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M: Hi
CX: Hi
M: Tonight want to watch movie?
CX: What movie?
M: Inside Out(no need to translate)
CX: Can I invite Chao Yi and Xiang Jun too?
M: sure, later u eat lunch with them?
CX: Yes
M: Can I join?
CX: sure, later we meet at south lobby(no need to translate) first.
M: ok.

CY: What you want to eat?
XJ: rice.
CY: Which restaurant you prefer?
XJ: I have no idea.
CY: Man Ji(no need translate), ok?
XJ: Dont want, that restaurant very dirty.
CY: Ermmm.Rock and Bowl( no need translate)??
XJ: Dont want, it is expensive!
CY: Then which restaurant u prefer??
XJ: Up to you.
CY: (poker face)later I will ask Chen Xin.

(Chen Xin and Malcolm meet with Chao Yi and Xiang Jun at south lobby)
M&CX: Hi
XJ: Malcolm is joining us for lunch?
CX: Ya.
CY: Xiang Jun prefer to eat rice.
M: Lets go, I am hungry!
CY: we havent decide which restaurant to go.
CX: Let go to try out the new restaurant.
M: NO SIGNBOARD(no need to translate) is it?
CX: yaya.
CY&XJ: Lets go.

(after taking lunch, CY,XY,CX and M start chatting)
CX: Malcolm invite me to watch tonight, you guys want to join us?
CY: I want to join.
XJ: I have to study for tomorrow tamil test.
M: The test will start in evening 5oclock,you can study in the morning.
CY: yalor, lets go to watch, it been long time we didnt watch together already.
CX: Come on Xiang Jun, today is Wednesday, the ticket price is cheap.
M: moreover, you scored very well for the last tamil test.
XJ: I want to ask my mum first.
M: Faster, I want to buy the ticket already.
XJ: Okok, no problem.

CY: We have class on 2pm right?

CX: Ya! Ya! Now already 2.15pm!
M: Lets go to class now!
XJ: Faster! Faster!


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