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Not your cookie-cutter consul

Rank and File
Back from San Fran, Ishmael Khaldi tells his tale as Israel’s first Bedouin diplomat S A LIFETIME OF TENNIS: The Wingate Institute for physical
education and sport this month gave its first lifetime achievement
award to Dr. Ian Froman − the South Africa-born tennis
enthusiast who set up a network of 14 subsidized tennis centers
By Raphael Ahren day,” he says, adding that the U.S. cious that I do not share their values. across the country for children. Froman, a 73-year-old dentist
is actually “much more” racist than I will always wrestle with alienation from Johannesburg and former member of South Africa’s Davis
Ishmael Khaldi is not only Isra- Israel. “Here there is a conflict, pro- and loneliness. But I’m okay with that Cup squad, has raised approximately $150 million dollars for the
el’s first Bedouin diplomat, he is no tectionism and friction all the time. because I know who I am.” promotion of tennis in Israel since he came here with his wife,
doubt one of the few Muslims in the But it’s not based on race, on color, on Khaldi, who speaks fluent but not Ruth Froman, in 1964. “Each center serves its own purpose,”
country who peppers his sentences religion. It’s a national [conflict].” always idiomatic English, declines says Froman, the president of the Israel Tennis Association
with Yiddish expressions. While his family supports his dip- to discuss his work for the foreign who co-founded the Israel Tennis Center. “In Kiryat Shmona the
“Israel’s enemies are not only lomatic career, many Arabs view minister. He says he might do that in center has helped restore normalcy so close to the border. And
Muslims and Arab states - that’s a him as a traitor, says Khaldi who is a second edition of his book coming in Arad, where there’s nothing to do in the middle of the desert,
bubbe meise [old wives’ tale],” he polite and friendly but maintains out next year. it offers recreation.” Froman, a 1989 Israel Prize winner whose

:‫הוראות לעידכון התאריך‬

told Anglo File this week. “There are formality at times. “But that’s obvi- Many pro-Israel advocates con- network is credited with considerably advancing tennis in Israel,
Jews who stand up and demonstrate ous. I don’t expect any Muslim to be sider Khaldi an invaluable asset, received the award earlier this month in a ceremony attended by
against Israel, Israelis even. It’s le- a big Zionist or Israel lover.” Even and he is constantly invited by Jew- Israel’s top athletes of the past, including track and field athlete
gitimate to criticize, that’s the beau-
ty of democracy. But there must be ‫ השטחים‬3-‫ עדכון התאריך ב‬.1
many Israeli Jews are suspicious
of his intentions, he adds. The first
ish organizations all over the world.
“Anyone who doubts that Israel is
Esther Roth-Shahamorov and the New Jersey-born basketball
player Tal Brody. ‫(‏‬Cnaan Liphshiz‫)‏‬
a line between that and delegitimiza- comment he heard when his current a diverse and vibrant democracy
tion and false accusations.”
In “A Shepherd’s Journey,”
)F1( ‫ בחירת כלי חץ שחור‬.2
appointment was announced came
from a Kadima MK who called him
should read Ishmael Khaldi’s story,”
prominent U.S. lawyer and Israel
S ACTING OUT HISTORY: When the Ramot Zion synagogue
was built in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood 36 years ago,

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Khaldi’s recently self-published a fig leaf for Lieberman. advocate Alan Dershowitz writes on it was one of the country’s first non-Orthodox congregations.
autobiography, the diplomat drops Current and former colleagues the back of the autobiography. Celebrating the anniversary, Baltimore-born art historian
a number of Yiddish phrases, like at the ministry, however, told Anglo Engaged to a Bedouin woman he and longtime member Joe Hoffman curated a photographic
when he recalls that he and his 10
siblings used to behave like “vilde .)‫ (זה בדרך כלל נמצא במצב הזה‬PDF ‫ בחירה באופציה‬.4
File they never heard anyone speak
badly about him. “Ish,” how his
calls “S” in the book, Khaldi writes
that he has two main goals in life:
exhibition depicting the shul’s
history. “We have pictures from
chayes,” [wild animals], or that he friends call him, is generally con- helping Israel find peace and raising a the groundbreaking ceremony,
later worked on a kibbutz “to save
some gelt [money] for college.”
.)iht.pdf( ‫ החלפת הקובץ בקודם‬.5
sidered a hard worker whose back-
ground adds another dimension the
new generation of proud Bedouins. Is-
rael’s welfare is mentioned first. “My
personalities of the synagogue
showing the evolution of what
Khaldi, 39, made headlines in 2006 Lieberman’s staff, they say. country depends on me to do my duty, is considered today one of the
when he became the Jewish state’s and I will not disappoint,” he writes. flagship institutions of Masorti
consul in San Francisco. “People al- A year’s salary For the future, Khaldi wishes to [Conservative] Judaism in Israel,”
ways wanted to hear from me about be sent abroad again. “We are sol- Hoffman told Anglo File. The
my background, the state of Israel Khaldi says he spent about a year’s diers in the war of public opinion. I exhibition will open tomorrow night
through the eyes of a Bedouin, and salary to bring out the book without want to go back to the battlefields,” at a festive event, during which
how come that someone who is not a publishing house. Over 130 pages, he says. “The anti-Israel movements the shul’s new president, Rabbi
Jewish is representing Israel,” he he recalls the major stations of his are not coming from Africa but from Shlomo Tucker, will be installed. Dani Machlis
says, sipping on a cappuccino in a life, from his childhood in the Gali- Western societies,” he adds. The festivities also include a Rabbi Chaya Rowen-Baker
Jerusalem cafe. “I spoke a lot about lee village of Khawalid through his “It’s my responsibility as a non- playback theater session, during
it and so I decided to write a book. army service and subsequent jobs Jew to stand up and speak up for which old-time members will share
We’re a multicultural, multilingual, at the border police and the Defense our country,” stresses Khaldi. “I’m stories about the shul and their children will spontaneously act
multireligious country and I’m hap- Ministry to his struggle to get into the coming to say: this is not the way to them out. “This way, we can celebrate in a dramatic way our
py and proud to be part of it.” diplomat’s course − which he failed judge a country. You have no idea history − our accomplishments but also the challenges we face,
Currently the policy advisor for twice before being accepted. how the country looks [like] from said New York-born Rabbi Chaya Rowen-Baker, who has been
Arab affairs for Foreign Minister “A Shepherd’s Journey” went the inside. I met people all over the leading the congregation for three years. ‫(‏‬Raphael Ahren‫)‏‬
Avigdor Lieberman − who has been through several readings by Israeli Daniel Bar On world, people who have never been
accused of promoting racist poli- officials, leading him to remove pas- Ishmael Khaldi at a Jerusalem cafe this week in Jerusalem. here, who have no clue about what S THE ARTFUL POET: Many Jerusalem residents interested
cies, Khaldi says there is discrimi- sages they felt improper for an Is- the country inside looks like. It’s a in art about their city are already familiar with Rifkah ‫(‏‬Rita‫)‏‬
nation in Israel but that it is ‘unfair” raeli diplomat to discuss in public. worlds. “Perhaps the most important know that I will always be a stranger normal country or abnormal some- Goldberg, the London-born poet, editor and painter who for
to speak about racism. “Racism and But more than politics, the book deals part of my evolution has been the in every community − Jew, Muslim, times, but it’s a vibrant society, a the last 35 years has dedicated herself to portraying the Holy
apartheid were in South Africa. Rac- with his uncommon life story and his acceptance of who I am. I am a Mus- Arab world, American. Even those thriving democracy, even though it City from various angles. Ahead of the centennial celebration
ism was in America, and is still to- unique position caught between two lim-Bedouin-Israeli,” he writes. “I who see me positively may be suspi- has its limitations.” of the capital’s Mahane Yehuda market this August, her current
exhibition features selected works from a series of paintings
depicting the iconic maze of shops. The exhibition, which can

Anglo civic group inaugurates young adult be seen at the Jerusalem Artists’ House until July 10, also
features some works from Goldberg’s collection about the Beit
Frankforter Day Center for the Elderly in the capital’s Baka

division with Tel Aviv cleanup campaign neighborhood. “Rifkah Goldberg’s paintings focus on unusual
aspects of Jerusalem,” the Israel Art Guide writes about the
60-year-old, who has a PhD in biochemistry. “They provide a
By Raphael Ahren ple that want to improve Israel enue. “Obviously, since this Hadar Israel − Council personal record of the history of the city as she lives through it
hands-on, so we’re starting is an organization aimed at for Civic Action is directed − neighborhoods, people and their everyday lives inside and
A recently founded group this group to tackle problems Anglos we’re not necessarily by New York native Shalom outside their homes. Her work is basically figurative and painted
seeking to increase Anglo with the environment, and meeting non-Anglos at theses Helman, the former head of on location.” ‫(‏‬Raphael Ahren‫)‏‬
participation in Israeli public in the future also helping the events,” said Hadar member the Likud’s Anglo division.
affairs this week launched a elderly, handicapped, poor, Joel Haber, 39, while sipping a While he says the group is Have an idea about an item for Rank and File?
subsection for people in their etcetera, through volunteer beer and following that night’s apolitical, its founding board E-mail us at
20s and 30s. For its inaugural work,” Josh Ben-David, 28, the World Cup match on the consists almost exclusively of
event, Hadar Israel’s Young group’s California-born pro- screen. “However, by becom- people affiliated with the po-
Leadership Division planned gram coordinator, told Anglo ing more aware of the issues litical right. “We’re reaching Corrections
to clean up Tel Aviv’s Cliff File. More than 50 volunteers of Israeli society and becom- out to different kind of poli-
Beach. Scheduled for today are expected to participate in ing more active in it, hopefully ticians from all parties, and The article “SA’s Krengel Brothers to tell Israelis about life
10 A.M., the event is held the clean-up, he said. that will breed more interac- we’re in touch with several under the ‘Goldstone Attack’” ‫‏‬by Cnaan Liphshiz (Anglo File
Emil Salman in cooperation with the mu- Today’s beach clean-up is tion between the Anglo com- lobbies in Knesset that deal June 18‫ )‏‬mistakenly described the unaffiliated South African
Demonstraters protesting outside Jerusalem city hall Wednesday. nicipality, which is providing partly financed by a fundrais- munity and the Israeli com- with environmental policy,” Zionist Federation ‫(‏‬Israel‫ )‏‬known as Telfed, as a branch of the
bags and gloves. er the group held Monday in a munity overall,” added Haber, said Ben-David, who moved South African Zionist Federation.
“We’re trying to build a Jerusalem bar, which donated who moved to Jerusalem from to Jerusalem in 1997 and runs An item by Cnaan Liphshiz in Rank and File (June 18) should

Immigrants picket community of dedicated peo- five percent of the night’s rev- the U.S. last year. a real estate company. have noted the Israel Museum as being in Jerusalem.

to save their ulpan J Street resolutions stir up World Zionist Congress

By Raphael Ahren tant social center. Rumors the By Cnaan Liphshiz Some Reform and Labor del- ment; to act in the spirit of Zionist entity in the U.S., said in the congress, said that the ating a lot of anger.”
municipality plans to assign egates are also members of the Bar Ilan Speech in which he believed J Street would of- “resolutions which J Street Rabbi Daniel Freelander,
Some 45 mostly Anglo im- students to other ulpanim in The dovish Jewish-Ameri- J Street, which calls itself a Prime Minister Netanyahu ficially join the WZO in the helped pass go above and be- who led the Reform move-
migrants Wednesday dem- the city, such as the downtown can lobby J Street this week pro-Israel body and supports called for two states for two near future. “J Street was only yond the congress’ jurisdic- ment’s delegation to the con-
onstrated in front of Jerusa- Beit Ha’am, have been circu- celebrated what seemed greater U.S. pressure on Is- peoples and to support the founded two years ago, and tion” and that the congress gress, said the two resolu-
lem’s city hall on behalf of the lating for months. A munici- like a major achievement in rael in peace talks. Prime Minister in his deci- this is the first World Zion- “should not be trying to dic- tions reflected the position of
popular Ulpan Beit Mitchell, pality spokesman told Anglo promoting its agenda at the “Our participation has sion to freeze construction in ist Congress since its forma- tate government policy.” He the Reform movement for the
which they said the munici- File this week that Beit Ha’am 36th World Zionist Congress. helped focus the congress’ the Territories.” tion,” he said. Bob, a resident said he “regretted” that some past 12 years, and that this po-
pality planned to close. The will indeed become the city’s Leaders at the congress were conversation over the future U.K.-born Martin Stern, a of New York, belongs to the representatives of the Re- sition “happens to be in align-
mostly middle-aged crowd “central ulpan.” Beit Ha’am split over the lobby’s success of the Zionist project and the senior member of the WZO’s joint Reform-Labor-Meretz form movement were “dou- ment with J Street’s position
waved banners saying, in caters more to Arab-Israelis in putting forth a resolution in necessity of the immediate finance committee and a for- faction at the Congress, and bling” as representatives of J and the majority of Diaspora
Hebrew, “The mayor isn’t in- and other non-immigrants. favor of a two-state solution achievement of a two-state mer audit committee mem- was elected to the Zionist Ex- Street. On that subject Stern Jewry.”
terested in new immigrants,” Immigrants like to be among and continuing the freeze on solution,” J Street official Ha- ber, said that J Street had ecutive at the Congress. said that “the Reform move- The 36th congress was the
“Ulpan = Good Absorption” themselves to start building construction in Jewish West dar Susskind − who attended “hijacked” the organization MK Danny Danon, who ment is lending itself to J
and similar slogans. After a a community of people with Bank settlements − despite the congress as a Reform del- because it was “behaving represents World Likud with- Street’s cause, and it’s gener- See JSTREET on page A6
short while a municipality of- similar backgrounds, several not being a full-fledged mem- egate − wrote on the J Street like a member despite not
ficial emerged and informed absorption professionals told ber of the World Zionist Orga- blog about the congress. Suss- being one.” He added this
the angry crowd that the He-
brew course was not being
closed but rather relocated.
Anglo File.
“We are all in the same
boat and are able to share
Last Friday, J Street of-
ficial Isaac Luria announced
kind added that J Street had a
“delegation of staffers and lay
leaders” to join the congress,
“destroyed the democracy
within WZO” − an executive
Israel-based body for which
Sharansky’s new vision for
“They claim to have pro-
vided an alternative solution
and support each other, not
only in a learning environ-
that the lobby got the con-
gress − an assembly of over
where Susskind became chair
of its settlement committee
the congress acts as an inter-
national assembly. Jewish Agency comes under fire
by providing classes at several ment but also socially,” Faber 200 major bodies belonging to as a representative of the Re- But Avraham Duvdevani −
different locations in Jerusa- said. Clara Zilberstein, a new the WZO − to endorse the res- form movement. the newly elected chairman By Cnaan Liphshiz Zionist Bnei Akiva and Mizrachi movements
lem [but] this is not a practical arrival from California, said olution for the first time. The The resolution called upon of WZO and a delegate to the − says “Israel’s demographics mean we can-
solution,” said Sydney Faber, what makes Mitchell special congress convenes regularly the Israeli government to congress for the religious-Zi- A senior Jewish Agency official this not afford to wait for Zionism to come about
a recent arrival from the U.S. is “that there is some kind of to vote on policy and alloca- “stabilize the relationship onist Mizrachi movement − week joined opposition to the organization’s as a by-product. Aliyah ‫(‏‬immigration to Is-
and currently a student at ‘chevra’ atmosphere. I know tion of funds and positions. with the American govern- said the resolution was “with- recent shift in focus toward Jewish educa- rael‫ )‏‬is this country’s oxygen.”
Mitchell. “We need to be in a people who are in Israel for 15 in the bounds of legitimate tion, saying it “ignored Israel’s most urgent Duvdevani − who was recently elected to
central location so that we can years and they’re still friends political discourse in Israel.” need and demographics.” A partner of the head the World Zionist Organization but still
all share this wonderful learn- with the people they started He also defended the right of Jewish Agency called the shift “a gamble retains his Jewish Agency posts − said that
ing experience together.” in ulpan with.” J Street supporters to make which might not turn out well.” the Jewish Agency’s budget of roughly $300
Harvey Schwartz, who At the demonstration, Am- their voices heard in the WZO “What is going on right now is unaccept- million is too small to “carry out a real revo-
chairs the American-Israel non Aharoni, director of the and its congress, which has a able and very painful to me,” said Avraham lution in Jewish education, which would
Action Committee and partic- municipality’s adult education center-left majority bloc. Duvdevani, a longtime member of the Jew- only come if Diaspora Jewry receives free
ipated in Wednesday’s dem- department, told protesters “These are people who are ish Agency’s Board of Governors and Ex- Jewish education at a of cost several bil-
onstration, told Anglo File that the city decided this week deeply involved. They live ecutive. He was referring to the new vision lions of dollars.”
that closing Mitchell would to keep the immigrants to- in the Diaspora, but Israel is that the agency’s chairman, Natan Sharan- Last week, the Council of Immigrant As-
discourage potential immi- gether. “New immigrants will their life,” he said. “I don’t sky, announced in February. sociations in Israel sharply criticized the
grants. “This is almost anti- only learn in separate classes agree with them, but if they This week the Jewish Agency’s Board of shift, saying that “immigration groups pro-
Zionist, because the whole ba- of new immigrants,” he told a feel they need to make a state- Governors in Jerusalem voted in favor of test and condemn the policy of the Jewish
sis of Zionism is to encourage huddle of jeering demonstra- ment, then that’s fine.” He adopting a preliminary outline of the plan, Agency, which decided to forfeit the central-
Jewish people to come and tors standing just meters from added many official congress which sets strengthening Jewish identity ity of working to encourage immigration.”
live in the state of Israel,” he city hall’s main entrance. Aha- delegates “of various organi- and education in the Diaspora as the body’s MK Ze’ev Bielski, Sharansky’s predeces-
said. “Taking away the most roni declined to answer in de- zations” double as members main goal, instead of increasing Jewish im- sor at the agency, told Anglo File “nothing
successful ulpan in Jerusa- tail the demonstrators’ ques- of other groups, which don’t migration to Israel. should take precedence over aliyah.”
lem is counter to that.” tions as to why they needed to always belong to the World The Jewish Agency and Sharansky have A Jewish Agency representative re-
Many Western immigrants relocate, indicating only that Zionist Congress. said that refocusing on Jewish identity would sponded that the organization’s “new direc-
say they consider Mitchell, lo- the decision was taken by the Kenneth Bob, a J Street indirectly encourage immigration to Israel. tion does not mean it is turning its back on
cated in the upscale Talbiyeh municipality’s higher-up to WZO board member who repre- But Duvdevani, who hails from the Religious- immigration.”
neighborhood, to be an impor- save rent costs. Duvdevani, the new WZO head, in Jerusalem this week. sented Ameinu, the Labor
A6 | HAARETZ Anglo File Sports 'SJEBZ +VOF  'SJEBZ +VOF 

Israel Netball League / Finals Softball / ISL playoffs Jezreel off to Moscow
for Euro tourney
Dimona books ticket
Just two weeks after the
national team reached the

to finals with win

semifinals of the European
rugby sevens, the Israeli
champion, Hapoel Jezreel-

claims crown

over Penticon
Gilboa, will depart today
for Moscow to participate
in the qualifiers of the Eu-
ropean club sevens tourna-
By Gil Nehamkin onslaught, scoring nine runs ment. Jezreel will be vying
in the first inning − more for a place in the top 10 with
Haaretz Sports Staff halftime. Ma’aleh Adumim The Dimona Judeans than enough for Tigers ace teams from Russia, Latvia
contested each ball fiercely, sealed the first spot in next Ilan Spira to cruise to vic- and Germany. Last month,
Ra’anana finished its tri- but the black T-shirted fa- week’s Israel Softball League tory. Israel took one step closer
umphant run in the inaugural vorites − facilitated by the finals with a 5-2 victory over The Tigers’ bats came − or seven steps to be exact
season of the Israel Netball brilliant shooting of Jodi Car- Penticon Sunday night. alive as each starter had − toward becoming a formi-
League with a 41-26 victory reira, Carol Levin and Carol’s In a close-fought battle, at least one hit against Zi- dable rugby power as the
over Ma’aleh Adumim in daughter Michal − continued the pitching of ageless won- ontours pitcher Michael International Rugby Board
Monday’s final in Ra’anana. to stretch their lead right up der Yaron Ben Israel proved Marunov. announced that the national
The championship match fea- to the final whistle. too much for Penticon as he The Tigers’ Alberto Scios- team had leaped to 72nd in
tured on both sides several Watched by dozens of spec- struck out 12 and walked cia − who took special leave the world rankings following
national team players who tators, the home team proud- none. Ami Baran pitched from the army to attend the its impressive 19-17 victory
had recently returned from ly accepted their gold medals well for Penticon, but in the game − had three hits and over hapless Luxembourg in

:‫הוראות לעידכון התאריך‬

the European Netball Festival from the League Coordinator seventh inning Dimona final- two RBIs, while catcher Her- the European Nations Cup.
in Malta, where they chalked Tanya Weil who, minutes be- ly took advantage of Baran’s nand Guinguis had two hits ‫(‏‬Amir Shoam‫)‏‬
up two additional internation- fore was trying to deny them sore shoulder and put the including a three-run triple

‫ השטחים‬3-‫ב‬ ‫ עדכון התאריך‬.1

al wins. the medal as goalkeeper on Israel Netball Association game out of reach. to lead the victors.
Despite very stiff com-
petition, Ra’anana − which
the Ma’aleh Adumim team.
The evening started with
The Ra’anana team showing off its medals after winning the championship. In the other semifinal se-
ries, the Tigers came roaring J STREET
The rubber match of
the three-game series was
finished first during the reg-
ular season − took the lead
Jerusalem Mercaz edging
Modi’in 24-20 to claim third
a one-goal lead of 11-10 at
the end of the first half over
Jerusalem’s win ensures a
medal sweep for one netball
contest Chani Komar won
gold with Ra’anana and Rach-
back from their Game 1 de-
feat and routed Ziontours 17-
)F1( ‫ בחירת כלי חץ שחור‬.2
played last night after press
time; the winner will face Continued from page A5

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first such forum‫בחירה‬
early on, expanding its 15-9 place. Fairly evenly matched, Modi’in, which is in the sec- family: Nomi Komar took eli Komar claimed silver with 5 on Monday in Game 2. Dimona next week in a three-
first-quarter lead to 23-14 by Jerusalem Mercaz held just ond year of its existence. bronze, while in the later Ma’aleh Adumim. The Tigers unleashed an game championship series. by
the ultra-Orthodox Sefardi

Lawn bowls / President Singles .)‫ (זה בדרך כלל נמצא במצב הזה‬PDFShas ‫באופציה‬ ‫בחירה‬ .4
movement. Shas official-
ly joined the WZO earlier this
year, after it made changes to
.)iht.pdf( ‫בקודם‬ ‫הקובץ‬and‫החלפת‬ .5
Ramat Gan cruises to easy sweep of honors
its charter agreed to prin-
ciples of the WZO constitu-
tion, known as the Jerusalem
By Norman Spiro In his final he was dominant out the game for a comfortable first time to lead 17-13. As reported by Anglo File,
throughout, with Yehudai coming win, claiming her third title since But again Gilor went ahead when Shas’ first proposal to the
It was Ramat Gan’s day when closest at 12-9 in the 15th end. In 2004. Kamzel conceded a critical three congress was to change the
the club hosted the finals of the his previous semifinal Marcus had But it was the semifinal which for Gilor to lead 20-19. In the final, formative document so as to
President Singles competition last beaten Ramat Gan’s Rami Oron 21- produced the match of the day, 25th end, Kamzel drew two bowls make it more Torah-oriented,
week, winning both the men and 7. when Kamzel beat her regular ri- within inches of the jack, and this prompting sharp criticism
women singles titles. But Yehudai, however, had come val Ruthie Gilor, Israel’s top rank- time Gilor’s accuracy failed when from Conservative and mod-
In the men’s final, Ramat Gan’s through his semifinal with a tight ing champion. The game was one her last bowl missed the target, for ern-Orthodox delegates. Shas’
Boaz Marcus beat Haifa’s Noam 21-19 hard-fought battle against a of continuous changing fortunes. Kamzel’s exciting 21-20 win. proposal was blocked by a
Yehudai 21-14, while in the all-Ra- fighting Denis Phillips of Ra’anana, Gilor set off the lead 9-2. The game Bar-Ner, runner-up to Kamzel, very large majority during
mat Gan women’s final Tami Kam- who closed the gap from 17-7 to 20- then peeled at 10-all and again at won her 22-end semi-final 21-14 the 36th congress. “With their
zel beat Yael Bar-Ner, 21-8. 19 in the penultimate end, only to 13-all. against the experienced interna- proposal, which was easily
Marcus is proving his worth as fail in the last end to find the win- Kamzel continued to match Gil- tional, Ramat Gan’s Tzila Gavish. blocked, Shas only managed
a singles player, adding the title ning shots. or’s accurate drawing, in prefer- Bar-Ner trailed 13-7 at the 12th to antagonize all the other
Norman Spiro to his win at the Max Spitz tourna- In the women’s final Kamzel was ence to her normal aggressive run- end but conceded only one more parties,” Duvdevani said. “I
Boaz Marcus, left, and Tami Kamzel holding their trophies. ment earlier in the year. in control against Bar-Ner through- ning bowls, and went ahead for the shot in the remaining ends. think it was a mistake.”

Tel Aviv and Area Regular Events and transitions, communication skills, professional Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings In English,

A Tale of the Tiles of Tel Aviv Guided walking

tour. Fri at 10.00. Pamela Levene ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬422-4946
Short Story Discussion Group Mon. Noah ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬
ESRAvision This month’s items: Street People
at the Trumpeldor Cemetery; Speaking from the
Heart - Personal Tragedy; Guest of the Month,
C O M M U N I T Y L I S T I N G S development, image enhancement, etc.‫)‏‬.
Individuals, couples, groups. ‫(‏‬050‫ )‏‬733-2323,
Family Mediation Service Marital crisis and
Hebrew and Russian. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬563-0524, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬583-
The Counseling Center for Women ‫(‏‬CCW‫ )‏‬Israel’s
only professional mental health center dedicated
648-5575 Dr. Harvey Belik discusses his volunteering MPH Creative Living Group ‫(‏‬Meditation for BABY/TODDLER - “Music with Sharon” Enjoy Duplicate Bridge Mon and Thurs mornings at divorce counseling. For details ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬766-8899 /‫(‏‬02‫)‏‬ exclusively to the empowerment of women with a
experience in Haiti; Mount Hirya in Tel Aviv - Vision Peace and Harmony‫ )‏‬Courses in meditation and a fun hour of songs, music, dance and percussion 09:30. NIS 25, incl. refreshments. Bet Israel 624-8957 gender-sensitive approach to counseling. Support
I.W.C. Lecture “Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions and for a Green Future; Making Cheesecake with
the Bible” with Dr.Yigal Levin. Tues at 09.00. Tel spiritual developement, as well as workshops instruments, especially designed for mothers Ra’anana Masorti ‫(‏‬Conservative‫)‏‬ AACI Support Groups Different groups for single groups and psychotherapy for individuals, couples
Mike Singer. Wednesday morning 8:30, Thursday and lectures. 24 Herzl St, Yehud. ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬632-5445, and babies from 4 months-2 years. Classes are and families. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬678-5210, ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬612-9592
Aviv University, Gilman Bldg., Ettinger Hall ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ Congregation 8 Borochov St., Ra’anana. For info parents and parents of challenged children.
evening 8:00. Channel 98 on YES and HOT digital, on Mondays in Jerusalem at Yankuta, 11.00 and
958-2155 call Colin Marks ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬720-1911 Yehuda ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬381-9402 Jewish War Veterans of USA Share good
‫(‏‬25 on HOT analog‫ )‏‬and on METV 3pm. ‫(‏‬ECGI‫ )‏‬Play4Elderly Projects How to play with Talpiot, 16.00. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬993-8147 or ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬531-5990
Tanach ‫(‏‬Bible‫ )‏‬Study Group An in-depth study Coffee and Torah The study of Tanach and Health Information in English The Jerusalem fellowship, timely lectures, unusual tours,
the elderly is not child’s play! The Educational Jewish Meditation and Neuro-Psychology charitable endeavors and more. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬561-9049
of the Tanach with Rabbi Avraham Fischer. Wed at Tel Aviv and Area Centre for Games in Israel, 32 HaTabor St. ‫(‏‬054‫)‏‬ Course for beginners and advanced meditators
lively discussion on its contemporary relevance, Department of Public Health provides information
09.45. Noah ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬648-5575 with Rabbi Stewart Weiss, each Weds morning, in Hebrew and English through print, video and Kol Ha-Isha Resource and Referral Center
Camp Experts and Teen Summers Free 471-7314 - theory and practice led by Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir. 8:15-9:45 at Bread and Breakfast Cafe, Giron online material. 4 Eliezer Hagadol St., Gonenim. Information, assistance, support and follow-up
Jerusalem Service. Our services can help you choose the Kabbala Class Mon at 20.30. No background Sun and Mon at 19.00, Meorot, 21 Beitar St.,
Arnona-Talpiyot; Tues at 16.45, Shorashim, Tel
Center, Ra’anana. In English, no prior knowledge ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬679-9606; ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬678-8033 advice by women for women. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬622-2455
very best and most appropriate holiday and necessary. Tel Aviv, Modi’in. Chanan Brill ‫(‏‬052‫)‏‬ necessary. Call ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬242-8508 for details. UJIA Let our experience guide your Aliyah. Aliyah Multiple Sclerosis Advice in English. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬533-
AACI Jerusalem Weekly events. 2 Poalei Tzedek summer programs for children. Tel. ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬221-2413 763-7595 Aviv; Wed at 19.15, Yakar, 10 Halamed Heh St.;
Music Together A fun family music program for services for Olim from the UK, Australia, New 2387 ‫(‏‬Gillian‫)‏‬
St. Details: ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬566-1181 Exercise for Seniors Sundays at 11.00 and AACI Senior Central Outreach Group Needs Thur at 14.30, Shorashim, 13 Shamai St. Further
parents and children up to age 5. If interested in Zealand and Scandinavia., ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬ Overeaters Anonymous ‫(‏‬OA‫ )‏‬English meetings.
Off the Wall Comedy Empire presents David Wednesdays at 09.30. AACI ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬566-1181 volunteers to visit housebound seniors and elderly details:, Tel. ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬240-
a group in the Tel Mond area, call Sharon ‫(‏‬02‫)‏‬ 696-5244, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬563-4822 Wed, 7:15pm. Eliezer Hagadol 4, Katamon, ‫(‏‬next
Kilimnick with Hani Skutch - back from her tour in nursing facilities. ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬696-0389 8822, ‫(‏‬072‫ )‏‬232-6630,
Studio Art Class in Drawing and Painting 993-8147 Fear? Depression? Anxiety? Recovery to the Merkaz Kahilati Gonenim‫)‏‬. Bernice ‫(‏‬02‫)‏‬
of the USA Sat at 21.45; Karaoke Open Mic Sat Sundays 20.30-23.30. Ben Simon ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬521-6279 Singles Group, Over 60 Cultural activities for the Your Baby Needs Music Music and movement
HodveHadar Egalitarian Masorti Congregation International. A way out is where we come in. 678-4677
at 23.15; Mon at 22.30; Thur at 00.00; Comedy young at heart. Adina ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬848-1345 classes for mummies and babies. Monday
Volunteers Required to help needy Jaffa pupils Rehov HaHish 4. Information ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬766-2485 Netanya/Omer/Jerusalem. ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬475-1399 Parents of Children with Brain Tumors Support,
& Poetry Open Mic Night Mon at 20.45; Open mornings 9.30am, 6-18 months; 10.30am, 1-3
Mic: Music Tues at 22.00; Aliyah Monologues with English one afternoon, two hours a week. Volunteers Needed To help Jaffa school children years. Rechavia, call Jackie ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬999-5524 / ‫(‏‬054‫)‏‬ Country and Western Line Dancing With Sandy. ‫(‏‬Trudy‫)‏‬, Adina ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬571-2033 ‫(‏‬not on Shabbat‫)‏‬.
- Uncle ‘D’: My Family Made Me in America Thur Materials and guidance provided, no experience with English one afternoon a week. No experience 533-9305. Kfar Vitkin, Mon at 20.00, ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬545-7713 Ma’avarim Individual, marital, family and group
at 20.30. Off the Wall Comedy Basement ‫(‏‬050‫)‏‬ necessary. Marc ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬755-2014, ‫(‏‬077‫ )‏‬330-6788 necessary. For further details contact Marc ‫(‏‬054‫)‏‬
Are You an English Teacher? Join the English Religious Services Bet Israel Masorti Tel Aviv and Area counseling by university-affiliated professionals.
875-5688 ‫(‏‬evenings‫)‏‬ 755-2014, evenings ‫(‏‬077‫ )‏‬330-6788 Congregation, 19 Yehuda Hanassi Street, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬586-8265, ‫(‏‬050‫ )‏‬561-0564 ‫(‏‬Goldie‫)‏‬.
Teachers Association of Israel and benefit from Support Group for women with husbands that
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Netanya. For details, please call 09-862-4345
Conference on ‘Behavioral Economics’ Mon-
Wed. Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Mount Scopus Healthy cats and dogs, daily veterinary service, Jerusalem annual conferences, workshops and other events
of interest to English teachers. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬500-1844 AACI Exercises for Women for the Prevention
work abroad for long stretches of time, with Dr. Parents of Children Suffering from
Schizophrenia English-speaking support group
Miriam Hirschfeld. ‫(‏‬‫)‏‬,
campus. Tel: ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬588-3167 low cost spaying strays and abandoned animals SLAA Meeting every Fri at 11.00. King George St. ‫(‏‬Marna‫)‏‬ of Osteoporosis Sun at 09.00. AACI Netanya. ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬434-2508 invites new members to monthly meetings on
accepted at no charge. Open daily till 8pm, Fri. till Email: For further details ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬833-0950 legislation, treatment, care-giving and expert-led
Aquatic Exercise Prevents osteoporosis. Tel Aviv Overeaters Anonymous Tuesday
Sharon Area 2pm, Sat. 11am till 2pm. Herzl 159, Tel Aviv-Jaffo.
Tel ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬513-6500/ Baby Shape A fun, outdoor fitness program in Morning and evening classes with certified AACI All Levels of Hebrew With Atara Hadad. mornings 08.30-09.30. UJIA, 76 Ibn Gvirol St. programs. Call Ahuva Cohen ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬581-3437
the park for moms with babies in strollers.YMCA/ instructor. At the Jerusalem pool, German Colony. Tues 09.00-10.30, AACI Netanya Ophelia ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬427-9502 Prenatal Death and Unwanted Miscarriages
Volunteers required in Ramat Hasharon Short Story Discussion Group Mon. Noah ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬ Great Shape ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬625-8436 ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬673-5861 ‫(‏‬Laine‫)‏‬ AACI Art with Gypsy Ron Mon, Tues at 09.30. ETZA Israel Self Help Center Information line on Telephone support provided. Dvora ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬651-
English for Schools. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬950-8371 648-5575
Bollywood Dance A fun, full body workout to Express and Explore Your Feelings Through AACI Netanya support groups dealing with physical and mental 8439; Lisa ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬563-8340
Volunteers required in Herzliya English for Beth Hatefutsoth is looking for volunteers, living infectious Indian music where you will learn the Art With Tammy Einstein, art therapist. Groups AACI Translation of Documents and Reports health issues, bereavement, disability and more. Women’s Group Ongoing group dealing
Schools. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬957-1170 in the Tel Aviv area, to help instruct visitors in the dances from Bollywood movies.YMCA/Great and individuals. Studio Indigo, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬673-5708 Tues 09.30. AACI Netanya Sun-Thur 08.30-16.30, ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬751-8334, www. with issues such as body image, family life,
New Group of Befrienders Volunteers to visit permanent exhibition and study areas. Applicants Shape ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬625-8436 children, spouses and relationships. Supportive
people in need of company. Glenis ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬773- should be able to speak Hebrew and English, The Israel Dulcimer Society Meets Mon AACI Meet the Expert Municipal Affairs with
The Israel Dulcimer Society meets weekly in evenings in Jerusalem. All levels of dulcimer Binge Eating - Tired of the Tyranny? Integrative environment. ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬798-7296 ‫(‏‬Hila‫)‏‬
4392 have some knowledge of Jewish history and Moshe Shamir. Monday mornings, AACI Netanya
Jerusalem. All levels welcome. judimer@gmail. players welcome. For more info, contact judimer@ approach to food and other addictions. Sophon Center Professional philosophical first-
AACI Netanya Annual End of Year Art Exhibition: culture, enjoy dealing with the public. Liz Morris AACI Meet the Lawyer AACI Netanya, call ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ aid in ethical dilemmas and existential problems.
‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬745-7808/6 com. Incorporating principles of “12 Steps.” Create
“Artist’s Choice.” Sun at 20.00. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬833-0950 833-0950 to make an appointment. Entrance free. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬679-5090
Contra Dancing will resume in May. Kehilat Contra Dancing With a caller and live music. your recovery with food, as you learn to hear
ESRA and the Ra’anana Moadon Hazahav Dr. Kindermusik for Babies/Toddlers/Parents ESRA Knitting Circle Need wool donations to and nourish your hidden hungers. Introductory The Crisis Center for Religious Women A 24-
Music and movement child development Yedidya, Nahum Lifshitz 12. jerusalemcontra@ Kehilat Yedidya, Nahum Lifshitz 12, near Gad
Raphael Vego on “Current Affairs,” Mon at 09.00; Street in Baka. Doors open 19:30; dance knit for needy children. Tues at 10.00. Beit Hanoar, sessions. Reena Keren, M.Ed. ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬523-2060, hour, confidential service ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬673-0002
curriculum in English, parents and their children
Moti Zaslow on “Equador and the Gallapagos,” begins 22:00. Third Sat evening of each month. Rehov Ahuza, Ra’anana. Wendy ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬774-3176.
Em l’Em Volunteer based home visiting program
Mon at 10.30.Yad Labanim, Ra’anana. Tami ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ ‫(‏‬6 months - 5 years‫ )‏‬actively participate in our
three levels of small size classes. Class for babies for new mothers, administered through the For more info and early bird discount, contact ESRA Bookshop Thousands of secondhand AACI Employment Counseling Wed Haifa and North
761-0606 books in English in all categories. Open Sun-Fri 09.30-13.00. For Native English speakers.
‫(‏‬6 - 18 months‫ )‏‬opening now. Ramat Aviv, Susan Hebrew University ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬588-3372 Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings In English,
ESRA Meet artist Denis Shifrin at his exhibition Monday Evening Forum Lecture Series 09.30-13.00. 5 Klausner, Ra’anana. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 AACI members only. Walk-in appointments.
Moinester, MMEd, ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬641-1486, ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬239-3605, Ceramics/Pottery Courses, workshops and Hebrew and Russian. Haifa, ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬458-3258
“Myths and Legends: Kinetic Wooden Miniature Mondays at 20.00. Fuchsberg Center, Beit HOD ‫(‏‬Hebrew Order of David‫ )‏‬Fraternal Appointments Mondays. Call for dates ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬696-
Sculptures.” Mon at 11.30.Yad Lebanim Gallery. studio space available in professional studio. Overeaters Anonymous Weekly meeting. Thur
Rapaport, 8 Argon St. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬625-6386 Organization Meets last Wed of every month. 0389
Information: ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 Refugee Aid Program A group of students and All ages and levels welcome. The Jerusalem 18.00-19.15. Karmiel English Speakers’ Club,
Setting up and Running a Busines Courses for ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬745-4519 ‫(‏‬Moshe‫)‏‬. Alzheimers English Speakers Support Group
young people is looking for more volunteers Ceramic Art Center, Talpiot. Contact Mallory at Calanit Square, Karmiel. Sheila ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬999-8111
Duplicate Bridge Club under the new direction ‫(‏‬particularly with cars‫ )‏‬who wish to help bring ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬307-7058 or www. entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses . Jewish Family Research Association Monthly Monthly meetings. Paula Felberg ‫(‏‬077‫ )‏‬324-0639
of Michael Belkin. Mondays at 20.00. Beit Fisher, 5 meetings to find your Jewish roots. Branches in Parents of Gays and Lesbians Support group
donated food from the Carmel Market to African Courses offered by Mati, the Jerusalem Business Cancer Hotline For cancer patients and their
Klausner St. ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬240-1383 Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Ra’anana, Rehovot ‫(‏‬www. ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬832-7702
refugee shelters in south Tel Aviv. On Fridays, New Pre-School Children’s Music Workshop! Development Center in cooperation with AACI. families. 1-800-200-444
ESRA New Pre-schoolers Parents Group led late afternoon. If interested, contact Jesse Fox at 1-800-23-20-23,‫)‏‬. Contact Micha: ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬478-8218, Pre-Natal Support Group Breastfeeding and
New original music and movement workshop Tehila - Support Group for Parents of Lesbians postnatal counseling. Israel Childbirth Education
by Dr. Ornit Freudenstein, child psychologist. or 050-434-6462. Yeshivat Dvar Yerushalayim Presents Torah
at the ICCY/Mercaz Tarbut at 12 Emek Refaim, and Gays Regular self-help meetings with Center. Haifa, ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬837-6820 ‫(‏‬Wendy Blumfield‫)‏‬.
Mondays at 20.00. Judy ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 mornings RESA - Rishon English Speakers’ Association German Colony. Babies’ Boogie on Weds insights with Rav Kessler, Fri 09.30; Ulpan, Sun- She’arim Concert Doors open Mon 11.00. 11 professional facilitators; one-on-one telephone
only. Kikar Atzmaut Passage. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬884-0534
ESRA New Pre-schoolers Parents Group led by
Social meetings once a month ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬969-5693 mornings from 11-11:45am ‫(‏‬age 8-24 months‫;)‏‬
Toddlers’ Tango on Mon afternoons from 14:30-
Thur 16.00-19.00. 53 Katznelenbogen St., Har
Nof, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬652-2817 Weekly Torah Portion From a contemporary,
consultations ‫(‏‬all free‫)‏‬. Contact Jonathan ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬
523-0752, Ya’el ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬885-5822, Chana ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬563-
Sharon Area
Shakespeare Meetings Read his plays and
Dr. Ornit Freudenstein. Meetings will take place on discuss the commentaries, each 1st, 3rd ‫(‏‬and 5th‫)‏‬ 15:15 ‫(‏‬age 2-4 yrs‫)‏‬. For more info and to register, psychological and feminist viewpoint. Fri at 6513, or Ya’el ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬998-7528 Ra’anana: Overeaters Anonymous Monday
Mondays at 20.00. Judy ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 Monday of the month; Play-readings, each 2nd call ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬566-4144 or email Emma Wolfin Golding Haifa and North 10.30-12.00. Kehilat Netanya, 5 MacDonald St., The Israel Women’s Network Hotline On 10.30-11.30; Thurday 20.00-21.00; Herzliya Wed
New Synagogue Weekly study with Rabbi Katz. and 4th Monday of the month, under the auspices at Netanya. workplace discrimination. Sun, Mon, Thur 17.00- 20.00-21.00. Allyson ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬655-9076
New Group in the Karmiel/Misgav area for
Tues. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬862-2765 of the Tel Aviv Community Theater, in Beit Ariela. Fitness Express A 30-minute circuit workout. English speakers being formed. Interested in Jazz Appreciation Society Do you like jazz? 19.00. Free legal advice and referrals in English. ESRA Support and Counseling Service for all
ESRA presents CHI GONG ‫(‏‬QI GONG‫ )‏‬The Mike ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬641-5878 or Ida ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬955-0089. Sun-Thur. Hip Hop A fun aerobic workout to the social activities, tiyulim and more? Contact Aliza Want to know more? Social meetings, visits to ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬612-3990 English speakers affected by loss and difficulties.
exercise helps strengthen body and soul, prevent Holyland Hash House Harriers ‫(‏‬founded latest Hip Hop music using dance moves from or Frankie ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬998-2871 clubs, talks. For details call Michael ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬766-3284 Susan:; ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬698-9088
illness, improve balance, flexibility of the joints and Sept. 1993, No. Hashes 666 as of Jan. 07‫)‏‬ MTV. For women only. Fri at 11.00. Baby Shape
The GalilGolan List A forum for English speaking New Synagogue Weekly study with Rabbi Katz. Jerusalem Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings ‫(‏‬Hebrew and
slow down the ageing process. Tues at 08.15. ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ Runs every Sat. winter 15.00, summer 16.00, An outdoor fitness program in the park for moms Tues. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬862-2765 English friendly‫)‏‬. Sun-Thur at 20.00. Bomb Shelter
with babies in strollers. Sun and Weds at 10.00. residents. Subscribe: GalilGolan-subscribe@ Women after Divorce in English and Hebrew,
748-2957 “runners”/walkers welcome, family oriented Hash, Weekly Torah Study and Discussion Group in Kiryat Sharat, Rahov ‫(‏‬Ginat‫ )‏‬Ha’Marganit,
Prenatal Fitness A safe and effective full body now forming at Mercaz Edna, 37 Pierrre Koenig,
Beit Israel “Philosophical Issues in the Weekly dogs welcome. Avi “Dr. Do-Little” Pronkhorst ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ With Lenore Levine. Wed at 09.00. For details ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ Talpiot. Please call ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬679-0646 Ra’anana. Ilan ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬862-2123,
767-1029, ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬445-3106; Andy “Dead Boring” workout for an enjoyable pregnancy and to Kehillat Emet V’Shalom Nahariya ‫(‏‬Reform
Parasha” with Rabbi Yisraeli. Tues at 19.00. 7/2 Synagogue‫ )‏‬With Rabbi Israel Horowitz in Matnas 862-4345 Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in English.
Ichilov. Sara ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬862-4345 Fretwell ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬955-2744, ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬641-6222 prepare for labor. Sun and Thurs at 17.00. All at Assertiveness Workshops for Women in
Mifal Hapayis, Keren Hayesod Street. ‫(‏‬04‫)‏‬ English and Hebrew. Lead by experienced Call Adam for more info: ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬426-9260
Great Shape/YMCA, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬625-8436
ESRA Trip “In the Footsteps of Mark Twain.” Wed. Kickboxing at Sunset Welcome summer 900-0175, ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬980-9387, ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬992-7293. emet- Other Areas professionals. Mercaz Edna, 37 Pierre Koenig, Al-Anon / Nar-Anon Support Group For
Reservations ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 sunsets at the beach. Wed at 19.00. Hof Toddler Music and Movement Instruments, Yoga Classes Students of all levels progress in Talpiot ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬679-0646 relatives and friends of alcohol and drug abusers.
haMatzitzim ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬213-0925 creative and free movement, musical games and
Weekly Torah Study and Discussion Group Yoga in English For beginners 40‫‏‬+. Special a small group with an experienced teacher. Aviva Tues at 19.30. Shivtei Yisrael Synagogue, Har
more. AM and PM. Music and Baby Signing Debtors Anonymos 12-step program for people
With Lenore Levine. Wed at 09.00. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬862-4345 Oppenheimer Adult English Storytelling Center groups for Senior Citizens. Haifa, Central Carmel. ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬947-5991 Sinai St., Ra’anana ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-3807
Classes Puppets, instruments, musical games with under earning, money and debt problems.
AACI Netanya and IBCA ‫(‏‬Israel & British Always thought storytelling was just for kids? Not and more. AM and PM. Old Katamon. Tanya ‫(‏‬054‫)‏‬ For details call ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬836-1067 Tuesdays at 19.15. 18 Nissim Bekar St. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬650- Battered Women’s Hotline in English ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬950-
true! If you want to hear and begin to tell - stories ‘Tagel Arava, Masorti ‫(‏‬mixed seating‫)‏‬
Commonwealth Association‫ )‏‬Showing of 571-8364 4036 5720, 1-800-353-300
Congregation Beit Sefer Allon, ‫(‏‬caravans at rear
documentary film “In Our Own Hands - The about Life, Death, Lust, Murder, Mayhem and
Dragons. Oppenheimer Storytelling Center. First Fri Yiddish “Chug” Interested in hearing, speaking, Sharon Area of school‫)‏‬, Eilat. For more information, please Counseling Helping you deal with life challenges. ESRA Adult Support Group For 20 plus with
Hidden Story of the Jewish Brigade in World War enjoying Yiddish. Mondays at 16.30. NA’AMAT Bet phone ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬633-4368. Merkaz Edna, 37 Pierre Koenig, Talpiot. Batya ADHD/LD. For further details contact Nurit ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬
II.” Wed at 19.30. Netanya Cultural Center. ‫(‏‬09‫)‏‬ morning of every month. Dvora ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬741-2254 Beit Israel Rabbi Yisraeli’s Haftara study, Tues at 901-2841
Hachavera, 10 Shalom Aleichem St., Jerusalem. 17.15; Rachel Holman’s “Judging Judges,” Tues Exercise in Ashdod Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬679-0646
833-0950 Brain Upgrade With Dvora Shurman, MA Pnina ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬563-7398 ESRA Support Group For parents of children
Certified in Brain Gym and Kinesiology ‫(‏‬the brain/ at 18.30 Wed mornings at 09.00, or private lessons set at SLAA meets every Fri at 11.00. Jabotinsky St.
AACI Netanya - “Summer Treat: Delights in the Hansen Garden Committee Together with The your own hours. Susan Liebhaber ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬237-5512 Email for more ‫(‏‬aged 7-18‫ )‏‬with learning disabilities. 20
North” Day trip to the Golan. Thur. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬833-0950 body connection‫)‏‬. Course on Miracle Movements, Kehilat Torat Hayim - The MASORTI Hashachafim, Ra’anana. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬772-9888
Integration of Left/Right Brain, Stress Release and Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, ‫(‏‬Conservative‫ )‏‬Congregation of Herzliya Friday Matters of Judicial Ethics Talmud study. Weds information or visit
ESRA Folk and Line Dancing Thursday Memory Improvement. Last Sun of each month. invites you to come and help restore this beautiful evening service starts at 17.30; Shabbat and at 20.00. Magen Avraham Congregation, 20 SLAA ‫(‏‬Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous‫)‏‬ Metuna: Organization for Road Injury
mornings. Folk & line dancing class for seniors, ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬741-2254 historic garden. Wed 16.00-18.00. Marcus St., Chagim services begin at 08.45; Preparation for Marganit St., Omer. ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬646-0424 meets every Fri and Weds at 66 Bar Kochba on Prevention Support groups for victims’ families.
09.00-10.00; Rikudei Am ‫(‏‬Folkdancing‫ )‏‬and line Rehavia. Margaret ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬673-8423 Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations. Rav Glikin ‫(‏‬052‫)‏‬ French Hill. Email for Netanya, ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬884-4667
Israeli Folk Dance Mondays: Beginners, 19.00- Parashat Hashavua Class Every Friday, 8:15-
dancing for beginners and intermediate with Roni, The Yoga House Classes for beginners, 736-6386. Merkaz Yom la-Kashish, Shammai 8, more information, or visit SAZF ‫(‏‬Israel‫ )‏‬Telfed Has a list of English-
20.00; Intermediate, 20.10-22.30. Tues: Couples, 9:15. Magen Avraham
10.00-11.30. Beit Fisher, 5 Klausner St., Ra’anana. experienced students, women only, men only, Herzliya. speakers in the Sharon area who will work as
‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬748-2957 19.30-01.00. Sat: Beginners, 11.00-12.00; Couples, AACI Spousal Loss Support Group For
pregnant women, pregnant women with partners, companions to the elderly. For more info call
AACI Netanya Visit to the Tel Aviv Opera House
12.00-12.30 and 14.10-15.30; Seniors, 12.30-
14.00. Country ‫(‏‬Club‫ )‏‬Neve Avivim, 24 Yehuda yoga for children, rehabilitative yoga, teacher
Baby Shape A fun, outdoor fitness program in the
park for moms with babies in strollers. Tsipi ‫(‏‬050‫)‏‬
SUPPORT further information contact Thelma Blumberg at Sharon, ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬744-6110
for performance of the Latin Folklore Ensemble Hanasi Street, Ramat Aviv. Mike Verone ‫(‏‬052‫)‏‬ training. Kiryat HaYovel, Jerusalem ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬641-6181 471-6484/ Shirley ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬243-3763 The Israeli Environmental Strike Force
“Misa Creola.” Thur at 20.00. ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬833-0950 489-1049 Wednesday Morning Seniors Meet every Wed Holdem or Foldem Weekly Poker Club. (‫‏‬‫ )‏‬or Daniel ‫(‏‬08‫)‏‬ Other Areas
morning from 10-12. NIS 5 for members only. 920-7432
Haifa and North AACI Book Club Men and women. ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬696-0389
AACI, 2 Poalei Tzedek, Talpiot ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬560-9111
Ra’anana. Ted ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬482-1706
Shiluv Institute for Family and Couple Therapy
American Friends of Magen David Parents of Gays and Lesbians Support group
(‫‏‬08‫ )‏‬991-5231 ‫(‏‬Batya‫)‏‬
ESRA English Book Club Mon at 20.30. ‫(‏‬03‫)‏‬ Volunteers Required in Ramat Hasharon, Adom invites all American tourists
“Women in the Media: Recollections from 732-0194 ‫(‏‬Gill‫)‏‬ Tai Chi Every Thurs. Advanced class 14:45-15:30; Herzliya and Netanya. Native English speakers est. 1971. Fees based on a sliding scale. ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬625- Rehovot Animal Shelter For dogs in need of
the Frontline” with Freda Keet. Kehillat Emet Beginners class 15:45-16:45. NIS 35 members help high school pupils prepare for their exams. 1390/ and others to take an hour to donate
ESRA Tanach Workshop Genesis Study origins medical treatment and a home. ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬946-0135
VeShalom, 108 Weizman St., Nahariya. For / NIS 40 non-members. AACI, 2 Poalei Tzedek, Ingrid ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬950-8371 Problem with drugs? We can help. Narcotics blood and save lives in Israel. For
of humanity and the Jewish people with Rabbi ***
information call: ‫(‏‬04‫ )‏‬951-1244 Avraham Fischer. ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬648-5575 ‫(‏‬Noah‫)‏‬
Talpiot ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬560-9111
“English Without Borders” - Tutorial Program Anonymous meetings in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. information on times and locations,
Hotline: 050 594-7837 who is eligible or how to arrange a Would you like to place a notice for your event or
AACI Bridge Mon 13.00-16.00, ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬561-7151 in Netanya Additional tutors needed for High
South Jewish Family Research Association Monthly
meetings to find your Jewish roots. Branches in Creative Writing Workshops Develop your own School students, in preparing for Bagrut exams. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Call Ilan blood drive for your group, please organization? Listings are free of charge. Please
send notices ‫(‏‬including event/organization details
Parkinson Support Group Ashdod and Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Ra’anana, Rehovot ‫(‏‬www. voice and write freely, techniques for coping with Ivy ‫(‏‬09‫ )‏‬887-4580 ‫(‏‬052‫ )‏‬862-2123, contact Jonathan Feldstein at 057- and contact information‫ )‏‬by Sunday midnight by
surrounding areas. Wednesdays 16.30-19.00. 17‫)‏‬. Contact Micha: ‫(‏‬054‫ )‏‬478-8218, writing blocks. Small groups in Talpiot. Diane and Israeli Folk Dancing Thursday ‫(‏‬19:30‫ )‏‬and Life Coaching Center A “personal trainer” for 761-4220 or email to, or by fax ‫(‏‬03‫ )‏‬512-
Harav Nissim St. ‫(‏‬08‫ )‏‬855-1051 Greenberg ‫(‏‬02‫ )‏‬671-9546 Sundays ‫(‏‬20:00‫ )‏‬with Israel Amrani. Bet Israel your life’s concerns ‫(‏‬relationships, life strategies 1156. ‫(‏‬Attn: Karine Elharrar‫)‏‬

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