AFP Club Constitution

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Flagler College


Article I: Name
The Name of this club will be AFP First Coast Collegiate Chapter at Flagler

Article II: Purpose

The AFP First Coast Collegiate Chapter at Flagler College is formed to help
students explore exciting and challenging career opportunities in the non-profit
industry including higher education.

Article III: Membership

A. The membership of this club will be open to all Flagler College full and part-
time students.
B. The advisor(s) of the club will be a full-time college employee and/or AFP
Florida First Coast Chapter member.
C. Dues are $35 per year.
D. Members are defined as full or part-time dues paying students that have
attended 80% of the required monthly meetings.

Article IV: Officers

A. The officer’s positions of this club shall be: President, Vice President,
Treasurer, Secretary and Public Relations Chair.
B. All officers will be currently enrolled full and part-time students at Flagler
C. The length of the term for office will extend from club acceptance date, to
May of 2010, and thereafter from May until April of each year.
D. If vacancies occur in an officer position, that position will be filled by a
special election held at the next open meeting.

Article V: Election of Officers

A. Nominations will take place in March of each year. The first year officers
were self elected to get the club up and running.
B. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of the dues paying members at the
first meeting in April.
C. Elections will be held in April.
D. Installations of officers will take place in April.

Article VI: Duties of Officers

The officers of this club shall perform the duties stated below:
A. President –to schedule and preside over meetings, ensure officers fulfill their
duties, oversee club plan as determined by members, encourage
communication with all members, and work to build club membership, work
with officers to ensure all guidelines are met, and maintain contact with First
Coast Chapter AFP Executive Board Members.
B. Vice President – the VP is responsible when the president is not
available to assume the roles of the President
C. Treasurer - prepares, submits, and monitors the budget
D. Secretary - takes and distributes minutes and prepares agendas in
conjunction with the President.
E. Public Relations Chair – promotes events by developing emails, posters, and
website material. Responsible for developing press releases and any external
forms of communication.

Article VII: Meetings

A. Regular club meetings shall be held monthly along with monthly AFP-First
Coast Chapter Meetings.
B. Special meetings will be called by any officer with a minimum of one weeks

Article VIII: Committees

A. The Chapter Executive Board Committee – composed of the officers. Duties
include overview of the operations and budget of the Chapter.
B. Professional Advancement Committee – consists of at least 3 Chapter
members. Duties include developing and executing informative and
educational programs for the membership meetings.
C. Youth in Philanthropy Committee – shall contain one representative from
the Chapter at each meeting.

Article IX: Amendments

Amendments to this constitution shall be voted on in this manner by
submission of change notice from any member and through majority vote at
a monthly meeting.

Article X: Removal of officers and disruptive members

A. Officers shall be impeached and removed when needed though a written
motion to impeach or remove and signed by five club members in good
standing and it must be submitted to Club Advisor. A club officer will send
out an electronic notification to all current club members notifying them of
impending vote at next club meeting. To remove an officer there must be a
2/3 majority vote of all chapter members by ballot. A “member” is defined in
Article III, Section D of the constitution.
B. Disruptive members may be removed from club with a verbal motion to
remove from a club member, a second from any club member, and a 2/3
majority vote of all chapter members by ballot.

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