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Q1) Write a program using function

to count vowels (names) that

returns the total no. of vowels from
a list of names stored in the list

Q2) Write a program to find sum of

the series
1 + x/2! + x2/3! + x3/4! + . + xn/

Q3) Write a menu driven

program to find the area of
a square, rectangle or

triangle based on users


Q4) Define a class with complete

function definitions COMPETITION
with following specifications:
Class attributes:
Event_no as integer
Description as string
Score as integer
Qualified as string

Class Methods:
Cinput() , award() , show()

Q5) Declare a class Transport in python

with the following specifications:
Data members:
Busno To store bus no
Travelfrom to store name of the destination
Btype to store bus type such as O for ordinary , D for
deluxe and S for super deluxe
Distance to store the distance in kilometers
Fare to store the bus fare

Member functions:
Constructor, seatallocate () , _calcfare() ,

Q6) Declare a class student that contains

rollno , name and marks of student. It also
contains method acceptdata() and
dispdata() to accept and print detail . Inherit
class scholar that accept all the features of
class student and fathers name . Write a
method printscholar() that print all details of
students that have scored marks greater
than 80.

Q7) Write a menu driven program to sort

a list of elements (in ascending order)
using bubble sort , insertion sort ,
selection sort.

Q8) Write a program to search for

an element using linear search

Q9) Write a program to

search for an element
using binary search

Q10) Write a program to create an

array and divide all those element
by 5 which are divisible by 5 and
multiply their remaining elements
by 2.

Q11) Write a program to

perform push and pop
operation in stack.

Q12) Write a program to

insert and delete the
element in a queue.

Q13) Write a program to

enter students rollno ,
name and marks into a file
called Student.txt .
Assume that first field of

the student records

{between rollno and name}
is separated with

Q14) Write a program to

read the contents of
Student.txt file contains
rollno , name and marks
fields. Assume that first
field of the student records
{between rollno and name}
is separated with a

Q15) A binary file

CAMERA.dat containing
the attributes of camera as
given below:
Model no , megapixel , company

Write the code for function

camera_add to enter data into

Write the code for function

camera_search() to search for a camera
from CAMERA.dat according to the
modelno. The function should search and

display the details of the camera.

Q16) Write a program to take an

integer as users input and
the program code should use
exception handling to capture a
possible conversion error . Note that
is the user enter
something other than integer , an
exception is thrown
when the conversion to a number

Q17) Write a
program to
generate cubes of
numbers over

Q18) Write a
function to print
Fibonacci series
for first 10 numbers.

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