Chakra Essence Journey - Belinda Davidson PDF

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Modern Mystic

Chapter One: Introduction

Chapter Two:
The Twelve Chakras Explained:
What They Are & How They Work

Chapter Three:
Chakra 1 - The Earth Mother Queen


Chapter Four:
Chakra 2 - The Priestess of Delight


Chapter 5:
Chakra 3 - The Warrior


Chapter Six:
Chakra 4 -The Miracle Worker


Chapter Seven:
Chakra 5 -The Goddess of Soul


Chapter Eight:
Chakra 6 - The Sorceress


Chapter Nine:
Chakra 7 -The Zen Monk


Chapter Ten:
Chakras 8 - 12: The Soul Essence Journey


Chapter Twelve:
How to Get Started & Work With the Meditations


Chapter Eleven:
All Your Questions Answered


About Belinda


Chapter One

Ive known for many years that the key to health and happiness lies within. Ive been working as a
medical intuitive since 2001, and in this time Ive read thousands of peoples energy fields and helped
them heal their lives.

I know the secret to life is toChange Your Energy, and if you do this, you can
Change Your Life!
...and the key component to changing your energy is knowing about and working with your chakras.
When I started my career as a medical intuitive, knowledge about the human energy system and
chakras was scarce.
I was born being able to see peoples chakras and energy fields, but when I was a child I didnt know
what they were. It wasnt until I was twenty one and read Caroline Mysss ground-breaking book,
Anatomy of the Spirit, that I understood that what I was seeing inside people were the chakras.
Peoples chakras, these spinning wheels of light, told me everything about them: their state of health,
their life problems, their struggles and triumphs. All I needed to do was look into peoples chakras and I
could know all about them and who they were.
So, I always knew the key to well-being was internal happiness because whatever was happening in a
persons energy field was happening in their life as well.
For a while, even though I knew it was all about the chakras, I struggled to get people to understand
this. It wasnt only that the idea of changing your energy and changing your life was really out there, it
was also too woo-woo for most peoples liking.
Many of my clients couldnt relate to the metaphysical, and overtly spiritual information about chakras
and the energy anatomy system, and when I told them about Caroline Myss book, they said it was too
theoretical for them, and not at all scientifically sound.
People couldnt understand the connection between the chakras and their life problems.
My clients would ask me, How do these spinning wheels of light create and shape my reality?
How does having blocked chakras impact my life?
How do I change my energy so that I can change my life?
In sum, my clients couldnt see a connection between the state of their chakras and the state of their
So in 2011, I created a FREE Chakra Course to explain to people how problems with your chakras cause
problems with your life. I also created this FREE Chakra Course because I wanted to modernise the
chakras and the human energy anatomy system. I wanted to make it mainstream and hip!
I knew that if people could understand how important it was to look after our chakras, and how
astonishingly quickly it heals our lives, there would be a burst of chakra enthusiasm across the globe,
and it would become en vogue to cleanse your chakras.


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And Im thrilled to say my wish manifested! In the past few years knowledge about chakras and energy
fields has hit mainstream media and consciousness, and people are totally digging it.
My heart swells with pride and joy as I also witness this rise in popularity. To know so many people
across the globe are now regularly cleansing and balancing their chakras makes me one very happy
modern mystic!
(Please note: If you havent already done so, or if you need a quick refresher of the chakras, read my
FREE Chakra Course now. Tens of thousands of people all over the world have taken this course, and
its now considered to be the go to resource for people who want quickly get their energy working and
change their lives.)

I created this eBook to help you understand your seven lower chakras and deepen your connection to
them. If you want your life to work, you must get your energy to work, and this eBook will show you
exactly how to do this.
Health, happiness, abundance, joy, creativity, spirituality, depth, beauty and wisdom await you, but you
must go within and discover these inner treasures (your chakras) if you want to have these things in
your life.
The Chakra Essence Journey is the journey into your seven lower chakras. You will activate each one of
your seven chakras, powerfully strengthening and cleansing them, and you will also ignite each ones
core energy. The seven core energies of each one of your chakras are seven powerful archetypal
feminine energies. I call these the Chakra Essences.
Every woman embodies all seven chakra essences. Every woman contains the seed, the soul DNA, the
energetic blueprint for them, and when you work on the seven chakras, as well as activate their core
energies, you can rapidly embody the manifesting power of a master and create pure magic!
Even if youve taken my FREE Chakra Course, or already know about the chakras, understanding and
evoking the seven essences the seven portals of power that reside within your seven chakras will
greatly enhance your life and your work with the seven lower chakras
You were energetically designed for greatness. You were designed to be a master manifestor and to
have and create a life of magic. And when you activate each one of your seven lower chakras and ignite
their feminine essences, you will come to know how marvellous and powerful you truly are.
Before I introduce you to each one of the chakra essences which I affectionately refer to as the girls
lets take a look at your chakras and energy anatomy system.
Please note: I created seven chakra essences to help women easily understand the seven lower chakras, and
to be able to jump into their skin and embody their magic easily. They were originally created for my School
of the Modern Mystic students, but they have been such a hit that I decided to share them with everybody.


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Chapter Two

In case you arent familiar with the chakras or need a quick refresher, this is what the chakras are and
how they work.
This information isnt primarily based on what Ive read about the chakras. Its based on the knowledge
and experience Ive gained about them by working as a medical intuitive for many years and reading
thousands of peoples energy fields.
I believe that to change our lives we must change our energy, and if you want to have health, abundance,
joy, beauty, success and your purpose in life, you need to get your chakras happy and healthy. Going
within and doing the internal-energy work is the sure-fire way to have what you want in your external

You are energetically designed to have a life of magnificence.

Within you is a powerful, in-built chakra system which creates for you a beautiful life, filled with all the
things you cherish and adore. Going within and changing your energy is the only sure-fire way to change
your life, because the state of your energy field determines the state of your life.
Your energy field, also called your aura, is a magnificent field of pure energy that exists all around you. It
not only surrounds your entire body, it also radiates out from beneath your feet, either side of your body
and above your head.
Your energy field consists of twelve different levels of vibration. These levels of vibration are called
chakras, and these chakras are found at specific places within your physical body or in your energy field.
Six of the twelve chakras are found in the body, and the other six are located above the head.
Each one of your chakras fuels and sustains aspects of your life and your body. They do this by receiving
energy for your energy field from the universe and then transporting this energy into a certain area
of your life and body. Think of the chakras as happy, eager, diligent workers, who spend all day looking
after, managing and organising every aspect of your life.
There is a chakra whose job it is to look after your career, a chakra that looks after your abundance, one
that makes sure you rest and enjoy yourself, and one that supports you in discovering and living your
creativity. And finally, one that helps you discover your life purpose.
Its that amazing! Within you is a marvellous in-built system that creates for you a joyful, creative,
abundant, fulfilling and beautiful life. Arent we ingeniously crafted and designed?
What you need to understand about yourself is this: Every aspect of your life works if the chakras are
doing their job properly.
This understanding is the key to a magical life. If your chakras are all working properly, your life is
magical, beautiful and exciting, full of everything you could ever dream of and desire. You know what
your purpose is in life and you seek it passionately.


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If most of your chakras are working, your life is wonderful with a few hiccups here and there.
If some of your chakras arent doing their job properly, some areas of your life work and others dont. If most
of your chakras are struggling, your life is not flowing, happy nor fulfilled, and you are in the struggle cycle.

Lets take a look now at the different levels of your energy anatomy. It may help you to see these twelve levels
of vibration like a twelve story house. Chakra 1 would be the ground floor, and Chakra 12 the penthouse.

The first level of your energy anatomy is the base chakra. This chakra is
located at the base of your spine and its job is to look after the spine, hips, legs
and feet, as well your physical body in general. It makes sure that you receive
everything you need to survive, i.e., food, water, shelter.


This chakra is also responsible for finding you a community of people or tribe
in which you feel safe, honoured and protected.
If you are struggling to finance your existence and to make ends meet, have
low energy, leg, hip, feet and spinal problems, feel alone and crave to find your
home in the world, then your base chakra is not working properly.

The second level of your energy anatomy is your sacral chakra. This chakra is
located just below your navel.



The sacral chakra is responsible for looking after your bladder, kidneys,
reproductive system and lower abdomen.
This chakra also helps you discover who you are and what you, as an
individual person, desire. It not only helps you discover what brings you
pleasure, it also draws into your life the things you find pleasurable.

Do you have bladder, kidney or lower abdomen problems?

Do you know what you love and what brings you joy?
Is your life full of pleasure?
Can you be in the moment and lose yourself in the beauty of your
lovers embrace, your childs warm hug or the magnificent colours of a
spectacular sunset?

If not, then your sacral chakra is not doing its job properly.


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Solar Plexus

The third level of your energy anatomy is located in your stomach region and
is called the solar plexus chakra. This chakra looks after your stomach, liver
and intestines as well as your whole digestive system. The job of your solar
plexus chakra is to make sure that you conduct your life in accordance with
what you believe.
This chakra keeps you on track with that which is right for you even if this
goes against the grain. The solar plexus chakra acts like your own personal
bodyguard, defending your moral code and integrity. It does this by making
sure you dont stray from your own path and get influenced by, and tangled up
in, other peoples opinions and beliefs. It is your trusted friend, whose number
one priority is to watch your back.
Find out if your solar plexus chakra is working properly by asking yourself the
following questions:

Do I have bad digestion, stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas problems?

Can I stand up for what I believe in?
Can I say no without fearing judgment?
Can I calmly express my opinions without being defensive and angry?
Can I fearlessly forge ahead with a project or decision that I know is right
for me even if my family and friends dont approve?

The fourth level of your energy anatomy is your heart chakra. Located in the
heart and chest region, this chakras duty is to look after your heart, lungs and
circulatory system.


Your heart chakra also keeps your heart open and loving. It does this by acting
as a type of purification system, cleansing all your chakras of any negative
emotions and keeping your entire energy field positive. It is the job of the
heart chakra to keep you loving, and vibrating on a positive frequency so
that all that you love will easily flow into your life. A properly working heart
chakra easily and effortlessly creates a life full of all the things you love.
Do you have a passionate love life, a harmonious family life and/or
nourishing and stimulating friendships?
Have you found your dream job?
Do you have hobbies that you adore?
Are you surrounded by love, support and beauty?
If you are joyous most of the time and your life is full of all the things you love,
your heart chakra is working. If not, then it isnt working properly.


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The fifth level of vibration is called the throat chakra. Located at the throat,
its job is to not only look after your throat, thyroid, neck and jaw but also help
you find your authentic and individual voice, and express it.


Have you found your own voice? If yes, can you express it?
Do you know yourself? If yes, can you express your truth honestly and
Do you have health problems in the throat region?
Your throat chakra also helps you clearly communicate that which you
need, desire and believe in. Can you do this?
Are you sharing with others how you feel, what you believe in and what is
dear to you?
If not, then your throat chakra is not doing its job.

Your third eye is the sixth level of vibration that you exist on. It is located on
the point of your forehead between and above your eyebrows. This chakra
looks after your brain, neurological system, eyes, ears and nose.

Third Eye

Its job is to teach you the power of your mind and how you can, through your
willpower, heal yourself and change your life. This chakra also opens you up to
becoming more intuitive and psychic.
This chakra is also responsible for helping you become more receptive to
other realities and the infinity of possibilities in the Universe that exist for
you. When you begin to dream big and awaken to your lifes aspirations, you
literally start to create your dream life through your willpower.
Most people have not yet begun to harness the power of their minds to
change their reality. Most people have also not yet begun to see the infinity of
possibilities that exist, and to use this insight to create their dream worlds.
Have you?


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The seventh level of your energy anatomys vibration is the crown chakra.
This chakra is located above the head and it looks after your skin, upper brain
and nervous system. Its job is to awaken you to the truth of who you really
are: a magnificent, infinite soul and being of light, temporarily housed in a
body experiencing life on earth.
When one awakens to this truth, one experiences a peace so deep, a joy
so blissful that everything else ever experienced pales in comparison. This
experience is what people call enlightenment.
Have you had this experience? Is your life imbued with peace and joy because
you know that you are one with everything there is, eternally connected
to and loved by the universe? If not, then your crown chakra is not working


Your Soul s

The crown chakra also acts as the gateway, a portal, to the five higher levels
of your energy anatomy (Chakras 8 12). These chakras reveal to you your
purpose and show you how to live it.
Thats because we actually cant begin to access these five higher chakras
until chakras 1 7 are working properly. Getting the chakras fit is what we
must do if we want to discover our lifes purpose.
Within your chakra 8 lies the blueprint of your greatest potential. I call this
the Soul Blueprint.
When you are energetically fit enough to do so, you can journey into your
chakra 8 and discover what you are here to do in the world!
Once you have downloaded your Soul Blueprint in chakra 8, your energy
moves higher, up into chakra 9, and then youre able to access and learn how
to express your unique talents and abilities in the world.
Not only that, but working with chakra 9 opens up your miracle-ness,
and you can then materialise, teleport, become telepathic, influence the
elements, astral travel and the like.
In chakra 10, working your miracle-ness muscle continues, and your
masculine and feminine aspects also being to merge. You then become even
more powerful in both your life purpose work and ability to manifest and
create. In chakra 10 you become a master manifestor.


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Your Soul s


Chakras 11 and 12 are dedicated to re-remembering and experiencing your

God-like nature. Here you experience yourself as a blissful field of energy,
interconnected with The All. You know you can experience, manifest, be and
have anything because you are everything.
The spiritual masters and avatars of the world Babaji, Yogananda, Mother
Meera, the Dali Lama, Christ exist from this high level. But this is where you
are also headed... towards your God-like nature!
See how amazing and marvellously energetically designed you are! See what
you can become!
When you go within and look after your chakras, everything works. When
everything works you experience health, abundance, success and joy, and
are able to discover your souls purpose.

Now its time to get to know the girls your seven chakra essences who will be your guides as you take the
next step and radically deepen and strengthen the connection to your chakras.
Ready? Lets do this!
Please note: These photos of me are me evoking how I feel the chakra essences how I visualise them,
and how I embody them through my personality. The photos of me embodying the chakra essences
are slightly different to the physical descriptions I give of them in the next section. I wanted to give
you different versions of how you may see the chakra essences, so that you could find what physical
description resonates with you!


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Chapter Three

Its now time to meet the girls, to get to know your seven powerful chakra essences! And well start with
the chakra essence of chakra 1.
Your first chakra essence is the Earth Mother Queen. She is the guardian of your chakra 1, the core
energy of a healthy and vital root chakra.
Her favourite colour is red, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your root
chakra: the spinal column, legs, feet, hips and large intestine.
The Earth Mother Queen is the guardian of your earthly survival. She makes sure you have everything
you need to survive here on Earth.
She also helps you stay grounded and connected to the earth, feel a sense of belonging, and have a
strong and healthy body.
She is regal, strong, athletic, present, grounded, wise and powerful.
To activate the energy of the Earth Mother Queen and quickly strengthen your root chakra, use this

Life provides for me. Im secure, stable and strong, and am able to easily deal
with everything life brings my way.


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The easiest way to understand the core energy of the Earth Mother Queen is to meet up with her in
your imagination.
Let me set the stage for you
Imagine Ive created a virtual cafe where you will meet each one of the seven chakra essences. Each
chakra essence will walk through the door and sit opposite you at the table.
As you see each chakra essence walk into the cafe and move towards you, you will get an immediate
sense of her personality and core energy.
Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large bouquet of red roses and a lighted
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone enter the cafe.
She looks at you and begins to walk towards you.
As she crosses the room, you notice she is tall, muscled, tanned, slender and strong. She is wearing a long
red dress and brown leather sandals tied up to her calves. Her hair is open and falls long and soft around her
She walks slowly and purposefully, her deep large eyes locked with yours. She exudes a presence of strength,
stamina and vitality, and you immediately think of a panther or jaguar.
But she also walks solidly. With every step she takes she places her entire foot on the ground as if she was
eternally connected. She walks straight-backed with perfect posture, and so she also reminds you of a large oak
tree: earthed, regal, stable and ancient.
And as she continues to lock your gaze and move closer towards you, you can see ancient times, wisdom and
knowledge etched into the depths of her eyes.
Im the Earth Mother Queen, the energy of your chakra 1, she says, taking the seat opposite you, And its time
for you to get to know me.


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Chakra Essence: Earth Mother Queen.
Guardian of: Chakra 1, also called Base
Chakra & Root Chakra.
Vibration/Colour: red (colour of blood,
Location: perineum and between the feet.
(There are 2 chakra points allocated to this


Areas of Body Governed: spinal column, legs,

feet, hips, large intestine.
Drive: to ensure ones survival, to make sure
we have everything we need to survive here
on Earth.
Issues: Grounding, Survival, Belonging, the

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Chapter Four

Your second chakra essence is the Priestess of Delight. She is the guardian of your chakra 2, the core
energy of a healthy and vital sacral chakra.
Her favourite colour is orange, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
sacral chakra: the lower abdomen, pelvis, reproductive system, kidneys, bladder and large intestine.
The Priestess of Delight is the guardian of your individuality and sensuality. She makes sure you have
everything you need to live abundantly and creatively here on Earth.
She also helps you draw into your life all those things you desire, so she teaches you how to magnetize
and use your personal power to manifest what you want.
She is sensual, beautiful, whimsical, dreamy, uninhibited, bubbly, radiant and graceful.
To activate the energy of the Priestess of Delight and quickly strengthen your sacral chakra, use this

Life gives to me abundantly. What I desire and want is given to me.


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large bouquet of orange poppies and a
lighted candle.
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone burst through
the door.
Its a woman wearing white overalls and bright orange sneakers with a tight tie-dyed rainbow t-shirt
underneath. The overalls hang comfortably and sensually on her willowy frame, and when she sees you, see
calls out to you from across the room, waving and smiling.
As she comes closer to you, you are struck by her vitality and energy. Shes seems to light up the entire room
with her radiance.
You then notice there are smatterings of paint on her overalls and in her hair, and there are daisy flowers tucked
behind her ears.
It looks like shes just come from her painting studio, where she was in the middle of creating something
She is childlike in her movements, uninhibited, expressive and free, yet you can also see that she is comfortable
in herself as a woman, because she walks towards you confidently and gracefully.
She reminds you of a firecracker, bursting with energy, colour and vitality.
As she reaches your table, she excitedly hands you a small gift, and as you glance down at what shes placed in
your hands, you see its a small painting of flowers in bursts of colour and designs.
I painted this for you, she says, her eyes twinkling. Im the Priestess of Delight, the energy of your chakra 2,
she says, taking the seat opposite you, And its time for you to get to know me.


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Chakra Essence: The Priestess of Delight.
Guardian of: Chakra 2, also called Sacral
Vibration/Colour: orange (ripe orange or
setting sun).
Location: just below the navel.


Areas of Body Governed: lower abdomen,

pelvis, reproductive system, kidneys, bladder,
large intestine. (Lower part belongs to chakra
1, higher part to chakra 2.)
Drive: pursuit of individuation and pleasure.
Issues: Individuation, Magnetism, Sexuality,
Pleasure & Creative Expression.

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Chapter Five

Your third chakra essence is The Warrior. She is the guardian of your chakra 3, the core energy of a
healthy and vital solar plexus chakra.
Her favourite colour is yellow, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
solar plexus chakra: the stomach, liver, gallbladder, digestive system and spleen.
The Warrior is the guardian of your personal power and self-esteem. She makes sure you are living
aligned with your truth and making decisions that empower you.
She is also your own private bodyguard, and alerts you when your energy is being compromised or
someone, or something, wants to take advantage of you.
She is wilful, strong, ambitious, fierce, straight-talking, joyful and extroverted.
To activate the energy of The Warrior and quickly strengthen your solar plexus chakra, use this

Life empowers me in every way, and I trust it completely. I am powerful and

can use this power to create whatever I desire.


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas of
different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large bouquet of sunflowers and a lighted
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone walk through
the door.
Its a woman wearing tight jeans and yellow t-shirt. She has short, cropped hair, tortoise-shell glasses, and what
immediately strikes you about her is that she is super fit.
She sees you and beams at you the largest, most radiant smile you have ever seen.
As she comes closer to you, you see how fit she truly is. She has a toned body, and muscular arms, and her jeans
seem to hug her legs like silk.
There is a strength, endurance and power about her, but you can also tell she loves to laugh and crack a good
She also strikes you as being highly intelligent, and as she holds your gaze and smiles at you, her eyes are clear
and perceptive, almost piercing, and you know this is a woman who misses nothing.
She is so strong and wise that its almost intimidating, but because she is warm, fun and open, you relax under
her gaze.
As she reaches your table, she seats herself down opposite you and says, in a voice exuding clarity and strength,
Im the Warrior, the energy of your chakra 3. She takes the seat opposite you and continues, And its time for
you to get to know me.


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Chakra Essence: The Warrior.
Guardian of: Chakra 3, also called Solar
Plexus Chakra.
Vibration/Colour: yellow (hot and bright like
the sun).
Location: stomach region.


Areas of Body Governed: stomach, liver,

gallbladder, digestive system, spleen.
Drive: personal power, for creating ones way
in the world.
Issues: Self-Esteem & Self-Empowerment,
Will & Ambition.

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Chapter Six

Your fourth chakra essence is the Miracle Worker. She is the guardian of your chakra 4, the core energy
of a healthy and vital heart chakra.
Her favourite colour is green, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
heart chakra: the heart, blood, chest, hands and arms, lungs and circulatory system.
The Miracle Worker is the guardian of love. She makes sure that youre giving and receiving love, so that
the Law of Attraction is working in your life.
She also makes sure that you are actively practicing compassion, forgiveness and acceptance, because
these highly spiritual practices keep our vibrations high and our energy fields pure.
She is compassionate, luminous, ethereal, angelic, blissful, magical and powerful.
To activate the energy of the Miracle Worker and quickly strengthen your heart chakra, use this

I am a Miracle Worker and wherever I go, I give and spread love and light.
I love life and it loves me, and I can heal and transform any problem or
situation into joy, abundance and beauty.


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large glass bowl of green apples and a
lighted candle.
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, and as you look up you see someone walk
through the door.
Its a woman wearing a white fitted shirt and trousers. She has very long hair and luminous skin. Its so luminous
that her skin seems to shine in particles of light. Its as if you can see the light shining through the every cell of
her skin, and her eyes are alight too.
There is something majestic about her.
She then sees you across the room, and she waves and smiles.
You then notice she is wearing a large emerald necklace around her neck. Its hanging on a long silver chain
which falls down between her breasts. The emerald stone is cut in a diamond shape and is a deep green.
She sees you notice her emerald necklace and she gently taps the jewel. You then see a green beam of light
spring out from the centre of the emerald and stretch out toward you.
As the green ray of light comes closer to you, and then closer still, it connects with your chest region, and you
immediately feel engulfed with peace and joy. The nervousness you felt instantly disappears, as does the
headache you had all day.
The warmth from the green light begins to spread from your chest, upwards into your neck and face, and
downwards into your torso, back and out over your legs.
It is so exquisite to feel this way: vibrantly alive, deeply peaceful, warm, welcomed and cocooned in light and
You know you are in the presence of someone holy a miracle worker, a pure being of light and love.
As she reaches your table, she seats herself down opposite you and says, in a voice of power and peace, Im the
Miracle Worker, the energy of your chakra 4, and its time for you to get to know me.


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Chakra Essence: The Miracle Worker.
Guardian of: Chakra 4, also called Heart
Vibration/Colour: green (deep, like leaves on
forest trees or grass).

Areas of Body Governed: heart, blood, chest,

hands and arms, lungs, circulatory system.
Drive: pursuit and expression of love.
Issues: Self-Love, Giving & Receiving Love,
Compassion, Forgiveness & Acceptance.

Location: heart region.


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Chapter Seven

Your fifth chakra essence is the Goddess of Soul. She is the guardian of your chakra 5, the core energy of a
healthy and vital throat chakra.
Her favourite colour is blue, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
throat chakra: the throat, neck, jaw, teeth, thyroid glands and vocal chords.
The Goddess of Soul is the guardian of your true and unique expression. She makes sure you are speaking
your truth, and expressing yourself authentically and individually.
She helps you easily express needs and desires, openly and honestly communicate with other people
and feel uninhibited in your creative expression.
She is creative, visionary, glamorous, resplendent, beguiling, intriguing, exalted, sovereign, majestic,
honourable, authentic.
To activate the energy of the Goddess of Soul and quickly strengthen your throat chakra, use this

I can freely express my true self, and when I do this, life gifts me with an
abundance of everything I could ever wish for and more!


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large vase of blue irises and a lighted
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone walk through
the door.
Its a tall voluptuous woman in a long blue gown. Her long hair is piled up on top of her head around a sapphire
studded crown.
You immediately think of an opera singer, because her posture is straight, and she walks with an air of authority
and regality, yet she is also relaxed and warm.
Then she sees you. She calls out Hello to you across the room and her voice is pure magic, an enchanting
concoction of alluring elements.
Her voice is also clear as a bell delicate like a bird, yet warm and strong as chocolate and smooth as satin.
As she continues to walk towards you, she begins to sing. Her exquisite voice wraps itself around your body,
drenching you in purity and beauty, gently rocking you with her sweetness and power.
The purity and beauty from her song spreads through you like warm energy, from your chest upwards into your
neck and face, and downwards into your torso, back and out over your legs.
You feel vibrantly alive and deeply peaceful, and you can feel her voice, her being, rocking and loving your soul.
Then suddenly you feel the energy of her voice coursing through you, up from your torso and into your throat,
and you open your mouth and begin to sing. Its pitch perfect and exhilarating. You feel free, uninhibited,
electrically alive, and youre surprised that youre singing so wonderfully in perfect pitch...
As she reaches your table, she seats herself down opposite you and says, in a voice of power and peace, Im the
Goddess of Soul, the energy of your chakra 5, and its time for you to get to know me and sing your soul song.


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Chakra Essence: The Goddess of Soul.

teeth, thyroid glands, vocal chords.

Guardian of: Chakra 5, also called Throat


Drive: authentic & original expression, to

speak ones truth, self-determination.

Vibration/Colour: blue (sky blue).

Issues: Ability to express needs and desires,

Open and honest communication, Selfdetermination, Creativity, Surrendering
personal will to divine will.

Location: throat region.

Areas of Body Governed: throat, neck, jaw,

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Chapter Eight

Your sixth chakra essence is The Sorceress. She is the guardian of your chakra 6, the core energy of a
healthy and vital third eye chakra.
Her favourite colour is indigo, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
third eye chakra: the head, brain, hypothalamus, pituitary, hypothalamus, pituitary nerve plexus, ears
and eyes
The Sorceress is the guardian of your psychic abilities and intuition. She helps you open up your innate
gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience, and she also shows you how to create your ideal
world through the power of your mind.
She rules the realms of imagination and visualisation, and when you unlock her power, you become a
visionary and master manifestor.
She is powerful, focused, driven, steadfast, otherworldly and intense, yet kind and gentle.
To activate the energy of The Sorceress and quickly strengthen your third eye chakra, use this

I am the power in my world, and I use this power to create Heaven on Earth.


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table is a large bouquet of blue hydrangeas and
a lighted candle.
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone burst through
the door.
Its a tall and slender dark-haired woman in an indigo coloured dress and silver cape. She is also wearing a silver
head piece with a diamond hanging from it that sits in her third eye region.
You are awestruck by the beauty of her faceits elegant and sculptured, and her cheekbones are high and
She then looks into your eyes and shivers run down your spine, because her eyes are unnaturally coloured and
light, like a lake of never-ending aquamarine water. Shes breathtaking.
She reminds you of an enchantress, but her smile is warm and welcoming, and you know that although this
woman is tremendously powerful, she is kind and gentle.
And as she begins to walk towards you, you notice that she walks surely and solidly, with her feet firmly on the
She takes the seat opposite you and claps her hands together twice. As she does that, white rose petals fall from
the sky, showering you in wonder! You gasp, amazed by her powers, and she says,Im the Sorceress, the energy
of your chakra 6, and its time for you to get to know me


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Chakra Essence: The Sorceress.
Guardian of: Chakra 6, also called Third Eye
Chakra or Brow Chakra.
Vibration/Colour: indigo.
Location: above and between the eyebrows.

hypothalamus, pituitary, hypothalamus,

pituitary nerve plexus, ears, eyes.
Drive: transcendence, to go above and
Issues: Wisdom (the balance of imagination
and intellect), Creating our own Reality,
Intuition & Clairvoyance.

Areas of Body Governed: head, brain,


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Chapter Nine

Your seventh chakra essence is The Zen Monk. She is the guardian of your chakra 7, the core energy of a
healthy and vital crown chakra.
Her favourite colour is purple, and she presides over the areas of your body that are allocated to your
crown chakra: the upper brain and nervous system.
The Zen Monk is the guardian of your journey towards enlightenment. She lovingly guides you to stay on
the path of your highest self, and gently nudges you back onto this path when you get off track.
She teaches you how to let go and let God, and surrender to life, and she is also the portal to your five
higher cosmic chakras, where you discover your unique twelve soul-energies Soul Essences that
make up your soul purpose. (Find out more in my Soul Essence Journey eBook!)
She is enlightened, angelic, reverent, profoundly compassionate, deeply powerful, ancient and pure.
To activate the energy of The Zen Monk and quickly strengthen your crown chakra, use this affirmation:

I am one with all that is. I am love and light.


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Imagine this...
You are sitting in a quiet cafe waiting for someone to arrive.
Piano music is playing softly in the background, and you can smell coffee and pastries, and the passing aromas
of different peoples chosen perfumes and aftershaves. On your table are three large purple lotus flowers in bowl
of water, and a lighted candle.
You glance down at your watch and notice that it is one minute to the hour...
You feel a bubbling sense of excitement mixed with nervousness, as you look up you see someone walk through
the door.
Its a monk, dressed in purple robes and brown sandals.
Her head is shaven, revealing her beautifully open face and her large almond shaped eyes, which exude warmth
and compassion.
You can feel the energy of peace and tranquillity she emits, and waves of harmony and bliss wash over you as
she slowly walks in your direction.
Now that she is closer, you see something you didnt notice before a white halo around her head. Its faint, and
barely noticeable, but as you focus on it you can see a shimmering of light in it like silver fish moving slowly.
She takes the seat opposite you and says, Im the Zen Monk, the energy of your chakra 7, and its time for you
to get to know me.


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Chakra Essence: The Zen Monk.
Guardian of: Chakra 7, also called Crown
Vibration/Colour: violet.

Areas of Body Governed: upper brain and

nervous system.
Drive: Oneness: surrendering to Divinity.
Issues: Enlightenment and Soul Purpose.

Location: top of the head.


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Chapter Ten
CHAKRAS 8 - 12:

Once you have met your seven chakra essences, and worked with them for some time, you are then
ready for the next step of your journey: meeting your twelve Soul Essences.
Your chakra 8 is your Soul Purpose, and within your chakra 8 are twelve individual and unique energies.
I call these your Soul Essences. When you discover these twelve, unique soul-energies, you will know
your purpose in life.
The first step to discovering your Soul Essences is getting chakras 1 - 7 energetically fit. This is what
you must do first if you want to be able to access the vibration of chakra 8.

Every persons Soul Essences are unique, so this book leads you through a powerful process of
discovering your own. I show you how to download your Soul Blueprint into your chakra 8 and
discover what you were born to be!
In the Soul Essence Journey I also share with you my story; how I went from being confused about
who I was, to being certain of my purpose. (I was guided every step of the way by my twelve unique
Soul Essences, which I will share with you in this book).


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Chapter Eleven

The Chakra Essence Journey comprises of this eBook and three meditations.

The Guided Chakra Cleanse Meditation - Extended Version

The Guided Chakra Cleanse Meditation For Busy People
The Chakra Essence Journey Meditation.
. and this is how you can get started!

Step 1 - Read the FREE Chakra Course + Receive the weekly White Light Sessions
Make sure you have taken my FREE chakra course and are signed up for the FREE weekly White Light
healings. This is your starting point. This is lift off!

Step 2 - Cleanse & Balance Your Seven Chakras

Begin to cleanse and work with your chakras and the White Light yourself, regularly.
Start with either the Chakra Cleanse Meditation for Busy People or the Guided Chakra Cleanse Meditation.
Both meditations cleanse and balance your chakras, but the Chakra Cleanse Meditation for Busy People is
a shorter version and many people prefer to start with this one.
Aim to do either of the chakra meditations between 2 - 3 times a week, building this up over the
following weeks and months. If you chose to work with the shorter version the Chakra Cleanse for Busy
People make sure to also try the longer version, because the longer version is the original meditation I
created and it does cleanse and balance your chakras more powerfully.
Please note: It is important for you to understand that this eBook and the three meditations are intended as
an information booklet and starter kit only. They are not extensive training in the chakra system, intuition,
healing and the life purpose journey.
In my online school, School of the Modern Mystic, I offer extensive training in these areas, and if you
want to learn how to work more with your Chakra Essences and live your life purpose in the world, as
well as become an intuitive and master healer, you need to take our online courses!


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Our school is world-class and renowned for its excellence, with hundreds of students doing our courses
every semester. If you are ready to embrace your modern mystic-ness and burst your brightness onto
the world, join us!

Step 3 - Start Using The Chakra Essence Meditation

Once you have read the FREE chakra course, have been receiving the White Light from me and have
been cleansing and balancing your chakras for some time, you are then ready to work with the Chakra
Essence Journey Meditation.
Activating the seven core feminine energies of your chakras will radically deepen and strengthen your
connection to your chakras, and will take your chakric practices and experiences to a whole new level!
Most people find this meditation easiest after they have cleansed and balanced their chakras, and for
this reason many people do the Chakra Essence Journey Meditation after the Chakra Cleanse for Busy
People or the Guided Chakra Cleanse Meditation.
But if you find that the Chakra Essence Journey Meditation easy to do without doing a chakra cleanse
directly beforehand, simply do the Chakra Essence Journey Meditation on its own.
How to Work With the Chakra Essence Journey Meditation
This guided meditation activates the core energies of your seven chakra essences, radically
strengthening your chakras and deepening your connection to them. It also quickly gets your energy
strong and vital, so that you can change your life pronto!

Important things to note:

1. In this meditation I describe the Chakra Essences physically, but my physical
descriptions may not be how you visualise or want to visualise or imagine them.
Occasionally women tell me that they see their Chakra Essences differently to the way I
describe them. If that happens to you, simply replace my physical descriptions with your
However, the core energy, the personality descriptions of each Chakra Essence, are
universal and dont change. Thats why, in the Chakra Essence Meditation, I focus more upon
the personality of each one rather than on their physical attributes.
2. This meditation ignites each of your Chakra Essences, so its best done after you have
been using the Chakra Cleanse Meditations for some time.


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The Chakra Essence Meditation is the next step after youve been regularly cleansing and
balancing your chakras.
To radically deepen and strengthen the connection to your chakras, you need to first have
used either the Chakra Cleanse for Busy People or the Guided Chakra Cleanse Meditation for
some weeks or months.
When you have done that, you can then start using the Chakra Essence Meditation. I
recommend that you do the Chakra Essence Meditation directly after cleansing and balancing
your chakras, or do it on alternate days, i.e., you would do the Chakra Cleanse for Busy People
on Monday, and the Chakra Essence Meditation on Tuesday.

What will then transpire are many weeks and months of getting to know your seven Chakra Essences
and creating an exceptional life. If youd like, you can also journal all of your experiences with the girls
so that you can remember everything you experienced with them.
Please note: This eBook and the three meditations are intended as an information booklet and starter
kit only. In School of the Modern Mystic we undertake a three month chakra healing journey in which
we heal our lives and learn to embody all of our seven power women, as well as create magic.
I created this eBook because many people requested that I share the Chakra Essences with them and
show them how to deepen their connection to their chakras. But if you are truly dedicated to finding
out how to create an exceptional life and discover your purpose, I highly recommend you take our
Level 1 training course in School of the Modern Mystic.
Wishing you the great success with starting The Chakra Essence Journey!
In White Light + Love,



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THE Photo Shoot

Getting photos of the chakra essences was loads of fun.
I knew I needed an expert photographer who could envision each one of the seven chakra essences, in
addition to a hair and makeup artist that could make them come to life.
Originally, we intended to hire models for each one of the chakra essences, but when this presented us with
lots of challenges, we decided I should do it. With wigs, make-up and costumes, I hoped I could pull it off.
Initially, I was hesitant that I could do this. Im not a photo model, and some of the descriptions of the
chakra essences are not like me. But when I realised I just needed to express them in my way, through my
personality and body, and give them my own interpretation, I felt I could do it.
Actually, I was great fun to play dress up and be other characters.
Most women I know love to do this, and it was a treat to embody
these powerful creatures for two whole days.
My favourite chakra essence to embody was The Sorceress. I loved
her translucent ivory skin and her turquoise eyes.
I loved her power and presence, and she is also one of my Soul
Essences, so it was easy for me to feel her.

The Sorceress


I also loved embodying The Warrior. My weakest chakra has

always been my solar plexus chakra. Being born a psychic, empath
and medium made me vulnerable to other peoples thoughts,
feelings and emotions, and I spent many years building up the
strength of my chakra 3.

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Most of my life, I had stomach problems and an array of digestive issues all the symptoms of an
under-active chakra 3 and I didnt know how to set energetic boundaries.
When I first started giving medical intuitive sessions, I would get completely wiped out. I would also
become that person for days afterwards, not knowing that I was taking on their negative feelings and
So, Ive spent many years working on building up the strength of my chakra 3.
In School of the Modern Mystic many women love the chakra essence of The Warrior. She is indicative
of our time that women can be wild, fierce, loving, head-strong and brave, yet still be compassionate,
feminine, receptive and loving.


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Chapter Eleven


Do you have questions about the Chakra Essence Journey?

About the Chakra Essences or the Chakra Essence Journey Meditation?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.


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ABOUT Belinda
Belinda Davidson is a well-known medical intuitive, spiritual mentor, author and public speaker. She is the
creator of the Soul EssenceJourney and the founder of the School of the Modern Mystic, a world class, online
teaching facility dedicated to helping people become intuitive, create an exceptional life and discover their
She is also a mentor and consultant, and amongst her private clients are celebrities, public personalities, doctors
and business leaders. Belinda is often described as a spiritual change agent, thought leader for her generation,
visionary and pioneer. But she feels most comfortable with being called a modern mystic because, she is, as she
describes, A modern-day woman with one foot in this world and one foot in the other.


Come and share with me your Chakra Essence journey!



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School of the Modern Mystic is a world renowned, online training
facility founded by Belinda Davidson.

Modern Mystic

In our virtual school 1000s of people from all over the world
undertake our intensive trainings every year, learning how to create
an exceptional life, become intuitive and discover their purpose.

Chakra Cleanse


White Light


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