Ten Major Theorems of Natural Science - 1000 Years Later The Moon and Mars (Fangruida)

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The world into a new era, the unprecedented human courage to continue to develop the natural

universe. Regardless of social sciences or natural science and engineering technology,

demonstrated a new victory and glory. As a human civilization and the world's cultural heritage of
the great works of great enlightenment and dissemination of the role. Scientists, philosophers,
thinkers, religious scientists, writers, inventors, politicians, and so continue to introduce a variety
of works, spread to the world, influence and change the human and the world. In the natural
universe - the human world, shining and not bad. Philosophy and social sciences is very important,
he and the natural science and technology complement each other, its significance is self-evident.
Here, the focus is to discuss pure natural science and engineering technology, especially the
natural universe important theories and doctrine, for example, the natural science of the law of the
theorem, especially commendable. The existence and extinction of the human world, and thus far
more than all the major problems of the real world of mankind. For example, war and peace,
competition and fighting, economic, political, cultural, religious, world order and future and so on.
Of course, comprehensive research must be linked to philosophy and social sciences. The world of
books varies, the text. Science, industry, science, business, the vast sea, countless. Therefore, the
main screening of a significant impact on the masterpiece or representative of the work,
significant influence of scientists, philosophers, religious scientists, thinkers, politicians, writers,
concise, for everyone to appreciate.
As the philosophy and social science research is more complex, various views sometimes very
sharp opposition, therefore, mainly to focus on the natural sciences. Of course, the natural science
is not without debate and heated debate, it is another matter.

Silver Capital (Gunde Frank)

Peter's Principle (Lawrence Peter)

The Rise of the Marginal Utility (Richard Hoy)
Burling (John Gray)
Property Rights and Institutional Change (R. Coase, D. North, et al.)
Confessions (Rousseau)
Industrial Organization: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy (K.W. Clarkson, Roger Leroy

Reaffirming Liberalism (Anthony de Yasai)

The Great Chess Game - The Primacy of the US and Its Geostrategy (Brzezinski)
Representative Government (J.S. Mill)
The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Adam Smith)
The third wave - the wave of democratization in the latter part of the twentieth century
The Third Way (Anthony Giddens)
Animal Estate (George Orwell)
Economic Analysis of Law (Richard A. Posner)
Law and the Rise of Capitalism (Tiger & Levy)
General Law (Justinian)
Discovering Free Will and Personal Responsibility (Richlack)
Ancient Law (Mayine)
The comparison between the freedom of the ancient man and the freedom of the modern man
(Gong Si Dang)
Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (Norman P. Bally)
The Rise and Fall of the Country (Mankur Olsen)
A Study of the Nature and Causes of National Wealth (Adam Smith)

Individualism and the Economic Order (F.A. Hayek)

Havel Collection (Javier)
Price Theory (Milton Friedman)

Theory of Economic Development (Joseph Schumpeter)

Economic Epistemology (Nicolas Leschel)

Economic Methodology (Mark Blaug)
Principles of Economics (Marshall)
Economic Growth Theory (Arthur Lewis)
Elite Party (Cairns)
The Old System and the Revolution (Tocqueville)

Federalist anthology (Hamilton, Jay, Madison)

On Freedom of Publication (Milton)
Legislators and Interpreters (Zigman Baumann)
On American Democracy (Tocqueville)
On the Origin and Foundation of Human Inequality (Rousseau)
On Freedom (J.S. Mill)
Leviathan (Hobbes)
The Republic (Plato)
Two Concepts of Liberty (I. Berlin)
An Introduction to the Constitution of the United States (Jerome Barron, Thomas Deans)
Dream Society (Rolf Jensen)

Globalization Traps (Hans-Peter Martin, Harald Schumann)

Artificial Science (H.A. Simon)

Population Principles (Malthus)

Social Costs (R. H. Coase)

Social Contract (Rousseau)
Road to Slavery (F.A. Hayek)
Future Speed (Bill Gates)
The Clash of Civilizations and the Reconstruction of World Order (Samuel Huntington)
The Law of the People (John Rawls)

Conflict in Modern Society (Ralph Darrendorf)

Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism (Max Weber)
The Right to Heresy (Zweig)
1984 (George Orwell)
The Theory of Leisure Classes (Van Bron)
Prophecy and Persuasion (Cairns)

Capitalism and Freedom (Milton Friedman)

Institutional Economics (Commons)
On Government (Locke)
On the government piece (Bentham)

Fatal Ego - Socialist Fallacies (F.A. Hayek)

Natural Codex (Morley)

The Principle of Free Order (F.A. Hayek)

Liberty and Prosperity (L.V. Mises)
Liberty, Markets and the State (James M. Buchanan)
Freedom to Choose: Personal Statement (Milton Friedman)
Liberalism (L. T. Hobhouse)
The Theory of Justice (John Rawls)
The National System of Political Economy (F Liszt)
Principles of Political Economy (John Mueller)
Politics and Markets (Charles Lindblomti)
Rationality in Religion

As the human society is extremely complex, so the philosophy and social sciences research is very
complicated and complicated, all kinds of various viewpoints hard-edged. Need to be inclusive.
Even a great work needs to be tested and validated in a wide variety of social practices. Avoid onesided, extreme or a statement. Of course, masterpiece masterpiece extraordinary.
"Dialogue" "Utopia" Plato
"Metaphysics" Aristotle
Aquinas Theology
This is the master of the philosophy of the Catholic Church, read his writings can let you know the
rule of the West for more than 1000 years of scholastic philosophy, it is very important.
C "New Tools" "Essays" Bacon "First Philosophical Meditation" Descartes
D "The monarch on" Machiavelli "Leviathan" Hobbes "Government" Locke "Human nature"
Hume "Philosophical Dictionary" "Metaphysics" Voltaire "Social contract theory" On the origin
and foundation of human inequality "Rousseau
E "The Critique of Pure Reason" "Critique of Practical Reason" Kant "Logic" "Small Logic"
"Aesthetics" "Phenomenology of Philosophy" "Philosophy of Law" "Philosophy of History"
"Natural Philosophy"

G "as the will of the world" Schopenhauer "the birth of the tragedy," "the right to" "Zarathusra
said," "human nature, too human" Nietzsche
"The existence and the nothingness" Sartre "the philosophical question" Russell "the philosophy
grammar" "the logical philosophy" "the culture and the value" Wittgenstein "existence and the
time" "on the nature of truth" Heidegger
Copernicus, Polish astronomer, heliocentric founder. Copernicus's greatest achievement in science
was the creation of the sun-centered theory of geodesy, which denies the geocentric theory of
geocentricness that has ruled the West for more than a thousand years.
Copernicus founded the heliocentric, said the famous "celestial operation theory" published, not
only a great revolution in astronomy, and promote the rapid development of astronomy research,
and caused a major innovation in human cosmology,
Galileo, born 15 February 1564 in Pisa, northwest Italy.
Isaac Newton (Isaac Newton, 1643-1727)
British famous physicist, mathematician and astronomer, is the seventeenth century the greatest
master of science
Newton's life contribution to the cause of science, in physics, mathematics and astronomy and
other fields. The most important achievements in physics, is the creation of the basic system of
classical mechanics, resulting in the history of physics for the first time a large synthesis. For
optics, Newton has also made a significant contribution to the study of the color of light and the
nature of light. Newton in mathematics, summed up and developed the work of predecessors, put
forward the "flow method", the establishment of the binomial theorem, the creation of the
calculus. In astronomy, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, created a reflective
telescope, and with it a preliminary observation of the laws of planetary motion.
Michael Faraday (1791)
In 1831 Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which played a
significant role in physics. In 1834 he studied the chemical changes in the current through the
solution, proposed the Faraday's law of electrolysis.
Faraday's main contribution is a relatively systematic experimental study of electromagnetism,
found the electromagnetic induction phenomenon, summed up the law of electromagnetic
induction; invented the history of the first electromagnetism motor and generator; found the
electrolytic law; proposed electric field, magnetic field Key Concepts. Faraday was the greatest
experimentator in the nineteenth century electromagnetic field.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
Darwin was born in February 12, 1809, died in April 19, 1882, at the age of 73 years. He was one
of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century, the scientist of the evolutionary theory of
biological species.
The publication of "Origin of Species" is a great event of world significance. It starts from rich
facts, demonstrates the scientific nature of biological evolution, and provides a reasonable
explanation of the mechanism of biological evolution.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847 ~ 1931)
Edison is a world-famous inventor. In addition to his phonograph, electric light, telephone,

telegraph, film and other aspects of the invention and contribution in the mining, construction,
chemical and other fields there are many well-known creation and insights. Edison's life a total of
about two thousand invention, for human civilization and progress made great contribution.
Sigmund Freud (Sigmund Freud, 1856 ~ 1939)
Freud, an Austrian psychologist of Jewish origin, is the founder of psychoanalysis
Freud's influence is far beyond the professional academic field, and became one of the few in the
20th century has a worldwide popularity of one of the characters. Freud, with his discovery of the
human spirit and behavior, is not only the subject of almost all the humanities and spirits of
psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, sociology, political science, aesthetics and so on.
But also to contemporary people on the self and the world of knowledge, understanding and daily
life style and values have had epoch-making influence.
Max Planck (1858 ~ 1947)
Planck, the great modern German physicist, the founder of quantum theory. Planck's most
important achievement in physics was to propose the famous Planckian radiation formula and to
create the concept of energy quantum. He found that in order to derive the correct radiation
formula theoretically, it must be assumed that the energy of the radiation (or absorption) of matter
is not continuous, but is carried out in part by an integer multiple of a certain minimum. This
minimum value is called the energy quantum, radiation frequency is the minimum value of energy
= h. Which h, Planck was to)
Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein, 1879 ~ 1955)
Einstein, the 20th century's greatest American-German natural scientist, the standard-bearer of the
physics revolution. In 1905, Einstein made the epoch-making contribution: the theory of photon
molecular motion to solve the half a century to the scientific community and the philosophical
debate over the existence of atomic atoms have made outstanding contributions to the creation of
special theory of relativity, integrity (M) and energy (E): E = mc2, and thus explained the
radioactive elements (such as the radioactive elements, such as the radioactive elements, Radium)
it can release a lot of energy reasons. The equivalence of mass and energy is the theoretical basis
of nuclear physics and particle physics, and opens the way for the release and utilization of
nuclear energy.
After the establishment of the special theory of relativity Einstein was not satisfied, and finally he
in 1907 proposed the equivalent principle, after a tortuous exploration finally completed in 1915
was recognized as one of the greatest achievements in human history of general theory of
- Aristotle (A.D.384 ~ A.D.322)

1 Sir Isaac Newton Newton is an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural

philosopher and alchemist. In 1687 he published the paper "Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy", the gravitation and the three major laws of motion were described. These
descriptions lay the scientific view of the physical world over the next three centuries and form the
basis of modern engineering.
Shakespeare (UK)

The representative of Western literature.

Homer (Greece)
The origin of European literature, Homer's epic created a precedent for Western literature.
The Book of Songs
Tang Xianzu Peony Pavilion (China)
Tolstoy (Russia)
The world 's greatest novelist, critical of realism literature peak.
Dante (Italy)
The pioneer of humanistic literature, the founder of modern Italian, the European Renaissance

Hugo (France)
The founder and outstanding representative of the French romantic literature, literary Napoleon.
, Goethe (Germany)
German national literature, the most outstanding representative of the German literature and even
the development of European literature have made tremendous contributions.
India's modern and modern greatest writer and artist, the first won the Nobel Prize for literature in
- Genghis Khan. The conquerors of the ancient world, to create a giant empire of the giant. -,
--Caesar. The most influential politician and strategist of ancient Europe. - Napoleon. The First
Empire of France, the great strategist, politician. --King Alexander. The great Macedonian
conqueror, the world famous military strategist, politician. - Bismarck. The founder of the German
Empire, the creator, the great statesman. - Washington. The founder of the United States of
America, the great statesman, and so on. The United States, Russia, China, India, Europe, South
America, Arabia, Africa, also a lot of this do not repeat them. They have on the world history of
human history had a significant impact, can not be underestimated.

Former 3500 - Top 500) Mathematical Origin and Early Development: Ancient Egyptian
Mathematics, Mesopotamia (Babylonian) Mathematics

2 (before the 600-5 century) Ancient Greek mathematics: the origin of mathematical proof,

European geometry

3 (3rd - 14th century) Medieval Chinese mathematics, Indian mathematics, Arabic mathematics:
the glory of practical mathematics

4 (12 century -17 century) the rise of modern mathematics: the development of algebra, analytic
geometry was born

5 (14th century - 18th century) the establishment of calculus: Newton and Leibniz's calculus

6 (18th century -19th century) Analysis of the era: the application of calculus in various fields

7 (nineteenth century) Algebraic freshmen: abstract algebra generation (modern algebra)

8 (19th Century) Geometrical Change: Non-Euclidean Geometry

9 (nineteenth Century) Analysis of the tightening: calculus based on the tightening

The world's three major religions and the Bible, the Buddhist scriptures, the Koran.
Max Mller's Introduction to Religion (1870)
Max Muller, "The Origin and Development of Religion" (1878)
William James "Various Religious Experiences" (1902)
Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-1905)
Levi-Bouillard's "Primitive Thinking" (1910-1922)
Emile Durkheim "The Basic Form of Religious Life" (1912)
Sigmund Freud "Totem and Taboo" (1913)
Max Scheler "The Order of Love" (1913-1917)
Max Weber's Confucianism and Taoism (1915)
Rudolph Otto "On the Sacred" (1917) Ernst Cassirer "Mythic Thinking" (1925)
Malinowski's "Witchcraft, Science, Religion and Mythology" (1925-1926)
William Schmidt's Primitive Religion and Mythology (1930)
Henry Bergson's "Two Sources of Morality and Religion" (1932)
Van de Leu "The Nature and Form of Religion" (1933)
Lev Shostov, Athens and Jerusalem: The Philosophy of Religion (1938)
Sigmund Freud "Moses and Monotheism" (1939)
Misha Eliade "The Universe and History" (1949)

Ehrlich Flm "Psychoanalysis and Religion" (1950)

Radcliffe Brown, "The Structure and Function of Primitive Society" (1952)
Misha Eliade "Divine and Secular" (1957)
Christopher Dawson "The Rise of Religion and Western Culture" (1958)
Joachim Wahar, Comparative Religious Studies (1928)
John Hick's Philosophy of Religion (1963)
Evans Pritchard's Theories of Primitive Religions (1965)
Peter Berger's "Sacred Veil - Elements of the Theory of Religious Sociology" (1967)
Peter Berger "Angels' Rumors - The Rediscovery of Modern Society and Supernaturalism" (1969)
Robert N. Bella "Beyond the Faith: Religious Studies in the Post-traditional World" (1970)
Inge's "Scientific Study of Religion" (1970)
R Ruka "The Rise of Religion and Modern Science" (1973)
Eric J. Sharp's A History of Comparative Religious Studies (1975)
John Macquarie "20th Century Religious Thought - The Philosophical and theological Edge of
1900-1980" (1981)
Rezik Kolakowski "Religion: Without God ..." (1982)
Ronald L. Johnstone, Religion in Society: A Religious Sociology (1983)
Strom "Understanding Man and God - Religious Life" (1985)
Brown "Religious Psychology" (1987)
Dunne Carmody's Women and the World Religions (1989)
Gary W. Trump 'Exploring the Origin of Religion' (1990)
Karl Barth "Church Doctrine" (1932) Paul Tillich "Cultural Theology" (1959)
John Macquarie "Talking about God" (1967)
Hans Queens "On Christians" (1974)
Little John Cobb, David Griffin "Process Theology: A Guiding Note" (1976)
J B Mertz "Faith in History and Society" (1977)

Asian East and European development is different, such as the ancient Chinese philosophers, the
history of China and the development of Asian countries have a considerable impact. Including
philosophy, culture, religion, thought and so on. The hundreds of philosophers are the
concentrated reflections of the most important cultural thoughts in the Spring and Autumn and
Warring States Period. First, Confucianism:
Representative: Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi.
Works: "The Analects", "Mencius", "Xunzi"

Confucianism is one of the important schools in the Warring States period. Confucius was
regarded as a teacher in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Six Arts as the law, advocating
"ritual" and "benevolence", advocating "loyalty" and impartial " Moral "and" benevolence ", and
attach importance to moral and moral education and self-cultivation of an academic faction.

Second, the Taoist:

Representative: I, Zhuangzi, Liezi. Works: "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuang Zi", "Lie Zi"
Taoism is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, also known as "moralists".
This school regards the doctrine of "Tao" as the theoretical foundation of the Spring and Autumn
Period, and explains the essence, the origin, the composition and the change of all things in the
universe with "Tao". That God inaction, everything natural metaplasia, deny that God spirits
dominate all, advocating natural law, go with the flow, to promote quiet and inaction, Shou keep
soft to soft grams just. Political ideal is "small country", "inaction". After Lao Tzu, the Taoism was
divided into different schools. There were four famous schools: Zhuangzi School, Yangzhu
School, Songyin School and Huanglao School.
Third, the Mohist:
Representative: Mozi. Works: "Mozi"
Mohist school is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, the founder of Mo Di.
The school of "and love each other," as the basis of doctrine: and, as the person as himself; and
love, that love as yourself. "The world and love", you can achieve "cross-phase" purposes.
Political advocates Shangxian, Shang Tong and non-attack; economic advocate Zhang strong this
section; thought to respect the ghost.
Fourth, Legalists:
Representative: Han Fei, Li Si, Shang Yang. Works: "Han Fei Zi"
Legalism is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, because advocated the rule
of law, "not pro-Shu, not special cheap Han Fei, a break in the law", so called Legalists. During
the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong and his son were the forerunners of Legalism. The
early Warring States period, Li, Shang Yang, Shen does not harm, Shen to create a legal school. To
the end of the Warring States Period, Han Fei integrated the "law" of Shang Yang, the "potential"
of "Shen" and the "technique" of applying for harmlessness, and the great achievement of
Legalism. This school, the economic advocate waste field, agriculture and business, reward
farming battle; politically advocated waste separation, set county, monarchy, the use of force, to
strict punishment law; rule and education, then advocate Ban the philosophers doctrine to the law
to teach, to officials as teachers. The doctrine provides the theoretical basis and action plan for the
establishment of the monarchical monarchy.
Five, famous:
Representatives: Deng analysis, Hui Shi, Gongsun Long and Huan group.
Works: "Gongsun Longzi"

Masters of the Warring States period is one of the important schools, engaged in the debate name
(name, concept) real (fact, reality) as the main academic activities and later known as famous. At
that time, people referred to as the "defender", "Chasi" or "criminal (shaped) masters."
Representatives for the benefits and Gongsun Long.
Six, Yin and Yang:
Representative: Zou Yan
The yin and yang family is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, because to
promote the theory of yin and yang, and use it to explain the social personnel named. Seven,
strategists: Representative: Su Qin, Zhang Yi. Founder: Guiguzi. The main rhetoric in the
"Warring States"
The strategist was the advisor of the political and diplomatic activities in China during the Warring
States Period. As one of the hundreds of philosophers. The main representative is Su Qin, Zhang
Yi and so on. In the Warring States Period, the south and the north were combined vertically and
the west and the east became the cross. The Soviet Union, the Qin, the Han, the Wei, the Qi and
the Ch'ing combined to deny Qin and Zhang Yi, Thus the name of the vertical and horizontal.
Eight, miscellaneous:
Representative: Lu Pu-wei
Miscellaneous is the end of the Warring States period comprehensive school.
Nine, farm:
Farming is one of the important schools of the Warring States period. Due to focus on agricultural
production and named. This sent from the ancient management of agricultural production officials.
They believe that agriculture is the basis of food and clothing, should be placed in all the work of
the first. "Mencius." Teng Wen-kung "on the promise of its people," as the words of Shen Nong,
Ten, novelist:
Novelist, one of the ten pre-Qin Jiu Liu, is collecting folk legend talk, to examine the customs of
the people. Eleven, military strategist. The key point of the military is to guide the war, in the use
of force to achieve the purpose, how to use force. Sun Wu is the founder, the military is divided
into military power to seek home, soldiers situation home, soldiers, soldiers and soldiers home
four categories of skills. Warring States Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Wei Liao, Wei Wuji, white from the
other. The present military books have "the Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing", "six Tao", "three
slightly", "Art of War", "Sima", "Sun Bin art", "Wu Zi", "Wei Liao son. Although there are
similarities and differences in various theories, which contains a wealth of simple materialist and
dialectical factors. Twelve, doctors:

Representative: Bian Que

The formation of Chinese medical theory, in the second half of the fifth century BC to the third
century AD, a total of more than 700 years. The second half of the fifth century BC, China began
to enter the feudal society. From the slave society to the feudal society, to the feudal system to
establish, in Chinese history is a big turbulence period. Changes in the social system, the
promotion of economic development, ideology, science and culture has emerged in the field of
new situations, including the development of medicine. Physician refers to all medical
practitioners. Here the ancient Chinese philosophers of the hundred, for the study of ancient
Chinese cultural thought and other reference. Books such as Confucius, Mencius, Sun Tzu, and
others can be read. A comparative study of the West and the East is helpful. Ancient India,
Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, and so have their own highlights, the
reader can read the history of the world, such as the world civilization and masterpiece.

Philosophy and social sciences and natural science books, many people need to read the study.
Human spiritual wealth, intangible cultural heritage tens of thousands, regardless of Eastern and
Western all. Books for thousands of years the most important spiritual products of mankind, to
spread. Book is the crystallization of human wisdom, including modern types of electronic
products, e-books, e-newspapers, electronic libraries, etc., are priceless. Electronic books and
paper books and other, are the spiritual and cultural life of mankind indispensable, the new media
in the 21st century new carrier of new physical storage technology increasingly shows its huge
irreplaceable advantage. For example, e-book archives, heritage collections, library collections,
archival collections, electronic physical storage compared to the chemical storage of great features
and great advantages. Ancient books of the physical storage, the world's important documents and
documents, the world famous handwriting, image data storage, physical electronic permanent
preservation is very important. The United States Library, the United Nations Library, the Beijing
Library, the Russian Library, the British Library, and the World eBook Library https: //archive.org,
//www.refdesk.com/factelec.html, http://digital.library .upenn.edu / books, http: //ota.ahds.ac.uk,
http: //www.bibliopolis.fr, and so on. Electronic libraries, tens of thousands of archives, readers
can find the relevant website.

We fully affirm the great influence of people or time in world history, especially the indelible
world non-cultural heritage left to mankind. In addition to world history, there are still many
puzzles in the field of natural science waiting for us to analyze mining research. E.g:
1. What constitutes the universe? Astronomers believe that the substances that make up stars,
planets, galaxies, and of course us, or ordinary matter, account for less than 5 percent of the
total mass of the universe. They estimate that an additional 25% of dark matter may be
composed of undiscovered particles. The remaining 70%? Astronomers believe that it may be
dark energy - the power of the universe to accelerate expansion. What is the nature of dark

matter and dark energy? 2. Are we unique in the universe? 3, the laws of physics can be
unified? Super accelerator crushed protons: These phenomena represent the nature of the role
of the four basic forces, that is, gravity, electromagnetic force, weak force and strength. All
the physical phenomena in the universe can be explained by these four basic forces. Quantum
theory has been born for more than 100 years, it produces a convincing application of the
results, but it also brings anti-antiquity, Intuition: The uncertainty principle of quantum
mechanics states that we can not simultaneously obtain one accurately
An important formula for the natural sciences:
The Length of the Circumference of a Circle

The Fourier Transform

The de Broglie Relations

The Schrdinger Equation

Mass-energy Equivalence

Newton's Second Law of Motion

Euler's Identity

The Maxwells Equations

The Maxwell's Equations, molecular orbital theory, D'Alembert's

principle,etc. The Big Bang theory is based on studies by Edwin Hubble, Georges
Lemaitre, and Albert Einstein, who assume that the universe originated at 14 billion
years Before a big bang. At first, the universe was confined to a singularity, which
contained all matter in the universe. Since then, the universe has been expanding
outward expansion, until now as well.

The Hubble Universe Expansion Law

Law of universal gravitation
The law of thermodynamics
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Pythagorean theorem
The presence of microorganisms
Three major laws of motion
The structure of matter
blood circulation
Species evolution
Four Laws of Thermodynamics

Wave - particle duality of light , and so on.

The greatest inventions in human history include: fire, text, paper, printing, electricity, steam,
plastics, smelting, antibiotics, airplanes, cars, cement, tubes, rockets, spacecraft,
atomic energy, internet, genetic technology and more.

The momentum and position of an object. Whereas the nonlocalization causes the entangled states
of two particles in a quantum entangled state to collide simultaneously, regardless of how far they
are. 5, how far we can advance chemical self-assembly. 6, what is the biological basis of
consciousness? Such a lot of scientific research problems, worthy of world attention and scientists
to solve the puzzle. Scientific research and scientific discovery is gradually in-depth decipher, can
not be accomplished overnight. Natural scientists are not super-super-God, but also the need for
sustained research and exploration, and even failed to explore, before gradually deepening the
solution. Such as Mars research, Mars landing, Jupiter satellite research, Saturn, Mercury, Venus
and other detection research, solar system research, the Milky Way exploration research, the total
galaxy outside the study, the study of the main galaxies, Cosmic physics, cosmochemistry, and so
very extensive in-depth detection research. The kind of man-made wisdom of super-men, it is
somewhat too naive and too shallow. The whole face of the universe untied is not a day. In
particular, natural science research and discovery, and philosophy, culture, religion and other very
different, need tens of millions of experimental experiments and factual verification test. Pure
natural science research is any other discipline can not replace the sharp study. Scientists can only
use facts to speak. Therefore, a very difficult time course is required. The world - the human nature - the universe - the history - the material world tens of thousands of billions of years of
history, first of all the natural material universe, followed by tens of thousands of species and life,
especially the advanced wisdom of life - the evolution of human evolution and evolution.
Humanity - the great Holy Spirit of great wisdom, conforms to the natural history and at the same
time naturally and inevitably creates and changes itself and snuggles the environment and history.
As noted above, the great works of the world, the world's major discoveries and inventions, the
world's greatest philosophical works and literary works, and so on, is proof. The new world, the
new universe has been or is about to unfold in front of all mankind. Earth revolution, the universe
revolution, the natural revolution, is the greatest game of mankind and the universe. First of all,
human beings are the products of the natural universe, so, adapt to and adapt to the basic
principles of the natural universe to survive, otherwise, must self-destruction. Second, the human
and the universe of the game from a fundamental understanding, and can not chance. However,
under certain conditions, perhaps have their own unique survival and development space. The
following description is not purely natural philosophical terms, many of which are purely natural
science law of the properties and properties of theorem, so marked with theorem, (basically based
on natural science original law of natural science law or axiom) quoted, need to double seriously
Thinking and scientific interpretation.

10 theorem of natural law "(10 law theorem), Natural Science

10 Law of theorem "(10 law theorem), mainly based on the
progress of natural science and in-depth study of a variety of
theoretical academic, including hypothesis, theorem. For the
interested readers and professionals to exchange research,
especially the new theoretical academic innovation research
and so on.
Law Theorem 1 Super-spin Hyper-spin Hyper-spin structure of the super-spin Hypercyclization
to build the entire universe of superconversion The origin of the universe, the origin of particles
and super particles of the original physical structure and chemical structure Theorem 2 . The
movement of matter Super-rotation of the rotating force of the law of gravity and quantum
mechanics Theorem 3. Homogeneity and heterogeneity of the universe The basic theorem
Universe bounded or unbounded Universe finite and infinite space-time inverted easy to model
Big Bang, steady state, Non-constant, multiverse law of the universe The origin of the universe
The end of the universe The origin of matter and material destruction The transformation of matter
The polarization of the material Polarization of the planet Polarization of the species Polarization
of the law Theorem 5 Jupiter center distance theorem In the solar system, the central role of
Jupiter and the significance of maintaining the solar system to build the rotation of the Earth's
human production stability of the major law of the associated theorem 6. Substance transformation
of the substance of the immortal theorem of matter and species of convergence and divergence of
life and species - material gene Evolution of supercyclines and evolution of supergenes Evolution
of life or species laws other than total galaxies 7. The near-Earth biosphere structure The diversity
of the Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn and the specificity and necessity of highlevel intelligent life species And the law of chance law 8. human evolution of the hybrid orbit
natural universe existence and destruction of human species exist in the law of the law of
destruction theorem 9. the end of the universe the end of the natural end of the material end of the
species of advanced life animals and intelligent animals 1 million 10 million years of the natural
world and the human social model and alienation law Theorem 10. Planet society basic model and
the future of the earth human society Earth Society Mars Society Jupiter Satellite Milky Way
Other Planet Society Planet Society Ground State (1 million years - ---------- 10 million years
-------?) 10 law theorem covers the entire natural universe and the basic history of mankind the
most important nature of the most important areas and broad bounds, from From the real to the
future, the time span of millions of years ----- tens of millions of years, the space span, first in the
earth, followed by the moon, Mars, Jupiter satellite, followed by other planets and livable Of the
planet, and finally the galaxy beyond the solar system, hundreds of billions of light years. The
natural scientist is far more profound than the philosopher, the thinker, the politician, the historian,
and the religious scientist, because only in this way is his academic and theoretical invincibility

not to be defeated by today or future Destroyed by overthrow. Even if future generations have
been amended, but the basic principles will not be subverted. Otherwise, the scientific law of the
law of scientific discovery will become misleading the world and human absurdity or nonsense,
and gradually become the history of garbage is swept away the tomb of history. Imagine, after a
few hundred years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years later, or a few million years
later, the outline of the natural universe, the survival mode of human society, life mode, how? This
is not nonsense, is not a yin and yang gossip fortune telling deduction, but the natural reality, the
real world of the human world and realistic picture, but not the myth of science fiction story.
Modern humans began to enter the moon into Mars into other planets, just around the corner.
Outside the mountains, there are mountains outside the world, there are the world outside the
world, there are natural universe, human rational thinking, logical thinking, wisdom, thinking
should be a great purification and generalization, rigidly cramped in a small overcrowded earth
Inevitably narrow vomiting, open your heart, open wings, fly to the distant space, will have a
revolutionary subversive future. To sum up, the history of the world and the history of the universe
is very long, complex, sharp and deep, human beings are still in childish childhood. Although
human beings have entered the eve of the planet society, but all the wisdom of human energy is
still not fully able to play due to the inevitable nature of nature and social attributes of the limited,
still in a certain ignorance and naive state, regardless of social science or The field of natural
science, especially the great variety of human social practice, is still very shallow and naive. This
long process of progress may take centuries hundreds of centuries of over-difficult, or even h1000
years later the moon and Mars, and the 21st century is very different. 1000 years later, that is 3000
years later, the Moon and Mars will have the Earth human migration, as the moon and Mars. The
specific timetable is subject to change or decision. But to be sure, 1000 years later, the moon,
Mars or other planets will appear in human life, the number of more or less, perhaps thousands of
tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, the specific figures will be known. Of course,
the timetable and the road map are not conclusive and vary according to actual developments.
However, the planet society ------- the real sense of the universe revolution will be opened.
Heaven and earth to reverse, the universe changes, the universe revolution - nature as a big
revolution will begin. No matter how the natural universe in the future changes, or continuation or
destruction, human society will continue to expand the planet society - the universe revolution of
the thrilling series. In the course of the natural history of mankind, there is only forward, no
inversion, irreversible nature and inevitable procedure, even if the whole universe collapses or is
destroyed. This is the natural science - the basic principles of natural philosophy.undreds of
thousands of years of over-maturity of millions of years. Of course, mankind not only to their own
structural defects of the game, at the same time, but also the most powerful natural universe,
tenacious game, otherwise, he will be difficult to coexist with nature. Mankind is always the
product of the natural universe, to be dependent on the natural universe, human society can exist.
Otherwise, everything that we nowadays, noble or despicable, rich or poor, romantic or
passionate, regardless of battle or killing, will come to naught. This major proposition has become
increasingly acute in front of all mankind. Therefore, the natural law of the ten major law theorem,
and we resonate.

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