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E6: Trigonometry

E6.1: Bearings
E6.2 PythagorasTheorem & Trigonometric Ratios
-Angles of Elevation & Depression
Extend- sine and cosine values
1) PythagorasTheorem

1:Calculate the value of cm in each case

2) Trigonometric Ratios (Sine, Cosine,Tangent)

Sin =
Cos =
Tan =

3) Angles of Elevation & Depression

Angle of Elevation

Angle of Depression

is the angle formed by the horizontal

-is the angle formed by the horizontal

and line of sight to an object above the

and the line of sight to an object below


the horizontal

1) A and B are two villages .If the horizontal distance between them is 12 km and
the vertical distance between them is 2 km, calculate the shortest distance
between the two villages, the angle of elevation
of B from A.

2) X and Y are two towns. If the horizontal distance between them is 10 km and
the angle of depression of Y from X is 7,calculate the shortest distance between
the two towns, the vertical height between the two towns


Angles Between 0and180 (extend toand) there are often two

1 ) The Sine Curve
The sine function forms a wave that starts
from the origin

Period of 360

Maximum value of 1 at 90
Minimum value of 1 at 270

sin = 0 when = 0 , 180, 360.

Maximum value of sin is 1 when =
90 . Minimum value of sin is 1 when
= 270 . So, the range of values of
sin is 1 sin 1.
As the point moves round the unit
circle in either the clockwise or
anticlockwise direction, the sine curve
above repeats itself for every interval
of 360. The interval over which the
sine wave repeats itself is called

Find two angles between 0 and 180 in terms of sine which have same value

2) sin x= sin (180-x)

i)Express each of the following in terms of the sine of another angle between
and 180.
a) Sin 60

b) Sin 80
c) Sin 115

ii) Find the two angles between 0and 180 which have the following sine. Give
each angle to the nearest degree.
a) 0.33
b) 0.99
c) 0.09
2 ) The Cosine Curve
= cos

Period of 360

Maximum value of _ at _
Minimum value of _ at _
i)Cos 60=_____.
Which other angle between 0and 180has a value of -0.5?
ii)Cos 30= 0.866.
Which other angle between 0and 180has a value of - 0.866?
2) cos x= -cos (180-x)

Express each of the following in terms of the cosine of another angle between
0 and 180.
i)cos 20
ii)cos 85
iii)cos 160
iv)cos 171
v) cos 123
Express each of the following in terms of the cosine of another angle between
0 and 180
i)cos 100
ii)cos 45
iii)cos 92
iv)cos 25
v)cos 122

The Sine Rule

The Area of a Triangle

Trigonometry in 3 D

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