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Wetland Community Walk On

World Environment
Day 2010
Wetland Community
World Environment
Day 2010
The indigenous community of Deh
Akro-II wetlands first time marked
world environment day holding
walk from Nawabshah bus stand to
Press Club Jamsahib. The event was
organized by Sangat Development
Foundation, with coordination of
Sindh Wildlife Department and
Indus for All programme, WWF

The local community was holding

placards and banners inscribed with
environment and wetlands
protection and rehabilitation
slogans. They were also chanting
slogans for an immediate stoppage
of deforestation on wetlands of Deh
Akro-II and its surroundings, which
have played havoc with local
environment. According to them due
to massive deforestation from Deh
Akro-II area and its wetlands, which
has resulted into major climate
change in the area.

Due to climate change as well as

water shortage in the wetlands,
largely depleted local plant species
from the area. However, the
disastrous impact is on the fauna
species of wildlife sanctuary of Deh
Akro-II. The fauna species of Deh
Akro-II wetlands either died down
or left the area due to unexpected
and sudden climate changes and hot
The local community representatives
demanded early rehabilitation
actions in order to save the wildlife
and other local rare species from
dying from wetlands.

While speaking on the occasion, Mr.

Salih Billo, Senior Journalist and
Social Activist said that the theme of
the year “Many Species. One
Planet. One Future.” Is a timely call
from the international community
for the conservation of biodiversity
and preservation of nature’s identity.

He further added that the

destruction of natural resources is
tantamount to destroying the human
life from the planet. The earth planet
is hosting biodiversity, and that is
the beauty of it. If we would bent
upon destroying one or other, it
would have multiple ill effects on the
over all species of the planet.
Therefore, we should make collective
and unified efforts for the protection
of biodiversity from unbridled lust
of anti environment people.

Mr. Nisar A. Brohi, Director Sangat

Development Foundation said
natural resources degradation and
global warming are serious
burgeoning threats to human
population. Which require urgent
and emergent efforts to be tackled on
the war-footing in order to save the
future of living beings on earth.

The gathering was also addressed by

Mr. Hussain Bux Dahri, Ghulam
Mustafa, Rauf Samon, president
Press club Jamsahib.
Participation in
“Nature Festival 2010” by
Indus for All Programme,
WWF -Pakistan,
On the eve of World Environment
Day 2010, Indus for All Programme,
WWF Pakistan organized an event
titled “Nature Festival 2010” in
Nawabshah in order to mark World
Environment Day 2010 in a befitting
manner. The local government and
non government organizations and
schools were invited for stall and
display their publication and work
and also play other performances.

Sangat Development Foundation has

established stall in the “Nature
festival 2010” and displayed its
awareness material published on
environment and wetlands
importance and conservation,
especially focusing on Deh Akro-II
wetlands rehabilitation efforts and
indigenous community based role in
community based wetlands
The participants of the nature
festival took keen interest in the
material i.e. brochure, poster and
pamphlets etc which were placed on
the stall, especially women and
children. They well received the
message of Sangat Development
Foundation on Community based
Wetland Management, and
expressed their full commitment to
disseminate the information on
wetlands importance and
conservation at all levels and also
would join efforts for wetlands
While visiting the stall, Chief Guest
of the program, Vice Chancellor of
Qauid-e-Awam University of Science
and Technology (Quest) Mr. Wahid
Bux Soomro highly appreciated the
efforts of Sangat Development
Foundation for the wetlands
rehabilitation and conservation of
biodiversity in Deh Akro-II

He further said that the published

material of Sangat Development
Foundation for the awareness of the
people on the importance of the
wetlands and their biodiversity
would have far reaching effects on
the community and would also help
the common man in understanding
the issues and problems of the

He also expressed his all possible

support for wetlands rehabilitation
of Deh Akro-II.

Mr. Rasheed Ahmed Zardari,

Executive District Officer (EDO),
Revenue also visited the stall and
praised the efforts of Sangat team for
wetlands community based
management efforts and protection
and rehabilitation of biodiversity.

He further said that Sangat

Development Foundation efforts
would go long way for the effective
and proper wetland management in
Deh Akro-II and would certainly
revive and revitalize wetland and
their biodiversity in the area.

He also appreciated the published

material on wetlands importance
and biodiversity.

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