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Last class: recap

Bishop, Higgs, Key and Hacker all why one shouldnt study public opinions
3 distinct arguments in that unit
Keys: thinks surveys are good but are not relevant for politics
Pg 55 second sentence and::::: public opinion has little to teach on state apparatus.
We need to study how government functions.
Criticism: Surveys are good, but are not relevant to teach on the state apparatus,
and politics
2 ways to retort:
1. Policy is affected by public opinion: prevents extreme views to happen in
policy (bush), moderating affects
2. public opinion is important even if it does not affect policy or politics -It is
still important
Hacker: Policy Scholar
Obama: wanted large expansion of universal healthcare, but need to pass in House
and Senate. 218 votes and 60 for senate. He could appeal to voters (public opinion)
or appeal to major interest groups and swing voters in senate.
Important paragraph: 869: white house chose to not be influenced by PO but
instead went with interest groups and senators. Crafted the bill in order to make it
less popular with the public
What evidence that Obama appeal to interest groups: 2 specific policy choice
Obama made (that was unpopular with pubic) 1. Individual mandate (requiring
individual people to HAVE healthcare) and have fine if dont have plan 2. New Tax
on high cost healthcare plans
Adverse Selection: plans more expensive because old ppl would cost more in
insurance (theyre selective)
CBO- Judges whether the plan is deficit neutral or not, and this one was definitely
going to increase the deficit without 1.2.
Interest group that 2 pissed off: Labor Unions: its easier to win better benefits. Cost
them a lot
Clinton: more savvy politician so why Obama get this passed::: Clinton used
opposite strategy he used public opinion swaying and it failed badly so Obama
clearly was for interest groups
ARGUMENT: In big ways PO does not affect policy. Obamacare is a huge law and he
had to defy public opinion in a few ways to get it passed. Therefore PO doesnt
869: reconciliation
House need majority, senate needs 60 votes, BUT process called reconciliation to
stop filibuster germane-ness rule: reconciliation only used for bills that affect the
budget (cannot be used to pass Obamacare)
(In the House of Rep- repubs taking over)

b/w 1986-2006. If repubs are getting more extreme how can they be getting
BACKLASH INSURANCE: polices or practices protecting people against
electoral backlash
1. Agenda Control: manipulation of congressional proceeding (some congress
members have more power)
2. Special use of legislative rules: the staging of multiple votes for a bill, several
a. Odd nature of congress help congressmen look moderate, even if its an
extreme bill
b. Party leaders set up multiple votes (presenting themselves as

Then Polling:

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