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8th Annual Sucker Rod Pumping

Renaissance Hotel
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 25 - 28, 2012

Quick Rod (QROD)

String Design Tools
Ken Skinner, Lynn Rowlan & James N. McCoy

QRod - Free Simple User-friendly Practical

Beam Pumping Design Program

State of the Art Beam Pumping Design Technology

Design and Predict Performance of Sucker Rod Pumping Systems

Wave Equation Predicts Surface Dynamometer Loads and Polished

Rod Position

Immediately Evaluate Effect of Changing Tubing Anchor, Stroke

Length, SPM, Pump Diameter

Slippage Calculator from pump clearances ties the pump efficiency

to the predicted pump displacement.

Sinker Bar length calculator determines the sinker bar length as

pump diameter or pump depth changes,

Results can be shown in any system of units.

Dynamometer measured surface DYN files can be imported and

plotted on top of the predicted surface dynamometer card.

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Definition of Terms for Example Well

Surface Stroke(S)

Fo Fluid Load the Pump Applies

to Rod String and caused by the
differential pressure (PDP-PIP)
acting across the pump plunger.

Surface Card

PDP Pump Discharge Pressure

PIP Pump Intake Pressure
Ap Area of the Plunger


SV Open Upstroke:
Fo = (PDP - PIP)*Ap

Pump Card
Plunger Stroke


TV Open Downstroke:
Fo = 0

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Example Well
1. 5000 ft pump depth, 100 in surface stroke (s),
50 psi tubing and pump intake pressure
2. 2 inch diameter plunger with anchored tubing
a) Fo, Fluid Load 6896 lbs

3. Tubing Fluid Gradient 0.433 psi/ft

4. 76 API Designation Rod String Taper
a) 41.2% - 7/8 and 58.8% - 3/4 rods
b) Weight Rods in Fluid 8,288 Lbs
c) Kr = 254 lb/in & SKr = 25400 lb
d) Fo/SKr=0.271 ~ 27.1% of Surface Stroke lost to Stretch
Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Tool: Tubing Fluid Specific Gravity Calculator

Simple to Determine for any System of Units

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Tubing Fluid Specific Gravity

Used in Calculation of Wrf, PDP, and Fo

1. Wrf Weight of Rods in Fluid

2. PDP Pump Discharge Pressure
3. Fo Fluid Load Pump Applies to the Rods
Fo = (PDP PIP) x Ap

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Fluid Load, Fo, Decreases as Pump

Intake Pressure, PIP, Increases
= 15,601
17,122 Lbs

Fluid Load = 6896
6425 Lbs
Fluid Load = 5482 Lbs

MPRL == 6,508
= 80.7
= 76.7

50 psi
Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

QRod Calculates Full Pump Cards:

1. Pump full of Liquid with NO gas in Pump.
2. Valves Not Leaking and pump functioning properly.

Anchored Tubing

Unanchored Tubing

Rods Stretch
to Pickup Fo

Tubing Moves
kt as Fo Picked
Up by Rods
Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Tubing Unanchored?
PPRL 7415 Lbs


Pump Intake pressure is 319 and pump

is full of fluid. Tubing Anchor depth is
2914, but anchor appears to not be set.
Good Match with Dyn File
Import and Predicted Card


Pump Stroke 48.4 inches

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Simple User
-Friendly Practical Beam
Pumping Design Program

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop

Rod String from API Rod Number

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Example Well
Dynamometer Cards at Pumping Speed of 5 SPM
100 in

Pump Stroke Length = Surface Stroke

- Static Stretch + Overtravel

27.12 in
Static Stretch

Tool: Sinker Bar Calculator

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Sinker Bars Reduce Deep

Failures Caused by
Rod on Tubing Wear

Rod strings behave as a

slender Euler column.
Buckling occurs under
small compressive

25 Lbs. Buckles > 25
feet of 5/8 Inch Dia. Rod
50 Lbs. Buckles > 25
feet of 3/4 Inch Dia. Rod
200 Lbs. Buckles > 50
feet of 1 Inch Dia. Rod
Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


TTU Slippage Test: Stroke #36 08/25/06 18:24:56

1. 76 Rods 1.5 Pump 7.046 SPM 0.005 Clearance
2. Measured Slippage 21.4 BPD Pump Efficiency 88.2%

QRod - Predicted

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

Measured Load Cell

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Tool: Dyn File Overlay and Comparison

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


651 BPD

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Slippage Plot vs Clearance

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


159 BPD Measured vs 164 BPD Predicted

In-balance 180 Kin-lbs

TTU Test Well

7.04 SPM 1.5 Plunger
Clock-Wise Rotation


Predicted to
Net Gearbox

QRod Predicted

Minimum API Pumping Unit Description


Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Sizes Minimum Required

NEMA D Motor Horsepower
Computer: HP = CLF * PRHP / Unit Efficiency
QRod uses:
CLF = RMS Torque/ Average Torque
RMS Power/ Average Power is OK.
(dont use CLF based on motor current)
Gault: HP = 2. * PRHP
Unit Efficiency: 95 % for Large Units
80 % for Small Units

NEMA D Efficient Under Cyclic Loads

8-13% Slip ~ 275% Starting Torque
HP=CLF * PRHP / Unit Efficiency


TTU Well
Well 9.72
9.72 SPM
SPM Compare
Compare Plunger
Plunger Velocity

QRod - Most Widely Used Program for the

Design and Predicted Performance of Sucker
Rod Beam Pumping Installations.

Allows Either English or Spanish Display of Input/output

Helps the beam pumping system designer implement state of the
art design technology without getting buried with details
Wave equation solution to accurately predict the surface
dynamometer loads, gearbox torque and pump capacity, with a
minimum amount of input
Immediately Evaluate Effect of Changing Tubing Anchor, Stroke
Length, SPM, Pump Diameter
Slippage Calculator from pump clearances ties the pump efficiency
to the predicted pump displacement.
Sinker Bar length calculator determines the sinker bar length as
pump diameter or pump depth changes,
Results can be shown in any system of units.
Dynamometer measured surface DYN files can be imported and
plotted on top of the predicted surface dynamometer card.
Download free of charge from:\software\index.html

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


Rights to this presentation are owned by the company(ies) and/or
author(s) listed on the title page. By submitting this presentation to
the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop, they grant to the Workshop,
the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council (ALRDC), and
the Southwestern Petroleum Short Course (SWPSC), rights to:
Display the presentation at the Workshop.
Place it on the web site, with access to the site to be as
directed by the Workshop Steering Committee.
Place it on a CD for distribution and/or sale as directed by the Workshop
Steering Committee.

Other use of this presentation is prohibited without the expressed

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author(s) may publish this material in other journals or magazines if
they refer to the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop where it was first

Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


The following disclaimer shall be included as the last page of a Technical Presentation or
Continuing Education Course. A similar disclaimer is included on the front page of the Sucker Rod
Pumping Web Site.
The Artificial Lift Research and Development Council and its officers and trustees, and the Sucker
Rod Pumping Workshop Steering Committee members, and their supporting organizations and
companies (here-in-after referred to as the Sponsoring Organizations), and the author(s) of this
Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Training Course and their company(ies), provide
this presentation and/or training material at the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop "as is" without any
warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information or the products or
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The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in these presentations and/or training materials
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solely responsible for the content of the materials.
The Sponsoring Organizations cannot and do not warrant the accuracy of these documents beyond
the source documents, although we do make every attempt to work from authoritative sources.
The Sponsoring Organizations provide these presentations and/or training materials as a service.
The Sponsoring Organizations make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with
respect to the presentations and/or training materials, or any part thereof, including any warrantees
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Sept. 25 - 28, 2012

2012 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop


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