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=THE HISTORY OF—— PYeYEM NET Ke)s FLEETWOOD MAC IAN OL THE DOORS Ea SLY & THE FAMILY STONE f aa ; bp AMONTHLY TRIP HROUGH MUSIC'S GOLDEN YEARS THIS ISSUE: Welcome to 1968 FTER 1967°S COLOURFUL revelations and occasionally ‘grandiose musical experimentation, 1968 has itsfeet more firmly planted on the ground. The gurus and the hallucinogens ofthe past 12 months have imparted their knowledge, and the music world is now for the most part lightly moresuspicious of whimand fancy. "No-one precisely says thisis theirplan (although Paul McCartney hasbeen ‘murmuringabout getting back” forawhile), butthereisa palpableswingaway fromthe head trips ofthe studioand towardsthe heart: early inspirations, ive ‘music. Laterin the year the double album released by The Beatles willcontai strong flavours ofblues and rock'n'roll, the year's two principal revivals. Does this now mean The Beatles are taking a step backwards? As Ringo Starr philosophically remarks, "I'snot forwards orbackwards.It'sjustastep. Bob Dylanalso setsan anomalous tempo, established earlyinthe year with the bucolic minimalism of fohin Wesley Harding, Dylan’s continued absence {rom thepromotional scene allows him tomovewith afreedom not permitted his British contemporaries, and his absence ereatesa vacuum that myth, and under-the-counter recordings, step into fill British groupslike our cover stars ‘The Who. meanwhile, grasp he opportunities ofAmerica.Soeffectively in fact, that even TheBeatlesare thinkingaboutplaying live agai ‘The“underground’,withitslightshowsand flowery clothing, hasforthemost part dispersed -butstillnewscenesare springing upfromarcinvigorated, more informallivemusiccircuit. With themcomes anew generation ofreporters, less immediately oncernedwith proximity toestablished stars, but with these new ‘musical stirrings, and dedicatedo seekingoutthe personalities behind them, ‘Thisis the worid of The History Of Rock, a monthly magazine that reaps the benefits otheirreportingfor the reader decadeslater,oneyearatatime. Inthe pages ofthis fourth sue, dedicated to 1968, you wllfind erbatimarticlesfrom frontline staffers, compited into ong and illuminatingreads. Missed one? You canfind outhowtorectifythaton page 14, ‘What will still surprise the modern reader is the access to, and the sheer volume of, material supplied by the artists who have become the giants of popular culture. Now, a combination of wealth, fear and lifestyle would cconspireto keep reportersatarather greater lengtnfrom thelives of musicians, ‘A this stage, though, representatives from New Musical Expressand Melody -Makerarewhereit matters, Ata publock in with Paul McCartney. On theset of Performance, awaiting the arrival of Mick Jagger. Discussing laxatives with LouisArmstrongin Batley, West Yorkshire. Jointhem there. And, ike Louissays:"Leaveitall behind ya" ™" Contents Hendrix... Magical Mystery Tour -Theeatlesvisitthe Maharishi, vsthegeneralpublic.theyear's Ableary Eric whilewemeetCaptainBeefheart | debatesbegin. Claptongreetsthe and Status Quo, Inthe UKtheblues pressonhisreturn areboomingandrock'nllisback. toBngland. Arethe TimBuckleyintroduces | Creamsplittingup? hisinspirationalprocess, and canheeven get Larkscontinueforthe PinkFloydintroduceawhole hishi-fitowork? ebullient.neighbour-ofending —_newwayofdoingthings. Pete Townshend mods.Behindthescenes...anLP | Meanwhile way. gone country he Byrds have ‘would know rmasterworkisun JAGGER, SCOTT s ( UNION GAP INTERVIEW Pete Townshend phones Themanhimset LoulsArmstrongplays two-week INES res homeioreportontheAmercan | istllKeepingalow profll,but | residencyinBatey Yorkshire Fy smaut races WUE tee \ceoeeeeee | amen meliihdll ew inva pao couploteccenieaudiences. | thewkler word The Band SS ‘Wouldyoutetyourdaughter | shedsomelightonamystrious imarryaVenusiant caahectape, Acelebrity special johnny Cashreviewsthe singles. Meanwhile El Beatle" footballer Bluespuristsbeware Anexpensiveencounter | GeorgeBest, makesitiwo. PeterGreenisamanwitha with theMaharishican't mission. AnewBritishbanddebuts | completely dampentheband’s aboldtakeonatraditionalform. | enthusiast formeditation Whatnext for The andworld peace. World Peace! | Beatlesaftertheirreturn rom ) isplanned! India? There’sanewsingle RadioOneDS JohnPeel and*20ormore" new songs reviewsthesinges."Haveyougot tobegettingonwith.Arethey any TyrannosaurusRextecords! Meetings withan progressing? Thebandarenot lunassumingAmericanhousewife | fussed. Isjustanotherrecord Jumpin’ Jack Flash incidentally now htt ¢ OT reietrownshenavs forma peak | byTheBeates. anisocrecondingartist Rolling Stones stalin. etlaClarkesfimi | andperformer ee ikdogprandconpany a release Jumpin ackFas and recodtheitnewLP Anew track KennyJonestalsabouthis falled-TheDeviisyName™ | carswletheresoftheband Marianne'scharmson film.WemeetMateRolanfrom —_Drugbusts. quipmentproblems. TyrannosaurusRex,andCanned | Theformerradioannounceris Heat,theperformersofagreat | happytobehere-buthisbands single,"On The Road Again’ TirstUKtourprovestobe "unexpectedly problematic Somestrangejourneys ‘withamusicalexplorer:toSpain, Paul McCartney toSwitzerland, andsadly. 10 explainshowhe discovered ‘whatseemstobetheendof MaryHopkin, nowa bigstar the Experience herself.Keith Moonreviewsthe singles. “Anotherrecord? Raymond Douglas Davies cexplainsthethinkingbehind Theforn hisgroupSsnewalbum, The entrepreneurial, theiratticudes KinksAreThe VillageGreen ‘obusinesstevealingalotabout Preservation Society theirprevailing musicalidess, erFabsturn people’schoice Bringingthefetferson | JulieDriscollairs Airplane with them, Jim Mor andbandaeriveinLondon.The | opinions. long-diseusseclopera, Dea Singerexpresses apreterence for DumbAnd Blind Boy bombsitesandwaxworks. newdirections?Canthetwo Onthesetof ick Jagger'sfirst dramaticfilm, Performance, andi leading Holliesresolvetheir differences orwillthismean nticipation | theendofthe band? ofthe delayed Beggar Banquet (ChasChandlerexplainshisrolein thespectactularriseofTheJimi | end. Abigfinish for Ginger Baker, HendrixExperience-andwhyhe | JackBruc Isnolonger involved. Allgoodthingsmastcometoan ind EricClapton. “The potentalisriiculous. Paul McCartneyexplains hispartin The eates, while other winteralbumsarereviewed IntrodueingfimmyPage’s Inthestudioasthe ABe ‘New Yardbirds” Pollwinnerand band workon Pete Townshend's Wlesclamour ddominatesthecortespondence, Time ine. (UK) Ld, Floor, Bue Fin Building, 30 Southwark St, London SEL OSU | EDITOR john Mulvey, whose favourite song from 968 is Pa bys Mutontes DEPUTY EDITOR John Robinson 1983-.(A Merman I Should Turn To Be) by The Jimi Hendrix Experi 4 Dream by The Zombies PRODUCTION EDITOR Mike Johnson Afterglow bythe Small Faces ART DIRECTOR Mi (Quo DESIGNER 2 Step Inside Love by ila Black PICTURE EDITOR Kimberly Krete The Weight by Th rights reserved, 1 Circensis "PART EDITOR Lora Findlay Hung Up On Tones Pictures Of Matchsti Status and COVER PHOTO CArt Kane Avchive al se anhating Chats Tetanay SUBSCRIPTIONS {DIRECTOR HDs WaNAGING DIRECTOR Pies COVERS PRAT a Wasa Ton PaatTan or Palanan [or marc rye Timelnc. souatae ae Ui Pa Su FACES a MORE eS jeag re “They are expected to ~~ study for three months” MELODY MAKER FEBRUARY 3 JAPTAINBEEFHEARTWASittingin the corner ofhishoteloominLondon, running throughanew song, as entered. The Magic Band, Alex t Claireand ‘JeffCotton playingacoustic guitars, and Jerry Handley pluckinghis bass uiter, were seated onbeds workingthroughthe backing. When they inished, the Captaingreeted meandtold me the grouphadn'tsleptsince their gigat the Middle Earth thenightbefore. The Magic Bandkept onplaying and conversation with the Captain was carriedonbetweensongs. "Frank Zappa and Iweremaking amovieand decidedtostart band,” heexplainedtomy questions about the originsof the Magic Band. Butwedidn't.lwentandetarted with Alo andFrankstarted abandcalled the Mothers: We recordedasong, Diddy Wah Diddy; which wasaturntable it inthe UnitedStates, then the turntable stopped turningandwe stopped doing Diddy Wah iddy'~andstarted realising that everything was nothing, Wehad ayear of zolationinthe desert and got ‘ourselves together. We gothighin he desert.” “The numbers. the Safe As Milkalburm werewrittenabout 8monthsagoandthe slbumhas beenoutin America forabout months. We found Bob Krasnow, who didn't thinkour music wasnegative.He put outthe rocordanditdid OK inthe United States.” Conversation wasbrokenby another song and then| asked the Captain about theblues influence in hiemutic."Iwaunhappy asa child “now Imhappy and growing liketo talk, to. Whentmtalking|'m practising my singing and when msinging|m practising my talking. And ‘when mwalking!'m practising my stalking ‘The Captainandhis MagicBandhave appearedatthe Avalon Ballroomandthe “We: got highi inthedesert” = Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco:"Infact, ‘anywhere there arecars, man’ Howasimpressedwith London's cundergroundeentre, Middle Earth. “Iewas ‘one ofthe warmest audiences we'veplayedto recently, When came off the stage,|nearly brokemyleg. Iputmy footthoughthe stage and! saw these twogreen eyes shining through the floor. Itmighthave been rat, but 'man, itwas really avantgarde: Pause for ancther song withwords about “blue cheeze lace, blue cheese lace” (hetoldme hhehadwrittentwosongsabout England, one withPete Anders of the Anders Ponciaduo, fellow KamaSutrarecordingartists, who went traveling withthe Magie Band."Theloveimageryis fantastic. The castles, the bricks, everythingispositive hhere-unlessit'smade ive. Butevenafter we've gone, wellstilbe hhere.wroteasong with Pete Anders lalsowrate anotheronecalled’Fifth Dimensional Judy. We physiallylove England,” added the Captat ‘The Magic Band. meanwhile, were grooving salongricely and John French their tall, ‘mysterious drummerhadcome in and was beating tattoos onacase wthdrumsticks. "We'remakinganewalbum-it’srealy far ‘out continued the Captain."Ihopewe don't ‘getinvogue."Thenew Beefheart albumisstill being preparedbutthe coverhas already beenplanned. The albumitself willbe titled “It ‘Comes To You In A PlainBrown Wrapper” and the cover wllappearto be awrinkledbrown paperenvelopeaddressedto Captain “What I would like to say is, ‘Let the living live, and the dying die” aay Beefheart & The MagicBandwiththe wording "5,000 Microgrammey Tubular Planet Estates, Glasdom" The stampontheenvelopewillbear the heads ofthe Magic Band, engraved and superimposedon to old Spanish stamps. twill beadouble albumandthe Captainwouldlike togetit mixedin England. He then asked me was goingto askhimvtho he liked. “Alright,” Irepled, “whodo youlike?” Saidthe Captain, “like Zappa, Ornette ‘Coleman, Anders & PonciaandPennyNicholls and dimesand quarters and Bill” Before! could find out who Billy was, the Captain was away into another song with Pete Andersof Anders &Poncia,songs unlimited, throwinglyre suggestions tothe Captain ‘After that song, the Captain turedtomeandsaid, “What would lke to say ‘Letthelivinglive, andthe dying die’ That'sfrom one. ‘of ournewsongs, You Gotta Trust Us. “Ma,Idlike tohavesung thatin front ofthe Immigration Bureau. Those customs people whowere sostataly. Yosh t's witha hyphen” added the Coptainleaning ‘overmypad.twasatthispointthatBob Krasnow, Beefheart’s record producer, centeredtobreakup the sessionandgetthe Captain Beefheart Magic Bandon the road for the Speakoasy. The Captain was saying something about sleep but went offinsteadto doanotherinterview. Anders Ponca picked ‘upwhere the Magic Bandleftoff and walked intothe cold, Sunday nigh. slightly dazed, slightly amazed. Tay Wien (Weck ending Wednesdey, Marh27, 1968) |) or wom 2a op 4 EB) tose 7a ‘ammr, rom Dulwich, London led “The Traffic" but, says AlanLancast Stevie Winwood averthat,Heforethenwewere Spectres werecenth ine Bell andin factstll i Rock revival! NME |SPEARHEADITSrock'nrollrevival ' I Wesmpaign MCA sreseing fou a LRA St all over the country surge ofenthusiasm tnebluesin Britain Why do ds ofansidolise John Mayall and Peter Green? Why are new blues roupsspringingup T'venoideaatall [reallycouldn'tellyou Thisisthereactionofaman closestiothecore ofthethrivingBritishbluesseene, Richard, ‘oneofthe Brothers Vernon. Richard, aged21 ispromotion manfor Blue Horizon, theindependent label eleasedby CBS which specialisesingroupslike Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac ‘andthe Chicken Shack. His brother Mike,aged23,is anequally ferventblues ‘enthusiastand produces therecordsofMayall,Green andtheShack. Theircombined centhusiasminconvineing bigrecordcompaniesof he market forblues hasbroughtforthaspateofbig sellingalbums, ‘andincreasingattentiontoamuslescene once ppooh-poohed or ignoredby thecrities-the British bluesscene, The iritish blues scene haspeculiarroots Menlike Alexis KornerandChrisBarberlaid the oundationsofinterestanddevelopmentin the'50s.Latercamewhatwasknownasthe Ten Years After are the most controversial as they use distortion freak-outs R&B evivalwhen groupslikeThe Rolling Stones, Graham Bond Organisation, Mantied Mann, Yardbirdsand SpencerDavisGroup ‘emerged. Today’stopmenin thefieldallhave ‘widely differing backgrounds. Tracingtheir pastatfiliations canbecomplicated-and fun Forexample, xi¢Claptoncameupwith The Yardbirds disappeared, returmedtoeven bigger fame with Mayal then formed the vastly popularCream, whichhas even scoredchar sucess, somethingofasin Inthe eyesofhardeore fans Theothertwomembersot Cream, GingerBakerand lackBruce, bth used toplay togetherwithGraham Bond!’ Organisation, and ackhasplayedwith Mayall and Manfred Mann, Ex BondtenoristDick Heeckstall-Smithisnow blowingwith Mayall Dickalsohasa long history ofjazzplayingandstilldoestheaccasionalsolo ‘lubgig.~Today thesceneisequallystrongall ‘verthe country” hesays.Inthelargecities land owns, new blues groupsseem tobe continually starting up. Thelargerrecord ‘companiesarenowtendingtotake bes seriouslyandarebeginningtorealiseitisa saleable product-and inact, thealbums sell morethanalotofpopstult LAST TheVernons started producingbluesrecords bout two-and-a halfyearsago, running from theirhome thelegendary PurdahandOutasitelabels ona mail order basis releasingsingles by EricClaptonandJohn Mayall The finalresultisBlueHorizon. Wetriedalatofcompaniesto release thelabel before CBS. They were the only company EVERY SUNDAY — ond EVEny WeDNesoar HL, 2nd Fes. Now (LOWELL FULSOM & ALBERT KING 0 » PETER GREEN i FLEETWOOD MAC NEXT FRIDAY, 10th FEB. TEN YEARS AFTER DISCOSOULBEAT (sldeguitar piano) JohnMeVie (bass) and MickFleetwood (drums) Theiralburnissaidtobesellingover ,000aday Alterastintwith JeffBeck ex Yardbirds) Aynsley Dunbar formedtheRetallationandiscusrently workingwith Americansinger Tim Rose. Aynsleyisafriendly, enthusiastic Scot, hailed by the Marquee Club’sJohnGee as young, Buddy Rich’. Their lincupincludes Victor Brox vocals, ‘organ, piano, harmonica and trumpet, John Morshead (eal guitar and AlexParis bass), Theyhavea single released called "Warning’ FansarelookingforwardtothefirstPbyChicken Shack, titled Forty Blue Fingers, Freshly Packed And Ready To Seve. Theyareunustalinhaving agilwith them, Christine Perfectonpianoand vocals. TherestareStan Webb (vocal, guitar), Andy Sylvester (bass) and Dave Ridwell (drums) Theifitssinglewas"I'sOKWith Me Baby’ Ten Years fier featuringAlvin Lee on guitar,are probably themost controversial because they move into asemi-jazzfeelattimes,aswellasmakinguse offeedback anddistortion freak outs usually associated with the hipperpop groups. But their fansareequallyfanatical and cheer to theechoof Alvin'slengthy workoutson “Help Me". They heirfirstalbumreleased and the RicLee drums) and Chick no Theicfirstsingleiscalled recentlyhac lineup include Portable People” Savoy Brown Bes Bandwereformedayearaga andarewellestabishedonthecluband college circuit, TheirfirstPwasreleased in September lastyearon Deceaandtheyhaveplayedin enmarkand toured with John Lee Hooker. Allthese groupsarehitby frequent personnel ‘changes but thelatestlineup consistsofChrisoulden (oral, piano, and guitar) Kim Simmonds ead guitar Rivers Jobe (bass), Roger Earl (drums) and DavePeverett (second guitar, vocals), Bob Hallison pianowhen availabe Everyweeknewnamesappearon the club circuit-liff Anewsinger Bidginatesten |pined Pink Floyd, Increasing tho lineup to five He feat-yearold David Gilmour ‘Achldhoodfriend ofthe Flys Sya BarrettandRoger Waters Gilmour hasreheorsed with thearoupfor severalwesks, andwillnom in themonthetr first Europeantour hichetarteon February edectet| performance at theFirs European Intemational Pop FestvalinRome. soit the mie for Twiggy first fie “wiggyasked the group fthey would Beinterestedinthe preparedtogiveusan denty Momma diesBand,Jetheo Tul Spirit | sontreandthoy Biggestscllersofalbumsarethe Mayallbands. Decca ShakeyVic-Skye-Wine DoctorX’s.John | wrseohidarng the releasesinclde Ales Breaker featuringClapton;A Hard snmerandthe Bolle Housewhichfeaturesa15-yeatoll | predutonforther RoadwithhisrepkacementPeterGreen;and rusadewith | guitarwonder,DannyKirwan, company Apple hsreplacement. MickTaylo.Theiratestisanexctingtwo- |“ britshbluesbands renow blngratedalloverthe Fim Prstfiar volumesetotmateraltakenfomfohnstaperecordingsConinentespecalivintfolandandDenmarkandayal | foment ‘made atelubs, concertsandballroomsall overEngland, Ireland and olland duringOctober, November and Decemberlast year Itfeaturesthecurrentlineupof Taylor (guitan, Chris Mercer (tenorandbaritone), Keith Tillman (bass), KeefHartiy drums) and john onorgan,harpand recently returned from asuecessfultour ofAmerica, Thereiseven ables group operatingin Helsinki, Finland, ledby English singe JimPembroke, called the BiuesSectin. ‘Onceagain British enthusiasmistevivinginterestinan Americanmusic form. British playersmay notbe ableto wwereaskedifthey ‘would consider SPS an Fimanddeingthe rmusi,butnothing ‘vocals Itisprobably themostconsistentofallhis bands, fullyexpresstheemotionsoftheAmericanblackmanthat _hasbeendeeided Insuummerlastyear,PeterGreenformedtheFleetwoodMac _ ledtotheoriginaloutburstofthe blues buttheyarekeeping _atpreent iw andrecently had theifirstrelease on Horizon, Theitlineup Includes Peter (guitar vocalsandharp), Jeremy Spencer thetraditionalivewithamixture floyalty dedication and ability. Chris Welch SydBarrotthar leftthePnkFloyd toconcentratoon songwriting His placointhegroup Fasbeentabanby guitarstOwid Giknour.Thenew dguitarstwillbe Ferdi singlet Would BoSoNiceto bereleasedon Api Ml fororr oF poco | a Their high spirits have given the abad reputation, but also inspired a huge hit single, “Lazy Sunday”. Behind closed doors, experimental musical business is in progress. “It’s beer-swilling, famuffins” a. Se Le Nea OC ee etn men ey Ore ern eae en reeertcr tet eg neo eer Scere nets rrr) Journalistlet over romapreviousinterview. Hewasapparently asleep ee ee ne at ee eet eer er ceteris eee Tey ener an ees tat iy et rine ‘Weplayed somenice discstike Aretha Franklinandanewcomeron Immediaterecords, Billy Nicholls, whosanga greatsongcalled "You Wouldn'tBelieve” backed by theSmall Faces. Afterjoiningtheparty {provoked Ronnie into verbalactivty “Yournew recordisnot very progressive, ist" Ichallenged. What?” grinned Ronnie. I'm progressing verynicely, thankyou. In fact mprogressingoutofthisworld. 'mprogressinglikea pig!” Steve putonhis“interviewed! face, "We wantedtomakearecord that wasrealyus,hesaid, “Tin Soldier isthereal sand Rchycoo Park’isa really nicekind ofsend-up. Some ofthekids weresayingthat wewere not sowildasweused to beandivethought'yeah and came up with'Tin Soldier. Weeanplay this onelivebut we could never getthesamecffeets ‘n'tchycoo'” *Yeah,’'saidRonnie. "Andweusedtohavealot oftroublegettingthe RAF osendoverjetsattherighttimeon ‘ichyeoo Park’ tocoincide with therecording! Howdid theFacesexplainthat strange coloured single-sleevewhereall their facesare deliberately blurredin the photo? Steve picked upacopyof itlyingonthetableandvieweditdispassionately."Wemmusthavemoved, besa. “hither thator the photographerhad If,” added Ronnie. ‘Thegrouparecurrentiysufferingfromthosemisguided people who believeit’stheirjobtoprotectfellow mortalsfrommakingupthetrown ‘mindsabout songsand human beings. “ThereisoneidiotoutinAmericawwho goton theradioandwarnedall thestations nottoplay‘chycoo Park’ becauseitwasadvoc use of drugsandencouragingkidstostayaway from school ‘Iean'trememberhis name buthe'sakindaflrishCatholicG ‘Mos of those people have gotrubbersuitshangingintheit wardrobes” growled Ronnie. "They veall got theirown dirty itlescenes goingonintheirminds.They'esilly people. ‘Were theboysconcerned that some people were beginningto thinkot themas"“thedisappearingSmall Faces" owingtotheirdecisiontodoso few personalappearances? Westlldoa coupleofgigsaweek,'saidSteve. "We'vejusteutoutthe ballroomscene. We'vedoneall that. Wehave workedseven daysaweek forover 18 months, Weneed more timeto produce good records, Wedon't ‘mind fthey don’tmake thechartsaslongaswehave given ourbestto people. Anyway, we'llbedoingatourinthespring!” ‘Weplayed "Tin Soldier” instercoandtheaffixedjournalist" awoke ‘murmur"beautiful’ at theendofitandthen went backtosleep. Next we played aPhilSpector record ofPhilsinging-made someyearsago. Steve said he wanted o goto AmericaifTinSoldie” followed Itchycoo Park intothe American charts, Ronniesaidhemustcatch abusto Formentera andwenthome. Stevesaidhe thought The Herd would recoverfrom*ParadiseLost” and ‘otto takeallthethingshe said too seriously. Don'tsay Steve smellowing too! Keith Altham — NME JANUARY 27 — ia Tien ‘relaughingat!” said Ronnie Lane ‘indignantly, havingremoved hisshirttorevealatorso which could havegiven Charles Atlasanasty tur, To other remarks abouthis freckled back from the Small Faceshe retorted, That'samap ofthe stars, thats! ‘The group wereattheirimage-batteringbest whilerehearsingfor Southern TV's New Releasesin Southampton, Washinghishairinasinkin ‘onecomeraftheroom, Steve Marriottwasalso happily thinkingpop staridols. “Itsamazingthat!shouldhave o washmy hairlikeareal person really.’said Steve sarcastically. "Sometimest evengo othetollet andthatamazesmetoo! Dy know, when Iwas born was yellowallover-hadjaundice. Must havegivenmy oldman the horrors: Perhapsthemostrefreshingthingaboutthe small Faces today isthat they arenotfrightened ‘obethemselvesandanyattempttoplace them onapedestalisderidedbythe group. “We'vebeenall throughthatphoneysceneof beingthe‘FourLittle Mods’ forthe public” said Stove. “Weld urnup fora TVshowandthey 14 | sto OF Roc woe “We've been through that phoney scene, being the ‘four little mods” ‘would say,"Whereareall thesetrendy clothes youre supposedto wear?" Wewer justfour ordinary geezers havingtopretendwewere popsars. Nowwe'vestopped pretendinganything ‘Werecordedrubbishlike ‘My Mind's Eye because weeknewitwas commercial anditwouldsell. Nowwecan afford todowhatwelike.feelsorry for groups like The Herd, who arecapableofdoing things ‘much better than Paradise Los’ butthey doit because theywanttosell. No-onewantstoown up,that’sal Theresnothing worse than doingsomething youdon’tdigorbeingsomethingthatyouare ‘ot. Take oday: We're downheretobackPat [PP Arnold] onherecordbecausewe wanttodoit. Intheold days theywould probably have stopped usbecauseitmightlookbad for our image. Well to hell ith that-weplayed onher backing track-we produced thediscandwe like Pat Youdon’tneed any other reasons. ‘Aman fromthemakeup departmentealled toinstruct them to getmade up forrehearsals, ‘Ohman, notfor rehearsals” pleaded Ronnie. brings mefaceout” ‘There wasa general strikeby the other th Insupport ofRonnie'sface. “Ifyou don'tgetmadeupyouwon'tdothe show,” said the man politely. "Yah boo,'said MrLane. Finally producer Mike Mansfieldcame ddownto reasonvviththerebels. They en unmade-upforrehearsalsbut quickly cooperated forthefinalrun-through. The Small Faces’ new ingle, "TinSoldier” hasgot offtoaslowstart butrecoveredmomentum followingSteve'svery"live”performanceson, TWrecently "New TV showslike NewReleaserareavery go0dscenefor us, saidSteve, "Weneeded 0 sell"TinSolder'live~it'savery visual record, Butagainitisacase of being ablevo generateexcitement because weareexcited byoursong.I’sniceto beabletoventyour feclingsonsomethinglike Tin Soldier -reallyletgo That opOFThe Popswhere wewereallonstagetogetherwith Pat dancing behinduswas theseller Theysetitup wellandwecouldal getgoing. together. Colin Chapman, whoisthelrnewproducer, really eemstohave therightideas: ‘AtthispointenterMrMcLagan, whowasabouttoshave. ‘Alright, Who's goingtolendme anelectricshaver?” hedemanded Haven't gotone,"returned Ronnie. ‘What about you, Steve?” asked lan *Sorry,"saidSieve. ‘Ohwell said an,unpackinghissuitcase,"Tiljusthavetousemy own, then!” For thishewasresoundingly beaten! TheFacesareallon their wayto Australiaforatour thisweekandlthen tolapan. ‘an'tsay!'mlookingforward to the travelling,” said Steve. "Igetmorefrightened each timeTgetonaplane,butit'llbegood 0 sgrooveaboutonstagewith TheWho. When wecomebackweregoingtogetthe British scenegoingagain.Atleastthree gigsaweck,” hepromised. KeithAltham — NME FEBRUARY 17 — HEAHOVEMEADLINE(Smal Faces [seta areas suggestedby Ronnie Lane who diclarodatertne group recent dow under, “They would e while wewereon tour! ‘Whenashort haired, meat-cating, brawny. bronzed, brash, “sonofan Australiansurf” meets long-haired, vegetarian, small pale “sonofthe Britishbeatscene" on hishome round, you mightexpectthe kangaroo furtofly:TheSmallFacesfound the yhadlitleincommonwiththe male adult Aussie, Pressreportsboomerangedbackhere about Steve Marriott offering ‘otakeonahostileSyineyaudienceoneatatime,andbothTheWho and theSFsbeing orebly ejected froma plane orswillingbeer and ‘behavingin stichamannerasto constitutearisktotheaireraft Very competentlyconductinghisown defence, Steve Marriottputthe group'seyeviewatarecordingsessionlastweek. Tmsittingintheplane fromSydneyto Melbourne readingabookandmindingmyown business” said Steve. "Suddenly outofnowhere thispilotleans overme andsays, You'reascruflylttleman. Well, whatdoyoudo? lleokupever sopolitely and say, Goto ell! “Apparently the roubleall began overabottleofbeer which Paul ones backinggroup who were Austaliananyway--hadboughton boardand weredtrinking. Becauseofthisthey refusedta serveanyofuswithcoffee and Paulexchangeda few wordswith the stewardess. Hewasinsulted and provokedintoretaliation, Well Imsorry,butyoudon'tinsult pascengersanddon'trefuse oserve themeotfee,especiallyifi'sPete Townshend, andexpectno retaliation. Thatwaswhywewerethrownoft, but allthosereports about beer willing pop groups weredowntoone bot between four Australians snhaveaccused usof thatifithad happened Steve dealt withreports thathehad insultedtheiraudiencein Sydney and hreatenedto comeamongthem" Let'sgetthisstraight, said Steve. "Thekidsweregreat~allofth was one guyin the front whowaslookingfor rouble calling men: and flicking thingsat eon stage. Ijustthreatenedtogodownandsort himout. The lace that weplayed in wasa temporarybuildingerected ‘yonks' ago fora World Title boxingmatch and never takendown, ‘Many ofthe kidsonly gotalookatourbacks because the revolving, stagewouldn'trevolve-naturally hey were disappointed, Wecouldn't turnroundbecause four equipment and they neverrealy sawus got 40 geezerstopush the thingroundin thesecond houseandit woulda tmove ‘Allourrealtroublecame fromthese adult males withbigbody complexes. InMelbournethere wereaboutsixof tem waitingoutside thehoteland Keith Moon waswithme-hedoesnt frighten easily. We started breathinghard through our noses and Keithaskedifanyone wantedakicking?No-onedidandtheyranoff.Butcanyouhonestly believethat wewentlookingfor trouble. askyou-how could atfordto behostilewith mybody?" ‘New Zealand, accordingtoSteve, wasmuchbetterandhefound allthe peoplefarmorerelaxed.and friendly. The Kiwiseven suffered Steve's21stbirthday partyin Wellingtonwith sticreserve, whichis » ‘SMALL FAGES SINK AUSTRALIA Ws the head-tine the Faces are smi they didn’t see ! remarkable when oneconsiders that Messrs Townshendand Moon obligedwithone of theirunique"smashing” party demonstrationsand Acertainchairwentthrough acertainwindow Ttookaturnaroundthe studio below, where Romnie,lanand Kenny weremakingmusic Provisionshadjustarrived andKennykindly offeredme asausage-Ideclined ‘Quiteright” saidRonnie,a strict vegetarian nov. I'slike Pete Townshendsays,‘Eatthe foodofSatanandyourstomach willbeturnedinto asteaming, boilingpit!" Kennycontinued eatinghissausage regardless, Stevefollowed medovrn from thecontrolroomtoplaymea chorusof"ReneeTheDackers! Delight”—justalittle somethinghebad writtenon tourand Ian informed ‘me that the roup’snewwatcryis*NUFDNANISREEB." Ifyouspell those words backwards youget the message. Ronniedecided that, havingbeen inthe studiossinceearly morning, hhemust getsomeairand soltook him forawalkround theblock Hewas \wearinghis inevitable hand painted Cubat-heel boots. ‘Can't get emoff,"explained the rrepressibleRon. He wenton totalk abouthow valuable theoverseastourhadbeentothemforgetting together theirstagenumbers. Buthe denied the possiblity of@tour here with TheLoveffar."NothingagainstTheLove fair, said Ron. "Good luckto'embutit'snoton-Ithink TitoBurnsmaybedepatising fous!” Backinthecontrol oom, lvatchedSteveat workproducing,untila ‘mysteriouswhine suddeniy interrupted operationsandlan McLagan ‘ame intothecontrolroomwithalengthy explanation ofsomeobseure ‘echnicaldifficult.Aterlisteningpatientlytolan’slong tory, Steve sai, Don'tworryit'sallinthecans!” Tanlookedblankforaminute and thensmiled.“Nic backtothe studios, “Aremarkby meaboutwhether the Facesreally playedon theirrecords| was greeted witha grinbySteve. "You won tbelievethis,butwhen fist started ome yearsago lrememberasessionguitaristturningup to play ‘onourdise witha session tambourinis.'ASESSION TAMBOURINIST?” hecried in despairandwentbacktomakingmusicwithhis friends Keithaltham he saidandwent ‘somethingofanexperience~to putitmildly!Come with me ‘and you'llsee what I mean, Aclatteronthe letterbox the belllhas ceased tofunction many fan pulls ago) produces apackofassorted dogs, allbarkingjoyously,and the tenanthimself who gesticulates violentiythat Ishould goroundto the frontofthehouseasthe backdoorhasalsoceased o function. Marriow’s homes somethingbetweena” Palace OfDelights"and “The House Of Horrors" atafunfai Onceinthehallwayl amassaultedbyabathroomdoor whieh suddenly opensofitsownaccord and smashesmein the face. “Isamystery door," explainsSteveapologetcall ashiscollie alsatian and mongrelsniffaboutmykneecaps. “C'mon, the dogs,” urgesSteve and weclimbup thecrookedstaircaseto theloungeabove. Tnthelounge, Steve'ssidekick Ronald“Plonk’ Laneis strumminghappilyupona guitar asisteollnonehalantlyintothe ‘midaleoftheroomandcrack myskullagainstalow-hanging cillamp. ‘Mind the ow ight” saysPlonk dreamily. thankhim. Onone Tome Thameside abode of Small Face Steve Marriottis 16] stor oF Rook woe | FACES THOUGHT SUNDAY OF A JOKE / wallisahugemuralofaVikinggodwith hammeranda argeballoon, drawn fromhismouth reading "Amazing gear Thor?" Laskintelligenty or,"says Stevemimickingy,"Illthay'mthor! canard thitdown! Isiton achairandthe arm comesaway,sol move offand pickup piano stool-thelid omesoft hat. I standadmiringbooks. The three dogsin theroomhave nowbeen joined bytwocats.namelyan“Arfur" anda “Tibs" -MrsTibshas ately givenbirth toabeautiflbatchofkittensand ‘smagnanimouslygivento distributingher fluffy litle bits ofhappiness about theimmediatelocae. ‘Some geezerknockedat thedoor this morningholdingoneof Mrs "ibs offspring by the scruffofits neck,’ said Steve. Helivesa coupleof doorsaway.Heholdsitupliket’snot verynice and says,"Moundthis ‘deposited onmy bed thismorning: Wesittotalkabout thenew single ("LazySunday"). Why did they choose thisone?Steve decides togointohisAlfGarnettapproach."Cosit’sgood, innit” hebellows."Imean, takeyer Beatles like what make yer good records Sowe fought we'd makea good recordlike,dn'twe? Tell im, Ron, “agree wiv im wholesomely"sayshelpful Ron And esejukated, ane?” emphasisesSteve, Inaslightlymore sanemomentldiscoverthatthespecialeffectsonthe dise-birdssinging,wavesbreakingontheshore,bells-areproduced fromaspecial ound effectsalburn Were theSmall Facesconcerned that they would notbeabletoreproduce thedise onstage? W'snotreally thekind ofrecord we want oplay onstage,” said Steve, “Wemanaged to getaway with ItchycooPark’ by usinga taperecorder for phasing, butthisisgoing o prove more difficult The pointisthatitisagood recordandthat’s ‘Well getroundthelive performance somehow Thegrouphad recently returned fromatourofSweden much sooner thantheyanticipatedastthevenues werenotuptorequiredstandard “They were‘khazies,terrible‘khazies," declared Steve.“Iiwewanted toplayinplaceslikethatwe could playin much better khazies'thanthat averhere. And notonly that butwewere assured that ‘doubles wewere playing would bea reasonable distanceapart. Some of hem were at Jeast200:milesapart.Andi'm tellingyouthat’shardinarowboat! And when wearrived attheplaces they dlikesetthepianoup in theaudience, Imean-TURNITUP!Who needsit” AretheFacesatall worried hat thislatestoverseas disturbance, coupled with heir Australian roubles, isgoingtogivethemareputation asvillains? tmattersreally, 100 MUCH “AsfarasAustraliawasconcerned we werea success,"said Steve. "We'vebeenasked hackagain.‘Asfarasthe kids wereconcerned they lovedus~as farasthe paperswereconcemedweveredirty,beer- swilling ragamuffinsandiftha'swhat people wanttobelieve..well, Idon'thelieve theywill. We vebeen unfaisly accused ofbeingdifficult because wehaveclauses wrtteninco ourcontractthat state'clean soap . and towelstobe provided bythe management inthedressingrooms'-nowreally isthat we" askingtoo much?” Wecontinuedtalkingaboutrecords and theFacesadmittedthey were having geting the ff “4 recordingstudiotheywantto Pe finer? { y “Theplcewhereweursally Se \ sup as gpsbotedsaid-mdtone, | hesetimpeoplemovelnand Sz taketh place grerforacorfiakcad aed forsixmonths." Inspiteoftheirenormouspopularty, theSmallFacesare indingitdlfficultto get justtherightkindoftour together forEngland, “Wehad alotoftroubleon the Roy Orbison to recalled Steve."Theythoughtweweretooloud.Imean, Icanunderstanditina way-thesepoorolddearscame intohearfoy rbisonandafter 2barsof' Shake’ they runout~can'ttakeit.Theonlytime when weruninto troubleiswhenwe getasplitaudiencelikethis. “Weareloudand somecircuitshavebanned uusbecauseofit, butonly from that Orbison tour ‘Wedidatourwith TheTfollieswhichwasgreat andatour four ownwhichwasgreat,because ‘theaudiencewereallkidsand they understand, Iwehaddone atour with TheWhono-one wouldhavecomplained because wewouldhave had therightaudience” Finally weallsat downandwatched colouredfilmon Steve's TVallaboutapples, Steve, havingseen tbefore,stoicllysat through, itallagain. Then weplayed"LazySunday"on thestereo forthebenefittheneighbours. tis oniyapersonalopinion,butmineisthatthis recordisthe bestthing they have doneandifit doesnotreach No! thereain' tno justice! Keith liam — WME MAY 4— Oseeee the magiccave-betterdeseribed as J Andrew Oldham’s emporium from whenceall things Immediate happen -and the office whereIwastomeet the Small Faces. There wasSteve "Face" hoppingabouttheround table while pulfinga fagand assuring me hewas"rudeaswell- while Ronnie "Face" smiled impishly and told mehow "Lazy Sunday" was "breaking bigin Caracas!” Therewaslan “Face” cutchinghis new copy of the Beach Boyssingle, and Ken "Face" who sat quietlyinthe background on radiator, radiating! ‘Andrewlounged alonghisblackleathersofaookingmagnificent like someeasternpotentate-in blackand gold embroidered silkrobes, Hefedsomesoundsinthestereamachine. Thebeautiful, blae-crystal goblets wereproduced and filled withsparkling iquid and then what aughinglycallsaninterview began, Moreparty-timethan question. -butwho scomplaining Fothalfanhourthey bombarded my senseswith soundsfromthe completed sideof their nextalbumandwhatanalbumiti, tam sworn tosecrecy about theformatbutlcantell youthat theyhavecomeup witha fantasticnarratortolinkthe tracksandeverytrack heard wasbrimfulof goodfun,excitementandthe kindofhappymusicthatisdrivingsomein desperation backto thesimple,staphappy soundsofHaley&is Comets. Theboysthemselves bounced happilyabouttheroomandseemed to takeasmuch delightinmyreactionstotheirsongsasthemusicitself “We'vegotto completethemixeson theothersideyyet" said Steve, ‘butwe're chuffed with what we vedonesofar.trealyis something, new isn tit “Tt’sa good — record... We'll get round the live performance” SWALL FACES ‘Therewastheinevitablecopy ofthe NMEon theirtable, open at Nell Smith’scartoonofDaveDee ‘Gives methe orrors” saidSteve.“Imean, i'sveryclever buthemust be..."andhestartedtashake! Ronniethoughtsomeone shoulddoacartoonofNeiland lanventured ‘osuggesthe wouldnotlike hisdreams. By thistime Kenny had donehis famousdisappearing rickand!an explained thatKenny isthe etiting kind, Ihe getsbadvibeshejustdoesarun-out" smiledlan.*Kenny’s reallyahappy Face. He ust getsonwith thedrumsandletstherestoflife runitself-rather like Bobby Elliotin The Hollies” ‘Onebyone the otherSmall Facesdriftedoutof theofficeandleftme \withlan winterview-atmyrequest~and Ruf, wholsanot-so-distant relation of Seamus whois Stevie'sdog.Wetalked ofmany thingsthe *MeLaghan’ andilike-ofMauriceofthe BeeGees, whoisalsoa*happy Face" whoweboth happentotike.Offans, desiretohavemoney logo placesinSouth America uutnodesireto bea millionaiee. He {squitehappyinhissmallpadwith Rufland Rusty, hiscat. Wetalked of Steve, whoneve bed, and Ronnie, who s alwaysup first ‘And Ibiza, theislandwherelanhopesto goonholidaylaterthisyear Finally wearrived aU°LazySunday". “Yes,i¢Ibenice forallourmumsand dads ifitmakesNo 1 grinnedtan."We'revery happy thatitisashigh sits, hough, ‘When wetirstcuttherecord everyone thoughtitwas alaugh. Stevestartedsingingit inthe recording studioand began tolaughat thesong ThenWweallbegan laughingat twas really quitea straight songtobeginwith until, ‘Steve beganchuckingin ‘inky pinky poos' for giggle. When wefinisheditweall thought invvasvery funny. Butwehadnointentionof releasingit “None ofuswanted toreleasethisrecordat frst, Humourissuchastrangething Younever -knowwhetherotherpeopiewillseeitthesame ‘wayand wefeltthat'TinSoldier' wasmuchmore ‘thekind of thing wewanted odo. Iwasteally theenthusiasmofpeople ike Andrew and Tony, “Michael dAboand yourself which won usround and webegantothink, well aybeeveryone else willseeitasagiggletoo” ‘We talked of Martin LutherKingand histragicassassination. Tan elt thatitwasa disaster butmaybe now peoplewere beginningtorealise whatagoodmanhewas “Violence, and particularlyrace-violence issomethingl'vealways dejested,” sid an, When thoseriots began notsolongagoatthe (Chinese Embassy rangup theChhinese Secretariattotry and reason ‘withhim.All]gotwasthisguysereamingdownthephone, ‘British imperialistsarekilling Chinese people’ “Tamnotaviolentperson myself, The only time ean really rememberlosingmy temperwasinGlasgoveiwhen wewere beingtorn ‘obits outsideourhotelentranceby somefansand thedoorman refused toletusin. walked straightthrough the plate glass door, shatteringitin alldirections” TanisnotaTVaddictbutwasveryimpressed by the TVshowingrecently ‘ofthe Tom Courtenay ilm The LonelinessOf The Long Distance Runner. Thatwas thekindot film whichexplains the obstinacy ofpeoplelike ‘ourselvestobowbeforeauthoriy, said lan. "Here was thisguy inborstal, under almostthe complete controlofthe governor, who had im trained like somepethorsetowintherace, Therunnerdefieshimbytheonlyway heisabletobycominginabout50 yards ahead and stoppingtoletthe ‘others passhim, The most precious thingofallisfreedom,andno-one ‘canmakeyoutheirslaveifyoufighthardenough” ‘Alongwith alotofathers,anislookingforwardtohearingand seeing ‘The CometsandBillHale. ‘Bring emallback.” grins Steve. "Let shave Tommy Steeleand'Singing ‘The Blues and The EverlyBrothers doing’ Wake Up itte Susie. Sends shiversdown my spine, itdoes!Atleasttheyknewhowtohavefunand cenjoytheirmusic” SodotheSmall Faces! Keith Altham « nso OF Roo 887 “The English scene doesnt » compare ETETOWNSHEND WRITES: “After ourlastvisittoSan Francisco, ustbefore the Monterey Pop Festival last yearin thesummer, wewereallleftwith animpression ‘ofreally good social relations between the town's straightand not-so-straight residents. Theyhad the friendliest police force, the country’sbest pop promoter “Fill Graham —aware audiences, good groups, Haight-Ashbury, Chinatown, andlotsofother things to combine to give San Francisco agreatatmosphere. Wefeltatease and happy there Today thingsate different. Atthe alzportwe wereapproachedby several youngpeople-nothippiesandnotfans. They were askingfor ‘spare change’ andlookedasifthey neededsome. Unfortunately wewere completely rokeandjusthad tocxplaintooneguywiywedidn'tcarry ‘any money, butitseemed he didn treally care. Hecertainly wast twell, ‘enough to open hiseyeswide enough to know wewerewho we ere. inFlaight Ashbury now thisisacommon occurrence. Lotsofkidsive solelybybegging: for many timesarehard, Ifthesummer'sdropoutswant, ‘odropback in, theyrmustdrop in via Vietnam. The Fillmore Auditorium, however, anditsigsistr, Winterland, areverymuchthesame. The audiences seem younger but then thelasttimeweplayed wasthe hippy ‘summer, with hippies ofall ages coming romall over the States toSE “Theaudience hereisalways friendly and thesoundisthebestinthe world forrock'ntll BillGraham, the manwhorunsboth venues, has Installed over$35,000worthof microphone system. I'sfantasticandit ‘wouldn’thappenin Britain. Nobody could make that muchaseasilyashe can, He'sabrilliant manand workshardtomakesuretheshowshe puts ‘onarethebestinthe States “Despitethe generaldecline in atmosphere, Fisstillthecentreforthe Scates hippies. Therearerumoursthatmany willspendthissummerin Vancouver, Canada. Wehear that Vancouver sn ttoo pleasedatthe thought. Although flower power wasntcandemned quiteassmartlyasit wasinEngland isdeadnov. “iftheresanythingtte American maninthestreethates,tshappiness thatisntpaidfor.or earned. Pop musicinthisareaisasgoodasever. We realisethat most English record buyers haven'teattoned onto West Coast sgroupsyet, butwe thinktheysoonwill, CountyJoe8TheFishareeasily theleast contrived group fromthe USA. and therearecountlessnumbers ofequally refreshing groupswith guitarfrontlines thatcouldbreakin England. The Buffalo Springfield, the Moby Grape, The Associationare alleapableofconsistently ood records and personalappearances. “Jim Hendrix the Cream, the Be Gees, Traffic TheNice, ohn Mayall, (andourselves) haveall played suecessfulshows onthe WestCoast.On ‘mostofourshowsinSF we played alongsideCannonbal Adderleyand hisband, Hewaswellreceivedby therack hungryaudienceandso encouraged, played brilliant sets. Hisplanist,JoeZawinul, wasfantastic playing thekind ofmusic which comes romsomewhereinside, possible foranyonetolike.Despitethelrtalentfor R&B, Ldon'tthinkitcouldhappen utsideofadiscothequeinEngland,butwhoknowsuntilitstried? InEnglandourmusiecamefirst. Here ourmusiccomessecond, similarto theway'The MovemadetinEnglandasguitarmonsters! Our albumsarewellliked here, though, and oursinglessellwellnow.1ilbe happy tosee the day when someoftheenergy thatgoesintoaWho' finale goes intosomethingusefullike quartyingor demolition ara with hed tad com ‘opie ot ie aha ua oh hate her aes LuckiyhesenanKitLambert \whocosmanege intervened tcndsin(Aandheanthatthe Cream Animals heaves comtctfatren leldbumplnoVie BeigofThe Animals fichiers openingathe Troubadour Tes TolueroseeRehepiay Kttako enin.os Angleswenormally sayatinebevelyfilleiton ton Thatine tngloretuedtinances ThchylorDeceLatimewestjedat Thelin the bila s00 frelon days Popgesthe wees studs intay od. Theyhave anechochaberterewncth Shundingotonoithethe hsbeenunedby utspectran orthtightensBrothestt mnucheafchifonsworks reeogiabeforte deny iheandheveurenehhcbtal GAT indgoudtenpered Ababasben — RgeCYEe Saaboutthediferentmetsot outselesandmanjater goupsareengnecedby Damon yen She) auc studs, dium spunnedtoruseby hefencenn CancerSocty on Utada frume/ ssocetysamahalr tas deusiepeoee temas csuldbercesredonafucreaiamoringle inordrtemuncouresaeger ou boat onceliinethe vargnwederldedrmaea unl Kwan an obesomeing Tethephugwedtr appyJack everyone ingen: Wetound anolddenevarchotnes Maly woodandoncteametestanceton thcofeusatchmarbypltngoney nhishard Kook ery much LW ourfunny film turnedoutrather macabre. The directorwasabrilliantyoungmanwhorecently ‘made amuch-praisedshortfilmforfimi Hendrix. ercally deservesalltheplugshecan et. Unfortunately ve forgottenhisname ‘Nexton themens:was Decea Records’ press reception forusatthelush expensive, fabulous, ‘overwhelming Beverly HillsHilton. Decca neverletus orgetit, “Nextdoortouswasanotherabsurd get together. Apartyof Shriners werecolebrating something theyaresimilartoEnglane!’s Freemasons) andwereallwearinglittlered turbans, Aswewalked through, oneofthem said, "Keep America bbeautiful-cutyourhait: Wesuggested Americawouldbenetit in beauty ifthey ookotf theirstupidhats. Ohdear. Trouble. Actualy,afterafeve hourstheywerevery much ike anyone else. Drunk ‘Ourreception wasa success Ifonly forthe factthatall The Who artived! OurStatesidepublicistFenry Rogerstook ustotheFactory.It reallyisanamazingdiscotheque.Itwas, sthename implies, afactory. shugeinside,coveringoverthe size ofanaverage Britishdancehall Itstillusestheold freight lift, and chandeliershangfrom thegirded ceiling Despitethisitishomely andtypically Hollywood inevery way ‘farcry from Traffi'scottage nthecountry. Traffic’ latestalbur delighted allusWhos,andwewere disappointed when Dave Mason eft ogosolo, However, welustheatdhislatestrelease and, withanyluck, i willbea bighitforhim, “Traffic snewsinglealsoisasensation.[fitgetstothetop five, litake backeverything!saidaboutEngland'syoungmarrieds. Ourroad ‘manager, Plum, mustbe thelr greatest fan anclspends mostofhisspare timewith theirequipmentman, Albert. Ahorrificpaie “Tt’s become clear that a lot depends on. the engineer” Thelastthing wedidin LAbefore weleftfor Canadawas o vsitmusic’sgreatestfans,B Mitchell ReedandEd Mitchel. attheirnew ‘undergroundradiostation, KROQ-FMin Pasadena. Wewereamazedtofindthatthe studio eallyisunderground-underachurch, Infact.Theatmosphereinthestudiowas ntastc, progressivepop,rocknolland blu pouringoutoverLA John Cagerecordsevent Mitchell wasn texpectingus,butallthesame hestoppedthe show to giveusanairing ‘Unfortunately, L’spowerfulpoliceforceis outtocrushthehippy movement in that area ‘Theyhave already closed down many greatclubsandtherearerumours thatone ftheinest, Whiskey Go Go, issoon ogo. ‘Next stopisCanada, The wholeof Marchand some ofAprilhasyetto passandweareallhomesick” Pete Townshend TYPICALWHO SOUND blasted in stereo froma battery of speakers screaming guitar, vocals, bassand drums. But Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle and Keith Moon were not involved. The “group” wasall Pete Townshend, Pete'ssongwritingfor The Whoisa complicated busines ofgetin words down ontape with theaidofaguitar, then buildingupfour-and eight trackrecordingsin thestudio athishomein Victoria, London. Pete ncehada fabuloustiatin Wardour Street, Soho, complete vith recording equipment, drums, organ, guitars, mammoth hi-fisetup, massive recordcollectionanda iancrubber plant. Mostofithasbeen transferred tohisnewhome, anditwasthere Peteplayedmeatapeot » STORY OF ROK | A wrk asongcalled*Now'm Farmer ‘entherestof TheWhohadnt asongfrom Pete'sproject,thelong-awaited Townshend Opera, which hehas been workingonindifferentforms,onand off foracoupleofyears, Heavy commitments inAmericahaveheldhimup,andalsoPete was disappointed attheimage of pop opera created by Keith West's"Teenage Ope Pete tall, angularandenergetic, dressed inbluejeans.adinnerjacketandFairIsie pullover ready foranopen-airdrinkathis local.“Ooh~Pete Townshendhas go Paul MeCartney’spuillover” sniffed Pete loading himselfupwithtissuepaperto holdaspringcoldincheck “Itredliken togetthis. was theonly one intheshop, buttheywouldn'tletmetakeit, When got home, thereitwas! My gitfriendhad boughtitforme: Tn the pubhe foughttheustal battle for service thenlaunchedintoanamazing conversationalmarathon fullofstacting ldeasandwild enthusiasm, Howdidhe enjoy The Who's frstperformancein island formanymonthsatLondon’s “MarqueeClub last week ‘enjoyed the Marquee very much. For thefirstfew minutes wasveryscared the Whole thing was going gowrong, Butthe audience waslovely. Although wehaveplayedtherehundreds oftimes itseemed strangeto playsuchasmallplace after thestates.Insomeplaces s0,000tuenoutforusathuge stadiums. And theyeeallyturn foutin those numbersfor popin Canadaand America, Those loptoursoverhere recently wereadrag.Idon'think the‘names'werevery well balanced. Lastyear’sEnglish ‘oursweregreat and really thought weweregetingthe youngkids ackinto pop. Atthe arquee,weweren' particular togetherbecausewehadn'tactually played sincewegotbackirom theSiates, Wedidn'tdo ‘any specialactbecausewe tried allthosethings attheSavillelastyearandtheyalwaysmakeme feel uncomfortable, Tsmasheduptwoguitarsatthe endofthe show, becauseonelwasuisinghadrecently been tepaired and brokeasIcame onstage, so Iplayed another one luseforrecording, Atthe endilthought, ‘What thebellandsmashed themboth Sure-tlostmoney.analtheamps, which wereborrowed,willcost about £20 eachtorepai.The Gibson Stereocost®200. can tputitdownon axbecause when say luse70 gultarsayear, they don'believeme. They putitdownaspart exchange “We makeaprofit, butitisadisasterforustogo ouringAmerca, becausewenevermakeanylbread,Othergroupsdo,| suppose. We make ‘our money onrecording. Lenjoygoingto Americaverymuch.I'schanging “forthe better. Thewarhas aken thestingoutoftheiraggressiveness, They're scared of warandthey are beginning to respectthe views ofthe young because oftheirpersistence.Justthink—the billion dollars adayspentbyAmeriea on thewarin Vietnam would keep every Vietnameseintwocarsanda TVset Asfortherace scene hee... amaicansaresuchnice friendly people: ‘msure the English don'treally hatethemasmuchasthey nsistthey do, Theworld isameltingpotandthesoonerwe arealla bronzedbroven colour the better. Hall-castes aremuch betterlookingthan pure-breds, hich ditis nl 22| HsTORY oF Ro “Tlike writing “= for The Who, but I can’t do that on tour” \whoare themost disgusting, despicable charactersofall Eventuallyrace willbe non: x, but bythen theinterplanetaryraces willbecomingoverhereandwe'lgetthewhole ‘thingover again. Would youletyour daughter rmartya Venusian® But mother, we'rinlove! Idon'teare,‘mnotlettingyourmarry ane of thosesp Howare The Whochanging, and what Pete'splansforthe future? “Tike writing The Who, butl can‘tdo thatwhen we'rea ‘onlongtours, The groupsoundis changin probably getting moresophisticated. We'reconscious now of sound balance, and wedo play quiet numbers, Youcan hear the vocals now, which you couldn'ta couplet yearsago. Tmworkingonan opera, which did oncebefore,andTam thinkingof calingit"TheAmazingJourney:.[vecompleted someofit, and ike to putiton an LP. The themeisaboutadeat.dumbandlblind boy who has dreamsandsees himse Tilike calli JourneyIntoSpace’,buttheremightbe problems because ofthe oldradioshow- love pop, andsomucheanbedone through pop medium, Popistoday.{don'tthinkaboutyesterday’s pop although tomakeaterribleadmission, like ClffRichard and always havedone foryearsandyears Basically, minterestedin theprogressionof pop, andi don'thinkits asexctingat the momentasitshouldbe... And mnotsayingthat because wehaven'tgotarecordinthechart.” Chris Welch astherulerofthe cosmos, ee en er | — MELODY MAKER JUNE 15 — -TLOOKS Sthough wemaybegetingafull [Istana hes selected anya eaten ious Roger Dalry td the inowoaks "We willsobedy dott acompetealbamandie Dovtanatyalsicdinertoanenae “tstmlly Pets anbecwrngteosperatorcme nea altok eathnytecactroninon tinal wsteerancae ster thoutivingintyearf0 when ere amachintasyouslc thesxolyour aby Hatongwesabostawonanwhoconn belive tha nachinsbadadeatisasand neers hoyinsnadtagi Pappy ack wna emanoter opera did {dunk bur next Wevilprcbay hme operon ou ay guy and toansitwilbe stat dierentsngs,Whehtecomebackom ot poorer ren earn ere urtheminthingonTheWho Seallctvemindahemaentisthelr sewing another ownahendonginal aboitagreshound led Lay igarcnneounctegecomniapie? agcetent ey cnedton ‘Main becaue wedi have Siythingwerthacoding ew eenrng chesitiesianttuet eae toga ave el arte ncargaag Uhleseyoubavesomethingwortlessing” The goupees casero JunedBendecemtobelookingorwert Chere heft weskpaysoraerandall peice nee ieee tondmanagers the ith paptoryourmansget Tooth proltforus nour woek Morne Kggetdn. Three Tapconater tect m “hodplate doth ve ngetensbout ean Wealove woringhere bhai theponsth theta we py We pay Todi nape oiabiywartheecing Aviensmentwenc sant car Toga doer vgrs tit ally val tapeningn ihe Sates, bes OffnveninandMahy rapecmarelouyhesld Bat theestarebtarabis Iftinesomebody lth aboutte ‘tain cen Real orto rps tealy dn tw wheres gr TiiemaralegoodTheyhavetinen manta soemegret Herettngnage er dupopschatercncanhiagensege Pat thetoblnay be hatpspiodonakapoupecniauyovertiee “enaturaiywantoKeepmoving Lveouageat- weve been doing gh thsareactorayentno aso tight peoplerowaih burwewantochangltbecatsewe wantodo Somethingiteen” BopDavbarn — MELODY MAKER SEPTEMBER 21 — a ESTATES ARE where The Who now have their biggest hits, ‘most fan fever, and excitement, Pete Townshend, Keith Moon, Roger Daltreyand John Entwistle flewback ast weekfora. holiday before offering heir waresto the home market. "MagicBus", «due forreleaseon September 27, isan exctingreversal to The Who's ld sound, although Pete prefers tocallita completion offull circle. There isaheavyBo Diddley beat, somescreamingguitars,and Insistent,chantingchorus. implebuttremendously effective, andhigh inthe American ot 100, Buthow farwillthe"Bus"rideasnew groups and anew generationoffansmovein? Overlunch,Petetalked-asluctdly andashonestlyasever~aboutthe group, TV, radio, America, and the perennial opicofdrugs. “TheEnglish scene forus, unfortunately, doesn’tcomparewith ‘America. don'thinkourld fans.will carefor hatstatementandnew pop ansWwon'tcareatall. ul theStatesoffersusmoremoney,fansand excitement. When The Whostartedoffhere the business was much more exciting, there were more ood TVshowsandradiowasbetter. Popwas anew, excitingindustry. “For us, reachingastage ofplaningoff, just gettingNo9 records, and interviewsonBBC2, theStatesbecomesamoreexcitingplace. We've “All drugs do is strengthen the illusion of what you see” THE WHO oe for Who STATES ae where the Whe em have oe ES, mont fan fore’ nad coetat Mpehar® ete ae “We play what we Whois the real voice of the blues? Anew London band, FLEETWOOD MAC, may have some answers. Their leader Peter Green is no purist, but walks it like he talks it. “tf was playing what Creamare playing,” he says, “I wouldn’t call it blues...” 24 | esTORY OF ROK WH like” — MELODY MAKER I) AfiCi 16 — MONGBRITAIN’S YOUNG blues fans, EricClapton wasoncehailedasa god, thendiscarded when heleftJohn Mayall’s luesbreakers forthe (Cream. Takinghis place in theiraffections ‘wasPeter Green, a21-year-oldfrom Bethnal Green, hailedasthetruevoiceoftheblues guitarand symbol of dedication. cerleft Mayall oformbisown grou Fleetwood Mac, anditmay comeassomething ofashocktobisfanstolearnthatheisnota raving bluespuristandstartedlifeasarocker, “The grouphasbeen very suecessfulsince ‘weformeditlast August. Thereisabiginterest inbiuesin Britain, although notwhatl call ‘ealblues, more progressivestuffrom Jimi Hendrixand theCream. Butit'sdefintely spreading. Thereareoniy wo placesinthe holecountrywhere we don't godown— acoupleof dead universities” John Mayallhasbeenthe spearheadin rovivinginterestinblues. He really done alotforit.Pvebeenplayingbluesguitarfor ‘aboutthreeyears,andbeforethat wasplaying bass. Whenileftjohn, Ididn'twantto form ‘group. [wanted o oto Chicago, butitwas difficulttobesure ofbeingsafeandl ended up droppingtheidea. washappydoing nothing, butMikeVernonsaid, “Why ot andhetalkedmeintoit.” Peterhas beenfeaturingrock'ntollalotinhis ‘Whatdidhethinkofthe currentrevival? ‘mabitehocked about it. hope peopledon't 4 thinkwe'redoingittecause ofthe revival! » Iwasfirstinterestedin rock'nrolland Bll Haley when was l0yearsold hasa iigplace in my musical heritage. had apictureofHaleyonmy bedroom wal. We'reallbigrockfansinthegroup. Westarted outdoing ‘AUThe Hop’ asajoke, then wedid Ready, Teddy’ and Lucille andwe really enjoyed them. “Alotofso-called blues puristsareagainst usdoingit,butdon'tcare hat they think. Weplay whatwe ike we'renot just playing for purists Vmnotablues purist don'tknowevery record ever made, or their ‘numbers, and mnotinterested intalkingaboutthe bluesallnight. just playblues-androck'n'ol,” Chris Welch INME ARCH 25 Fe GROUP challengingJohn Mayall'sdominanceofthe ‘blues LP market, Fleetwood Macarefullof surprises. They ;humb theirnosesattheblues purist; admit frankly that what they seckis commercial suecess;and to those who scoffandaccuse them of copying he irreplaceable American blues maestrosthey answer openly, “Sure we do, And whynot? Butlikemost Britishbluesmen, thefour Macsaredecidedant-stars who inthe wordsoftheirhandouts, dress for comfortratherthan effect Takethe group's soft-spoken 19-year-old guitarist JeremySpencer(and lusethe word take" figuratively because therearecertainplacesyou. couldn'ttakehim. TheSavoy nd theRitz forinstance!) However, intheSoho coffeebar wherewemet, heblended wellwith the surroundings. Themidget-sized Jerry-sft4in inhissocks-wassittingon stool, munchingsardine-and-cucumberrollsand waitingforelow Mac guitarist Peter Green, who never didarrve. Jerry’schoiceisclothing or comfortratherthaneffect: white plimsolls, buedenim eans.acord Lev'sjacketandablack Aduifel coat-To add to the image Jerryrollshisown cigarettes andhasamop ofblackcurlyhairthatdoesn'tknowwhere ‘odrawtheline,spillingasitdoes down thesidesofhis faceandmeetinghaphazardly underhischininan undecided beard Somuch forappearance: now forthefacts Fleetwood “Mac forthe uninitiated, arefourhighly talented blues ‘musicians whosefirstLP, Peter Green Fleetwood Mac, s doing verynicelyinthe NMEalbum chart-Individually theyare:Poter Green, lead guitarist from East Putney, who replaced ErieClapton nfoln Mayall Bluesbreakers. Despit the tle of theLP,hewouldlikeitknown thatthe name ofthe s70upissimply Fleetwood Mac. Peter,says)erry,isadown-to-earth type, playsguitarwith nofrills, is theleaderof hegroup,isheavily influenced by BBKingandcanmakeaguitarsing. BassguitarstJohn McVie,alsoa former Bluesbreaker,isfrom Ealing and, says erry, isthe Bill Wyman typeandlikes wine, womenandsong. Ondrumsis another former hiesbreaker Mick Fleetwood, the giant of thegroupat ttintal. Hecomes rom Salisbury liveson the Edgware Road andisverytallandvery funny. Finally there erry himself who plays"bottieneck’ guitarafterthestyleofhisidol,thelateElmoreJames, although he staesthatthe piano isteallyhisinstrument. Though seems theyhavebeen around much onger, Fleetwood Mac was formed nly last Augustana played theirfirst date attheWindsor Festival Since then they have accumulatedalargeandioyalfollowing fromdatesallover thecountry. Besides theblues, the group'sstageact alsoincludesa generoussprinkling ofrock'ntoll agroup featurelong before the rock revival) and erryalso throwsinsomehilarious impressionsof, amongothers, Cliff Richard, Elvis, Alexis Kornerand sundry otherstereotype characters, Rock'n ollisn'tfar rom thebiues” says erry, “and viceversa—the bluesisn farfrom rock." Probably they iketheiraudiencestostandand listento them, asked. "No," sayslerry, ‘we like them olistentotheslowones buttohavearavetothefastones” Thenprobably they resent popfansin anaudience. People wholikeusarethe younggirlswhomaynotknowthefirst thingabouttheblues-wehavegone downwellwithcrowelswhereJohn Mayallwouldhavedied. Wedon'like thepuristelement, whowon'ttake rmusieforwhatitis worth, itsfacevalue _ FLEETWOOD MAC ‘ALBATROSS TESS | Theywantto startanalysingthe musicandtake F ctopieces. Younggielsandyoungaudiencesare ‘more open-minded, lessanalytical. Whataboutallegationsfrom thepuristswho claimthat British blues willalways beaweak copy ‘of Americanblues."Peoplemaysaywecopy. They say leopy Elmore James. lagree, but why shouldn't I?He tomeis the greatest. vegoteveryrecordheevermadeat home, Surewecopy thestyl, but wethinkweaddsomething it. noticed he waswearingabadge onhis lapel proclaiming" Believe Il Dust My Blues", which ElmoreJamesfanswillknowisaline fromoncot hissongs. Becauseofthe differing tyes of theirlead guitarists-Peterwithhis BB kKingleaningsand erry withhisElmoreJamesiinfluences~the Macare ableto offeravariedactonstage Itseemed puzzlingtome, however, that {nwo guitarists of such conflictingstylesshouldhavecome ogetherinthe samegroup, particularly as Jerry said that often when Peterisplayinghe stands downandviceversa when Jeryisdoinghisstyle."Wejust got togetherbecausewebothadmiredeach ather’sstye,"he explained, *"Whenvwe tartedoutwewantedto play moresortofdown-to-earth bluesandalsosweetmelodic blues. Wedidn'twanttoplaytoabrickwall, Linerpretedthelastremarkasmeaningthat they wantedchart success. "Yes, tha'sright,’saiderry."Thatiswhat wehoped would come along" Thegroup'smanager, Clifford Davis offered thenewsthatthe LP wasrisinghigher inthe chartsand thatitwaseven outselling Bob Dylan's John Wesley Harding jtselingDylan! "exclaimed erryinsurprise.Andhetelintosilence ‘ocontemplatethe thought, muttering, “No, no. ‘Singles suecesshassofareluded the group, because theyhave put only one release out, their versionofthe Flmore Jamesclassic"Believe My TimeAin’t Long’ "Did you read thereviewsitgotin----?"heasked. answered, naturally,that Ireadnothingother than the NME alle, ofcourse). “twas ridiculous," Jerry continued undaunted, “They tarted akingitto pieces and analysingit. Nowyourpaperandsome othershad goodreviews. Theyacceptedit as justanotherrecordfor thepop market, whichitwas Clifford Davisinterposed and suggested that the group had theappeal ofanearlyRollingStones.lasked Jerryitheagreed. Hesaidhedid rom thepointofview ofimage"Wedohavea ‘couldn’ ccareless attitude onstageand wejoke aroundwiththeaudiencealot, Wearevery ‘asualandthereis more contact with the crowd. But fwedid getbigwewouldstayasweare.tam sureifthe Stoneshadstuck to what they were doingthey would bemuch bigger now. ‘Anewsinglefromthegroupisdueouton Marcha, Tiled “Black Magie Woman’, twas wrttenby eterGreen.Jerrydescribesitas commercialised blues. “Itwon'tbeahit, said theeverhonestlerry. “Ithinkitillbecauseofthelarge numberof fanswhoarebuyingthealbum,” countered Clifford. “Noitwon',” Jerryretorted Theissuedescendedintoa good-natured argument. Withthe matterstillunresolved Jerry add, "Ididn'tplayonit, you know!" Istood backand waited forrevelaions of session menand ghosting Buttheexplanationwasmoresimple. “Peter wroteitanditisinhisstyle, notmine. Butthe other sideis mine, another Elmore amesthing. TheSunisShining’ Iplayon that. Butyou. shouldhear the onewehave planned to follow that. tissomethinglike ‘Buddy Holly or Tommy Roe. “it’sgotasortof Sheila’ beat about it” AsIsaid,FleetwoodMacarefullofsurprises. Nick Lagan — MELODY MAKER JUNE 29 — “ VW ees good time,” says Peter Green, leaderof the Fleetwood Mac, whose album, Fleetwood Macon the specialist Blues Horizon abel, iscurrently doing wellinthealbumehart.“Tha'swhyweplayafew rock'n'roll numbers, Itwould be niceif everybody ec themselves go ‘butthey don't,” adds Peter, who with the group flew offto thet firs, United States tourlast week. Peter washavingadigatthe more dedicated blues fanswhostand and listen withall hesolemnity of ‘afuneralgathering Warmingtothesubject,Petersays,"Wedon'teareaboutfans.\ about peopleand we wanttomake hemlaughandery.Infactwefindit “Tf you haven't got the blues, you can't play or sing blues” Fueerwono mac bettertoplay girs because theyarenot ‘worried ifyouaregoingto play fastorslowor iwhetherthereis going obea drum soloora basssolo. think thatgirlsare more emotional Emotion isanimportant factor in istening ‘o,and playing biues, thinks Peter. "Bluesare blues.Itdoesntmatterifit'sbyDusterBennett ‘orBBKing isemotional,"hesays.“Ifsomeone issingingasadbluesanditdoesn' getthrough, forgetit.Butthat'sin thecase ofslowblues,and youcan'playslowbhuesallnightor the audience wllgo tosleep. Weusually play one fastoneandthenoneslowone, becausethisis \whatthebandiwantstodo, Wedon'twant the aaudienceto just ‘AfewweeksagoLonglohnBaldryaccused Britishbluesbandsofbeingboring. LongJohn's ‘opinionwasnot met with sympathy Peer. ‘Anyway, LongJohn Baldry.inmyeyes, isnot abluessingerbutajazzsinger.1veneverheard himtellhisstoryinanythinghehassung,and asfaraslamconcernedhesno blues singer, ‘commentsPeter Turning iootherbandsonthebluesscene, Petersays, "Mostofthemarelitingstraight fromaAmericans, Therearethree groupsand singerswhoknockme out. DusterBennettis ‘one-heis great. Hemakes uphissongsashe goesalong, Hemaytake someone else's song andthe rst coupleoflinesmay befromthe ‘originalversion, buttherestisallhis, “Iinthepastl vesungotherpeople's songs, admits Peter, “but now singall my ownsongs ‘onstageandthenextalbumuillbeallourown, songs. [used playa lotofBB Kingnumbers ‘and people said thatl soundedjustlikehimm, Ithinkheistheone|sound mostlike: Who weretheothermusiciansthatPeter rated? "Danny Kirwan," replies Peter. "Heis really good, andDanny playsallhisown material. Theonlyother guitarist likeisJohn Moreshead with Aynsley Dunbar ‘Another pointwhichPeter Green feelsstrongly aboutis thedefinition ofwhatisbluesand what isnotblues, “If wasplayingwhatthe Cre Jimi endrixare playing, wouldnt callit blues," says Peter. “Thereissuchasickthing about shatisblues and theresallhistalkabout progressiveblues.Theblues rally, shavingtheblues. tissomething Yyouhaveandifyouhaven' gotthe blues aboutanything, youeannotplay Orsing blues, forgetit.Some peoplethinkthatitisjusta way of playing guitar butitisnt ‘Oneofthefirstrequirementsforagoodbluessinger, says Peter, is sensitivity “You vegottabesensitivelike Duster Bennet, whosings about worldly things, but mostbluesare about women. About nine out oftenbluesareabout women and notaboutbeingblack HadPeternoticedany changesinhisstyleofplayingsincehefirst started? “Well, 'vealwaysplayed what| played onthe Hart Road album with Mayalland what playon myown LP.itsme" replies Pete. ‘'yebecomealotmorecompetentand!'mplayingwithlessnotesto express myselfnow,although Ihaveanoccasional night when haveto havearave TheAmericanblackman gave the world of music thebluesasa musical ld Peterliketoplay toanall-blackaudience? keto," says Peter, "butat themoment issoviolentthere, you havetobeknown anyway. ‘Wewillbe playingin New Yorkand Detroitand hopetherethatthe audiences will bemixed. Tony Wilson « EMOTION! THAT'S THE BLUES SECRET “Whee pes rine properlyyoucan'tfailtobo EVIEW effete dbyhin.Thisishisfest LP a really upsetsme-peoplecnly listentorecipes andtelephone B callsontheradioandthe musicis like the ultimateinwallpaper, (GLEKTRAY TEPER MoreElektro,thnowthisagsin.! ined HI justhope everybody goes totheic SORES concertat the Royal Festival Hall TERI Plug!!really think the Incredible Peoria) StringBandwillruntheworldin ‘yeer'stime, Thingsthey do are perfect. Noweaknessesand totally originalineverything they do. Their soundiesointrcateand dolicate,likeanexquisitetapestry. (PAGEONE Oh, know thisonetoo, Dr West's Medicine Show & JunkBand. Iwas thefirst personinthe world toplay thoirhit "The Eag Plant ‘That Ate Chicago” when! was workingin California. Theycame outtoseemealldressedlike ‘magiciansanddriving Rolle: Royces. They reincredibly nice oY Be a people, andwejust drove around must lis en ees 5 like them, but nobody willuyit. They take amateurmusiianship ee Ve RT a ee enc cy 7" torsloviesleancusion: They i eee ce) gg ad a ae iced: Ba site theBonzos es wisettwor'tmeanmuch Peter | aNoel Coward sreonencther SINGLES hasoneofthebestfivegroupsin | revivallwas. . BM planet. lused thecoustryalongwitnThenice, | sochokedand SV ‘ortho aUuENoRZONN PinkFloydand John Maal Achequefor $5,000hasbeen presented AilanticRecordsto Mra Martin Luther Kingaradvance ‘ojalieson Solomon Burke's newUSsinge, “Wich Knew How IeWouldFesl Tobe Free Allaire sleopayingfiveper centolthe oylies ‘onthe Hudson Chotaldarwconding “Have Dream to thelsteRey Kings Southern Christin Leadership Conference. atnrn Z| > BobDylanto tourBritanin theautumat | spokesmonforthe HereldDarison| ‘Agency eldthe MMfortMonday: “Thereiasstrong possibilty hi ontourinthe ‘utumnnowthathe hasstarteddoing ashertEnglshteur ndincludesome Bobwarlastherein lunergeswnhenbe ‘idacontrovertia ieareai slectriegutar backing grou. Laterhe wae involvedinaserious motorcycle Secidont which Interrupted. 808 DYLAN “He doesnt want to be spoken about” BOB DYLAN’s new album and return to the stage don’t remotely lessen his mystique in 1968. Musicians like Julie Driscoll have hits with his songs, and rumours abound abouta secret cache of Dylan recordings. “There is music from his house,” The Band confide, “and music from our house.” — MELODY MAKER PRL. 15 — HE WALL OF silence surroundingBobDylanis strengthened by the refusalofthose who knowhim, orhavemethim, to say very much abouthim. His John Wesley Hardingalbum, releasedhere in February, andhis appearance atthe Woody Guthrie Memorial Concertin New Yorklast January, brought toanend ‘more thana year’s withdrawal from publicactvity following his reported motorcyeleaccident lo Guthrie, Woody’sson,currentlyin Britain forashort tour. didn't givemuch awayaboutDylanwhenhe visited the Melody Maker office Tastweek When Arlo met Bobatthe Memorial Concer, itwasthe first timehehadmethimsinceDylanisdeparturefrom he American music scene, “Idon'tknowifhehadanaccident” said Arlo. “Idon'tthinkhejust disappeared, He needed sometime. Hewasgettingpushedinevery directionby everybody. *Atthe concert, hewasbeautiful-He was nervousatfist but! was more nervous myself,andI didn'tpay too much attention tohim. Hetalked to everybody, but don'tknow whathe sd Although the ineupfor theconcertincluded starnamessuchasTom. Paxton, Judy Collins, dtta, Ramblin JackElliottand Pete Seeger. eyes,naturally, wereon Dylanashe atin therow ofperformers onstage chattingto Paxton, Dressedina grey suit biueshirtandgreysuedeboots, Dylan looked healthy, sportedan ear-to-eat beardandashorterhairstyle Near the end of thetirsthalf, backed by piano,organ,clectricbassand drums, Dylan, withguitar, moved forward othefrontofthestageto singhisthreesongs(all Roosevelt” a appropriate choice, thislastone,consideringhisinaccessibil eJustdidhis thing” said Ado. Thefinalewasallthe performers ingin“Bound For Glory”: When iteameto Dylan'sturn, hehesitated, Ho ust didn't knowanyvwords," continued Alo. Everybodyhad averse, Nobody old himanything. PeteSeegertoldhim to singthe chorus. The audience dughim there, butitwasn’thiscrowd. Idon'tknowwhatheis, doingnow” » aso oF Roc 98 | 37 Afterthe concertihere wasapartyanditis believedthatDylan attended, Hehasmoved from his formerhomeat Woodstock andtaken hiswifeand childtoanewhome. Nobodyknowswhere,andiftheydid they wouldnttellyou" Arlo stated, With Arloin the office washis English gitlfiend androad manager, Carol-Anne-Davis. Shewasmore explicit “Hedoesn’twantiobespokenabout,’shesaid curly, andadded, "We ‘owehimsomething.Ifyoubuyhisrecord youawe him something, not oniyDylanbutanybodyelsewho makesrecords. “ithe putsoutarecordhe likesa reaction from people,andwecan assume he canfeel something. AlDylan wantsisareaction from you,” ‘Arlocommented. Nodoubt those who buy hisrecordswouldlikealitle reaction romDylan to. ‘Butiftheauraofmystery surrounds Dylan, thankfullyitisnotso with Arlo Guthrie, whosealbum Alice'sRestaurantand hispersonal appearances-of whichthehigh spotisthe Alice's Restaurant” dialogu thatstartsoffwith atruetale about garbagedumpingandfinishesupas anindictment ofconscriptions forthe Viewamwat-havebeen receiving favourablereviews, prolificwriter he hasheen writingsincehe arrived in Londonaweek ago.’I vejustwrittenasongthat|thinkhassomethinglike 30verses. I's acalypsocalled ‘Fant The Giant: With30versesitmustlastalong time but thankfully time passes by, so tisn'tnoticeable: Thesaguof"Alie’s Restaurant” isduetobemadeintoa.ilm.Adiois planningasecondalbum,toberecorded soon “We might doitbackin England. Therearealotofgood peopletowork withand good recording studios, like England itis verynice,nicerthan New York. We weregoing ostayatthe Europa Hotel when wearrived, but itwas tooexpensive. Wewantedtostay tthe Europaso we ould throw rocksat the American Embassy. Butat the Europa wehadto pay forthe rocks.” TonyWilson recorded andreleased. These inchide Manfred Mann's ‘topping "Mighty Quinn’, the Brian-Auger Julie Driscoll hit "This Wheel'sOn Fite", The Byrds lastsingle, "You Ain'tGoing Nowhere’ alsocovered by Unit Four Pls Twoand Paul MacNeilland Linda Peters, “I Shall Be Released, recorded by folksinger Marc Ellington and Bor, Peter, Paul & Mary's~Too Much OfNothing” and "Down In The Flood!” sungby bluegrass stars EariScruggsand Lester Flatton. their Changin’ Timesalbum issuedrecently Last weeka taperecording ofthe originalversionssungby BobDylanat secretrecordingsessionsheld oversixmonthsago, probably in Nashville arrived atthe Melody Makerolfices. twas knownthatsuch atape existed inBritain, The question was here? hance conversation putthe Melody Makeronthetrail ofthese recordingsandconsequently they were objainedinreturn forbeingallowediohearthe ‘ape. Melody Makerwassworntoseerecyover theirsource-abargainwhich will bekeptuntl wearetoldotherwise Aswellasthesongsalready mentioned, the \apecontainedanothertiveasyetunreleased by anybodyinBitain, Thebackings forthe songs areacombination of Dyian’sacoustc guitar, electric guitars, crumsandbass sessionmusiciansunderstoodtobeheardon these remarkablerecordingsareAlKooper, Dylan's regularsession organist guitarists Bruce Langhorne, MikeBloomfieldand Pete Drake, Charlie McCoy and, ononetrackatles [onan months a numberofBob Dylan'ssongshave been x vex saas earners HOR Dylan’s voice is rougher, more relaxed. The old Dylan, in fact country singerfohnny Cashis heard singingwith Bob Dylan. Thefirstsong, “Million Dollar Bash ismediumpacedand performedinDylanisdistinetive halftalking half singingstye, withachorusthatgoes, “Ooh braby/Ooh-eciltsthat million dollarbash”(tdoesn'tsoundas badasitzeads) Acleverwordcollagewith thetypicalDylanimaginative situationsequence*Yeah! HeavyAndABottleOfBread"is really uniqueandwillneed alot morelisteningtoreallyet hat isallabout. "Please, Mrs Henry” Isacountry&wester: tinged numberwithDylan pleading“ Please, Mrs Henry Tnidownonmykneeswithouta dime’ toatwangy guitarphrase Theresastrongbiuesy eel about"Down In The Flood” acontrastto Flattand Scruggs! morebluegrass-styled version, andthisgiveswaytoDylanand TohnnyCashduettingon the rocking-LoAnd Behold’. The F twovoicesblend wellonthis cA anditcouldmakeagreatsingle, ifonly frominterest'ssake, inyMMontgomery’,inwhich Tinyasksto beremembered toa ends, groovesalongnicely andleadsinto"This Wheel'sOn Fire” The rangement issimilar othe Auger Drseoll version, although the pace isslighty slower. You Aint GoingNowhere’,anothercountry-flavoured song, isanotheralmostspoken tack, followed by"IShall Be Released” ‘witha fairly high-pitched harmony sungbyDylanandpossibly Al Kooper orBruceLanghome. isasoulful-soundingcomposition and closer tothepop idiom than mostoftheother songs."This makeit” says Dylanat the beginningot thelastrecording, “Too Much OFNothing" -anditdoes, Thisslow-paced songisone ofthe best ofthe 1Oandagain wouldmakea good single, as Peter, Paul & Mary have proved, Ontheserecordings Bob Dylan’svoiceis| morelikethepre John Wesley Hardingalbumrecordings, rougher less strained, morerelaxed. The old Dylan, infact. Havingheardthe ape, another question arises. Ifthesetapesare availabletoCBS,arethey goingtorelease them? ‘Thequalityofthetapelentto Melody Makerwas notthebestandsoundslikeatapeofa apeat atape,and probablythestudiorecordings are better. fthisisthecaseand CBScangetthe originals, wesayreleasethem. Tony Wilson ‘although atone ime they almost became TheCrackers, Their publicity picturemakes themlooklikea bunch ofthe McCoys back froma successfulskirmish with the Martins. They hitthe MMChartrecently ‘witha song called "The Weight”, written by lead guitarist aime Robbie Robertson, and backed with Bob Dylan’s“IShall Be Released’, both tracks coming from theiralbum titled Music From Big Pink. The album cover sportsapaintingby Bob Dylan. Robertson, together with drummer Levon Helm, pianistand vocalist Richard Manuel, organistGarth Hudson andRickDanko, ‘whoplays guitar fiddleand mandolin, ivesarBigPink BigPinkis 125-dollar-a-monthranch-stylehouseinWoodstocknotfarfrom Dylan's home. was inthe basement ofbigPinkthat The Band, once Dylan's backing group, improvised arecordingstudio, Dylanwould [rates asThe Band, come overand togetherthey would workouttunes ranging from folksongstospontaneouscreations The group havebeen ogetheralmostnine years and oncebackeda singer called Rompin’ Ronnie Havskins. Theywereknownas The Hawks. The ‘name the band wasn‘ picked upor thought up ‘ormeanttobeanysortofstatusnamebecause they workedwithDylan, Peoplejustcalled them Thebiand. “Youknow,forone thing therearen't anybandsaround Woodstock, and friends and neighbours ustcallus The Bandandthar'sthewaywe thinkofourselves. The Bandaremuch travelledandallofthem havelong ‘musical backgrounds ofrock, countryand folk. Says drummer Helm, Wehadneverheard ofBob Dylan, buthe had heard ofus" The boys.havingquitworkingwith Rompin’ Ronnie after several years, were workingata coastal resort Summer’sPoint, New Jersey in 1965 when. Dylanphoned. Hesaid, ‘Youwannaplay theHoliywood Bow?” recalls Helm. "So weasked himwho else wason the show. Justus; hes.” Onthe Big Pink album thereiscertainlyaDylanesque feelaboutthe ie,andithas been said that Dylan himselfisheard ontheharmoniea, Thereismusicfrom Bob's house and thereismusie from ourhouse. The ‘wwohousessureare differen,” points out obbie,once described by Dylanas"the only mathematical guitar genius veeverrunintowho, ddoesnotoffenemyintestinal nervousness with histearguard sound’ Tesidesthetwotrackson thesingle, other songson the albaminclude This Wheel'sOn ie’, aslightlyfasterversionthanthe|ulieDriscol/ Brian Auger hit, andcredited o DylanandDanko, “TearsOfRage’, creditedto Dylanand Manuel andanold country number, "LongBlack ‘Veil’ plussomecriginal songs from Robertsonand Manuel Inevitably The Band willbe identified strongly withDylan, bucalthough influenceisthere, they stand pretty firmly ontheir own 10 fet. MELODY MAKER Be DYLAN’S John Vesey Hardingalbumwas probably the most eagerly awaited record oftheyear."Thealbum came sa complete surprise,” says Bob Johnston, who producedit. Thestocky, neatly bearded Johnston, in London last week to record Johnny Cashatthe London Palladium, also produced Cashis Ar Folsom Prisonaliur. Hecalledmeandtoldmewhathewantedandcame downand recordeditinthreesessions. Bobchosethe musicians whowere thesameason BlondeOn Blonde, CharlieMeCoy and Ken Buttrey. Besides being poet, Dykanisso inerediblyfunny-andhe's sogoddamnice, Withother people Idon'tknow whathe like Heknowsexactlywhathewantsand hogetsit. He came in with fon Wesley Harding planned and lookwhat he brought around. AmongtheotherartiststhatBobhas produced on recordare Leonard Cohen, Earl FlattandLester Scruggs, “Marty Robbinsand Simon & Garfunkel. TheCashat Folsom Prisonalbumisone ofthebestlivealbumsproduced foralongtimeand Bobhimselfisveryhappyaboutthewayit turnedout." When took overrecordingJohnnyhetoldmehe wantedto doit-Ipicked upthephoneandarranged withthewarden to recordin the prison. Everybody lipped overthealbum. Wedidhavean announcer, but Ttoldjohnny, Just go outand say who youare’sohe wentoutandsaid, 'ello,TmJohnnyCash,Iturnedon thetapeandletthebitchral: OffohnnyCash, Bob says:" What Cash does, hedoes. He'sapowernow, but thinkhe'sgoingto beaworld powerinthe business.” Does ob thinkthat country musicisreally becoming ig? “Certainly. Allofasuddeni’sworldmusic.I’sbigin countries ike japan-they've had Japanese singerson Grand OleOpry. After FattandStruggsplayedat thevalon Ballroom inSan Francisco, the hippies were comingup and touching Seruggsand saying, You're forreal Thekidshadn'theardof Flattand Scruggs” Bobhasbeenrecording Leonard ohenrecently in Nastville."He'sa beautiful guy.” saysBob."HeblewhismindinNashwille. Wehaveasmash singleand abigalbumcomingup. Hehasn recorded any ofthe poetry yet,butTdlikehimto, He'll probabiybe doingacoupleofthingsthatare country. Hewassorelaxed, hedidn'tknow what hewas making. ‘Workingwithsuch remarkable peopleisanexcitingandrewarding experience or Bob johnstonand hesays,"T veworked with suchalotof schmuecky tte groups, butworkingwith Dylan, Cash, Simon & Garfunkeland Robbinsisworkingwithtalent ‘Withme fl vegotacrapartsy,justcoverhimup with masicandturn outacommercialsingle. ButartstslikeCash, DylanandCoben, let themdo theirthing-'malongforthe ide. The hingis,tmworkingwith legendsandlfeell'mpartofwhatisgoingon.” Alan Waish « HASTY oF Roc 8 | 98 FTP Smicepol eed TEER CEP UO Nam “Everyone should have the experience of STA eT TUR Re CFTR Ve aoe Sa MeL) STU ees ROL cae} follows. “I don’t like it,” Bruce confides. Re) AUN A2 Cai aided Pecunia ee ‘ofmenlike GeorgeHarrison, Donovanand MikeLove, bearded, Pertenece areata alightningbusiness trip enroutefrom Indiato Californialast Rocco ern eer en een a eee ea Cen franscendental meditation anditsinfluenceon the popindustry. pies erent iets ee ee neat oe _musiepublishingandtherecord industry. Hewantstosee co-operation Peet ene eerste principlesofthe Maharishi Mahesh Yogicould setan exampletotherest of theworldonhowtoconductitsaffalrs. ‘Mikewassquattingcross-leggedinan armchair, hisfacesunburnedred, andifreckled. Heworearathernondescript brown pulloverandaroundhis een Sa mie ae eee eee re ‘anyharm.Hewasrelaxed,fullofidealsandideas,lacedwithbawdyhumour » es ‘and Anglo-American common sense. edescribedhisfirstattempts atmeditationduringhisstay with TheBeatles, Donovan andtherestof The Beach Boysat the Maharishi'sGangespad. “Iewasso simple-buteffective. laughed after doingitforanbout. Thavelearned to top worryingabout everything, butitdoesn'tstop ‘mestillbeing concerned. I'sa matter of puting things intoperspective Idon'tworryaboutthe Vietnam War,ortheracial situation inAmerica \whichis20tmesWworsethan Vietwamand couldleadtocivilwat, butt ameoncerned, "The thingistoadapttochangesand flowwiththem,touse your cenergyinsupportoflifeinsteadoffightinglife. first metthe Maharishi InDecember atthe PatisUnicefshow,andheinitiated usin person, When we wentto Indiato stay wthhim, therewereabout70 people there Including The Beales, Donovanand Mia Farrow.Alotof people there had Auitjobs, had akenleaveofabsence orwerestudents, Brian Wilsonlovedit:twasthe only hingthatgotridofhisparanoia, Brian had beeninstructedayearago, butdidn’tdo itright. henweallgot together, Dennis, Al, Cartandmyselfand diditright. eel the worldis ready fora spiritual eawakening.Peoplearesickofmaterialism. [had thisfeelingbefore Imetthe Maharishi “Thismanistravellinground theworldhelpingpeople tobe content, andthe only reason some don'tacceptitisbecause ofthe imageofindian ‘mysticism Who needs that garbage? Ineed somethingthat worksfrom dday today: Imeditatehalfanhourevery morningandeveningandthat selsmesuperstraight Youjustsitina chair get comfortableandlet your ‘mind go. Sometimes you transcend and getto thesouree of thought It expands yourmind,andit'sa physical thingaswel, euluaresyour nervoussystemandlowers yourmetabolism, “Afterwards, fyouwanttodo anything ike writingsongsaboutrace riots-noproblems, Youfeelyoucanachieveanything. Fromnowonmy lifewillbe three months Beach Boys, three months Maharishiand three ‘monthsbusiness. The troublewith theMaharishiishe doesn tknow anythingaboutTVornewspapers,and papers just dstorteverything.'m surprised The Beatles haven'thelped him more togetacross. Wee going ‘onatourofmajorAmerican universities with himin May: “Atthis point Greekand talian waiterssidintotheroombearingatrolley offood. “tstink,” sad Mike. Pausingforthe reaction tosubsie, helooked E roundwithabarely perceptiblegrinandadded:"Itsuresmells good 42 | TORY OF RK WH Later sippingeoffeewith honey, Mike described theirtourplans. ‘Wee goingtousealightingsystem to projecttheMahatishion screensabove thestageso everybody willbeabletoseehim. We'll performwithabandfor45minutesfollowedbyan intermission with aTVdocumentary. Then he'llcomeoutandlecturethe audience, with Uimeforquestionsandanswers, “Isawhim do thisatHarvard University, and couldn'tbelievethe Instantresponse. The place stood up involuntarily nawe.Itwaswhat Icallastandingovationin silence. Thad tearsinmyeyes,twassointense IHsometimeshedoesn'tanswer questions i’sbecauseat this stagehe can'taffordtooffend anybody. Hedoesnt pussyfoot around, Hell answerproperquestions. Meditation couldbe sed inprisons, hospitals, andforold peoplewho stillhavegood minds, buthavebeen pushed out ofsocietyby teyoung, It reallyisapanacea, But wasnt1SD apanacea? Weren'twetold by theflowerchildren that acid wasthe only waytoexpandone'smindandachievebliss? “Mikepulledan expression ofdistase.“I'mnotanaeid head and never havebeen. Idon'tevenhavean opinion aboutit.twasagreat fad. Ask TimothyLeary.Alltknowisthatthekids whowere akingLSD tripsin schoolatAmericaarenowmeditating Butwasn'itsupposedto bethe panacea? "LSDisaboreandwasteot timetalkingabout. The Beach Boys and The Beatleshavecome offt.I's been done. I's aboring waste oftim ButwwhataboutttieLSD philosophy? "The philosophy oftheflower children wasgrea, except foronething Itwas destructive. They were tuyingtocreateeuphoria,butyou havegottoengagewiththeenemyand defeat them by showingthemthingscan bedone creatively, Youcan just sniffa lowerallyourliteand wishthingsdone.fyouwanttodothat~ fine, but lean'tdoitthat way. lwoulda trespectmyself Meditation gets youready foraction-sorry about this, no eenybopper stl Inviewofhis interestin the Maharishi'sphilosophy,wasthepop businessmoreorlessimportantto Mike? Popisimportantasalaunching pad formany new enterprises. We could puttogether the power of The Beach Boysand Beatlestoform companies with sound, beautiful principles, administeredby people you couldrespect. Oncewe get these sound practicesgoing, we shallbe ableto establishrecord companiesandmusicpublishersthat wouldbe ‘examplesofhow muchbetterthingscanbe. ‘We've gottobeatthe Establishment at th ‘owngamebybeingastuteinbusinessand remembering it Saworn out phrase butitstil ‘works-giveandtake, For example,in Dallas, ‘Texas, weare goingto givea partyforallthe fanswhohave givenusourmoneyoverthe lastfiveyears.Itwillbelikegivingthem somethingback Maybeallournexttours willbeparties! “Aspeopleget more affluentthey willneed tobeentertained more, The rend stowards ‘morerecords, morevacationspots, and rmorepleasure. Thereisnoreasonwhywe should goback. Wehaveallthemachinery fomakeafantasticworldtolivein, but ‘everythingiscontained by shortsighted ‘warpolicies.Believeitornot, the pop businesswillbethestarttofightthis, becauseit’stheonlyoneflexibleenough. ‘We've gotto make popaservice forthe peopleandtrytoforget theprofitmotive. They willbe profit aking, but wemustruleout thegreed motive Wemusta't become laughing tockeither, or that would defeat the purpose. Wehave aken several steps awards thisalreadyin thelastyearandthe timeisvery nearwhenwewill ‘announce new andexcitingplans. Meditation makesit easier for ‘everybody to worktogether: Once we tart well gostraightpast theEstablishmentwho ob, andlie,andcheat.They'lIbeobsolete very soon, “Haveyou gotanyhobbies Mike?” joked one ofhisroom guests “Vdlove o gosurfingrightnow. Downtotheseaandships: Allsurfingaside,ifMike Loveand TheBeach Boysachieve heir aims, itmeansanexctingfutureahead forpop -andmaybesociety. Ghris Welch — NME APRIL 6— EHADAlovely timeadmiringtheplasticpalm trees \ N andlisteningto the clockwork irds. Then therewere the home-made, dunky doughnut stands situated «iscerningly alongside the Appeal For Oxfam boothand asa special treatweall went o ee "Mista Bright" and his super polish demonsteationfor silverware ‘Wewere, ofcourse atthe ideal Home Exhibition and "he" wasBeach BoyMike Love, shoinsisted aecompanyhimonthisexpedition for hich do not forgivehim) to Olympiatoseeifthehall werelarge enough for"World Peace t “World Peace! is thefirstinaseriesof worldwide concertsthatweare planningforthisyeas," Mikeinformedme nthe axionthewaytothe hall."Wearehopingto openinLondonand thengo ontoplaymostofthe ‘major European and Continentalcountris ike Parisand Copenhagen. “Wearehopingtoinvolveasmany creativepeopleinallformsofart andentertainmentaspossible, fom Picassote Hefner sbunny ils. Some ofthemiostfamousnamesin the popworld have guaranteedtheir assistance. The movement isalignedto the Maharishi Mahesh Yog's Arivefor Permanent World Peace’ andthe proceeds oftheconcerts wll remaininthe countries we playopromotethatend. “Inthiswaywehope ogoontophasetwo, which willbe World Peace, playingvenuiesasfarapartas Moscowand Bangkok.” ‘And justbeforeyourun away with the idea that Mikeis talkingalotof “ce (MAHARISHI links BEATLE people, andthat ‘Tee shred King te ack Coukdmakeitthe a rat Pee i ‘mostimportant| ——— istory Mike rmingledwiththe “Pop will be profit making, but we must rule out the greed motive” Pr os ors shoppersandthewatchersin the huge Olympia Hall ‘and wasadamantthatthiseouldbe theplaceifthey ‘couldbookitintime. ackathis ondonhotelhesat ‘ross-legged upon hischairandbeganwavinghis, handstoemphasischispointselaborated onthe project's possibility Tknowalotof peopleare beginningto thinkthatwearetakingtoolongtogetthings together. tmaytaketimeandmaybe we'lbe topoldosingby the timeit getstogether, but \we'regoingto try. Theworldisteady forsome fommofspiritualeawakening, Thisisnotgoing tobesomesortofpopconcert-itisgoingto featureartsts like otrselvesdoingthe things ‘thattheyd best. What do youdo otherwise youcan'tgo ondoingaDaveDee, Dozy,Beaky, “Micka Tich rave forever! Peopleareready for somethingnew. "Thisconcertwillfeatureclassicalmusic, jazzandpopand’skoopie-doo.twillbe non-political festival of hearts. The messageof peaceisfor everyone. Didyouknow thatthe Maharishimet the UN secretary general UThant inAmericaand Than said thattheMaharishimademoresensein 15 ‘minutesthanhe had heard in 30 years ‘Thereisno doubt that Mikehasreturned fromhismonthin Indiafived ‘withearnestconvietion and thereislittledoubt that othersnowfeelthe sameway. Mike old mehehad composed anumberofnew songs out there-some about Pauland janeandothers about “Uncle” John Lennon. Heread meonepiece ofpoetry concerninglohn meditatinginthesunon arooftop whilebirdsand monkeyschatteredin treesbelow. “Have youseen thist” asked Mike proudlyand producedalittlesilver neckletiromhisshirtontheend ofwhichwasasmallpiece of transparent celluloid, Inside wasa photograph ofthe Maharishi, on the other sidewas miniature portratof the Maharishi'sown guru, “Thatwasapresent from Jol,” said Mike [deliberately provokedhim witha question towhich knew theanswer and gota deserved mentaljab. Why didthe Maharishinotgivesome ofhis| ‘wealthaway tothe poverty-stricken peopleotTndiainsteadofkeepingit forhis foundation? Did Mikesee nopovertyin Indiat ‘Ofcourse saw poverty, What kindofquestion isthat? Wemotored ‘overseveralhundredmiles tothe centreand throughsome ofthe poorest villages. The teasonthe Maharishiretains themoneyforhisfoundation, Isthathebelieveshecando the most good byalteringthe way menlook aul "Theres enough food foralif wewould getour perspectivesrightand distribute ourexcesswhereitismostneeded, TheMaharishistryingto showus hingsastheyareandnothowwewanttothinktheyare-onlyby changeofmindwillwe changer world, Mike orderedin some oodfor usallandbegan to forkathisvegetarian, saladanddrinksomered wine. Hegazedoutacrossthetrafficbelowto theparkand began relaxingandindulginginhisfavouritesport-teasing theEnglish,namelyme! ‘Looks those double-decker buses, hesald.~The Englisharesomean, they won't build ongones;they havetostacktwolittleones-oneontop ‘oftheother. TheEnglishareso sow to catch on~ bythe time theylook aroundandthinkaboutit-i'stomorrow." [mentioned thatThadbeen alkingrecentlytoBruceonthe transatlanticphoneandhe played mea Beatles walt. [couldn't remember he name of hesongatthat moment, sol whistedit ‘He'sstillplaying that!” smiled Mike, And youdontknowwhati’s called, youdummy.ALite Help From OurFtiends iswhati’sealled, Whatbusinessareyouin-showbusiness?” » = and BEACH BOYS: THE BEACH BOYS ‘Mikehad apparent redo callBrucethatmorningatabout am;it was about 3am in .os Angeles! The operatortoldhim thatthe phone had beenliftedoffthehookin os Angeles but therewasa funny noise!“How ddoyoumean?” said Mike."Wellsaidtheoperato,itsounded ike someone picked upthe phoneand threwitintothe ait!’ Bruce snotappreciativeofeatly-morningcalls!Itossed Mikeover acopyofLifemagazinewhichcontainedapictureof Marlon Brando dressed like the Maharishiand wearingalongflowing wigforafilmin whieh hefssatirisinga guru Mike shookhishead. "Waitt sethat guy again! Youknow wegave himalifttotheHiltonfromtheairportinourcaronourlasttrip.Hewas aanice guy but havetotalktohim about this, They only makefun of somethingthatthey don'tknewabou InMay The Beach Boysbeginatour of UScolleges with the Maharishi, \Whoeverchristened Mike" Love" knewwhat theyweredoing, Keith Aha lastweek—and the mystic wasreported tohave left America suddenly. The problemsofthe toureameto ahead last week when only300 people turned upat New York's Singer Bowland the concert wascancelled. few days later the Maharishileftandno-one was sure where hehad gone. Ren Grevart Tees MAHARISHItour of America collapsed peddled merrily bythe West Coast wizards of electronic recorded music, The Beach Boys. Their new single “Do It gain has broughtthe tangofthesurfand thegaiety ofasunny California bbeach back nto the MM Pop 30 Yes,ithasgottheold Beach Boys surfingsound, Isuppose,said Beach Boybrother Car Wilsonto the MATthisweek,"l'sbacktothatsurfing dea, with thevoice harmony and simple, direct melody andlyrcs. Bu wedidntplan therecord asareturntothesurforanything, Wejust dit ‘oneday roundapianointhestudios. “Brian (Wilson justhad the deaand played itover tous Weimprovised onthatandrecordeditvery quickly, inaboutfiveminutes.I'scertainly notanold tack ofours;infactitwasrecordedonly threeweeksbefore ltwas released. Wejustlikedhow tturnedoutanddecided 10 The Beach Boysare gettingintoavarietyof different typesofmusicintheirrecordingsatthemoment:"There arealotofdifferentthingshappening We'eletting Consist the Top 10-again 213 BEACH Boys Bluebirds Over Tn themhappenandseeing what comesout. Forinstance, we've justdoneaverysofething, ike waltz, which isvery prety. Theyare moretogether these days, ald Carl. Atonetime, Brianwasthefountainheadot ideasandcreativity.buttodaythe otherfour boysandBrian's deputy BruceJohnston contributesfarmore otheirrecorded sound thaneverbefore ‘Wsmoreagroup effort; weareal getting ideasand puttingthem forward. Forexample, Dennisiswritingsomefinesongsatthe ‘moment. But wouldn’tsay The Beach Boys had anyparticular direction, ‘slay; weareletting things happen, recordingideasand seeinghow they develop, Wearecurrentiyworkingonanewalbumand Ithinkwhenit’sreleasedin Brtainthere'be somenewideasforthe Beach Boysfansthere tolistento, Thegroupareopen oinfluencesaround them. Theyareaware ofgroupslike Jefferson. Airplaneand TheDoors,as wellasthe increasinginterestbeing taken in heblues. ‘Weall uyandlisten toalotofalbumseven though wedon'.getto see many groupslive Butweare aware:we know, forexample, thatablues group called Canned Heatis happening theartheyarereally tremendous group inperson, too.” ‘Carlandhiscohortswould deny thatanew Beach Hoyssoundisemergingtodominate thegroup, buttheywillbedoingalotofnew material when they isitEuropeagainlaterthis year. The our, whieh will probably ake n sixor sevendatesin Britain isscheduled forlate November or early December and Carlsai:"We'llbe doing hethings The Beach Boyshave become ‘associated with, butthere'Ialso bealot ofnewer things on show that wehope people wllike: Br Oncofthethings theywillbedoingduring heir European junketwillbefilming,“Wearetomake film, Nota featurefilm, butacrew willbewith ‘usfilmingusandwelllbedoingsomethingsin London. Idon'tknowatthisstageexactly what wellbedoingwith thefilm; maybeit Ibe usedas promotionmaterial, Wellhave towaitandsee howitturnsout. Iteould beusedas thebasisforaBeachBoysTV specialorevencinema-screen short, howeverand isaprojectwhich Carlisinterestedin, The Beach Boys, ofcourse, wreinvolvedwith the Maharishi, themystic nowabandonedby The Beatles, caslierthissummer. Ths, refleetsCadl wasprobably mistake. Alan Walsh -RJOLINSTONOF ColdvaterCanyo, ely wood Vitesse atone ante people who lnktheyarereadngan Alan Silh ieaue Ky regardinebyling ater mytwo unsuccsfal srenpatoresh ic ohoeton HemuybebttrknuwntosomeofyouasBrucotThebeach DoyandouaigitromisiongrancesAmerca wi Tae Boropsanda comedy ctelodtheTiclebrahershevas ‘ahautted bt happy "webroeeveytendancerecordnthebooK”Bruetald ine asbegnsingta thnk hat withthe Cream hingand Tinton breaingsobigouthar wewere dying Butwe fptunbebrabereceytns Theunderpound sas tobg tuaherethattisbove ground, youseewhatlmean, te stillhavean enormous followingforourkindof ‘musi, thanks oourloyal fans! Tenquired abouthis reaction to the abortive appearances ofthe groupwiththelate lamented Maharishi Had MikeLavethrown Inhishandalongwwith Messrs Beatles when they excommunicated” the Yogi? Eryeaht” Brace tartedindeterminably. Herestarted:“Well Ithinkthat everyone shoulddo atourlike that. Everyone shouldhave theexperience oflosingthreeorfourhundred thousand dollas~i’srealfunky! Now we're spendingallourtimemakingup the money we lost.No, MikelostnofathintheMaharishiand hestillmeditates-noneofushavelostfaithin themethod Amongtherumourscirculatingabout The Beach Boystourherelater thisyeat havebeen those thatthey willrecordalivealbumat theLondon Palladium (ascaried, exclusively in NMEsomeweeksago) ndthaton thisvisitBrian Wilsonwillaccompany them forrecordingpurposes. “Wearedefinitelyrecordingalive albumatthealladiumandwe have anothersurprise upoursleeveforthatappearance,” sad Bruce."Ican't sayany moreaboutthatjustincase itdoesnot comeoll thinkitvery unlikely hat Brianwillbecoming with us~atpresenthe haseven trouble gettingoutofhishouse!” ‘Atthis point admitted that,asanardentsupporterofThe Beach Boys ‘musicand inparticulartheoriginal progressive workof rian Wilson, | waspersonally disappointed with “Do IcAgain’ despiteitsNo2 position inthe NAfEchartthisweek-' don tlikeiteithes,” admitted Bruce. "Idon't think thatthegroup were entirely happy withit Buteveryoneelsewas going backtobasies solsuppose twas inevitablethatweshould, ‘Onethingyoucan besureisthatthenextsinglewillnotbeanather surfingrecord. Brian hasanumberofmagicalmusicalthingsuphis sleeves. ll cansayatpresentisthatitwillbe verydanceableandthat \wewillalmost certainly haveitto promotewhen wecomeoverfor the Britishtour: “Mike has not lost faith in the Maharishi and he still meditates” The Beach Boys'otherplansincludea considerableamountoftime and efforttobe pputintotheirown organisation. Theyhave theirownbuildingin Hollywoodand! describes theircompany asa cautious Apple"! ThetenantsofBeach Boyslncare concerned \withpromotingthegroupsownactivitiesand producingand promotingnew talent. “Then hereis,of course,ourrecording studios, said Bruce. “Itscalled Studio Th and thinklaggerused itquiterecently.A ‘number oftop-name roupsrecord there, but notmanyof hemareaware thatweownit, Likeagreatmany other Americans, Bruceis notterribly proudofwhathasbeen happening InChieagorecentiy,with thepolice Wadingintothe demonstrators with batonsandclubs.“Thereisnouse the generalpublichidingfromthe Unpleasant truthsin his case” said Bruce. "l’sbroughtight intohomes lastnightI had thepleasant spectacle ofseeingablacksoldierbeating, thelivingdaylights out ofawhiteguyon mycolourT¥: Finally, Brucementioned thatheehadrecentlybeentosee EricBurdon and The Animalsatthe Whisky AGo Go, Astherehavebeenatleast isntzataeccsee AFTER THE Shatin MAHARISHI WHAT NEXT FOR THE BEACH BOYS? ‘whathefeltaboutthem. AN greece toms ae soto the was quite validand thattheant- warmessagewasquite obvious, Somehavesaidthatwhathehas beendoinghasnothingtodo with musi. [disagree Ithinkit haseverythingtodowith music Wlife" KeithAltham « thoughtwhathehadtosay “the Beach watts €4@%¢ Out of the collapse ei. ARETHN FRANKLIN “Soul? ‘That to me isa feeling 3 With seven US gold records to her name, Detroit’s young ARETHA FRANKLIN arrives to slay London audiences on her first major tour outside the States. Her talent doesn’t come without a price, however. “Pve been hurt,” she explains. “I’ve been hurt bad.” MELODY MAKER WAY 4 NONE OF the attractivemiddle-classhomeswhich line thelong streets of north-west Detroit, passers-by often noticean attractiveyoungwoman dustingand rearranging objetsdartin the livingroom. [any ofthe pedestrians ever stopped totie upa shoelace, they ‘would catch the familiarsound ofdaytime TV soap operas. Thesituationistypical. The woman snot HernameisAretha Franklin, She's the biggestphenomenon 0 stun themusieindustry since The Beatles. Inthe past 2manths, shehassold morerecordsaind made moremoney thanany ‘member of therecordingfratemity.ShearrivesinEnglandnext ‘week, Ayearago, Aretha livedin another house close tothe city’sghettoarea-andanother world. In thosedays, she dusted, ‘watched soap operas, and dreamedofthedaywhen thingswould change-Itcame. Butithasnotgreatlyaltered erlife.Anewhome formanager husband Ted Whiteand herself and some especially exquisite ownsfor concerts. Shehasreceivedsevengoldrecords ceachof which is worthatleast$t0,000inroyaltes~butshehas yetto indulgeinanuninhibited shoppingspree Shefinds the fameand ortunedifficut comprehend, and tojustfy.“l'sjustagreat feeling," shesaysshyly, with humility. Arethais reserved, occasionally peeping ut from behind het selEimposed curtain to laugh atsomelong forgotten-event, Sheisdowntoearth. Thereisno pretence. Shetinds er singing style difficult tocategorise-One ges theimpressionthatshe hhasno desire to passjudgement on her proverbial potof go. leis there tis intangible She pauses orseveralsecondsbelore folfering,“Well...i'sacrazymixture. I guessl'mjustasinger with © gospelintluences Shehasnochildren, Nordoessheplanany “forsome considerable time’. [By autumnitwill berevealed thatinshe hhasthreechildren see page49,]WWhenthetimecomes,she'd likea smal family. Despite thelackofyoungonestocomplicate ‘matters,sherarely goes out Hardly eversees movies. Only ‘occasionally goes o concerts, Her firsthigtripoutsideofthe Statesstartedthis weekwhen sheflew to Europe for concertsin Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, AmsterdamandlaterLondon. "Boy Teverlookingforwardto that,"she says,inarare burstoflengthy saiety. “Everyone tellsmethat London isthe fashioncapitalofthe \world, and Imighteven haveaminishoppingspree. Thoselongyearsofwaitingandhopinghaveprevented Aretha from aking her verdue fame orgranted.Sheis basically insecure, neveranticipatingsuccess untilitaetuallyhappens.She forecastadismalflopforherfirsthit, INever Loved Man tsold \welloveramillion, Reliable soureespredict herlatestsingle,"Ain' NoWay’,willbethe biggesthluesballadsince“DrownlnMyOwn Tears”. "Idon'tthinkso she comments, with no phoney modesty Shebelievesthat Respect’ herbest-sellingdiscso ar, most eloquently eepresentswhatsheissaying:hermessage tthe word Insecurity and shynessare temporarily forgotten when Aretha sitsinfrontofherpianoandthe recordingmicrophone. Wespend aagreat dealoftimedeciding whieh songswelluse,” Aretha says. She admitstohavingthefinalsayon \whatis and hatisnot, released toherever-waitingpublie. Her latestalbum,currentlyNo2on thechartsandentitled=most ppropriately-LadySoul, which » containsfoursinglehits, required several weeks ofconstantstudio work NotthatArethaisdifficulttoworkwith Producerlerry Wexler who'scut someofthe biggestnamesofthe pastdecade,claimshehas never producedasession withamore talented orcooperativeartist.She arrives atthe studio withasmanyas 100songs from which three orfourwill actually beelectonicallyetchedacross theeight track ap. She'happyin}erpresent bag, withpent of reason. “Iwanttokeepon ‘makingthesortofrecordswhichpeoplecan identify with. dalsoliketo ddosomeofthesofterold numbers withstrings andbigorchestras. But wehave to beverycareful inthematerial weselect...peopleassociate strange things withsongs Shemakes few concertappearances,andno clubdates,Herlastconcert,ahhomecoming affairin Detroit, pulledS60,000atthe door.She confesses to preferringhome othe concert stage. She was deeplyshaken bythe assassination of Martin Luther King, "Ijustean't find the words toexpress howl fee. itisagreat traged...underlined." Herfather, the Rev CL Franklin, hadworked with the ateDr King, Inher own quiet softlyspokenway, Aretha Franklinhasa way ofgetting things done tohercompletesaisfaction. Be itmakinggreatmusic, ustingacoffe tableor charminganinterviewer Shei atruepprofessional, without the glossy veneerand the phoney flamour. In shor, Arethareally knowswhereit'sat. sdathe peoplewho tligherinimitablesound, Ren Grevatt MELODY MAKER {iA 25 — HATITBOILED downto, when wetalked about music, was \ K J inatatetnatranatintintnctiomosttypeswen shea thechanee, and liked much of what she heard. Ddlsheenjoy any British pop music? “Ves, I verymuch ike The Beatlesand The Rolling cones. Also Terry Reid, think he’s very good. Shelistenedto gospelmusic andblues, likes Petula Clarkand, naturally, Sarah Vaughan "Yes, Sarah eansing, can'tshe?”) Inthe)jz2fleld she admires Oscar Peterson, Junior Mance, Horace Silver, Freddie Hubbard, NinaSimone..."Oh,andalotofthem.” Aretha didn'tseemanexactingor highly critical person atall, Consideringhow shelets fly onstage, dexpectedsomeonelessplacid, Of course,appearancesat press get-togetherscanbe deceptive, butin fact she displayednone ofthe superstar, ‘do-you-know-who-Lam attitudes \hiehaflictmanyyoungladiesovercomeby fameand fortune. Questions wereanswered with mildnessandquiettouchesofhumour. She'sjustbeen shoppingandapprovedofourfashions.“Tlike the micro skirisbuthe doesn',"shesaidbriefly. "He" washusband Ted White. Mostofherrepliesweresimpleandtothepoint. How didshegoabout pickingsongs? First I'mattractedtothemelody. Doesshe write manyherself?“Notvery much ately. havemaybe three thingsoutofan album” Andonhersanctifiedpianostyle:“Taccompanied myself when travellingwith my father, RevCLFranklin, and aaceompaniedhim., Iwas Ib when started in church It firsttaughtmehow ostandonastage. Andithelped ‘melear howto communicatewithanaudience: Communicating, andataprettyintense levels somethingAretha Franklinindispataby does. Andasyou'dexpect,closenesswith thelisteners isimportantioher.Talwaysmovetowardsthe edgeotthestage get to theaudience. ‘When askedaboutthis,andwbatshe thought other British concertgoers, shereplied warmly butwithoutaffected enthusiasm that ithadall be aball."Yes,ifthey feet, feet ftheydon', Kdathe best can. ltwaspacing, Saturday, for Sunday, Lalways ARETHA (26) FEEL SHE’S A LOT OLDER because she's lived H' such a hard life, ot JER FATHER is 2 barnstorming holy roller Reverend who likes shiny alligator shoes and “Tm an old woman in disguise - 26 goin’ on 65 Uuytopace. Surprised? I suppose! was." Theansweristypicalofthisyoung, singer's (she'sstllinher middle twenties) level-headed outlook ‘Shehadexpecteda successful ritish debut afterall sherecenty drew $60,000 worth ofcustomoaconcertinherhometown, Detroit~butnot quite the clambakethat transpiredat Hammersmith. Whenshecame offstage atthe end, shesaidtriumphantly totlanticRecords’ Frank Fenter:“Whatdo youwanttotellmeaboutthat ‘Notunexpectedly,she prefers concertstoany otherkindofengagement, except recordingsessions. said would iketo heatherinaciuborsomesuch place, preferably when she wasn't drowned autbyacombination ofpoormikingandoveramplifiedband, Arethawascleary unimpressed. “Singingina roommightbeniceforthreedays,"shetoldme. Shepreferredthe 2-piecebandtoanything like organ and rhythm. "likeit morethan thesmall group,” shetoldme."Ipreferthe sounds." Butshe didn'tmind, apparent, ‘when [criticised thebrasssectionandthe arrangements. “Wehave afewthingsto straighten out’ sheexplained, “The arrangements weremadeincasethegirls coulda'tmake the tour, Sotheyhadto sing the samepartsas the band. OnthesubjectofBritain, Aretha was quiteforthcoming:“Iwantedto comehere alongtimeago,butldidn'thave thechance, workingall the time, Now 'vebeen, likeditverymuchand wanttocome back Butt seems mnevergoingtogethere. (id saythereare two chances:either the verylateautumn orearlynext year andthere' not muchchancethisyean” Asforher ownstyleofsinging, Arethalooksonitasamixturenoteasy todefine.”Idontthinkofmyselfasajazzsinget. mcloserto R&Band straightblues, with gospelsometimesandalitlepopularmusiemixed inthere. Soul? Well, that tomeisfeeling 'stheemotion youfeelandthe ‘wayitaffeetsother people” Max ones MELODY MAKER SE? 1A SARAH CARMEN, Dat, thelateDinah Wasngton, Piitiseisicrenneiiencan nega lominted he inernatonl muscsce over theyeas And ilatheGrandDame seo ren oda ese wassareaOyonoage when she blared onto wd -pop'scenewiththe unforgetable comewhatimmature ATsketA Take ‘Now anotherAmeanatars blazing ghia neato trmamentarehatrankinandshehasosethingincornnen withall koe icra acelin Saisie od to rat one weuldbave look prety bardofindeqalvalent huang match newotdsenehe ts Areal tainly aeburetonteacee wih Benny Geootttanbackin odo wie memorable Why Don YouDo fight ‘hen hewasfistanoterbandingerBushesoonbecamean imernationa favurtand hash anmmenseyongand deservedrun, AnitaO’Day?She'slongbeenafavourite with the “in” jazzcrowd. Particularly with musicians someofwhomrateherasthe Greatest White GirlJazzSingerOFAlITime. JuneChristy,Chris Connorand-inamorecommercialvein Julie London, allhad their partcularscenesgoingat various stages. Buthas any one of these considerableartistswieldedthe world influence of MissFitzgeraldand company?s, infact, being“coloured” anythingto dowiththisimpressivesuccess? ‘Overto MissSelenajones:"I'shardto say she comments Few white gilsfacethesame problemsas coloured girs, who hhaveamore trying time. Whitegirls can getin where acoloured glean’. Andmaybe thiswholesceneleads to them expressing theirfeelingsmusicaly “Butthere aresomefinewhitesingersaround; Marian “Montgomery forinstance, really gotintoabagwith' When Sunny Gets ue: ButAretha—Irealy digthat girl, baby: Shedraws picturesiwhen she'ssingingmore thananyoneT know. When Arethasings Tloveyou shereallymeansit; when shesings Hold me: youcanseeabiglovescene going Ireallyregard heras the femaleRayCharles: Says Frank enter, Europeanrepresentative of Atlantic Records: ‘Probably the greatestqualityaboutArethaisherincredible amountofhumilty. Her total formofexpressionis through her ‘mus. Sheabsolutelyvibrateson stageandon records. Yet, in person, sheisthemost quietiyspoken and modest person, Imaginable. Weowealotto erry Weslerforbringingouther tremendousvocal qualitiesonrecord. Thecruxofthewhole ‘matteristhatheletherbecompletelynatural-andthosequaliies Justcameout.” ‘Arthur Hawes, impresario who brought Aretha to Britain for those memorabiesoul concertsinLondonlast May, says:"T've neverbeforeknownsucha standingovationforagiel singer. Eight thousand people were on theirfeetat Hammersmith, and Z000at FinsburyPark Itwas themostexcitingexperience 'vehad. Arethahassuchastarqualityinher voice. She cansing soul thythm/n'blues, gospel, jazzandpop with suchconvietion and feeling Shehasatremendousrange “Wewantherback. And Arethawantsto come, The roubleisthe timefaetor-Also,sheean commandsuchanenormousamountof moneyintheStates Sheisone oftheirhighest-paidartists She c moremoney here thane ‘Adds Frank Performance” ater "Tdliketo see Aretha ina Royal Command Certainly, thousands who sawherinpersonin London feelherstature incommercial pedonex-gospel singer Aretha, Jerry Wexler sumsitup simplyby saying: “There isnothing eativeartformin America." With good and justreasonisMiss Franklincalled the Queen Of ‘today warrantssuch an honour-Butthen, honours rewardsand.crities acclaim havealreadybeenhe newinwhatsheissinging-Blackmusic-the only Soul, Laurie Henshaw NME SEPTEN BERT ngetfar but she would comeforacharitylikethe Royal Variety Performanee,and probably stay on foracouple of dates: likes shiny alligator shoes and who once paid a£6,000finefor failingofiletaxreturns; who is such afiery preacher that two hhursesarereputed to standby waiting forhis overcome parishioners; andwho commandsS1,000aperformanceandcan afford to travel around in real Cadillacstyle. SheisAretha Franklin, "LadySoul’ wholscurren theDionneWarwicksviaherBacharach-Davidh whieh standsatNo5 inthis week's NMEchart, Obviously Aretha comes roma background withalotofknow-how aboutshowmanshipandsoul. Maybeher offbeat family if, in fac, isthe clueto Arethaassheis today, asizzlingperformer who nowalmostturns offeompletely when youmeether by dayaway rom the ootlights. know that when ImetherinLondon recently itwashard goingtryingto penetrate thernysticalcurtainsheseemsto throw aroundier. Onethingthat struckmethenwasthatsheseemedalittlenlderand heavier hanIdimagined, and must sayldon'tquitefeelsoungallant row that Aretha hassmilingly mentioned the act hersef“Imightbejust 26,'shesays, butT manoldwomanindisguise-26goin’ on 65. Tyingto Liteon roller ofareverend who lydoingatouchot Say ALttlePrayer “A searing, soaring voice” MM May 18 Gospel~soul star Aretha Franklin makes her London debut. RETHAFRANKLIN, Anais A etisircreeiion Sree re meres tector Sunda cnetnted SinTon vidusdaredaedence Epon Arahat doubtene athe geil hsdpa gu waharasnsn cramer acer ee eee ce Fogarty fe nde decopieypaid eee atte atic cereal carne Feared feeeeecereiueee ete vecuthibon nchdng tants scer feces ok SS ae eepck eb Sea eeeeet ereeem r Bam ea sinners elena ene ‘Siacion tartans vatmanpbertinewa uber" New eneda Mar Repel Youle Nefan esteem atbushoske ‘Nogsarsperceiedran of The ough “rosar= Mon seatbelt sents inienettrin TheratoftetiwesrysbuluptoTheNar Jo Youngand Thefores-acmpeteifuncanatenltand Ameer ober ght tredhadbateed isons tence ieee hehe eon Sconlbameedend tied ccng cert a ‘ow up ishurting, you know. You make mistakes. You trytolearn from them, and when youdon'ithurtseven more-tknowwhati'slike.'ve beenhurt-'vebeenhuttbad.” ‘Shesaysshe wanted, needed, tobecome asingertheday ClaraWard sang"Peace In The Valley” atheraunt’sfuneralandsuddenly tore off herhatandflungittothegroundinsheerfervour. Thatwasattheage of 12.Apartfrom thevery colourful Reverend CLFranklin—whois pastorof Detroi’s4,500-member Now Bethel Baptist Church Aretha’, Family consistsofher brother Cecil, who is nowassistantpastorofth samechurch;hersister Carolyn, 23, whawritessongsforherandisalso inherbackingttio; and pop singer Erma Franklin, who is29andnowlives in NewYork ‘Occasionally, saysbrother Cecil, rthawilllowerherdefencesandlet herselfgoenough todoaWCFields impression orimitate Bela Lugosias Count Dracula! Butonly occasionally. Headds sadly,“Forthelast ew years, Arethaissimply not Aretha. Youseeflashesofher,andthen she's backinher shell ‘When Arethawas 8, shewasinspired by the workofSam Cookeand, ‘wenttoNew Yorkto try thepopfield,auditioningfora MrsJoKing who sothersignedtoa Columbia Records contract. SaysMrsKing: “Aretha dideverythingwrong, butitcame outright. Shehad somethingother town-apersonal concept ofmusicthat needed nogimmickry,shewas acompletelyhonestmusickan: ‘Thenshemade lot ofrecords which failed-andthisArethaalso realises~becausethey weren't really, Shedidn'tbelieveinthem, Theydidn’thave soul. Theswitch to AtlanticRecordswasher saviour, and she'sieverlookedback ince. Now, Arethacanaffordtoretreatto hher$20,000 colonial-stylchouse with ts12 rooms) whenshe isnt busy singingor touring Withherthereareher husband Tedand herthreesons, agednine,eightandfive Shelikesto sleepin theafternoon, orgoroller-skatinginthe evening. Butmostofall, shelikestastay quietandcoolandhidebehindhercurtain, ofmystery with onlyaslightsmiletobetray he way she’ really feeling ‘That'sArethaFranklin, AlanSmith « ait} Se eee et eee! eee toe ee es mes ce oe eens \dajamsession with bluesgiant Ten ei ee ere a ees Sree ee ee ee Pretec Seer neer tae eee rt TT er) Coreen) ‘BBplayed Irealiseditisn’taquestionof fashion, orblues dying orbeingreborn;itisthereallthe time whether you playblues ornot, and justrealised want to play blues again. We armed togetheratthe AuGoGoin New York. IhadtoplaythehardestThaveever playedinmylifeand thattaughtmealot, Tnapop group thefirstthingsyousufferfrom arejealousyandterible insecurity: Somany groupsare makingiton the pop ehartscene: you keep wonderingifwhatyouare playingisoutofdate-You getreallyhung, ‘upandtry towrite pop songsor createa pop image. went through that sageanditwasashamebecause lwasnotbeingtruetomysell.lamand alwayswwillbeabluesguitarist.” ‘When Ericmakeshisrarevisitshome, helivesinaramblingcollection ofartstudiosin King’s Road, Chelsea, reached by twisting, dark staircases covered inchickens. ghostly voice whispered through the intercom inanswertomyring:"Heisasleep.” Butthedoor wasopened byremote control, and picked my.ay up thestairsthrough doudsof chicken feathers. Nota soulwastabeseen. silence prevailed. stood uuneasilyinacorridortryingnottolookatfearsomemodern paintings sloweringand gibbering rom thewalls. Suddenly the ghost ‘materialised froma room, apale-faced, lim youngwoman,lookingasif shehad just heen inspirtual contactwith Edgar AllanPoe. “Heisin, there. Adroopingarmindicated another room. “Willyougoin? Well actually, wonder fyou would mindgoing?” Itriedtoforce asmile, and nwaedlycursed myselffornothavingbrought galicand asmall wooden stake. Butthe girl seemed tounderstand my requestand without raisingobjectionsor indeed makinganysoundatal, drifted towardsEric’schamberandopenedthe door rie—areyouawake? There'sagentleman osee you, shecalled softy caughtaglimpse ofa whiteface, covered in longblack his, lyingon: pillow. A deathlikecroakemitted from thelipsofthe prosteatefigue, followedbyagroanofrecognition Ashewas probably onanastralflightandwashaulinghisspiritback intohisbodyby heoldsilvercord rick, ladjournedtoyetanotherroom ‘owaitlorthecompletionofsuch tasksasthedonningoftrousersand thecleaningofteeth. Meanwhile, the gisihad vanished, 52 | STORY oF ROOK we Theroomwasavaststudio nastateofindescribable clutter, most ofitthe property ofanartistforthehip satiicalmagazine Os, swhosharesthepremiseswithEri, Vasteye-assaultingpaintings, ‘oldcpies of Beano, arubberstatue ofMickey Mouseand posteardsof Victorian nudes werejust someofthe objetsd unk thathitme.Erieappeatedsomeminuteslater, moustachedand cheerful thebright sunshine fightingthrough thestudio \windowsobviouslyhavinga refreshingeffect. Haveyoubeensacrificingfowls?”Linguired,referringto the feathers. "Whatsortofhousedo youthinkwe'rerunning. Mr Welch?" Erie picked upa psychedelictelephoneand called upa Pfifiem, "Doyouknow anythingabouth/-1?Ijustcan’tgetitco ‘work, PeteTownshendwouldknawallaboutit, Whatamessthis placeisin..” Eriewaitedpatientlyforthehi-expertsto answer, Colfecatthe antique supermarket wastheplan, and tyingback hisshoulderJengthhair witha tattyribbon, and dressedina red shirtandblue jeans, heguided thewayalongsunny King’sRoad, through themyriadsofhippiesand irateoldladies.Alorry ‘thundered past thedrivershoutingmouthfulsofabuse. Seconds later another workmanvwhistied and gesticulated, ‘Oh, lorry driversdonlike me," grinnedEric,as westrolledinto thesupermarketfilled with discreetlyexpensiveclothes and, paintingsand climbedtotherooftop cae Eriewantedto catch up withallthe groupnews:"Tmso outot touch. fowareTraffiedoing?Ireally dugtheirLP.Stevie'stoo ‘much. Iremember two yearsagotalkingtohimaboutforming abandtogether. Buthe aid hedidn'twanttobealeaderand neither did $o~-noband! Have youbeardthenew Mothers Of Invention LP?T'mon itsomewhere, talking, not playing. We're doingaconcertwith theminChicago when wegetback Wewere ‘oingto superimposeouraetson each other's butIdon think thatwouldhavebeen humanly possible. ‘know ErankZappavery wellandhe'sagreatguy.Zappa’sinto alotofsocial eform things. He'smainly addressing heolder ‘generation throughthingslike’AmericaDrinks.. andthe collegekids. He'schangingallthe timeandasplayersthe group arereally respected. Talkto anybody ike Mike Bloomfieldand theyalldigthe Mothers” He'sagainstdropping out?"Yeah, Iguessso.{'mlessstruck about that kindof thing. 'mnot interested inpassingon messages. There arealotofthings want todo, buttimingisimportant-very important AretheCreambreakingup?*Alltherumoursaredenied. mhappy with {egroup, although neediess to say therehasbeenstrain. We vebeen doingewo-and-a-halfmonthsofone-nightersandthatisthehardestl haveevery worked in mylife Financiallyandpopularty-wisewe're doing unbelievably wellin America. t'sstrange.1 only beenbackthreedays In London and justean'tmakeoutwhatisgoingon. Thescene herebas changed so much and nobody eemstobeabletostay onthescenefor Jong. SteveMilledidn'tikeitin London, Hesaid hesawamiddle-aged I’m knocked out that Eric Clapto returning to the. Green yt tosh ot 10 Ses on's return blues playing”, This Something have walted for trom ric, knowing hhow changeable he is. We used to talk about Says Peter Sat etn si cn Ws ioe 2 tm win te ae tridhedt ena mope hei keep LONG ve, the, Neat | ‘man takingoffhistrousersin aclub togetlaughs ~andyouknowand! knowwhothatwas-and he said he went t another clubwhere everybody was wearing seedy lower powerclothes.I'sverystrange forAmericansfromSan Franeiscoin London, ‘Amerieaisdoubslessasick country butithas the most potential goodofanyplace know andthe most potential evil. 'vechanged alot throughlivinginAmerica.'vetendedto withdraw from making contact with people Tmharderto gt to know than! wasafew years ago.|don'ttrust people so readily “Nothere, ofeourse!I'smadnesshere. Nobody seemstogiveadamnaboutanything! Wsreallyquiterelievingtobe back. Overther every conversation getsinvolvedin therace problemandends onadoomynote: OK. butaretheCreambreakingup? “All rumoursare denied! Imean -thegroupisnt going tolas forever butit'snot goingto breakupintheforesceablefurure, Ive hadn'thad thisholidaywe mighthavebroken upany way. Weall know wheret'satinthe group. Eachone ofushasgot abe reetomove. We've just gotoveraperiodofrecordinginactivty and wehavetwo LPsoutsoor ‘onerecorded live’ attheFillmore and oneinastudio, whichwillboostour ‘egoand giveusmoreconfidence.Ivebeen feelingtired and frustrated.” ‘WhatdidEricthinkofthe British bluesscenetoday?"Ilooks very healthy. 'vespentsome ime with}ohn [Mayall],andheardhis new. He'sexpandedhismindso much. ovePeter Green'sstuffaswell His, albums phenomenally good, Mick Tayloris greatas wel. But there isagreat deal fbelligerence wrapped upin the British blues scene,amongboth the musiciansandfans. Theyare both verydogmatic Butspeak to BBKingabout anything, man,andhe'snotdogmatic.Sowhy shouldwe belikethat” Ericfinishedhiscoffee:"Well,'vegotto packmybagsandgo."And theyoung guitarpicker-whostartedhiscareerwith The Yardbirdsin Richmond, England, has beeamecne ofthe world's great contemporary blues figures, and remains oneof themostunaffected peoplearound saunteted off backto America, Chris Welch MELODY MAKER JULY 1 Cx |AREBREAKING up. The world famous rio that features EricClapton, Ginger Bakerand jack Bruce are ogoseparate /waysin the autumn, Said Ericathis Chelsea home this week: 'vebeen on theroad seven years and I'mgoingonaigholiday nwastwoyearsago, in uly 1965,thatthrecofBritain’smost ulstandinginstrumentalists electrified the blues world by joining forces. wastwo years ago that Ginger Bakerrangmeto say, “MeandJack areformingagroup with Eric” Then camethe denials. Ericwasthe star of John Mayall sBluesbreakers, Jackwaswith Manfred Mannand Ginger was \withGraham Bond. Nobody wanted tolose their Keyman, butCreamwerenotgoingtobeturned ofl, Soonthey wererchearsingtogetherina Londonchurch hall, athunder ofblues startling theirfirstaudience- some Brownies, acaretaker ancimanager Robert Stigwood. Theymadeasensational debutatthesixth National azz & Blues festival—in pouringrainat ‘Windsor. Theyhad their firsthitwith Wrapping Paper” in November 1966, and then came"IFeel Free’, concertsat thelate-lamentedSaville . : Is ‘Theatre andthisyear they conquered America andbecame superstars pore Maker | “We died the death from playing exposure” meaM ‘Theyhad theirsuccessesandfailures.Ericgot ‘hungupon thepop scenefora while. Therestlt ofthatwas“AnyoneFor Tennis’, anice enough record, butone that didnt impress Cream fans. Ieflopped, Sometimes, the Creamin fullerywere asexhilaratingasaLightningjetscreaming pastat ground evel. Jaek’ssoulfulsingingand harmonicawailing ‘on“Train Time’, Ginger’ greatdrumsoloson Toad’ andEric's"SteppingOut" thrilled fans across the world, Sometimes theyweretired and layedbadly Sometimesfanscomplained theirmusicwastaking the wrongcourse. Most ofthe timethey vere idolised, Erictoldmelast MaythattheCreamwerebreakingup. Butt wastobekeptsecretuntilbusiness problems hhadbeensortedout Atthetime, Ericsaid: "Iwentoffioalotof differentdirectionsallatonceitseems, but find have loated backto straight blues playing I'vereturned to what Hike doingasan individual, and thatisplayingexploratoryblues. You get reallyhungup and try towritepop songs orcreateapopimage. went through thatstage and wasa shame because lwasnotbeingtrueto myself Jamandalwayswillbeabluesguitarist, Inthebedroomoffie'spadheplayedafascinatingBobDylantape, ‘while weliteigarettes,drankquartsofteaandattempted otalkabout the future. Butthe oppressive heat ofthedayoften reduced the conversation toaboutthreesentencesan hourwhileDylansanghis”...Wheels On Fire" and" Mighty Quinn’ "They wererecorded in hisbasementwith fiends at Woodstock,’ said Etc. "Thereissomereally great musiccomingoutofAmerica.Ithinkse atedueforayholenew spate of Sgt Pepper’... vegotanothertapehere fob Dylan's Band. Ithinkthismusiewillinfluencealotof people. Everybody Ihaveplayedittohas flipped. TheBandisreleasinganalbum called Music From Big Pinky the group. Since Hheardallthisstuff.all my valueshavechanged; | thinkithas probably influenced me. Whenand hy areCream breakingup?“Ina couple ofmonths. We'll probablybe doingafarewellperformance, maybeat the Royal Albert Hall, plus 5 farewell datesinthe States. Thereasonitisbreakingupis achangeofattiudes amongourselves, more thananything Also we haveallbeenon theroadalongtime, eforeCreamstarted.Thatisabig hang-up. Wewantto dothingsnow that requiresomeprivacy.Wewant aholiday,anyway. ‘Also, Ijust want to perform contemporaryblues. With the Cream, soloswere the thing, but'mreallyoffthat virtuoso kick. wasallover: exposed. Wedied thedeath from playingexposure, [think theCream reached itspeaklastyear at San Francisco. From thatweall wenton such, ahugeego rip, Makingitin the States wasabanginthehead. ‘Whatwill Gingerand jackdo,andwhatare Eric’splans Jackwill probably getinto recording, and Ginger will probablygetagroup together. wanttobe inagroup where lean controlthe music, but want tobeattheback Ivealreadyhad playswitha fewpeople,and iknowthe ‘musielans|want. Listen tothis, Ericproducedasmallspool tape threaded.tonthe machineandwe allowed ourmindstobeblasted. "Youcan'tsay whoitis” said Eri.The one number onthe taperocked alongfor several minutes. twasabacking trackwithoutthe vocal, includingavery funky plano,andewo guitars. The mostoutstandingfeaturewassome tremendously drivingdrums, Thavenoideawhathe musicians were, but fromthestylesthey sounded remarkablylike Nicky Hopkins onpiano,GeorgeHarrisonon thythm guitar, Ericon ead and Ringo Starron drums. Butthisisjustwild surmise. ‘Therumber was called ‘SourMilkSea" andifthisisany ndicationof thesound Eriewantsinthe future disappointed Cream fanscanlook forward toagreat newgroup inreplacement “Tllstartworkonthenewgroupin November. Iwantapiano, bass, guitar ‘anddrums. Yes, as disappointed with theCreamonrecoed. don'tthink \wetooktherightdirection.Thetourswe ddidmeantbeingontheroadforsucha longtime, wecouldn'techearseandtry new things. Thatwas thestrangething” Chris Welch « HST oF Roc 8 | 59 “There are ore wonderful people than jerks” How to celebrate the global success of “What A Wonderful World”? For LOUIS ARMSTRONG, it’s with a fortnight residency at Batley, West Yorkshire. Satch calls in advance, charms both press (‘‘It’s like Las Vegas!”) and crowd, and — obviously — promotes his own line of laxatives, too. — MELODY MAKER APRIL 15 — HEREWASA clickon the transatlanticline, followed byagravelly Hello, pops that could havecomefrom ‘onlyoneman~"Satchmo" himself: Louis Armstrong, now gracingthe MM Pop 30 with hismighty vocal presenceat No 1. "Who's that?” questioned thevoice ‘compounded of equal parts grit, gravel and charm. The Melody Maker? My favourite muisc periodical, How'smyman Max Jones, Nat Gonella~all them cats? Thevoiee thattypifiesjazzcrackled over‘,000 miles telephone cable fromMiami Beach, Florida, withawarmth andifriendlinessthatcheered ‘upadismaleveningin North London Sixty-seven-year-old Louis, indestructible andiightingfit.istopofthechartwith'WhatA Wonderful World’ ~andknockedoutthathe’sstillpleasinghis fans herein Britain Armstrongisthe one manwhohasspannedeveryera{rom theeatly days ofjazzatthetime ofthe First World Warthrough topopularmusicin 1968, And he s one of the few jazz:musicians tohavebeenacknowledged andrevered internationally. Heiscurrentiyto beheard,onhishit.asa ‘vocalist, buttisasagreatjazztrumpeterthatheisbetterknown. Louis! trumpetplayinghas warmth, beauty purity oftoneandbrilianceof technique combined witha gigantic powerofswing Bornin New Orleans, Louisianain 1900, Louislearnedtoplay trumpetinthe Coloured Waifs Home For Boys. Hewasexposedtoand assimilated eatlyjazzinfhences and in 1917 joined trombonistKid Ory’s band. He progressed from this group to others includinga banded by thelegendary King Oliverin Chicago, which hejoinedin 1922. Inthe ‘mid- 20s, Louisformedthe Hot Fiveand HotSeven recordinggroups {4 | TORY OF ROK WHE among the mostlegendaryinjazzandastepawayfrom thepure NewOrleansstye Intheearly'30s, Louis toured Europeextensively and made hisfirst, ‘motion picture, Pennies From Heaven, in1936.Fromthenheworked mainly ith largeorchestrasuntille returned toleadingsmall groups in 1947. He formedhisAllStas,thebandhestillleadsandwhose present personnel consists foe Muranyi (ci, Tyree Glenn tb), Danny Barcelona (dm), Marty Napoleon (pno) and Arvell hav (bas). Louiswasrelaxingat theDeauvilleHotel, Miami Beach when Iphoned him, Hewas in Miamiforan engagement with teAllStarspriortoflying to Hollywoodtoplayat the Academy Awards innerlast Monday, "That's agreathonour,'said Louis. ouishad been singing“Wonderful World" withthebandforayearor sobeforcherecordedit.“Hlovethesong-that'swhy ldidit"hesaid. But thetune'snottooold-its brandnew realy. "loveitbecausevelivedinthesamehouseln Corona (LongIsiand) for30yearsand! lovethatlineinthesongaboutthechildzen.Tveseen threegenerationsofchildren growup in Corona. And theyall comeback toseeUncleSatchmoand AuntieLucile” hechuckled, snotthefirsttimehe'sbeen in thepop charts~“Hello Dolly” was ahitbackin 1964-and wonderedifLouishad any othernumbersup hissleeve,"Igotalotwhere that comefrom, pops hegrowled. "Joe Glaser told meitwasahitin England, andtha'sgreat. ‘Washelooking forward tovisiting Englandagain~negotiations are atafinalstageforhimtocomehereforclubandconcertworkin june? "Areyoukiddin’? Allmy menarethere.'malwaysglad oseethemand ‘my fansin oldEngland. Tellmyfans_Louiswillbegladtocomeand play andsingforthem.” = .Tmjust greatthesedays. I've been on aspee nd lost upwards 6f50 poundsin weight. meverfeltthisgoodinages. This dietletsyoucat steaks, omelets, chops, allofthem things,and on the seventh day you canevenhaveanapertt “Tellyou what ldo or allmy fansin England, Tellthem thatifthey re obese fat, youknow-theycan write to oldLouisc/ofoe Glasermy ‘managerin New Yorkandi’llsend them allmyspecialditsheetfor nothingso theyan be beautifullikeme.!'vejustspent5,000dollarson whole new clothesjob.'mreallyrim=down o 145 poundsnow” he sad and that unmistakable Armstrong giggle roared down the phone. Loulssaidhe stillhad wo orthree weeks’ workonhislatestmovie-the filmvetsion of felloDoly."Wearespendinga ew weeks from theend of thismonthoutatthe20th-Century Foxstudiosin Hollywoodtagetthe filminthe can. Finally, astimeran outLaskedLouisifhehadany ‘message orhisfansin Britain. “Yeah, you can tell themthat old Loulsislookingforwardtomeeting the people. Tellthem they hould getmework, hile Satchmoisfeelinggreat lookinggreat,and blowinggreat.” Alan Walsh — MELODY MAKER JUNE 29 — Ta 12.30amand the Variety Chub at Batley wasemptying.Butalongoneside, bythe stage, a quete of people waited to pay Tespectsto Louis Armstrong Hehadbeen on stage ora longstin lasting perhaps onehour anda quarter. Duringthartimewedheard, nongother things, several burstsof vital trumpetplaying-in "Ole Miss’, "That’sMy Desire’ “HelloDolly" and "The Saints”~ which hadthe flavour of vintage Louis. Backinthedressingroom,Lauishadbeen rubbed downandrefreshed, Hehadchanged, takenasipofSeagranysVO whiskey,andnow was ead toreceiveall-comers, The MMwas entertainingthe fivewinnersof ur Armstrong contest, and theircompanionsand .ouishad agreedtomeetthem after theshow”Allof themthoroughlyenjoyedtheeveningandLes Partington, nexttome, leaped ohisfeetmore thanonee to shoutacclaimofaparticular vocal ortrumpetpassage. HumphreyLytteon was asurprise addition tour table. Armstrongandhis manager, raMangol impressed by thedistances somewinnershad travelled (Edwin Hincheliffeandhiswifeleft Shoreham, Sussexby car early that morning), invitedthem in itst.But they waited theirturn and tmusthavebeen 1.15 beforethelastonesaid sgoodbyetoSatch, Hinchclife, veteran reader, showed Louisacard signed byhimand membersof Spike Hughes’ band when "Hinch” first, sawLouis~at Harrogate, Yorkshirein 19%2.DH Bayes, a Hullwinne, sald hhehopedtoseeLouisnextyear onanother visit. "Yes, "be back,” Armstrongpromised, "iftheygiveme time,and don'tloadmewith too ‘many one-nighters ‘Ourlady winner, Miss Marion Gillis gavehima pieceofmusicshe'd written, “Ifhejustlooksatit, that willbe marvellous” shetoldme."Tean't tellyouhowmuch Iveenjoyedmyselftonight." These greeting-and- signing sessions arevery much apartofSatchmo's world, They takeup alotofhistimeand energy-nojoketoamaninthisbusiness who willbe bnextweek-buthe undertakes hem conscientiously. ashe does press receptionsandotherpublicrelationschores. ‘While Louisshookhandsand chatted withhisfans,andsigned everything rom programmesandphotographstohandkerchiefsand records, laskedhiswife, Lucille howhe fe about themingeneral."Louis ddoosn'tminddoingthis,"she aid, “Theyarehisfansandhisfriends, and hhesees themall. Before the show, no. Hearrivesonly halfanhour before goingon. Thenhegetsteadyandcomposeshimself Butafterwardshe'll doanything It'shislifeandhewouldn'tchangeit.” People weresillfillingintothedressingroom,bearingcomplimentsand afewgifts. Onepresented Satchmowithaboxoflris inenhandkerchiefs. Hegotuptoshowthem tome." Mybirthmark,"hesaid. laughing 56 | esTORY OF ROK WH “Louis had no sleepiatiall:, sxtusenmn es I thought he wouldn't be able to go on” Manyoftheadmirers werelocal,ast could hear butfortheVarietyClub, Batleytheterm* local embraces quitea largeslice of Yorkshire. female voiceactually said, Ee, youwerewonderful,addingsomewhat "unexpectedly, “You cant getaway from what you'vegot,can you?” Amale voieesaid heeveninghad been thethrillofalifetime’ towhichLouis, replied, “For youand me, daddy.” ‘The pointabout Armstrongisthat he takes personal rouble overhis fans Hellsignalmostanythinganywhere,andeven tongue-tied ‘youngster gets an encouraging’I'm glad youcame”.Toayoungmanin ‘awheelchairhewasboth considerate and charming. Oldfavourites ofcourse, henever forgets. Whenbe heard Lyttelton was ntheclub heintroduced him fromthestage ( one of Britains great trumpet layers”) and had thespotturnedon him. Itpicked:me upaswell, sowehadanumberjointlylaidonus..."tothefinecatsaver there, That's MyDesire™ This wassungby Tyree Glenn backedby Louiswhoplayed ‘somemostsensitivernusic behind vocals by ‘TyreeandJewelBrown-andthenasacomedy ‘duetwiththe trombonist incolouefulmillinry, takingafemalerole, As iumphremindedme,it ‘as aperformancewhichharkedbacktothe daysof Armstrongand Zutty Singleton Held heard that Louisplayed verylittle onthe ‘opening Monday andwassurprised bywwhat methisears:"Itwasallthere, andon’KissTo BuildADreamOn. Finestuff Nodoubt Armstrongwasextremelytiredon theopeningshow.Heldtravelledagreatdeal and had veryltterestforthreedays. On the Saturday, he'dworkedatthe NavalAcademy, Annapolis, jst outside Washington. “Thebandhad finished atmidnightand Louisstayed and signedithose autographs, IraMangelexplained.“Wedidn'tgetoutuntit toLondon,leavingat6.30thatevening [had toswitchplanesonaccountofthestike,and ‘thatwashardasweneeded 13seatsandonly’ travelfirstclass. Wearrivedin Londonat6.ADin themorning,yourtime, andhadtowaittll 10-30, tocatehthel eedsplane. "So,nnowin Leeds, the pressappearedandthey ‘kepthimonthego. The guysandLoulshad no sleepatall,andi thoughthewouldln'tbeable«o ‘0on.Ie’sprettyunfair:they shouldn'treviewopeningnights.” Tasked specifically ifhe'dhadanysleep,andLouissaid:"Asmuchas necessary, Wewereallnighton thebus,gotinaboutstx.1diedinthatbed fromsix until 11.30, then gotup and had my fruitjuiceandeoffeeand ‘Sivss Kriss, Then! had mytwoeggs. feline, because this woman travelswithme”-he indicated Lucille \wholooked mock indignantatthedescription-"whenwedoalongtip like this,a week more none place. Butonthoseone-nighters, Mama stopshome.Shetakes good care ofmeandi take careother. Welookalter ‘eachother, “Ofcourse, take careof my insideswithalaxativeevery day, andy, ‘chops with this Franz Schurtzlip salve. Butifforgetforanyreason...” here Louis gesturedtowardthebottleandwinkedatme..."She'sgotit.” ‘Thispast weekand more, Batleyand the surroundingareahadtakento Satchin abigway.Everywherehe goes, people ionisehim, orapproach himjusttosay ello, Trumpeter Dickie avon, wholeads theresident ‘group, wasnaturally knockedout, never believed he'd actually gethere untill saw himstepontothe tarmacattheairport.I'sbeen ridiculoushearinghimeverynight;and ‘withhimhere,'veseen more matesinaweekthan allthe previous year.” ‘Accordingto Hawdon, Armstrong had seemed ogatherstrengtheach hight. "I's gotbetterand better” hesaid"Allthe guysinhisbanddasolo features. Buthesitsinachairbehindthesereenwhilethey'reon,andits thenheplayssomeofhisbestthings: Asfortheobjectofthisadmiration, Armstrong himself, heliked the Batley gigwell enough. “I'sonlyoneshowanightThepeopleseemto likes andwehaveaniceshow forthem, One of myfanscomplained that itstoppedtoo soon. said, Well, westayedan hour andaquarterand, ‘weresupposedtodo 45 minutes" Max Jones Leave it all behind Lonis tells MM. as 6 Aina Wash b spoke life this weekat Batley Variety Club,and itwasherethat this legendary character gavea?00 strong gathering of press, {elevision reporters and showbusiness personalities hisinteresting, and often frank views onalarge variety of subjects. The" Meet Lous, ‘Armstrong’ conference, arrangedby club owner Jimmy Corrigan and his wife Betty on Tuesday, took the form ofa question-and- T E“WONDERFULWORLD” of Louis Armstrongiscomingto Arewelikely oseeyoubackin this country again? "Yes. Brtalnslike home tome. thopetomakea 12-monthly-isit.I would iketo come backheretoBatleynextyeariflcan.tdon'tdoone-nightersnow. Iconcentrateonresidencies ofaboutafortnight ike this one, What doyou thinkof the audiencesyouhavebeen getting? “They've bbeen greatevery whereandIamvery leased with myreceptionat Batley. I'sanotherplaceto workin, likeLasVegasexcept that they don't havethemachinesand icegameshere” Howlongdoyouplantogo oninshowbusiness? “AslongasLucill[his wifeland ean talk Turkish Ithasbeen reported thatyousaid* Wonderful World” was corny. What doyousaytothist Ididn'tsayitwascorny, others did, ItgottoNo land that'swhatcounts What didyouthinkof'flowerpower"? "I don'thelieveinfictitiousstyles ofdress. like goodplain styles. Thatsalll wanttowear Whydon't you use aguitarin yourband?-Ithinktoomachemphasisis placed on guitars. Wedon'tneedaguitarbecausewehaveagood piano, Wwhiehisfarmoreimportant Youmustbeamillionalreby now? Ireckon amricherthan you. Infact, TknowTam! Howmanyweeksayeardoyouwork? Fifty-one. {don' need aholiday when Ihave sucha nicewifeasLucillewith Lookingbackonyourlongcarcer,isthereanythingelseyouwouldhave liked to havedonet No, Ihaveno regretsatall.haveenjayedevery fit listen toyour Hot Fiveandl HotSevenrecordings?*Yes, tll hhavethemwithme. haveacopy ofeveryrecord Ihave made Whoisyourfavouritecomposer? "Fats Waller What doyou thinkof teNorth? Thavealwaysenjoyed my isitshere. ‘have played placeslike eedsandSheified before, and althoughsome ofthe theatres havenov gone, |stillrememberthem.” Doyoufollow trendsinjazz? “ThellStarsand dont goby trends. We justplayour music ‘Are you superstitious? used robe.Butthe blackcaterossedmesomany timesin one eveningthat madefriendswithit.So decide, fyoucan't beat em, join’em! Whowould yourateasthefinest musician? “Without doubs, King liver. Hismelodiesalwvays mpressedme. Andhe created New Ocleansjaz Doyouthinkitisa”Wonderful World”? Yes. There aremorewonderful peoplethan thereare INALI theopendayatthe Town Hallduringtheafternoon he said: "Lmusthave my siesta The Major replied, “We don't hhaveslestasin Yorkshire”"But Louis, inajovial mood, broughemuch aughterby counteringwith:"Butlam goingtohaveasiestain Yorkshire.” GordonSampson « P Saar YS tee is F LOUIS rie TS5C ENDED onal a humorousnote. When the LadyMajorof Batley r asked ifhewouldcallinat OBERT BURNS famous assertionthat people allover the world are basically the same was proved agsinin one sense .on Monday [June Yin Batley, the Yorkshire wool town Sixteen hundred ecstatic members ofthe 40,000 population {gave Louis Armstronga standing ovationat the end of his opening performanceatthe Batley Variety Club. Exactly the same emotion: charged ovation that Lous get in Tokyo, San Bernardino, Milanor Accra. Butin Batley, they get down to brass tacks more quickly and ‘theybooed theunfortunate compere who came out toshushthem Up. Only Louis, reappearing withjacket in hand, managed to do that Undoubtedly Satchmo touches theheartofall who see him. His winks, gestures, head-shaking finger pointingarecunningly devised trivetattention tohis incredible face. And he always ‘achieves hisebject. His programme on Monday was exactly the last yoar's Antibes JzzFestival, withthe ‘addition of Wonderful World”. The emphasisis heavily onsinging and clowning, and lovers ofthe Louis trumpet maybe disappointed He was perhapsalitl tired fterhislongtrip, Whenhe blows himself he often opensup one nightandastonishes eventhe membersof hisgroup. The tantalising thing s that youkeep hearing brief snatches ofthat glorioushorn. On the unpensionable ‘indiana’, backing Tyroe Glenn'slampoon of That's My Desir! riding along briefly on"Caberet" and the opering “Sleepy Time Down South" hs sense of toneisundeniably stillthere. (One ofthe highlights ofthe performance was pianist Marty Napoleon's solo spot, “The Girl From Ipanema’ Napoleon putson _atworfisted tour de force thatrocked him off hispiano stooland the erowd yoling. Tyree Glenn clownedhis way through “Volare ‘and showedhe'sstillmaster of the we-wa trombone. Joe Murany repeatedhis “Closer Walk With Thee" whichmovedinthe lower register but which sounded shrily sharp whenhe switched upstairs. [Bassist Buddy Catlett anddrummer Danny Barcelonatrottedout theircustomary solos, "Wrap Your Troublesin Dreams” and ‘At The Savoy’ And JewelBrowninherclose-hugging dress perfunctorilyperformedher three numbers, Butit was Popsthewoolworkers wanted. Bring on Louis.” agruff Yorkshire voice shouted as Jewel announcedherlastnumber,and ‘when Popscame forward fromhis backstage seat wherehe was havinga drinkandacigarette,thecrowd broke ntosmiles and applause ashe beamed his way through “Wonderful World” Forthree minuteshe didmake awonderfulworld. There was even pause inthe consumption vast quantities ofhesvy bear, ginand scampiand chips. By the time the closing”Saints" washend-clapped ‘through, Louiscould dono wrong-exceptleavethe stage. Asone raneported Batleyhousewife aidas she demalisheds large gin: \couldjust watch him sitting there havinga cigarette.” Selena Jonessangalong set before Louisand was warmly received, Excellently accompanied bypianist BrianLemon andthe Batley Variety Club groupled by trumpeter Dickie Hawdon, she brought power swingandartistrytosuch numbersas"Iim Yours’, "Gloomy ‘Sunday""Witcheraft” and "That OldBlackMagic’. Jack Mutton aso oF Roc 8 | 57 ar outfor some people. There's awholenew generation who haven'theardof CariPerkinsand they're hearing him nov.Carlison the tourwithme,youknow. People ofall generations arethe same, They willbuyrock'nrollagain, Nice record! like ths. Haha Idon'trecognizehim,but'dsay thatwasaNothitrecord. He really pputsome characterinto that, and his own personality. Definitelya “Thewrea a inert at doesn’t iti eect akight-Idon'tthinkit's Hat CCU UNL amend cme” say they erelrish Weve gotlots | miltarydrumbeats,infactldon't | JerryLeeLewis,whoincidentally (RCAVIGTOR) offriendsinireland,andllike The wanttohear mltarymarches. isoneofmy favourites. likehis Idor'tknowwhothatis,butit's _Claney Brothers. Godino, it'sallovernow.'msoery, version, but don'tknow fii abit: heardthatrecordinthe theyreagreatgroup,butthat be abit. I'sgood, though. States, and|thinkitwas ahit, recorddoesn't mean anything there, Let me see, who produced iaiienthaie” | Tacs, | Mitte a Wihat'shappening!BobbyBoreis | Idon'ikeit Theyhaver'thedehit’| of myfavourte Buddy Holly (> Seiscateeie en | Wktcbeegtac a = ahitbuti’sanice and easy sing slong song withgood words. ,ONDON) EASHION i aden, Yeah-that'sright He's | a6 rrodeahitaugh)Thats | Glenr'snotbigheeyet2He Ciefichard- yeah Hahe | beth atattetepade’ ve hallalbeboudfadclows | neverherdthasongbetore and Thisrockrevivalhereis | itsnotasgoodassome ofthe ‘agoodthing.andlittle _stuffhedoeslike "By The Time Richardshouldbe oneof |Get To Phoenix”. Thiscouldgo, thebignamesofthe bbutIdon'tlike the lyrics. [don't revivalimnotsurprised | thinkthey've got enoughroots, Wehappening;infact! | although! ikehisvoice. ean't ‘expectedittohappen.|___understand the recordcompany guesspopwasgettingtoo _puttingthis out. “It’snot my scene... MM APRIL6 ‘The Beatles PARLOPHONE Well, what can yousay about that? Everything The Beatlesmakeis good, and they seemtoget better asthey'sarock’nrol beat, butmoremodern-asortof digatrock Thisistheirbestyet- whichis what! seemtothinkabout every record theymake. Theyjust get botterand better Esther And Abi Ofarim (es1UPS) Thisisa greatrecord-absolutely fabulous I's sodifferent-and suchaquaintrecord. AndEsther has sucha wonderfulvoice.Bet theyhadfunmaking this Cilla Black PARLOPHONE) \Withoutdoubt,thisisthe best recordthatCillahas made so far-Isupporetho television progremmeshave helpedita lot, butitisagood song, and shesings itwell.'ve alwaysliked Cilla-but llikeher even morenowthatshe's getting better material Tony Blackburn me Don'tlikethis-monotonous- nothing atalltoliftout therut Successfulideasbut somehow the mixture doesn't merge. Bee Gees Vor dsrotvoon) Wsthe Boe Goos,ien'tit? Certainly notasgoodas ‘Massachusetts’; whichwas the firstofitskind. Now they seemto be trying torepeat the dose. They arejustnot progressing. They seemtobe sticking to what was ssuccessfulformula. Yetl don’t think anyone couldhavehandled the singing on this quite so wel TheHolis Thisisonethat grows onyouthe moreyouhearit-but| don't think itwillde abighit. Goodforthe discotheques and or dancing. Wellupto TheHolles'standard andvery similar to "Bus Stop", Manfred Mann (FONTANA) AnythingManfredManndoes isalrightby me. Thisisfabulous. like the Factthattie different ~but, ofcourse, ell Menfred's recordsaredifferenttothe thisis good fordancingtoo- hear itinallthe discotheques. llikethis alot-undoubtedly itwillbeavery eee eee grees eozathough| don tnormaly ie SabDyonssenge | Donovan eve Glifichard Thisisgroat-mpoedon tcowwaw Paul Jones Taruavenca ea Ties earrnee Couns) thatigongsomeThewhole | EurvslonSong Cortet ts Nowldon'thleit Wsabit ees | eradipa Li ieenstobe Bonoreninthisheppymoodto | thecontestndvilbes ight twas written by the his "message" records. He must asarecord. Ithasevery gimmick Ed | makshimeelfmicerable Pleasant, | inthobeck yetiestilobettor but the combinations happy record Songthan' ppt On String clcked tstime Nothinglke Butt sotforme lcatey ord Sececderparidee aan DaveDoo, Dozy,Beaky, Mick &Tich Ciffisagood singer butt nat Manfed-butthene was with (FONTAN wiyscere Marfed vente? Ohyes-likethisbeceuse ofthe ieee Seamer | LemonPiers Dionne Warwick right-Imust practise.Seriously, _(PYEINTERNATIONAL) PrenTeRATIONAD {lsonethat maker youtamup | Ipersonalythnkthisl greet Thslsjustthegreatestthing | thevolimesslaudespossbl, | lestckinnymindthefiattine Thecrerheerd Dione Warvick | sndsing.ikethebigbresssound | theardl jut could forget couldsingonyhingforme: What | of hebecking- Great! Ibeuhtitimmedtelyitves pascal beeluesh released, acl tl playapit doesit, it must be great. I've see Matt Monro regularly Ithinkitis agrestsong theflmandthisisthe onlything | (CAPTOL) andthey do itsowell int Shes great! Notachanceofbeingachart hit nthisisnotfortheteenage scene. | Patil Mauriat Pxues) Thelioe Thisisdehnteh LPmateral-well_| Ithinkthere are fartoomany GAL ZONOPHONG tungetceberthyproduced.and | versonsfthisrambe: Scrfecne Heyanathersingalbng!Butlike | haritsownmartet Matineed't. | tckimethereweret-But ihe TheMovealot Rightnowim | worry-he'sdeingwellenough, __oneisbyfarthebestofthe bunch. patiently waitingforthe nex LP. Orhectrsl paces arenotusualy Tthinkthisistheirbestsingleto ‘The Tremeloes Face tse aa Ease erat ae cas eum wilbecomebetterstiTheyare | Thislsanctheronetomakeyou | treatment Juste ting for erecta cUP oe er I olin BUR Ticom ey frcad sik telat along time. fastordancingarealsing- alonger. It’s ahappy, che il Gene Pitney eter ace STATES) LindiGoodlerTheTremeloes| | GenePiiney? Gene doesnt inopeCertsiiywerdother | eertoberecordng vhetthe erie teenage publican todo Ths nothingaferenttowhathehas ‘The Foundations done nthe past-Sorrybutthis re) wilmotbeabigselar etd Eres fess terse ga ore ese a cee thesehappy,singingrecords.But | Hehasagreatstageact. i ASTOR OF RK 8 | 59 “A handful of songs and Kelbnia OO )4S to sing ——— them’ i UU ee { b ECM CUPL tio “Lady Madonna”, and 30 more RUM WCU Ea) ENO RY COUT EUV AALS gear BU CT Tau Tesi PTS ee Cem nda) and defend their post-Pepper (el Ai UCT Ue UT ECM Er 20 ae MOLD thattheirnew single wasbased loosely on Humphrey Lyttelton’ 1956 hit“Bad Penny Blues’; talked of ndiaand the Maharisihianddenied he was losinginterestin meditation;andspoke ofhisschizoid ifeasboth Beatle Ringo Starrand plain, private Richard Starkey. Two people to him, butoverlappinginto his private and publiclives. There was sadnessin his inal remarks on is dualexistence. “Itry to keep them separate, butyoucan'.”hesaid sdy Madonna” hasbeen called almostareturn torock'nroll. sthis truet Yes, tha'swhattis~almostaretuentorock'nvol, Canyouexplain what youweretryingtodointhisrecord? The thing is, we've heen tryingto makearock'nollrecord forfiveyearsnow; Becauserock'rvollhas suddenly hitthe headlines-the grea ev bbecausethisoneisarockeraslight one anyway) peoplearesayingits arock'ntllrecord. When didyoustartthinkingabout this record? Paulthoughtofit originally, He diitlike Fats Wallerfrst,Ionlyhearditinthestudio, Paul playspianoon it. Whathe's doing on piano isasortof Bad PennyBlues” \Wesakd to George Martin, “HHowdid they doiton ‘BadPennyBikies "and hesaidthey used brushes Solused brushes and we dida rackwith ust brushes and thepianoand then wedecided weneededanofl-beat,Sowe pputanofi-beat on tandthen Paul decided o singitinbissor-ofElvisvoice. Many peotethoughttvasyousinging? es lot ofpeopedi.idt Is thisasnearas you'vegot oarocknumberin fiveyears? Eversinee rockintoll,rock nollrecordshavebeen made, butpeopleforgortosay rock’ntoll.Allthrough the yearstherehavebeen peoplewhohavecome ‘outwith rock nollrecords butnow, suddenly, everyone wants rock'n'roll tocomebacksothey saythisisarorkrecord and that sarockrecord, They've picked outrecords that haveanoft-beat,orasaxything,ora Duane Eddy thing, They'recallingoursrock'nrolland The Move's"Pire Brigade” and Elvis record, [don'thinkanyonewillevergobackto rock’ntollasitwas yearsago-the eissueswillbetheonly ones, because there'ssomuch more musicalinfluence nowfromallthe yearsthat have gonebefore.Rockoriginally wasinfluencedbycountry&westernand thebluesmainly but nowve'vehad 10or Sdifferenttypes,soallthenew rock'n toll ecords willhavea bitofthatinas wellThey'Ilbe technically abitmoreadvancedandhavealotmoremusiciansin them, Soldon't {hinki’steally ouroldzock nal. Itsjustatidle. ‘Thissingleisdifferentto thesort ofReatlemusicon SgtPepper.for ‘example? Wealwaystrytobe different. fpeoplehadn’tbeen saying the greatrock'nrollrevival’ wemost probably tillwould havedone thisrecord, anditwouldhavebeen ustthenewBeatlessingl.Itwoulda't havebeen ock'nvoll Beatles Howdo youfeelaboutthe early aysofrock'n'roll? They werethe greatest daysforme, Iwasjustattherightage, butdon'teven think the re-releasesofthe old rock'n roll ecordswillsell l'snostalgiaforus—you andame... hepeople who went through that. The25sand over Wouldyouever get sonostalglethat you'dwant to playagain? No, |don'tthinklever would. don't wanttoplay again on stage. Notatthe momentanyway. Isthisrecordastepinany specificdirection for TheBeatlest snot abackwardsstep,assome people havesald, Becauselt doesnfteak ‘ut, people thinkyou'regolngbackwards.I'sjustanotherstep, and that’s whattheyallarejustbecausewe ddocertainthingsonsomerecords is called progression. Thisisjustusdoing arecord...sjustarecord.I'snotastep backorastepforwardorsideways.'sjust, another step. Is justanothertypeotsong fromThe Beatles, Youstayedonly 10

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