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Do you have problems like these?
Business usually have a lot of customers, suppliers and employees that they need to track. By this reason, without a
good systematic way to store and retrieve data, a company may lose sales and purchasing opportunities
Address Book J.D. Edwards system can help your company to collect, store, update and manage information about
individuals and companies
Address Book can solve daily problems that you have in your company
Maintain complete information and update the records of our company, employees, customers and suppliers
Classify records by search type

Notify users allowed on special occasions, such as credit warnings, messages and other important information
Store and retrieve information by name, address, telephone number and type of search
Associate multiple addresses with a record address book
Customize your database according to their needs by creating and organizing user-defined information
Set up to 30 category codes address book for monitoring and reporting of information about directions
Companies have business information about employees, customers or suppliers in alphabetical order or on paper, so
you can not control
in the best way
Sometimes, you are not able to manage what kind of costs
go to your different localizations
You do not know how to manage or use the customer informations such as name, address, phone, billing contacts,
invoice details...
You have problems when your customers have different addresses
for some items and you have confusions

Address Book for Company

Posted on: April 17, 2014

By: Vinay Rayas

With: 0 Comments

Address Book for Company:

Now, one might think what is this Address Book and why on earth should I
add an Address Book record for a company ? Simply put, any enterprise
deals with entities, men, women, material and money. Just material and
money without entities, men and women would not carry much meaning
any ways ! So every enterprise deals with entities, men and women in
most of the business it carries out. Now, Address Book is one such central
place where an enterprise keeps a master record of any entity, man or
woman it deals with. Be it a customer, client, vendor, supplier, services
provider, applicant, employee, contractor and so on. Why central??
because??then anyone responsible in the enterprise consistently uses
such master record when he/ she is required to record a related
transaction such as sale, purchase,receipt, payment etc. JDE system helps
define the enterprise as one or more entitiesdescribed above??also known
as Companies. The JDE system??as such requires that an Address Book
record for each such Company is created in the Address Book. These

records are used very effectively when such entities/ Companies within an
enterprise enter into transactions between each other and which are also
well known as Inter-Company transactions. The Address Book and its
other tables family maintains various details about entities, men and
women such as Address, Tax ID, Related Persons, Contact Information and
so on.
Adding an Address Book Record:
You can access the application to maintain an Address Book record using
the Navigation Bar option Navigator, and by following the menu
navigation path: EnterpriseOne Menu > Foundation System > Address
Book > Daily Processing > Address Book Revisions Notice the
following: When you hover the mouse on the menu option that you are
going to select, you see details of the objects that the system is going to
present to you, viz., Application: P01012 Form: W01012B, Version:
ZJDE0001. You are familiar with Application thus far. The Form detail is the
code number of the Form the system will present to you. The Version is
a list of values that the Application uses to behave or not to behave in
certain manner, for example any specific value to default in a particular
field when the Form is presented to the user, for example.

Adding an Address Book Record:

Using your forms navigation skills follow these actions:
2. Enter Alpha Name
3. Enter Search Type value O ??or opt to select a UDC User Defined
Code value from a drop-down list
4. ??
5. Receive warnings
7. Review Previously Assigned Number

User Defined Codes

Posted on: April 18, 2014

By: Vinay Rayas

With: 0 Comments

UDC User Defined Codes:

In a laymans language the concept of User Defined Codes or UDCs is a
list of attributes. In JD Edwards this term is used very frequently and is
organized in 3 levels as follows:
Product Code| UDC| UDC Value example??01|ST|O:
Level 1 Product Code: Code assigned to a System such as Address
Book, General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,
Inventory Management, Sales Management, Procurement
Level 2 User Defined Codes a unique attribute such as Search Type,
Salutation Code, Sales Territories, Branches, 1099 Reporting Code etc.
within a Product Code
Level 3 UDC value list of values describing unique attributes defined
by users within a UDC such as value O defined to refer to Company in
UDC ST (Search Type) in Product Code 01 Address Book, other values in
this UDC ST Search Type would be for example: E Employee, V
Vendor, C Customer
In nutshell, using the Company example a value of O assigned to an
Address Book record using UDC ST Search Type now describes the record
better as an Address Book defined for a Company and provide a
capability to identify it and similar records of such attribute among zillion
other Address Book numbers within it.
These UDCs which are unique attributes of data once defined are re-used
where required in the entire JD Edwards system thus helping to achieve
standard data definition with high quality. For example, once a UDC is
defined and its values for Tax Withholding 1099Codes (01|07|<values>)
are maintained on an as needed basis, it is re-used where needed as in
Address Book, Supplier Ledger for example.
There are other technicalities that one should remember and those are:
1. Values within a UDC must be unique (example is value O in UDC 01|
2. The UDC itself and its values must have at least one description
3. You can define a UDC to restrict its length from size 1 to 10
4. You can define a UDC to have its values assigned two descriptions
5. You must define a UDC to hold Numeric or Alpha-Numeric values
6. The UDC values can be assigned a handling code which is used to
systematically control results of an Application when such value is used to
represent the attribute driven by a business logic
7. One character flag can be assigned to UDC values to indicate if a

special logic exists (Hard Coded) in the system. This flag helps the users
to decide to how to use/ not to use a particular attribute value.

UDC Values

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