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Introduction to Coding concepts for the non-coder:

This course provides basic knowledge of medical coding to non-coders and is

intended to train office billing/provider support staff in the ways to assist and
support their practice. This course is not designed to prepare you for certification,
but rather provide a broad education in the areas most essential to outpatient
medical coding. In this first course, you will learn: medical terminology, ICD-9 and
CPT codes, Modifiers and their application, E/M documentation guidelines, Claims
Denial Prevention and Resolution, and External Audits: What to Look for. By the end
of this course you will be able to identify and evaluate codes and provide basic
guidance regarding common errors and billing standards that might be costing your
practice money.

Coding From Operative Reports

This course provides basic knowledge of medical coding to non-coders and is
intended to train office billing/provider support staff in the ways to assist and
support their practice. This course is not designed to prepare you for certification,
but rather provide a broad education in the areas most essential to outpatient
medical coding. In this first course, you will learn: How to review an Operative
report, How to Code Diagnoses (ICD-9), how to code procedures (CPT), and Global
Surgical Package (what it is, what it means to your practice). The course will
conclude with sample operative report coding scenarios.

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

This course provides basic knowledge of Current Procedural Terminology to noncoders and is intended to train office billing/provider support staff in the ways to
assist and support their practice. This course is not designed to prepare you for
certification, but rather provide education in an area essential to outpatient medical
coding. This course takes a more detailed look at CPT codes and their application in
the medical practice and will cover CPT guidelines, using CPT codes, and how to
correctly apply modifiers. This course is best taken as a supplement to "Introduction
to Coding Concepts for the Non-Coder".

Chart Auditing E/M Documentation Guidelines

This course provides basic knowledge of Evaluation and Management
Documentation Guidelines to non-coders and is intended to train office
billing/provider support staff in the ways to assist and support their practice. This
course is not designed to prepare you for certification, but rather provide education
in an area essential to outpatient medical coding. Chart auditing is an essential skill
for any practice; regular audits can identify correct trends before they can impact
revenue. This course covers the 1995 and 1997 CMS guidelines, the differences
between them, and how their correct application can assist your practice in billing

appropriately. At the conclusion of this course you will have a chance to sample
audit actual medical records to test your skills.

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