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Winged Mantle

Size Type
Small Aberration (Symbiotic subtype)
Hit Dice
2d8+3 (11 hp)
Speed 10ft.(2 squares),Fly 60ft. (average)
Armor Class
15(+1 size,+3 Dex, +1 natural ), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base AttackGrapple
Attack Bite +3 (1d6+1)
Full Attack
Bite +3 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks
Drain Blood(Ex)
Special Qualities
Symbiotic traits, telepathy, Detect Thoughts(Sp), Fly(Ex
Saves Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 10
Skills Hide+6
Feats Toughness, Iron will
Challenge Rating
Usually lawful Evil
Level Adjustment
What appears to be an unusually large mosquito it is the size of a dog. Its wing
s can open to 3ft. each a sparkle in light as an insect's wings does.
The winged mantle appears to be an insect its wings are smaller when it is by it
self. It can attach to the back of a host its wings then increase in size to mat
ch the size of the creature.
Ego score 2 (-2 int, -1 wis, +2 drain blood, +1 telepathy, +1 Detect thoughts, +
1 fly)
A Winged Mantle can only attach itself to a willingly or helpless host(as a full
-round action). In general, a creature either seeks out a Winged Mantle to gain
its benefits or encounters it accidently. It presses its own body against the ba
ck sending tendrils into the back muscles of the host with a strength powerful e
nough for the Winged Mantle's own wing strength to lift the weight of the host.
Attaching or removing a winged Mantle deals 1d6 damage and 1d4 strength damage.
Winged Mantle can not speak, but it understands Undercommon.
Host benefit The wings give the host the ability to fly as if the wings were its
own. The Winged Mantle can also use the spell-like ability SRDDetect Thoughts a
t will using the host's Charisma Bonus+Character Level=DC.
Fly (Ex) The Winged mantle gives the host the ability to fly at a speed 30ft. wi
th poor manuverabiliy.
Drain Blood(Ex)On a successful bite or grapple attack the winged mantle draws bl
ood from causing 1d4 Constitution damage(if the winged mantle becomes unhappy wi
th its host's actions it may use this ability on the host, however it only cause
s 1 constitution damage per day.)

Symbiotic Traits: Symbiotic Subtype

A creature with the Symbiotic subtype is a Symbiotic, independent creatures that
while symbiotic can survive without a host for a limited time. The Symbiotic is
similar to the Symbionts subtype, however there are many small differences.
A symbiotic possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature s
Attach to host/Remove from host: Both of these usually cause some ability sc
ore damage and maybe some HP damage.
Symbiotic creatures have an Ego Score as determined by mental ability bonuse
s (see below).
Symbiotic creatures need to eat, sleep, and breathe. When attached to a host
this is done when the host eats and sleeps.
Host Dependency:Symbiotic creatures cannot survive without a host for a prol
onged period of time. The symbiotic loses 1 Constitution point every 24 hours it
goes without a host. Constitution Damage done in this fashion can't be regained
through any natural or magical means.
Transfer spell-effects: When the symbiotic is targeted by a spell or spell-l
ike ability(whether it is harmful or helpful) the host is affected instead of th
e symbiotic creature. The symbiotic can't become the target of a spell that was
directed at the host, however, unless the spell or spell-like ability has a targ
et of self, effect personal. Only the host's spells and spell-like abilities aff
ect both the host and symbiotic creature in this manner. No other spellcasters c
an cast spells on the host and the symbiotic creature.
Ego Score: The symbiotic creature gains an Ego Score which determines how st
rong the Symbiotic creature's control over the host's body is. The Ego score is
determined as follow:
The symbiotic creature's Intelligence modifier, Wisdom modifier, and Charism
a modifier are added to together, and this total becomes the base Ego Score.
The Ego modifiers are as follow: for each Extraordinary Ability and special
attack the symbiotic creature posses add 2 to the Ego Score, for each special tr
ait add 1 to the Ego Score (symbiotic traits listed on this page do not count as
special traits for the purposes of the ego score), and if the symbiotic creatur
e has the type Outsider add 4 to the Ego Score.
Ego Vs. Will roll
The Ego score determines how hard it is to resist the mental sways of the symbio
tic creature. When the symbiotic creature doesn't like the host's action it can
attempt an Ego Vs. Will roll. The symbiotic creature rolls 1d20+Ego against a Wi
ll save roll by the host.
Failure of the host results in the symbiotic creature having complete contro
l over the body of the host. (The host can still take purely mental actions). Th
e host can make another Ego vs. Will roll in a number of rounds equal to the sym
biotic creature's ego score (minimum of 1 round) to attempt to regain control.
Success by the host results in the symbiotic creature being unable to attemp
t another Ego vs. Will roll for a number of rounds equal to the symbiotic creatu
re's ego score.

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