Church of Christ: Lebanon Road

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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
US Postal Paid
Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 58, No.26 June 27, 2010

"Being a Living Sacrifice" Adam Faughn
Joe Adams
On the final night of our recent Vaca- That being said, it should give us great 773-2331
tion Bible School, we were touched by comfort to know that God does not just
the public response of Heather Lamb. Johny Baker
sit back and watch us fail. Instead, He 758-7654
Heather stated that she was not being walks with us as we seek to do His will.
the living sacrifice that the New Testa- His Son promised, "I am with you al- Ralph Brewer
ment requires (cf. Romans 12:1-2), ways, even to the end of the 871-4849
and that she needed to be stronger in world" (Matthew 28:20). Whenever we
Worship With Us standing for God no matter who she is struggle to be the living sacrifice that we
Wayne Davidson
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM around. should be, may we
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM
look to Jesus and Earl Flynn
Heather provided a great fix our eyes on His 889-1659
example for us by her perfect example
response, and Wayne (Hebrews 12:1-3). Ted Fox
"Why Camp?" Adam Faughn Davidson, one of our He will help us 754-7607
Our annual summer youth camp begins next Sun- If you have never seen our camp, I encourage elders, led us in prayer along our journey, Steve Ledbetter
day (July 4). Each year, we have a good number you to come for one day, or even part of a in behalf of Heather. I and will help us to 889-8614
who attend, but some see it as nothing more than day. You will be reassured by what you see. know you will continue fully give our lives
a week of playing, bugs, and heat. Yes, we have a great deal of fun, but that fun to encourage her in the in God's service, no
near future. Jim Schroeder
is secondary to our focus: a week of Bible in- matter where we 754-8990
Certainly, those things are involved (especially struction. might be, or who
the heat!), but our camp is far more than that. Part of Heather's re- might be around. Cliff Wilson
Each summer, much time is spent preparing for I'm looking forward to Valley View 2010: sponse caused me to think. Being a 889-6477
the camp so that the Bible is central to our week. living sacrifice is hard! While we can- Being a living sacrifice is difficult, but it
"Wii Believe!" not blame our surroundings or the cul-
While there are dozens of fun activities, the teach- can be done!
ing of God's Word is the key to each day. ture, it is true that we live in a world
that makes standing for the Truth a Pulpit Minister
Young people who come to camp in the summer difficult work. However, God requires Adam Faughn

are given multiple opportunities each day to learn that we stand with Him at all times. 973-4483
more of God's Word and they are challenged by Outreach Minister
what is taught. Each speaker and teacher spends a
great deal of time preparing, so the students are
Sunday Sermon Preview Harry Middleton
filled with the Good News of the Bible over the AM: Adam Faughn
course of the week. Youth Minister
PM: Adam Faughn JD Buckner
(731) 336-4768
Sick List Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’S Jargon
 Juanita Bradley fell and broke her wrist last week. Sunday Morning (Contact: Gene 874-0463 ) Gospel Preaching Hello everyone!
 Shirley Ferry is at home with severe leg pain. Opening Prayer: Gene Duke
It is still “God’s good pleasure through the foolishness This summer just keeps getting more and
 Rose Ledbetter is at Vanco Manor rm 300 for Read Scripture: Al Cravens
of the preaching to save them that believe” (1 Cor.
rehab. Closing Prayer: Bob Butler more exciting. Vacation Bible School was a
1:21).It is not the mere act of preaching that saves.It is great success, the Braves/Six Flags trip is this
Sermon: Adam Faughn the thing preached that saves. Unless the gospel is
Thank You faithfully proclaimed the preaching will not save.
weekend, Bible Camp promises to be one of
Song Leader: Scotty Studer
is no acceptable substitute for plain gospel preaching. the best yet, and I can't wait for our mission
To the family at Lebanon Road, Thanks not only for the Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085)
graduation reception and many wishes received, but for It is still the solemn duty of all who stand in the pulpit trip in late July!
BJ Turner 1
the encouragement and support shown to Austin over the as servants of the Lord to “preach the word” (2 Tim.
Joel Ledbetter 2 4:2).Paul, the greatest preacher since Christ said, “For I I really appreciate all the work everyone is
past years. The family here has truly been a blessing to
us and we love being a part of this church. Thanks also Robert Cannon 3 determined not to know anything among you, save Je- putting into our activities. I would like to thank
for the prayers and concern shown for Josiah. We love Lon Keele 4 sus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). He all the parents for their extra efforts and all the
you all. Pam and Austin Wayne Gordon 5 preached “Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling
congregation for investing so much in our
block, and unto the Gentiles foolishness” (1 Cor.
You’re Invited Paul Woods 6
1:23).Christ commissioned His disciples to preach the Lebanon Road family. You are truly great!
Tracy Fitzgerald 7 gospel to every creature, in all the world, throughout all
Join us for a baby Shower in honor of Don Morris 8 the succeeding ages of time (Mark 16:15-16; Matt. Emory is doing a great job. I am very happy
Brittany Herald Carbonell Sunday Evening (Contact: Richard 582-1079) 28:19-20). The command is as specific as when God he is with us this summer. He preached an
Opening Prayer: Michael Rader told Noah to build the ark of gopher wood (Gen. excellent lesson last Sunday on the family. I
It’s a Girl! 6:14).When God said “gopher wood,” He excluded
Closing Prayer: Jack Vannatta appreciate his hard work!
Saturday, June 26 at 12:00 noon every other kind of wood. By the same token, when
Read Scripture: Daniel Hargrove Christ said preach “the gospel” He excluded everything
Fellowship Hall Sermon: Harry Middleton other then the gospel. A substitute for the gospel It's only one week till Bible camp! I still need
Song Leader: Adam Faughn would be no more acceptable to the Lord than was the a lot of Bible Camp applications. Please
Given By: Pam Thompson get your application turned in soon!
Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) “strange fire” of Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1) or the
and Valeria Smotherman Ronnie Oakley 1 “new cart” of David (2 Sam. 6:1-11). When mere
propaganda is substituted for gospel preaching and ex- We have new liability release forms that
RSVP 367-4742 Paul Smith 2 citement is made to take the place of genuine convic- any minor traveling with the youth group
Registered at Babies R Us and Target tion, it is no wonder that the “oxen stumble,” and the needs to fill out. These forms regard all of
Wednesday, June 30th (Contact: Tim 885-2009) cause of Zion suffers.
our general trips and riding the bus or
Read Scripture: Jarrod Barefoot
Camp Snacks New Testament evangelism and not modern denomina- van. Please make sure you get a form and fill
Opening Prayer: Wayne Davidson it out today!
tionalism furnishes us the true pattern for modern
Speaker: Harry Middleton preaching. There is, there can be, no acceptable substi-
Help Needed Song Leader: Philip Autry tute for faithful gospel preaching. Thank you very much! --JD :)
Announcements: Visitation team #2 and letter writers will meet
With THE Harry Middleton - Earl Flynn tonight.

“ Camp Snack Drive” Nursery Attendants

Amber Williams
Mark Your Calendar...
 Today: Sycamore services at 2:00 led by the young adult class
There is a list of items needed for camp The Record  Today: Camp meeting at 4:30 for ALL STAFF
available on the tables. Sunday Morning Worship 361  July 4-9: Bible Camp
Sunday Evening Worship: 185  July 19-28: North Carolina Mission Trip
Bible Camp
Sunday Bible Study: 231  October 15-17: Ladies Retreat at Whispering Pines
Wednesday Night: —-
Contribution: $12,927.00

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