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Vocabulary unit 6

To warn: advertir
Voyage: viaje por mar o aire
Utter: completo, absoluto
Truly: verdadero
Sudden: repentino
Prose: prosa
Amp: amperio
Current: corriente
Disturbing: molesto
Choir: coro
Conductor: director de orquesta
Keyboards: teclado
Portrait: retrato
Sculpture: escultura
Costume: disfraz, traje
Rehearse: ensayar
Plot= story: argumento, historia
Set: plat
Stage: escenario
Performance: actuacin
Poverty: pobreza
Speech: discurso
Review: resea
Practice: prctica
To admit: admitir
To advise: aconsejar
To beg: suplicar
To complain: quejarse
To add: aadir
(una afirmacin)
To suggest:sugerir
Hilarious: very funny
Delightful: lovely
Illustration: picture
Bring out: publish
Go out: have a relationship
Sell out : have no tickets available
Speak out: express your opinion

beloved: amado, querido

cage: jaula
blurb: descripcin de un libro con fin
fairy tale: cuento de hadas
witty: ingenioso, agudo
to dare: atreverse
volt: voltio
electric eel: anguila
audience: pblico
composer: compositor
exhibition: exposicin
landscape: paisaje
sculptor: escultor
cast: reparto
outfit: conjunto, traje
make-up: maquillaje
rehearsal: ensayo
role= part: papel
location= setting: lugar de rodaje en
award= prize: premio
comedy: comedia
stunt man: especialista, doble
to criticize: criticar
to practise: practicar
(un)impressed: (no) impresionado
to deny: negar
to promise: prometer
to refuse: rechazar
to threaten: amenazar
to claim: reclamar, mantener
writer= author: autor, escritor
debut: first
gripping: exciting
take a sinister turn: become serious
and frightening
carry out: do
look out: be careful
sort out: organize
turn out: become in the end

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