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World Environment Day

Human-Caused Biodiversity Loss and

Climate Disruption
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Serverabad, Nawabshah

Seminar Report
Nisar Brohi


1. An Introduction

2. Objectives of the Seminar

3. Seminar Proceedings

3.1 Mr. Nek Soomro, Coordinator, Sangat Development

Foundation (SDF)

3.2 Mr. Nisar Brohi, Director, Sangat Development

Foundation (SDF)

3.3 Mr. Nawaz Brohi, Eminent Journalist

3.4 Mr. Inayat Udasi, Writer

3.4 Mr. Nazeer Ahmed, Educationalist

3.5 Mr. Mir Dost, Naib Nazim, Union Council


3.6 Mr. Ashfaque Gupchani, Social Activist

4. Recommendations of the Seminar


1. An Introduction
The global warming and possible environmental
threats to the various Eco regions of the world are
today’s striking issues in the world. The different
Eco regions of world have different problems and
threats in nature but one element is common that
human made causes probably do the most damage.
When we talk about the global warming, it has many
causes; such as excess burning fossil fuels,
Pollution, massive deforestation etc. Pollution is
one of the biggest man made problems and fossil
fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as
coal, or oil. When fossil fuels are burned, they
give off a green house gas called CO2. The CO2 is
the primary cause to global warming, on the other
side, the tress that convert CO2 to oxygen are
being demolished. There is no suitable replacement
of the trees as important for the Eco system. It is
fact that the global warming mainly caused by
humankind, and even still accelerating it. Only
drastic reduction of the waste gas emission and
large-scale afforestation can help to the normalcy
in the global warming.
The Indus Eco region has had a potential threat
even to its very existence. When we look at the
problems/threats to the Indus Eco region, there is
long list, which has badly affected on the
biodiversity of the Eco region. Due to construction
of dams and barrages at the upstream of the
country, has resulted into shortage of fresh water
flow to the lower riparian and riverine areas of
the Indus in Sindh. Which also ultimately
encouraged the sea intrusion in the coastal
districts i.e Thatta and Badin. Over harvesting of
forests, water logging and soil salinity are also
major causes of the degradation of environment and
losses of biodiversity.


As the case of Nawabshah district is concerned, it
was once famous for its both inland and riverine
forests. There has been massive deforestation under
the supervision of government agencies during the
last couple of decades, and also due to growing
land degradation and water shortages, common people
also resort to cutting of the forests as to clear
land for cultivation, because the forestlands are
rich in fertility. The common people don’t care of
cutting the trees, being unawareness about the link
of trees with environmental maintainability.

The large scale deforestation by the Govt agencies

as well as the people, have created many

environmental problems in Nawabshah district, as it

is felt from the growing heat of the district,
being the top in the country, it is usually remains
high more than 50 centigrade. Many different warm-
oriented diseases have occurred in the district and
have largely threatened to the ecology and
biodiversity of the district.
Sangat Development Foundation (SDF), being
responsible civil society entity has organized a


one-day seminar on “Human-Caused Biodiversity loss
and Climate Disruption” June 5, 2007 at Serverabad,
Nawabshah, on the eve of World Environment Day, in
order to discuss the role of the state and its
machinery as well as the role of the civil society
for the protection of environment and biodiversity.
The objective of the seminar was also to sensitize
the responsible social actors regarding their civil
and moral duties for the protection and development
of the Indus Eco region and forest trees in the
country for the stifling of the growing disastrous
ecological changes.
2. Objectives of the Seminar
♦ To highlight the causes of global warming and
environmental problems.
♦ To develop the understanding of the common people
on the environmental issues, especially the
possible threats to the Indus Eco region and
♦ To create awareness to combat the burgeoning
environmental challenges through community based
environmental upgradation and social forestry
♦ To establish forest friendly watch committee for
the promotion and protection of forest trees in
the area.
3. Seminar Proceedings
3.1 Mr. Nek Soomro, Coordinator, Sangat Development
Foundation (SDF)
While welcoming the participants of the seminar Mr.
Soomro said the world currently is facing many
problems, and environment degradation is one of the
main issues in the world. The primary cause of the
environmental disruption is the man made anti-
environmental actions, which have not only created
most serious environmental problems and threats to
the natural Eco system but also playing havoc with
the lives of the human population. The need is to


address the problems of global warming by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the fossil
fuels and the destruction of carbon-absorbing
There is direly demand of the time to launch a
comprehensive campaign for the protection and
promotion of the biodiversity, which is only the
sustainable mean to meet the environmental
challenges in the country, as well as to ensure the
safety and security of our coming generations.
3.2 Mr. Nisar Brohi, Director, Sangat Development
Foundation (SDF)
Mr. Brohi giving a presentation on the Global
Warming and Possible environmental threats, said
the world is passing through its most critical
period of human history, coupled with
multidimensional threats to its very existence.
There is no exaggeration to say that human
population activities are the main cause of the
global warming and huge losses of biodiversity.
According to the scientists and climatologists, if
the current global warming trend would not be
arrested, it would be raised to 3 to 5 centigrade
in the next hundred years, which would be resulting
into 16 –20 feet raising in the sea level. Due to
growing global warming trend, many ecological
changes are expected, which would certainly disturb
the world Eco system it all. Because of global
warming, the plains will have a lot more fires than
expected, the coastal regions will have disastrous
floods because of all the extra rain. As the
coastal community of Sindh has already been having
a lot of socio-economic catastrophes, and expected
coastal floods would certainly add more miseries
and force the inhabitants to leave their homes and
flee. A large portion of the polar ice cap might
melt making sea level rise 16-20 feet; some forests
in some world regions will dry up and become


deserts by the middle of this new century. The snow
covered peaks will probably melt causing floods and
very dangerous mudslides around the globe.
It is also expected that in coming decades, there
will also be a dramatic changes in global weather
compared to the weather of today. As there will be
periods of drought followed by periods of dramatic
storms. A drought might occur when the plants have
just sprouted up from the ground. It is ultimately
the human population and biodiversity of the world
would suffer.
Due to the burgeoning global warming, human
population would host a number of warm-oriented
diseases, such as malaria, skin cancer etc. Malaria
is a disease that will increase in coming years. As
mosquitoes breed in warm, wet places, with the
increases of rain and warmth during global warming,
the population of mosquitoes will increase, making
the risk of increase of this disease. Skin cancer
is one of the main concerns of the world when
global warming hits.
Behind this entire dilemma, there is none but
irresponsible human actions, which create
unfriendly weather increasing the large-scale
carbon emission. A survey reveals that due to human
irresponsible actions carbon emission per sector
annually is, in industrial process 16.8 percent,
power stations 21.3 percent, waste disposal and
treatment 3.4 percent, Land use and biomass burning
10.0 percent, transportation fuel 14.0 percent,
agriculture by products 12.5 percent, residential
and commercial and other sources 1.03 percent.
On the other side, the deforestation has also two
causes in contributing in the global warming, one,
due to deforestation, there is no absorption of
carbon emissions and other it is also responsible
for 25 percent of all carbons emission entering the


atmosphere by burning and cutting of about 34
million acres of trees each year.
When we take stock of Sindh province, Sindh once
was biodiversity rich and forest prone area, and
had wide and flourished Eco-region and coastal
belt. But at present it has been facing burgeoning
threats not only to its Eco region and coastal belt
but also land and riverine forests.
In Sindh, forests occupy 2.5 percent total land
area. But on the other side, there are many threats
to forests, lack of government interest in
developing forest nurseries, the large-scale
deforestation under the supervision of the
government departments, no afforestation move, low
flow in Indus river, which badly hurt in the
riverine areas and as well as down stream Kotri the
coastal belt.
The forests and trees are not only beneficial for
the preservation of environment, but there are also
a lot of others benefits to our lands and
ultimately to the people. As the forest trees also
improve degraded soil, such as controlling soil
erosion, adding favorable nutrients to the soil,
improving the soil’s physical and chemical
properties, and also reducing desiccation of crops.
As for as the case of Nawabshah district is
concerned, it once used to be hub of forest trees
but during last couple of decades, there has been
massive deforestation by the so called mafias under
the supervision of government and the common people
have also been involved in illegal cutting of
trees, Which has also created many environmental
problems for the people of Nawabshah district. As
it is noted from the growing heat of the Nawabshah,
being in the top of country, more than 50
centigrade. Many different warm-oriented diseases
have occurred in the district and have threatened
the common people lives.


On other side, it was expected that the local
government would have special focus on the forest
tree protection and promotion in order to maintain
and control the raising heat and warming. But,
unfortunately, they seem to be indulged in the
destruction of parks and tree in order to leveling
the ground for developing shopping markets and
In order to maintain and control the burgeoning
heat and environmental problems of the district,
following immediate measures should be taken,
♦ Massive afforestation move, through community
participation should immediately be launched in
the district.
♦ Legal action should be proposed for the
Protection of plants, forests and also ban should
be imposed for cutting of trees for next ten
♦ During monsoon and spring season, the tree
plantation campaign should not only be reserved
to the Official event/photo session, but
involving all stakeholders of the society, as
large scale plantation could be carried out.
3.3 Mr. Nawaz Brohi, Eminent Journalist
While speaking on the occasion Mr. Nawaz said, the
people of Nawabshah has been confronting with major
environmental problems from many many years but
none has come forward to get them relief from this
critical conditions.
There are many reasons of warming but it is also
undeniable fact that due to massive deforestation
moves in the district by different Mafia’s have
also had a huge contribution in the climate
disruption. It is also matter of fact that the
community has itself also indulged in large scale
cutting of trees in the district. But there are


very few people who are aware about beneficial
aspects of the forest trees.
It is now indispensable to launch environmental
education campaign for community workers in order
to educate them about the importance of forest and
trees for the maintainability of climate and also
benefits for their soil productivity.
Any move without community awareness and
participation for the betterment of environment
would be in vain. So, community and community-based
social worker should be taken on board to
collectively work for forest tree protection and
community based plantation.
3.4 Mr. Inayat Udasi, Writer
Mr. Inayat said, due to environment pollution many
problems have occurred from socio-economic to
health to the common people. He suggested that
there is badly need for special efforts for the
containment of global warming as well as local
Environmental facility through community-based
He was of a view that at the first step community
based schools should be involved for the tree
protection and plantation and also the school
teachers and students should be provided trainings
for the protection and promotion of small level
nurseries, as tree loving community should be
established. No doubt the community-based schools
can play very paramount important role for the tree
nursery development.
3.4 Mr. Nazeer Ahmed, Educationalist
While speaking in the seminar, Mr. Ahmed said that
our community is facing many socio-environmental
problems since many years. Due to growing warming
and starching heat, common people hosted different
serious diseases, which resulted into more socio-


economic miseries of the masses. Environmental
pollution has created many serious health problems
for the local community.
He suggested that Social forestry training should
be imparted to all stakeholders of the society in
order to develop tree friendly environment in the
district. The forestry would not only help in
absorption of toxic and carbon oxide emission
emanating from industrious, vehicles, power
stations etc, but also would create healthy
3.5 Mr. Mir Dost, Naib Nazim, Union Council
While speaking on the occasion, he first
appreciated the efforts taken by Sangat Welfare and
Development Organization for the community welfare
and development in the remote areas of the district
Nawabshah, and said that once our society was very
loving one for the trees, they used to take
precautionary measures for the nursing and looking
after the tress themselves, and also there was
trend of domestic nurseries but now there is very
little care for the trees.
He proposed tree plantation campaign in rural areas
involving the rural community and public
representatives for environmental protection. Until
and unless, the community and elected
representatives would not be engaged in the tree
plantation campaign, any move for the tree
plantation would not be successful.
3.6 Mr. Ashfaque Gupchani, Social Activist
Mr. Gupchani said that environmental issue is one
of the major problems facing by the world
population. If the required steps would not be
taken, that issue would have disastrous results on
the over all-human as well as living organisms. Due
to unsustainable development trend, it has created


many problems in the society, and also having
colossal losses on the environment of the globe.
He said, it is high time that all possible measures
should be taken to contain the environment
degradation through involving all stakeholders of
the society.

4. Recommendations of the Seminar

♦ Sustained efforts for the reduction of the
emission intensity of energy production
♦ Sustainable policy to combat deforestation, and
to promote the sequestering of greenhouse gases
though reforestation
♦ Develop community based sustainable management of
♦ Provide alternative income generating activities
to the local communities that reduce community
demands on the local environment, and avoid
unsustainable uses of forest or local wildlife
♦ Encourage Agro-forestry, crop diversification and
soil renewal activities that help preserve
♦ Public-private partnership policy for the
Conservation and sustainable management of
natural habitats, site protection and parks
management activities
♦ Combat land degradation and diversification in
arid and semi arid areas, such as pastoral
development, range management and village based
integrated land management
♦ Encourage shifts to environmentally benign fuel
and transportation modes


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