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Difference between these two files SPFIE and PFILE? What are their advantages?
I will answer the second part of your question first (the difference between
SPFILE and PFILE). Oracle provides two different types of parameter files that you
can use, PFILE and SPFILE.
Until Oracle 8i, we were using a text file called the PFILE (parameter file) for
setting the database initialization parameters. This PFILE is read at instance
startup time to get specific instance characteristics. The PFILE is text based, and
can be edited in an editor like vi on UNIX or Notepad on Windows. Any changes
that were made in PFILE would only take effect when the database is restarted
Since SAP/Oracle recommends using SPFILE over PFILE, I will provide some
details on SPFILE to answer your question in more detail.
In Oracle9i, a new feature called SPFILE (server parameter file) was introduced.
SPFILE is a binary file that contains the same information as the old PFILE.
SPFILE permits dynamic changes without requiring you to restart that instance.
By default, if you do not specify PFILE in your STARTUP command, Oracle will use
server parameter file (SPFILE). If you choose to use the traditional text
initialization parameter file (PFILE), you must specify the PFILE clause when
issuing the STARTUP command.
The SPFILE is different from the PFILE in that it can not be directly edited. This is
because it has a header and footer that contain binary values. Since you can not
change a SPFILE directly, Oracle allows you to manage the SPFILE via the ALTER
SYSTEM command.
When you execute the ALTER SYSTEM command, the parameter change is
validated immediately, which helps avoid errors associated with entering an
incorrect parameter name or an invalid value. In addition, the ALTER SYSTEM
allows you to specify whether you want to update the parameter immediately,

update just the SPFILE, or both. All these features help avoid human error
associated with manually updating a PFILE.
The following example shows how to change the current value of SESSIONS and
store the value in the SPFILE.
command is the parameter SCOPE. You have the following options for this.
(For both static and dynamic parameters, changes are recorded in the spfile, and
will take effect in the next restart.)
(For dynamic parameters, changes are applied in memory only. No static
parameter change is allowed.)
For dynamic parameters, the change is applied in both the server parameter file
(SPFILE) and memory. No static parameter change is allowed.)
For dynamic parameters, we can also specify the DEFERRED keyword. When
specified, the change is effective only for future sessions.
Now for the first part of your question. Since you are using Oracle 10G, you have
to use the ALTER SYSTEM command to change the Oracle parameters as
recommended by the SAP Early Watch Alert.
List of common database errors found in SM21 in SAP?
Here is a list of some common database errors found in tcode SM21 in SAP.
These are not very critical errors and can be ignored depending on situation.
Table names and error code in my case may differ from yours.
SQL statement violates database system restriction
Database error 24909 at UPD access to table TST01
Database error 1555 at FET access to table MKPF
Database error: TemSe->XRTAB(2)->128 for table TST03 key
Database error: TemSe->XRTAB(3)->1 for table TST01 key
Database error: TemSe->XRTAB(2)->128 for table TST03 key Challan No1914
Database error 1013 at COM
Database error -2 at FET
Database error 24909 at SEL access to table REPOLOAD
Database error 3114 at FET
For READ TABLE, the database table TDRG_MEMO_DET was not found

Database error 24909 at FET

Database I/O error
For READ TABLE, the database table TKKO was not found
For READ TABLE, the database table TBPA was not found
For READ TABLE, the database table TDRG_MEMO_DET was not found
Database error: TemSe->XRTAB(3)->1 for table TST01 key
Database I/O error
Database selection with invalid cursor 2
Database error 1410 at FET access to table BLPK

SAP system is full what to do as Basis consultant?

If file systems in SAP server is full, what needs to be done?
How to avoid file system full in SAP?
How to delete unnecessary files in file systems of SAP?
How to delete core files in SAP?
How to delete trace files in SAP?
How to delete stat files manually in SAP?
What is the transaction code used to delete stat files manually in SAP?
What are various reports to be run to cleanup when file system is full?
How to prune the file systems in SAP?
How to delete old archive files in SAP?
What is the location of work and data directories in SAP?
What is the location of global directory in SAP?
Can we delete old page file and role files when the SAP system is online?
What is the sap parameter to set the trace level in SAP?

Sometimes, a basis consultant will get alerts or information from customers that the file systems
are full. To avoid system issues and to increase uptime of the SAP system, in those cases, we
have 2 options.
Delete un-necessary files in the file system
In case you found file system is defined as too small then increase the size of them.
In this article, am covering the option 1 mentioned above.
Let us assume that the system id(SID) of the sap system is CR1. Then the
i) Work directory in (Unix, WindowsNT operating system) is /usr/sap/CR1/DVEBMGSnn/work
(where nn is the instance number)
ii) data directory in (Unix, WindowsNT) is
/usr/sap/CR1/DVEBMGSnn/data (where nn is the instance number)
Global directory (i.e. for all instances) is
/sapmnt/CR1/global (for UNIX)
\\<sapglobalhost>\sapmnt\CR1\sys\global (for Windows)
Please follow below steps to avoid this issue:

1. Delete core files from work directory

Work directory in Unix often contains old core files which were generated due to previous program
terminations. These core files need to be deleted
2. Delete old log files and spool files
Under global directory there will be many log files which can be deleted regularly.
Those files are
Log file type
Naming Convention
Spool requests
nnnSPOOL (where nnn=client)
Job logs
Batch input logs
Following reports can be run using SE38 or through background job for selective deletion of the
files mentioned above.
RSPO0041 - This report is used for deletion of old spool files
RSBTCDEL Used for deletion of old job logs
RSBDCREO - Report can be used for deletion of batch input log files and reorganization.
3. Deletion of old ABAP/4 trace files
Some trace files with the name AT<instance number>nnnn will be in the data directory. Old files
of this type can be deleted. The maximum available space for all files is defined by the parameter
abap/atrasizequota. Also transaction SE30 can be used to delete the files.
4. Deletion of old archiving files
When old data is archived, some files are written to the global directory. The naming convention of
those files is Rxxmmddn (xx= application, mm= month, dd=day, n=number). For example,
If these files are already saved on tape and these data is no longer required for productive
operation, then these files can be deleted from the disk

Deletion of old output requests

Output requests are normally stored on the data directory. Naming convention will be like SP*.
Under normal scenarios, they are deleted automatically when the output is completed. In case you
see they are not getting deleted, you can delete the same
6. Page file and Roll file
Under the data directory, normally page files and roll files are stored. Naming convention will be
like PAGFILnn and ROLLFLnn(where nn is the instance number). Please note that page file and
roll files can only be deleted when the corresponding SAP instance is offline.
Deleting these files hardly makes any sense because these files will start growing to the allowed
maximum extent during the R/3 system start up. However in some special scenarios (during or
after client copy), the required space can be retrieved by deleting these files. As mentioned
earlier, please note that this can be done only when the instance is offline.
The maximum size of the roll file is given by
(rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS rdisp/ROLL_SHM) * 8 Kbytes
A similar formula applies to the paging file also.
In some scenarios, to avoid the file system full issue, we can even move these page and roll files
to a different file system by defining alternate values for R/3 parameters DIR_ROLL and

7. Deletion of Old sort and Extract files

By the ABAP commands SORT and EXTRACT, temporary files are created. The location of these
files is set using profile parameter DIR_SORT or DIR_EXTRACT.
The temporary files for sort are named S+++++++<Extension> (On Windows .dat is used as
extension and on Unix there is no extension). Similarly for Extract, E+++++++<Extension> will
be the file naming convention.
These files will be automatically deleted after the execution of these SORT and EXTRACT
commands. However, in some scenarios, an abrupt termination can happen and these files wont
get deleted automatically. Those old files can be deleted by an administrator.
The exact file names for these are stored in the profile parameters FN_SORT or FN_EXTRACT
8. Deletion of trace files
Trace files are created during a new system startup and they can be deleted. They are contained
in the work directory

Deletion of stat file or moving to different location

Please check whether the stat file which consists the work load statistics, has not been
reorganized for some time and has therefore become too large. In emergency cases, this file can
be either deleted manually or can be moved to different location.
To delete the stat file manually, please proceed as follows:
Go to ST03 transaction; call the delete function on the relevant instance by choosing:
Workload -> Reorganize -> Delete seq.stat.file
To change the location of stat file, change the value of system parameter stat/file to a new
10. Deletion of job logs at operating system level
In some emergency cases, where you cannot start the R/3 system at all, the measure is to delete
the job logs at operating system level and run RSBTCDEL report in forced mode.
Note: How to delete job logs at operating system level will be covered in a separate article later
11. Changing the trace level
If the trace files (dev_*) in the work directory are very large (normal size 0.1 to 20Kbyte), it is
likely that the trace level is set to very high value. In SAP, rdisp/TRACE parameter is used to set
the trace level. Normal value for trace is 1.
Please cross check this SAP parameter and reset to 1 if the value is maintained as 2 or higher. If
this value is set to high, much more detailed trace will be collected and trace file sizes are likely to
increase. Therefore recommending to decrease or set the trace level to 1.
Please refer below link to know, how to set the trace level in SAP.
However, if after carrying out all the above steps there is no improvement, then please consider to
increase the file system size by requesting space to the relevant team

Press Enter
<sid> System ID lower case
<SID> System ID upper case
1. System Tasks
Starting the SAP Instance
The normal SAP instance start up consists of three parts: starting the SAP OS
Collector, starting the Oracle Listener, and starting the SAP instance. The
process mainly goes like this: ora<sid> logs on and starts the Oracle Listener
then <sid>adm logs on and runs the startsap script.
Here you may get one doubt? What happened to the SAP OS Collector?
The startsap script takes care of the SAP OS Collector for us. When the SAP
Instance starts up via the startsap script, it checks to see if saposcol is up
and running whether from the root user starting it manually or from another SAP
Instance already starting it up, it doesnt matter. If saposcol is up and
running, the script simply moves on to the next step. If it is not, the script
starts saposcol as root and then proceeds. So the SAP OS Collector gets handled
one way or another.
Even if you have multiple SAP instances on a server, the process is pretty much
the same unless the Oracle databases were installed using the MCOD installation
option. Then only one Oracle Listener is used since both databases share one
Oracle listening port which is normally 1527. Normally each SAP database ie
SAP instance - has its own listener.
here is how to start a SAP instance.
1. Verify that the SAP instance is down.
2. Log on to the appropriate server as ora<sid>.
3. Type in the following:
lsnrctl start
4. Log on to the same server as <sid>adm.
5. Type in the following the saposcol will come up automatically:
If you only need to start the database and not the SAP instance too, type

startsap DB
And do not do the rest of the start up procedures listed below, you can stop
6. Wait until the startup messages have scrolled by. There may be other minor
programs that start at the time as well. If you try to logon and are
refused connection, check the logs in the /home/<sid>adm for applicable
Verifying that the SAP Instance is up
The easiest way to confirm that the SAP instance has started successfully is to
log on to the instance. If it has not had a successful start up, look at the
logs in the /home/<sid>adm directory. Sort them with ls ltr is see the list
sorted in descending order for the ease of viewing.
If nothing obvious is found, go to the /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work directory
and do the same thing in this directory. The most useful information can be
found in the dev_wx, dev_ms, dev_disp, dev_rfcx, and stderrx files.
If you need further assistance, please refer to the section
SAP System Start Up Troubleshooting.
Stopping the SAP Instance
The stopping of a SAP instance is practically the reversal of the start up
Process; stop the SAP instance, stop the Oracle Listener, and stop the SAP OS
Collector. The only real difference is that the stopsap script will NOT stop the
SAP OS Collector for you, you have to stop that manually once everything else it
down. There could be other SAP instances still running so the OS Collector needs
to continue to gather information.
1. Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
2. Type in the following:
If you only need to stop the SAP instance and not the database too, type
stopsap R3
And do not do the rest of the start up procedures listed below, you can stop
3. Log on to the same server as ora<sid>.
4. Type in the following:
lsnrctl stop
5. Log on to the same server as root.

6. Type in the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
./saposcol -k
7. Log off the server.
Starting the SAP OS Collector
1. Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
2. Type in the following:
cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
3. Log off the server.
Stopping the SAP OS Collector
1. Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
2. Type in the following:
cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
./saposcol -k
3. Log off the server.

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