Shinyang and Rumyang Kingdoms: By: Ika Wahyu Purwaningsih (201510300511028)

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Shinyang and Rumyang Kingdoms

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms above the clouds , which both have different
characteristics. The names of two kingdoms were "Shinyang" and "Rumyang. Shinyang was
the kingdom of good camp led by the queen Anjani , while Rumyang is the kingdom of the
evil faction led by the queen Elizabeth. Both are hostile kingdoms because the queen
Elizabeth who has envy to the queen Anjani.
Queen Anjani of the kingdom in the clouds "Shinyang" has a beautiful face , kind,
patient , and helpful. While queen Elizabeth of the kingdom above the clouds "Rumyang"
has ugly face, nasty, like pitting, and also arrogant. Queen Elizabeth was very jealous to the
queen Anjanis pretty face. Queen Anjani has a solder with a handsome face and a very loyal
to the queen Anjani and he always accompanied her wherever she goes, Bharata his name.
Because of a pretty face and good nature that is owned by the queen Anjani that made he fell
in love with her. While the queen Elizabeth also have solder who obey her rules , Morganz
his name. Queen Elizabeth past few her solders when many were uncomfortable because of
her rules, so only stay Morganz who still has remained with the queen Elizabeth.
One day the queen Elizabeth has a plan to abducted the queen Anjani, then the
queen Elizabeth asked to her solder to throwed so far from Shinyang kingdom. Around one
weeks later, Bharata worried about the queen Anjanis condition, queen Anjani has throwed
that her condition have die. The next day after, Bharata came who has felt that Rumyang
kingdom has abducted the queen Anjani. For those happened warred between Shinyang
kingdom and Rumyang kingdom especially Bharata and Morganz, queen Elizabeth worried
about Morganzs condition because of he got stabbed around his heart, actually queen
Elizabeth has a fell and she looked like him, he was dead and Bharata had won on that
warred, Bharata threated queen Elizabeth about position of queen Anjani, afterwards queen
Elizabeth told queen Anjanis position to Bharata and she was regreted.
One day Bharata looked for the queen Anjani, and he found her with her condition
was weaked and she was dead. Immediately he hugged and kissed her. Ten minutes later she
woke up and gave smiled to Bharata. After that he expressed about his felt that he loved her
so much. Queen Anjani accepted his loved, and Finally they lived happily after.
#From the story above we can learn that, should not to have envy to each people and we as
social human should to help everyone and should be grateful that what we have.
By: Ika Wahyu Purwaningsih (201510300511028)

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