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How are you? I heard that you are chosen to take part in the . . I also
heard that you are worried about attending the programme.
I feel you should attend the programme as you will benefit a lot from it. Firstly, you
will 1.. You will learn to adapt to new situations and be punctual.
You will also 2.. You will meet friends from all over Malaysia. You will meet
friends of all races too. 3..These skills are
important for you to survive in the working world.
You will also take part in .4. A lot of indoor and outdoor activities
will be planned for all of you. You can also 5. You will also learn to
6. You have to take care of yourself and manage yourself without your
parents for almost three months.
You will also .7 You will learn ..8.. as you have to do a lot of
group work and survive with friends. Besides, attending this programme will also
.9.. You will also learn to ..10 You will be
exposed to a lot of sports and recreational activities. You will also
.11. and ..12..
So, I think you better attend and enjoy the National Service programme. I am sure you
will have a great time.

Your cousin,



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