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Tio D.

Tio D.
Jr. Field Engineer ESP
Megger are best ysed as a trend analysis tool. To accomplish this, a test proced
ure ahould be established an used consistenly overtime. Unfortunately, Megger re
sult are not approriate for yse as a pass/fail determination due to the many var
iables and judgment involved. Some of the variable to be aware of are : Length o
f cable, size of conductors, ambient temperature and humidity, status of the mot
or (new,submerged,previously submerged), with or without cap attached and even c
oiled cble vs laid out cable.Megger testing isn't an exact science, and shouldn'
t be used as an immediate conclusion of whether a motor is good or no good. It i
s a useful tool if it is used to measure againts a benchmar in an effort to anal
yze the quality of insulation overtime. For ESP cable megger testing value :
Motor out of wet well (without cap/cable attached)
* New Motor > 20 Megaohm
* A used motor which can be reinstalled in wet well > 10 Megaohm
Motor installed in wet well (cap/cable installed)
* New motor > 2 Megaohm
* A used motor which can be reinstalled in wet well > 0.5 Megaohm
* A motor which may have been damaged by lightening or may have damaged leads.
Motor still ok to operate > 0.02 Megaohm
* A motor which has been demaged by lightening or has demaged cable, Motor may
be operational, but should be pulled for repair > 0.01 Megaohm
* A motor that has failed or has severely damaged insulation < 0.01 Megaohm

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