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Electric lamps are something that provide us light in real life when current passes
through them,it consist of a wire,sitch and and source of electrical energy mainly
Wapda.Lamps can of different types depending upon the way they produce light

Categories of Lamps
1. Incandescent Lamp
2. Arc Lamp
3. Gaseous Discharge Lamp
Incandescent Lamp
Incandescent bulb also known as Incandescent globe mainly consists of outer
protection mostly glass,filament(the choice of filament depends of number of other
factors),and pins through which enrgy is provided to the filament so that current passes
through filament and produces illumination.

2. Choice of Filament
The filament is the main component of any incandescent bulb and its choice is
also very important as high current passes through it and produces heat according to
H=I^2*R and that heat(intense) produces illumination.
The factors on which filament is decided
1. Melting point of filament should be high enough
2. Resistance of the filament metal should be high enough
3. The metal should be ductile
4. Low temperatue coefficient
5. High mechanical strength

3. Working principle
The main component of this bulb which make the bulb to work is tungsten
filament and the principle of its working is incandescence. Initially when electric supply
is allowed to pass through the filament,current passes through the filament as resistance
of filament is very high it will result in heat loses and temperature of filament start to
increase according to I^2R and as time passes the temperature also increases and the
tungsten filament starts to emit light and the max. temperature of tungsten filament is
close to 3000C .
4. Pros and Cons

This method has very low efficiency

The emitted by this way is closest to sun spectrum

They can cover a large area

Its life duration is also vey small like 1000 hours

5. Range
As temperature increases wavelength of light emitted also increases. In this
method all visible color wavelengths are emitted and there are no dark and light regions
in its spectrum.

Arc Lamps
Sir Humphry Davy is the man responsible for this method and he performed his
experiments using charcoal sticks and approximately 2000 batteries. In past this method
only had its applications in telegraphy and in television industry but as time passes its
apllications continue to increase.
1. Construction
The first carbon lamp consists of charcoal and the mainreason was that
charcoal( carbon ) can easily be ionized in air as voltage between two carcon rods
increases air between the two rods starts to ionize along with carbon and thses vapors of
carbon produces light .

2. Types of Arc lamps

Carbon arc lamp: This lamp consists of two rods of carbon and one is used as
anode and other one is used as cathode,the one that is used as cathode is used
almost two folds of anode as cathode will evapourate and also cathode is movable
so the distance between two rods can be varied.

Flame arc lamp: This lamp works on the same principle as that of the carbon
bend light that when current goesthrough the cathode isolated by little separation
arcing happens which transmits light.

Magnetic arc lamp: it consists of two electrodes one is copper and other is iron
and as current passes arc is produced and this arc produces light.

3. Working principle
The guideline of bend lights is that when two cathodes are isolated by little
separation a circular segment is struck between them. This circular segment is extremely
effective wellspring of light.
4. Pros and Cons

It is used in HID light and movie projectors but for our application it is used in the
florescence spectrometer


The cost of the xenon arc lamp varies

estimated between 200,000-500,00

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