At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
system setup due to National Security concerns. As much
as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
Under GCC, Sec 3 paragraph 7.1, Subcontractors must
comply with the eligibility criteria similar with the criteria for
eligible bidders under ITB Clause 5. Subcontracting of any
portion of the goods does not relieve the Supplier of any
liability or obligation under the contract agreement.

Note: However, subcontracting is not allowed for the

Infrastructure and VSAT connectivity requirement.
How will transmission licenses for radars and communication Bidders are advised to inquire from the appropriate entity.
equipment be arranged?
Please see Checklist of Requirements (First Stage)
Page 31, Bid Datasheet para 5.4. Please explain ABC for the ABC means Approved Budget for the Contract.
Page 31, Bid data sheet para 8. Disqualification set forth in To Read:
ITB 5.2. Reference unclear. Please amplify.
BDS paragraph 8, The qualification set-forth in ITB Clause 5
shall apply to subcontractors.
SCC, para 16.1 Please mark clearly (preferably with The exact coordinates of the existing and new CWS will be
made available to all qualified prospective bidders during
geographic position, the locations for the five CWS sites.
the joint site survey. At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to

reveal the exact locations of the existing as well as the new

sites due to National Security concerns. At most, the
approximate distances between the Coast Watch Stations
and the Center may be made available for purposes of
aiding the prospective bidders to determine the technical
requirements of integrating the Stations to the Center. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
20. SCC, para 16.1 a3. This point refers to invitation only for site SCC paragraph 16.1 a3 pertains to the qualification of
survey for Second Stage bidding process. Please confirm Prospective Bidders with corresponding certification being
site survey will only be allowed to participate
that bidding is Two stage competitive bidding process. What part of the joint
during the 2nd Stage Bidding.
are the procedures for this?
21. Regarding two stage competitive bidding process, please 1 Stage bidding is tentatively scheduled on 03 May 2013
provide the respective dates for supplying documents for 2 Stage bidding date will be determined and published
phase 1 and phase 2?
22. KIG (6) CWS stations requires only the construction of VSAT Question needs further clarification.
Pad (4) plus 2 elevated.
The present equipment list on site will be made available to
23. Type/model of VSAT existing in 9 stations (preferred).
all qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey.
At this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
equipment list on site due to National Security concerns. As
much as possible, the procuring entity intends to limit the
dissemination of such classified information only to those
prospective bidders who pass the first stage selection
24. What is the new deadline for submission of 2nd stage?
To be determined and published later.
1. Section 1 ITB 5.4 of Page 6
Similar contract/s pertain/s to contract/s for the supply and

"The Bidder must have completed during the last five (5) years a
single contract that is similar to the project. Can you clarify what
is meant by "similar". Specifically, it has to be similar in the
Maritime field or it can be also similar in the Air or Land fields?
lf we completed a similar project as subcontractors, can it be
considered as past performance ?
Can you please check if there are project sites in islands where
during the high tide the isle is completely covered by water?
Can a past performance of a given member of the JV be
accounted as a past performance of the entire JV?
Who can be considered as an "End User"? Sometimes the MOD
is the entity purchasing the system but the End User is the
operational user that is not visible and cannot provide the required
2. Section 1 lTB24.1 of page 19 under Criteria A. For no. ltem no.
1 what is the criteria to define in the Philippines a company as a
System lntegrator."

delivery of Maritime Domain Awareness requirements (such

as Maritime Surveillance System)
No, it cannot be considered. Past performance refers to the
principal parties to the contract.
There are three (3) sites which are submerged in water
during high tide.
Yes, the foreign bidder and local partner that entered into
JV can combine past performance of the entire JVA.
For this project, DND/AFP is the procuring entity with the
Secretary of National Defense as the Head of Procuring
Entity (HOPE). The End-User is represented by the PN
CWS DAS Assessment Team.
For this project, the main criteria to qualify a company as a
system integrator is that the company should have
performed integration of various manufacturer products into
a common system specifically maritime surveillance system.

For no. 2 The Company must be able to integrate the existing The present processor list will be made available to all
system with the new system'. The Sl must be able to supply qualified prospective bidders during the joint site survey. At
processors (e.g. composite tracker, RDOP, camera manager) this time, the TWG is not at liberty to reveal the present
with the same specifications with the existing processors'
equipment list on site due to National Security concerns.
Note: lnteroperable / compatible/the same with the existing
processors. Which processor's make is this document referring
As a system integrator, we can really integrate any sensor into the
processor we are supplying. As we are considering other
processors that your coast watch system have from other maker
(SSR, Ultra, Transas, etc.) , there maybe issue(s)which requires
giving data format (or say language translator) to be able to

These will be determined during the Joint Site Survey

wherein the winning bidder will directly coordinate with the
previous supplier in order to secure the needed data
formats and other standard protocols.

establish integration. Will the Navy provides us this information to

be able to do integration of other existing sites?
3. "ln Appendix 1, Milestone #1 calls for the factory acceptance of a. FAT no longer required.
radar antenna/scanner unit '120 days after receipt of NTP."
a. Why is it that the factory acceptance is only applicable radar
antenna/scanner unit and it did not include the processor unit?
The signal from the radar antenna and scanner unit is raw signal
data and signal processing is done by the processor. Besides
that, there are other sensors such as long range camera, AIS
transponder, weather instrument that are incorporated in the
system. The factory acceptance test for the radar sensor along
with the other sensors integrated to the processor will be very
insufficient (120 days).
b. The lightning protection system of the five remote sites is b. Yes, there should be a provision to protect the data
provided for the antenna tower installed equipment and coaxial terminal equipment from surges or voltage spikes.
cable lines."Are there provision to protect on surges or voltage
spikes for the data terminal equipment such as computers, LCD
monitors, data servers, etc. which are delicate when it comes to
c. "ln the power system, the lead acid gel battery type is c. This will be determined during the crafting of the final
numbered 48pcs". And it did not indicate how high is the capacity. revised technical specification.
What is the Amp-hour capacity required?
d. "For the solar panels on two sites, it is numbered 96 pcs." E.g. d. Wind turbine is not feasible in Melville, Mapun and
CWS Rizal & Lawak in combination with 2 helical wind turbine Busuanga.
generator while CWS Melville, Mapun and Busuanga are to be
equipped with 108 pcs. solar panels without the wind turbine
generator. Why is there a difference?
4. ln ITB page 78, "it says The 5 CWSs that will be established This will be determined during the crafting of the final

will be primarily powered by at least 18 kW Hybrid Power Supply revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
produced through renewable energy (Wind & Solar)."
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical
requirements of the system will be in accordance with the
lf we compute 96pcs. of 250Wp solar panels this goes to revised technical specifications.
24,000Wp or 27,360Wp (if 285Wp panel).This is way above at
18kW for hybrid power combination not yet considering the wind
turbine power generation.
For the other 3 sites, 108 pcs. 250Wp will produce a maximum
peak power of 27,000Wp (way above the 18kW hybrid power
"Also, it mentioned in ITB page 78, The system must be able to
supply the 24/7 power requirement of all the CWS Equipment
(e.g. Radar, Camera, AlS, Communications equipment, etc.) and
Domestic Electrical Load (e.g. Lighting fixtures and appliancesrefrigerator, electric fan, TV, desalinating machine/water purifier,
water pump, etc ) "
To be able to comply to this 24/7 operation, what sort of operating
hours do you consider the radar, AlS, camera, computers,
communication equipment, and/or domestic loads such as refs,
electric fan, TV, desalinating machine, water pump, etc? These
loads must be quantified in operational hours as the size of the
battery bank so dictates to be able to operate 24/7.
The wind turbine mentioned in the BDS page 78 "it must be
vertical in axis" but in the appendix 1, there is helical axis for two
sites while vertical axis for Lawak NAV SOU FOD. Getting
confused which is which?
ln the connectivity area, there are 48 remote sites which must be
fitted with fixed VSATs while 10 for PN vessels. lt mentioned an
"lntellian" brand for vessel's VSAT spares provision. ls this a

As read: Helical wind turbine

To read: Vertical Axis wind turbine
This will be determined during the crafting of the final
revised technical specifications. Considering that this is a
two-stage bidding, any specifics regarding the technical

preference or it can be removed?

requirements of the system will be in accordance with the

revised technical specifications.
5. ln the ITB page 78 again it mentioned :
All 9 KIG sites will be delivered with VSAT and Hybrid
The VSAT equipment for the 7 KIG islands will be powered with power plant.
hybrid power supply with back up genset. There are two KIG sites
e.g" Lawak & Rizal which will be fitted with VSAT and hybrid
power plant. For the remaining five sites we're assuming that only
VSAT will be delivered and no hybrid power plant comes with it. ls
this correct?
6. Section 2 BDS ITB Clause 5.1 of Page 31
"ln case a JV is established is still a local company the one
participating in the bidding on behalf of the JV and signing the bid
- or can any member of the JV be the one representing the JV
and signing."
7. ln Existing System API interface will give to the winning bidder. We understand that the APIs and other standard protocols
will be needed in order to interface the equipment to the
current CWIS, however, these will be determined during the
Joint Site Survey wherein the winning bidder will directly
coordinate with the previous supplier in order to secure the
needed APIs and other standard protocols.
8. For the PCAB license what is the minimum sub-category of the The Contractor must have at least a PCAB license Medium
Medium A.
A, Category B Classification-General Construction, Ports
and Harbor
9. Section 1 ITB 18.'1 in the Bid Security. Can we use a Bid The prospective bidder may use the bid securing
Securing Declaration issued by the GPPB through GPPB declaration as allowed under GPPB resolution nr 03-2012.
Resolution 03' 2012 on January 2012.




Section II: Instruction to Bidders


12. Documents Comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical

b) Technical Documents
i. The bid security in accordance with ITB Clause Error!
Reference source not found.. If the Bidder opts to submit the
bid security in the form of:
i.1) a bank draft, it shall be accompanied by a confirmation
from a Universal or Commercial Bank;
i.2) an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a foreign bank, it
shall be accompanied by a confirmation from a Universal or
Commercial Bank; or
i.3) a surety bond, it shall be accompanied by a certification
by the Insurance Commission that the surety or insurance
company is authorized to issue such instruments.
i.4) Any combination of the foregoing.

29. Post-qualification
29.2. Within a non-extendible period of three (3) calendar
days from receipt by the bidder of the notice from the
BAC that it is the Lowest Calculated Bid, the Bidder shall
submit the following documentary requirements:
(a) Tax clearance per Executive Order 398, Series of
(b) Latest income and business tax returns per Revenue
Regulations 3-2005;

To include:
i.5) Or an affidavit of bid securing declaration.

(c) Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration; and

(d) Other appropriate licenses and permits required by
law and stated in the BDS.
a. for items b and d, in case of foreign manufacturers,
the appropriate equivalent documents issued by the
country of foreign manufacturer concerned, which
documents must be duly acknowledged or authenticated
by the Philippine Consulate therein may be submitted.
b. failure to submit the above requirements on time of a
finding against the veracity of such shall be ground for
the forfeiture of the Bid Security and disqualifying the
bidder for award.

a. In case of foreign bidders, the appropriate equivalent
documents issued by the country of the foreign bidder
b. failure to submit the above requirements on time of a
finding against the veracity of such shall be ground for the
forfeiture of the Bid Security and disqualifying the bidder
for award.

Section III: Bid Data Sheet


ITB Clause 5.4. The prospective bidder must have completed

within five (5) years a single contract that is similar to the
contract to be bid, and whose value, adjusted to current
prices using the National Statistics Office (NSO) consumer
price indices, must be at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC.
In lieu of the above at least two (2) similar contracts and the
aggregate contract amount should be equivalent to at least
50% of the ABC. The largest of this similar contract must be
equivalent to at least 25% of the ABC.
Similar Contract/s pertain/s to Contact/s for the Supply and
Delivery of CWS Requirements for the Enhancement of MDA
Capability & Security of DOE Service Contract Areas.

To read:
ITB Clause 5.4. The prospective bidder must have
completed within five (5) years a single contract that is
similar to the contract to be bid, and whose value,
adjusted to current prices using the National Statistics
Office (NSO) consumer price indices, must be at least fifty
percent (50%) of the ABC.
In lieu of the above, at least two (2) similar contracts and
the aggregate contract amount should be equivalent to at
least 50% of the ABC. The largest of this similar contract
must be equivalent to at least 25% of the ABC.
Similar Contract/s pertain/s to Contact/s for the Supply

ITB Clause 20.3. Each Bidder shall submit ONE (1)

ORIGINAL & NINE (9) COPIES of the Technical and
Financial Components of the bid.

Requirements (such as but not limited to Maritime

Surveillance System, etc.)
To read:
ITB Clause 20.3. Each Bidder shall submit SEVEN (7)
COPIES of the Eligibility documents and the Initial
Technical Proposal.
To read:

ITB Clause 21.

a) The Address for Submission of Eligibility Documents &
Initial Technical Proposal (First Stage) is:
TELEFAX NUMBER: (02) 421-3531
The deadline for Submission of Eligibility Documents
& Initial Technical Proposal is on 11 MARCH 2013 at
ITB Clause 24.1. The Place of Bid Opening is:

ITB Clause 21.

a) The Address for Submission of Eligibility Documents &
Initial Technical Proposal (First Stage) is:
TELEFAX NUMBER: (02) 421-3531
The deadline for Submission of Eligibility
Documents & Initial Technical Proposal is on 03
MAY 2013 at 9:00AM.
To read:
ITB Clause 24.1. The Place of Bid Opening is:


The Date and Time of Bid Opening is:
a. Eligibility Documents & Initial Technical Proposal
(First Stage): 11 MARCH 2013 at 9:00AM
Section IV. General Condition of the Contract

GCC Clause 11. Advance Payment

GCC Clause 29. Contract Amendment. Subject to applicable
laws, no variation in or modification of the terms of this
Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed
by the parties.

Section V: Special Conditions of the Contract

For the Schedule of Requirements of each Sub-Lot,
please refer to the following documents, to wit:
Appendix 1: Establishment and Integration of CWS
Schedule of requirements for the CWS, CWC &
NAVSOU FOD Equipment component
Appendix 2: Enhancement of C4I
Schedule of requirements for the Connectivity
Equipment component
Appendix 3: Enhancement of C4I
Schedule of requirements for the Coast Watch
Information System (CWIS) Component
Appendix 4: see Volume 2 (Infrastructure)


The Date and Time of Bid Opening is:
a. Eligibility Documents & Initial Technical Proposal
(First Stage): 03 MAY 2013 at 9:00AM
To read:
GCC Clause 11. Advance Payment is allowed under
Memorandum Order Number 15
To read:
GCC Clause 29. Contract Amendment. Subject to
applicable laws, no variation in or modification of the terms
of this Contract shall be made except by written
amendment signed by the parties and approved by the
Secretary of National Defense.
Only the notation is deleted.

4a) Specifications
4b) CWC-West & CWSs: Scope of Works (SOW)
& Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
4c) MRIC, NMSC & KIG Islands: SOW & BOQ

Note: see Detailed Architectural & Engineering Plans

As read:
(g) Payment Scheme/Drawdown Documentary
Requirements: Payment will be progressive billing and
shall be made to the Supplier upon completion of the
every milestone in accordance with the Schedule of
Requirements, and the submission or presentation of the
subsequent documents:
Equipment Component (Allocated Budget:
a. Milestone 1: Factory Acceptance Test/Pre-delivery
Inspection. Payment is 50% of the allocated budget.
b. Milestone 2: Provisional inspection and
acceptance. Payment is 30% of the allocated budget.
c. Milestone 3: Final Inspection and Acceptance
(Installation, integration and operationalization) at the
project site. Payment is 20% of the allocated budget.
Civil Works Component (Allocated Budget:
The amount of the Advance Payment (Mobilization) is
fifteen percent (15%) of the allocated budget for civil
works, which shall be given to the Contractor not later

To read:
(g) Payment Scheme/Drawdown Documentary
Requirements: Payment will be progressive billing
and shall be made to the Supplier upon completion of
the every milestone in accordance with the Schedule
of Requirements, and the submission or presentation
of the subsequent documents:

Advance Payment

can avail
of the

CWC West, Palawan

a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWC West
CWS Rizal, KIG
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWS Rizal
CWS Busuanga, KIG

bid offer

bid offer


than fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt by the

Procuring Entity of the Contractors request.
a. 1st Progress Billing: Payment of 25% of the total
allocated budget for civil works minus 1/3 of 15%
Mobilization for civil works shall be paid upon completion
of twenty five percent (25%) over-all total work for civil
b. 2nd Progress Billing: Payment of 25% of the total
allocated budget for civil works minus 1/3 of 15%
Mobilization for civil works shall be paid upon completion
of fifty percent (50%) over-all total work for civil works.
c. 3rd Progress Billing: Payment of 25% of the total
allocated budget for civil works minus 1/3 of 15%
Mobilization for civil works shall be paid upon completion
of seventy five percent (75%) over-all total work for civil
d. 4th Progress Billing: Payment of the remaining
25% of the total allocated budget for civil works shall be
paid upon completion of one hundred percent (100%)
over-all total work for civil works and upon presentation
of Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance.

The foregoing progress payments are subject to

retention of ten percent (10%) as retention money
pursuant to Clause 42 (Retention), GCC for infra projects.


a. Construction of building and other

support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWS Busuanga
CWS Mapun, Tawi-Tawi
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWS Mapun
CWS Lawak, KIG
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWS Lawak
CWS Melville, Palawan Rizal, KIG
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of CWS Rizal
NMSC, Cavite City
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of NMSC
a. Construction of building and other
support facilities.
b. Supply, delivery, installation and
operationalization of NAVSOU FOD
KIG Islands
a. Construction of support facilities
b. Supply, delivery and installation of

bid offer

bid offer

bid offer

bid offer

bid offer

bid offer

bid offer





VSAT equipment and hybrid power

Philippine Navy Ships (Supply,
delivery and installation of VSAT
equipment aboard PN ships)
Coast Watch Information System
operationalization and integration of
Integration of the whole system and
VSAT airtime subscription
a. Supply, delivery, installation,
operationalization and integration of
the whole system
Retention for Warranty Works for a
period of 1 year upon final
acceptance of CWS whole system.

Printed responses to Bidders Questions. Item # 6 of Indra System as, S.A.s questions in conflict with Item # 16 of
Onecomm/Baybridges question
It was mentioned that the DTI Certificate of Accreditation and See Final Checklist of requirements (First Stage)
NTC permits will be submitted on the First Stage AND shall
be verified during the Post-Qualifications. However the same
set is DELETED on latter portion of the documents as seen
on Question#16 of Onecomm/Baybridge, replaced by:
Specific documentary for CWS Equipment: ISO 9001
(2008) certification or its equivalent
Specific documentary for CWIS: ISO 27001 or its

bid offer
bid offer
bid offer


Specific documentary for Satellite Connectivity: VSAT
Please clarify what requirements are needed and at what
stage/s to submit them
Eligibility Requirements: Class ``A Legal Documents (response of DND to Bidders questions)
Apart from the PCAB License, there are three letters to be
a. This is required if the bidder intends to enter into a JV
submitted as part of Class ``A Legal documents for the first
with a local partner.
stage bidding
a. Duly notarized letter of intent between Foreign bidder
b. This is required.
and local partner committing to engage into
c. The bidder can choose to enter into a JV or in case of
partnership for this project,
sub contractor who will not be a party to the JV, a sub
b. Letter of Undertakings for the Establishment of Local
contacting agreement may be submitted, with the a
Integration Facility (LIF) for the CWS project and
stipulation that the sub-contractor shall be jointly liable with
c. Contract agreement and/or Memorandum of
the bidder for the infrastructure aspect.
Agreement by the Subcontractor/s with the foreign
d.There is no template/form/sample.
bidder or its local partner that entered into JVA for the
CWS Project.
Would there be a template /form/sample that the bidders may
use to form these mentioned letters? Please confirm.

Page 70-71
ELTA would like to emphasis that the IMO performance
standard aiming for IALA Recommendation V-128 Edition 3.0
are requirements for VTMS (Vessel Traffic Management
System) equipment in the vicinity of ports and not for Coastal
Surveillance System. The main objective of this tender is a
Coastal Surveillance System for detecting threats at sea to

The IMO standard will serve as the minimum standard but

proponents are not restricted to utilize sensors with higher
specifications. Other technical
requirements will be
determined during the crafting of the final revised technical
specifications. Considering that this is a two stage bidding,
any specifics regarding the technical requirements of the

include small rubber boats and not vessel traffic system will be in accordance with the revised technical
management system which aims especially towards Civilian specifications.
large vessels.
Therefore, we do strongly recommending not to use the IMO
as the system required performance standards but use the
operation requirements to protect the countrys interest.
Typical suggested Coastal Protection system
Operational Requirements:
Maximum detection Range:
Target Type IRGS Station height Clear Air (NM)
Rubber Boat/ 3 m'
Fishing Boat/20
Minimum Detection Range: 300 meters
Range Accuracy: 10 m + (Target Length)/2
Azimuth Accuracy: 0.3 RMS

Environmental Conditions:

Ambient Temperature: ln operation: -20C to +55C

Humidity: Up to 95% with condensation
Fog and Salt: Coastal air environment of 5% NaCl
Fungus: Resistant to fungi Per MIL - STD 4S4F
Winds: Gusts up to 70 knots (operational)

Gusts up to 90 knots (non-operational)

Other Requirements:
Multiple targets tracking - Up to 1000 tracks
Automatic tracking of each detected target, without
operator's intervention
Range Signature Function (RS) - displays powerversus-range profile of a selected target and the
detection threshold, enables the operator to
investigate a target: to perform verification and
Extensive online BIT
ECM resistance: Low probability of intercept
Situation Picture
What situation picture is shown in the existing CWC's that are The existing system was provided by Cambridge
not built by the contractor? ls this information being sent International
today to the MRIC? lf so what is the interface specifications? International Corporation (SAIC) JV. Said team is not one
of the proponents.
- PN: Yes, there are situational picture in the existing CWC's
built and provided by other contractor and these information The existing situational picture solution will be replaced by
are being sent to MRIC. Moreso, to obtain the interface the System identified in the project.
specifications, it will be directly coordinated by the winning
bidder with the previous supplier.
ELTA would like to point out that as the said existing system
was provided by one of the opponents which are taking part
in this tender. May the Navy will clarify with the said
opponent company representative if they are willing to
corporate without any restrictions? lt seems that such
restriction serves to the benefit of the said opponent which
was involved in the previous project and also is taking part in

the new tender and it is in direct conflict with the said

requirements of the tender for integration of current systems.
We do strongly believe that it is still the responsibility of the
customer to enforce a full cooperation and full installed
system information access by the parties that are taken part
in this tender.
Proposed Time Schedule
a. Milestone 1: RADAR FAT - NTP + 270 DAYS - The proposed time schedule/Milestone schedule has
Acceptance test Procedure for each Radar
already been deleted.
c. Milestone 2: CWC & CWS Hardware Delivery - NTP + The project should be completed within eighteen (18)
450 DAYS (need to perform an internal ATP to CWIS months.
d. MILESTONE 3: Final lnspection and Acceptance at the
project Sites -NTP + 720 DAYS
PN: Request cannot be favorably granted because the
procuring entity intends to have this system up and running
within eighteen months from issuance of NTP or opening of
LC or by 1st quarter of CY 2015. The extension sought will
substantially delay the completion of the project.
ELTA would like to emphasize that most important sensors of
the system are the Radars and Electro Optical sensors as
they are the sensors that need to detect targets at the sea
also in bad weather conditions and have very good
performance. Therefore the said sensors must be of a
military grade (as oppose for lower grade and lower
performance as Vessel Traffic Management System) and
such quality of sensors takes longer time to produce and test.
We do request that since. So even if the FAT and Delivery

time schedule will be shift, yet the final Acceptance test could
take place after 18 Months (only if the infrastructure of each
site will be ended at least one month before sensors
If the company (registered in the Philippines) submits the
bid, however the country of origin of the majority of the
equipment is foreign, will such bid be deemed domestic
or foreign?
If a local company (registered in the Philippines) submits
the bid, however the past performance submitted is
from a foreign related company (affiliate) will such bid
be deemed be eligible?
May the bidding company use past performance of its
suppliers to be eligible for the bid? If yes, and the bidding
company is domestic, however the suppliers whose past
performance it is submitting are foreign, would the bid still
be deemed domestic?
In ITB Page 19 under Criteria B.

Can we make an equal footing in points system Incountry and Abroad. There would be no discrimination
whether you are in local or abroad as long as they met
the minimum requirements.
Comment on Query #16 (Page 92 of the BDS)
Section 1: One Comm/Baybridge Joint Venture would
query the requirement for the bullet point relating to:
DTI Certificate of Accreditation for Electronics Service

The bid is deemed domestic. It is not the product origin that

determines the nationality of the company but it is the place of
business registration.
For the past performance of the supplier to be used in order to
become eligible, that supplier should be made a party to the JV
Yes only if, again, the supplier is a party to the JV. For the
second question, if the past performance submitted is foreign,
then it is no longer domestic.
This criteria has already been deleted in the final version of the
Bidding Documents (Refer to the hard copy version).

The NTC VSAT license requirement for VSAT connectivity

providers is a matter which should be dealt with by the latter
with the commission. As far as the Procuring Entity is concern,
the delivery of VSAT connectivity services by the winning
bidder/supplier constitute compliance of the requirements of
this contract.

Center and Repair.


NTC Permits as listed as i.e.

Radio Dealers Permit
Service Center Permit
Shore-Base Maintenance Entity Permit
And regrettably the BACs decision is to delete all
of it.

Our Comment: There is an existing law which regulates

the sell of radio transmitter(s) or Transceiver(s) in the
Commission (NTC). In particular, the Radio Equipment
Dealers Permit (REDP) is a certificate or written authority
issued by NTC to a person, firm, company, association or
corporation, legitimately engaged in the business of
buying and selling radio transmitters and transceivers. If
One Commerce and/or Baybridge is/are Philippine
registered firms then they must secure the REDP from
(Based on the Philippine and International Radio Laws
and Regulations (with explanations) Telecommunication
Law and Regulations Author: Pablo R. Payumo Twelfth
Revised Edition pp.57)
Cited on the same reference above @ page 62
Question: What is the scope of authority of the holder of

Radio Equipment Dealers Permit (REDP)

Ans The holder of a valid REDP is authorized to
engaged in the purchase and sale of legally acquired
radio communications equipment and repair, service, and
maintain such equipment; participate in public bidding of
trade exhibitions for the promotion of radio
communication products; engage in the design or
installation of radio communications systems or
networks; and conduct product demonstrations, provided
demonstration permit therefore is acquired before
conducting demonstration involving test transmission.
communications equipment (HF, VHF Marine Band,
Multiband radio, VHF Airband, 48 x VSAT terminals,
among other), and it calls for its installation and
commissioning of the various radio communication
supplies at five remote sites. We see the need to have
the local partner with valid Radio Equipment Dealers
Permit (REDP) form NTC otherwise the foreign entity/ies
joining the tender if they will be awarded the contract will
require to field their engineer(s) at site which will be
For the shore based maintenance, the satellite
connectivity sub-section requires to fit 10 VSATs to 10
PN vesels. The local partner picked by the foreign
contractor should have shore based maintenance
certificate as the maintenance work id to be done on
board ship while it is on shore. If this certification

provision is deleted, then the supply of 10 VSATs to 10

PN vessels must likewise be removed from the checklist
of supply requirements.
What is the intention of deleting the NTC certificate(s)
initially prescribed in the BDS with the VSAT license?
If our understanding is correct, the VSAT License must
be secured from the NTC as well for the Navy coast
stations to be fitted with VSATs. We are reducing the
function of the NTC if they do not know what
frequency/ies the AFP is/are using by asking permission
to use it. For allocating that frequency/ies for military use
is also its function so it restricts other users applying for
radio use from dwelling in the military frequency/ies.
In given Scope of Works in each CWS Project It stated
that Design and Built of 30 mtrs/ 20 mtrs, 4 legged,
Tower Hot deeped galvanized including setting plates,
man ladder, bolts, nuts and washer.
a. The prospective proponent will be the one to design the 4
a. a. Who design this part?
Legged Structural Steel Tower (4 LSST), except for the 4 LSST
b. b. Is there any prepared designed, Can we have a copy? at CWS-Rizal Reef.
c. c. Who will produce the said materials and specification?
b. There is only one prepared design for the 4 LSST (Rizal
Reef Detachment only). This copy will be available only after
the Joint Site Survey. Other 4 LSST will be designed by the
prospective proponents based on the specifications stated on
the bidding documents.

c. The type of materials to be used for the 4LSST is already

specified on the bid docs. (30mtrs/20mtrs, 4 Legged Structural
Steel Tower, Hot dipped galvanized)
Who will be doing the design of Utilities, Electrical, The Procuring Entity will provide the design for Utilities,



workload/plan and Electrical, Plumbing, Sanitary, Finishes, workload/plan and
especially Foundation/Piling Design?
Foundation/Piling Design.
Is it Required to construct one project at a time or it Each civil works project has a time duration as well as for the
needs to start all projects in one time/duration?
whole project, it is the option of the winning proponent whether
to start one project at a time or start the project at one time
duration, as long as they will meet the given time of completion
or duration of the whole project.
Do we have a E file of the project?
In Section 1 ITB 5.1 under Eligible bidders (e) What this merely says is that a corporation can be considered
Person/s/entities forming themselves into J.V. i.e., a as Filipino owned if ownership is 60% Filipino owned but it
group of two (2) or more persons/entities that intend to be does not require that there should be a JV nor should there be
jointly and severally responsible of liable for a particular a partner that has 60% filipino owned.
contract: Provided, however, that Filipino ownership or
interest of the joint venture concerned shall be at least
sixty percent (60%). Please explain further on how to
determine 60% Filipino ownership or interest of the joint
venture is base-on what? Ownership? Projects?

In Section 1 para 27 Domestic Preference (27.1 a-d) on

page 22. Please explain further
For JVA, if one party is not compliant and the other party
is compliant on particular requirement (vice-versa). Will it
constitute to disqualification? For example, on the bid
bulletin. On the AFS, either party can submit the AFS, but
for PHILGEPS Registration both parties should comply.
The reason of entering to JVA is one party will use the
compliance of the other party to comply on the
requirement of the BID.
When will Philippine Navy release the Soil Test for the
Rizal Reef?
Can we have the updated list of the checklist based on

The provisions under this section are clear and unambiguous

which require no further explanation.
For legal eligibility requirements, both JV partners are required
to submit all documentary requirements. However, for technical
and financial requirements, the submission by any of the JV
partner constitutes compliance.
BUT for the Philgeps
requirement, parties to the JV should submit the same.

The Soil Test result for Rizal Reef will be released to the
eligible bidders on or before the Joint Site Survey.

the Bid Bulletin?

For installation of connectivity for the Ships, where will
the ship docks for the installation of Connectivity
Can we have the Statement of Compliance form?

This will be determined later.


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