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Kumbasaka Consultancy

P.O.Box 56, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

Telephone: +675 70148894 Email:


Business Profile
Kumbasaka Consultancy (KC) is primarily a service business which
specialises in providing consultancy services to land owner groups,
small-medium enterprises (SMEs), Government Agencies, and
KCL provides following general consultancy services:

Business Advice
Business Proposal writing
Business Profile writing
Strategic Planning
Policy Statement
Yearly Plan
Project Management and Appraisals
Financial Analysis in projects Cash flow analysis
Cost-Benefit Analysis in infrastructures

Kumbasaka Consultancy is 100% PNG owned. Shareholder and Business

Director is Joel Kadata.

The research and analysis team is made up of University of Papua New
Guinea Graduate and student. Our team and the biography include:
1. New David Lupi (BBM UPNG, 2015)

Newman graduated with a Bachelor of Business Management from the

University of Papua New Guinea in 2015. He is a fresh graduate and is
very excited to look forward for any opportunities to develop his career
with Kumbasaka Consultancy.
He is the Manager for Administration and Marketing.
2. Simi Kandata (Bachelor of Arts Student UPNG, 2013)
Simi is still studying at the University of Papua New Guinea and has been
engaged as a Research and Liaison Officer.
He has a strong interest to pursue a career in community development
projects as a Community Liaison Officer.
3. Kera Martin (BBM UPNG, 2013)
Kera Martin graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea in
2013. He only plays a role as a Director responsible for Projects.

Source of Funds & Resources

Funds and Resources will come from shareholders equity contribution
including physical assets. Further funds will be source from fixed term
loans. Advisory Service Fees will go into companys account held with
ANZ Bank PNG Limited.
It is located on a very central place opposite National Housing
Corporation Tokarara, Port Moresby, National Capital District. The
subject propertys vicinity is also surrounded by high covenant houses
that housed working class populations.
Company History
Kumbasaka Consultancy was registered as a business name under the
Business Names Act on the 17th June, 2014 with the Investment
Promotion Authority by the Registrar of Companies, Independent State

of Papua New Guinea. The Kumbasaka Consultancy was also issued a

Certificate of Registration of Business Name and its Business Name
Number given was 6-16524.
The company has commenced its operation since its registration and are
now in full operation.
Prospects of the Companys Expansion
Kumbasaka Consultancy aims to further extend its operations into
preparing mining closer and how the infrastructure, and the community
should continue to maintained economic activities as and when mine
operations ceases in various parts of Papua New Guinea. Ways to
consult and assist the local people by:
Maintaining continuity of economic activity in the local area by
advising communities to switch alternative source of revenue
generating activities such as agriculture and Eco-tourism business
Advising them to be shareholders of listed companies as well as
participating in financial products being available at the financial
market in PNG and overseas
Advising them that Land can be converted to livestock breeding etc
Advising them about alternative investment such as Real Estate
Investments and Government Inscribed Stock
Incorporate the Business Company (with many shareholders and
directors of the company)
The business long term view is to become a leading Papua New Guinea
consultancy firm. The company is also looking at employing university
students on vocations and other average Papua New Guineans.
Kumbasaka Consultancys Vision
To be locally recognised as:
A professional consultancy service provider
A builder of hardworking individuals innovative and creativeness
to sustain & to provide high standard of services to clients

A provider of avenue for grass root landowner groups to assist

them with their needs at fees that are affordable to them.
An organization that excels in the continuous delivery of new and
proven quality products and services
To be competitive & successful consultant company in the South
Pacific region
To provide an alternative consultancy vehicle for ordinary Papua
New Guineans
And Promote Papua New Guineans talent and provide a
sustainable path way for land owner companies, SMEs and
government organisations to avoid hiring very expensive foreign
consultant companies. This will also help create jobs and support
the local economy of the country
Kumbasaka Consultancys Mission
To provide world class consultancy service whilst at the same time
working together in the knowledge and understanding that collectively
our decisions and actions can make a big difference in the local
community and the country as a whole.
Constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to manage our
operations and exceed shareholders and clients expectations.
There is a high demand for consultancy services both at low end as well
as at the high end. The boom in the mining and petroleum industry is
making land owner companies, some SMEs and government
organisations to hire more expensive consultants. Kumbasaka
Consultancy intends to tap into this market as a local consultancy
business with the service fees that are affordable by clients.
This is one of the ways to meet the PNG Vision 2050 statement to
become self-reliance citizens and to par with rest of the developed
countries in the world.

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