2014fall BS Thesis T02 Bicycle Powered Water Filtration

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EML 4905 Senior Design Project



Final Report
Betzabe Gonzalez
Sandra Alzate
Justin Cromartie
Kenneth Hernandez
Advisor: Dr. Andres Tremante

November 26, 2014

This B.S. thesis is written in partial fulfillment of the requirements in EML 4905.
The contents represent the opinion of the authors and not the Department of
Mechanical and Materials Engineering.

Ethics Statement and Signatures

The work submitted in this B.S. thesis is solely prepared by a team consisting of Betzabe Gonzalez,
Sandra Alzate, Justin Cromartie, and Kenneth Hernandez and it is original. Excerpts from others
work have been clearly identified, their work acknowledged within the text and listed in the list of
references. All of the engineering drawings, computer programs, formulations, design work,
prototype development and testing reported in this document are also original and prepared by the
same team of students.

Betzabe Gonzalez
Team Leader

Sandra Alzate
Team Member

Justin Cromartie
Team Member

Kenneth Hernandez
Team Member

Dr. Andres Tremante

Faculty Advisor


Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix

Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 1


Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2




Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 2


Motivation ........................................................................................................................ 2


Literature Survey .............................................................................................................. 3


Water Crisis .............................................................................................................. 3


Current Products ....................................................................................................... 4


Water Filters.............................................................................................................. 6


Pump ....................................................................................................................... 10

Design Alternatives ............................................................................................................... 11


Design Alternate 1 .......................................................................................................... 11


Design Alternate 2 .......................................................................................................... 12


Design Alternate 3 .......................................................................................................... 13


Proposed Design ............................................................................................................. 14

Project Management ............................................................................................................. 15


Organization of Work and Timeline .............................................................................. 15


Breakdown of Responsibilities among Team Members ................................................ 16

ii | P a g e


Global Components .............................................................................................................. 17

Users Manual ................................................................................................................ 17


Analytic Analysis .................................................................................................................. 18


Pump Engineering Analysis ........................................................................................... 18


Cart Engineering Analysis ............................................................................................. 20


Major Components................................................................................................................ 24

Pump............................................................................................................................... 24


Filter ............................................................................................................................... 25


Sidecar/Trailer ................................................................................................................ 26


Structural Design .................................................................................................................. 27


Projected Cost Analysis ........................................................................................................ 28


Plan for Tests on Prototype ................................................................................................ 29


Pump ........................................................................................................................... 29


Filter............................................................................................................................ 29


Sidecar/Trailer ............................................................................................................ 29


Prototype Design ................................................................................................................ 31


Sidecar Prototype Design ........................................................................................... 31

11.1.1 SolidWorks Design ................................................................................................. 33


Trailer Prototype Design ............................................................................................ 39

11.2.1 SolidWorks Design ................................................................................................. 40

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Peristaltic Pump Prototype ......................................................................................... 45

11.3.1 1st Prototype ............................................................................................................ 45

11.3.2 2nd Prototype ........................................................................................................... 48
11.3.3 Testing Results of Pump ......................................................................................... 49
11.3.4 Future Design Considerations ................................................................................. 52

Pre Filter Proposed Prototype ..................................................................................... 52

Final Cart Prototype ........................................................................................................... 54


Trailer Assembly Procedures...................................................................................... 55


Cart Building Specs .................................................................................................... 59


Final Filtration System ....................................................................................................... 62


Final Pre-Filter ............................................................................................................ 62


Main Filter .................................................................................................................. 64


Final Peristaltic Pump ........................................................................................................ 65


Testing and Evaluation ...................................................................................................... 76


Design and Description of Experiments ..................................................................... 76


Test Results and Data ................................................................................................. 78


Evaluation of Experimental Results ........................................................................... 80


Improvement of the Design ........................................................................................ 81


Final Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................ 82


Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 85
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References .......................................................................................................................... 86


Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 89


Appendix A. Engineering Drawings .......................................................................... 89


Appendix B. Standards Used in the Project ............................................................... 91


Appendix C. Specs of Materials used in Project ........................................................ 92


Appendix D. Multilingual Users Manuals ................................................................ 94

19.4.1 English .................................................................................................................... 94

19.4.2 Espaol .................................................................................................................. 100
19.4.3 Franais ................................................................................................................. 108


List of Figures
Figure 1: Time to Collect Drinking Water in Sub-Saharan Africa [16] ......................................... 3
Figure 2: Schematic of Cycloclean [10] ......................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: The Aquaduct [05]........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 : Pillow Stuffing Filter [9] ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5: Pleated Cellulose Filter (Sediment Filter) [01] ............................................................... 7
Figure 6: Reverse Osmosis Filtration System [17] ......................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Typical Rejections using Reverse Osmosis [17] ............................................................. 8
Figure 8: 3-Way Inline Water Filter [21] ........................................................................................ 9
Figure 9: Peristaltic Pump [14] ..................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10: Peristaltic Pump Motion [14] ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 11: Aquaduct Tricycle Influence Example [05] ................................................................ 11
Figure 12: Bicycle Trailer Caboose Influence [12] ...................................................................... 12
Figure 13: Bicycle Foldable Side Cart Influence [27] .................................................................. 13
Figure 14: Gantt chart for Bicycle Powered Water Filtration System .......................................... 15
Figure 15: Peristaltic Pump Diagram [14] .................................................................................... 18
Figure 16: Initial Peristaltic Pump Design .................................................................................... 25
Figure 17: Proposed Structural Design ......................................................................................... 27
Figure 18: Sidecar Design ............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 19: Sidecar Solid Work Simulation ................................................................................... 33
Figure 20: Study 1 Sidecar Von Mises Stress Graph at 222 N ..................................................... 34
Figure 21: Study 1 Sidecar Resultant Displacement Graph at 222 N ........................................... 34
Figure 22: Study 1 Sidecar Equivalent Strain Graph at 222 N ..................................................... 35
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Figure 23: Study 2 Sidecar Von Misses Stress Graph at 444 N ................................................... 36
Figure 24: Study 2 Sidecar Resultant Displacement at 444 N ...................................................... 36
Figure 25: Study 2 Sidecar Equivalent Strain at 444 N ................................................................ 37
Figure 26: Attachment to Bicycle ................................................................................................. 38
Figure 27: Trailer Car Design ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 28: Trailer Cart Solid Works Simulation........................................................................... 40
Figure 29: Study 1 Trailer Car Von Mises Stress Graph at 222 N ............................................... 41
Figure 30: Study 1 Trailer Car Resultant Displacement Graph at 222 N ..................................... 41
Figure 31: Study 1 Trailer Car Equivalent Strain Graph at 222 N ............................................... 42
Figure 32: Study 2 Trailer Car Von Mises Stress Graph at 444 N ............................................... 43
Figure 33: Study 2 Trailer Car Resultant Displacement Graph at 444 N ..................................... 43
Figure 34: Study 2 Trailer Car Equivalent Strain Graph at 444 N ............................................... 44
Figure 35: Cutting out Center Hole on Spring Form Cake Pan .................................................... 46
Figure 36: Larger Washer and two small washer set up ............................................................... 47
Figure 37: 1st Wood Block Fail .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 38: 2nd Peristaltic Pump with Silicone Tubing ................................................................. 48
Figure 39: 2nd Prototype with Hand-Crank Attachment .............................................................. 49
Figure 40: Sediment Filter Box..................................................................................................... 53
Figure 41: Example of Filter Stages ............................................................................................. 53
Figure 42: Sidecar/Trailer Combined Design ............................................................................... 55
Figure 43: Final Cart Assembly .................................................................................................... 61
Figure 44 : First Stage of Pre-Filter .............................................................................................. 62
Figure 45 : Final Stage with Cloth ................................................................................................ 63

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Figure 46 : Final Pre-Filter Assembled ......................................................................................... 64

Figure 47: PVC Cap ...................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 48: Cut PVC cap and sheet ................................................................................................ 66
Figure 49- Four bolt pillow block bearing .................................................................................... 67
Figure 50: Sprocket with bushing; top and side view ................................................................... 68
Figure 51: Sprocket and bushing on shaft..................................................................................... 69
Figure 52: Sprocket, washers, bushing, collar, and pillow bearing assembly .............................. 69
Figure 53: Pump Assembly........................................................................................................... 70
Figure 54- Axle sprocket holder hub ............................................................................................ 71
Figure 55- Bearing, Hub, Washer Assembly ................................................................................ 71
Figure 56: Roller Assembly and Hub ........................................................................................... 74
Figure 57: Close up Roller Assembly and Hub ............................................................................ 74
Figure 58- Roller Assembly .......................................................................................................... 75
Figure 59: Syphon Pump .............................................................................................................. 75
Figure 60: Clean vs Dirty Water ................................................................................................... 77
Figure 61: Platform Area SolidWorks Drawing ........................................................................... 89
Figure 62: Sidecar/Trailer Layout Inner Frame ............................................................................ 90
Figure 63: Four Bolt Flange Bearing Properties ........................................................................... 92
Figure 64: Roller Bearing Properties ............................................................................................ 93

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List of Tables
Table 1: Overview of the Cycloclean [15] ...................................................................................... 5
Table 2: Breakdown of Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 16
Table 3: PVC Tubing Properties ................................................................................................... 24
Table 4: Sawyer Filter Specifications ........................................................................................... 26
Table 5: Projected Cost Analysis for Prototype ............................................................................ 28
Table 6: Conduit Pipe Properties .................................................................................................. 31
Table 7: Platform Sheeting Properties .......................................................................................... 32
Table 8: Experimental Values ....................................................................................................... 50
Table 9: Pillow Volume Values [20] ............................................................................................ 51
Table 10: Theoretical Values ........................................................................................................ 52
Table 11- Basic Dimensions of Pillow Block ............................................................................... 67
Table 12- Bushing Dimensions..................................................................................................... 68
Table 13- Basic Dimensions of Axle Sprocket Holder Hub ......................................................... 71
Table 14- Tensile Strengths of Commonly Used Elastomeric Tubing ......................................... 72
Table 15: Spring Dimensions........................................................................................................ 73
Table 16: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD No Filter .................................................... 78
Table 17: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD No Filter ....................................................... 78
Table 18: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD With Filter ................................................. 78
Table 19: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD With Filter .................................................... 78
Table 20: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD No Filter .................................................. 79
Table 21: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD No Filter ..................................................... 79
Table 22: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter ............................................... 79
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Table 23: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter .................................................. 79
Table 24: Static Test Silicone 19.05 mm OD No Filter ................................................................ 79
Table 25: Riding Test Silicone 19.05 mm OD No Filter .............................................................. 80
Table 26: Static Testing Silicone Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter ........................................... 80
Table 27: Riding Test Silicone Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter .............................................. 80
Table 28: 1st Pump Prototype Cost Analysis ............................................................................... 82
Table 29: Final Pump Prototype Cost Analysis ............................................................................ 82
Table 30: Pump Mounting Cost Analysis ..................................................................................... 83
Table 31: Trailer Cart Cost Analysis ............................................................................................ 83
Table 32: Pre-Filter Cost Analysis ................................................................................................ 83
Table 33: Filter Cost Analysis ...................................................................................................... 84
Table 34: Tools, Accessories and Total Cost Analysis................................................................. 84


1. Abstract
Water is the most basic necessity for life yet nearly one billion people in the world lack
access to it. In many developing countries, people walk many miles to reach a source of water that
is not necessarily potable. Not only is distance and potability an issue, but the average water
collecting container in Africa, the jerry can, weighs over 40 pounds when full. This project
proposes to take on challenges associated with the accesibility and cleanliness of water in
developing countries by designing and building a filtration system and sidecar that are portable,
durable, and cost-effective.
A peristaltic pump will be used to pull unsafe water out of one holding tank, pass through
a filtration system, and onward into a clean tank while the rider pedals the bicycle. Both the holding
tanks and the filtration system will be incorporated into the design of the sidecar as to provide an
entire system that is portable and can be easily retrofitted to most standard bicycles.
Given that our design must target a demographic that includes some of the poorest regions
in the world, reliability is one of the primary factors incorporated into the design. The functionality
of the pump and filter system needs to require as little maintenance as possible. The design must
also be user-friendly as the assumption will be made that users will have no experience with any
vehicle of this type. Once the design is optimized, materials within the build will be considered to
find the most cost-effective method of manufactoring.


2. Introduction
2.1 Problem Statement
Developing countries around the world face debilitating challenges accessing safe and clean
drinking water. Alarming statistics led us to the idea that that we could use a simple mechanism
of transportation that is common in these areas, such as the bicycle, to help aid their water and
sanitation struggles. Our goal is to design a bicycle attachment to purify and transport water from
contaminated sources that is active while the rider is pedaling. This attachment, though not a
permanent solution, would be a contribution to the improvement of their quality of life.

2.2 Motivation
The objective of providing pure drinking water throughout the world is one that has been an
ongoing process for the past decades. Although we fully support the work done by charities such
as The Water Project and Water.org, we believe that it will be a very long time until water can be
provided as a clean source located locally throughout all developing countries. Therefore, our
motivation was stemmed from the idea of quickly aiding those less fortunate areas, as well as
providing a backup should those regions run into contamination problems within their local wells.
In addition our solution will exponentially reduce the time taken to retrieve the water, and allow
time for more beneficial tasks to be accomplished in their native area. With our model we will be
able to provide a working solution that mends the problem until a permanent clean water well can
be produced within that community.


2.3 Literature Survey

2.3.1 Water Crisis
Water is the prerequisite for all human and economic development. Safe, clean drinking
water is scarce. Nearly one billion people in the developing world dont have access to it [25].
Water scarcity is either the lack of enough water or lack of
access to safe water, but the problem goes beyond just water.
In the developing world the availability of clean water is
often consuming and expensive. In some areas of SubSaharan Africa women and girls specially, are given the task
of walking miles at a time to a water source such as ponds
or streams to collect water for their families. More often than
not the water being collected is unsafe and full of diseases.
Having access to clean water has the capability of improving
four of the major problems in the developing world; these
Figure 1: Time to Collect Drinking
Water in Sub-Saharan Africa [16]

are education, hunger, health and poverty. When children are

freed from gathering water they can return to class.

Especially young girls, who are commonly responsible for the task, are able to stay in school
through their teenage years [18]. The United Nations estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa alone loses
40 billion hours per year collecting water; the same as an entire year's labor in all of France! A
study conducted in 2010 by UNICEF as a progress report on their Millennium Development Goals
(Figure 1) shows that more than a quarter of the population in Africa takes longer than 30 minutes
to make one water collection round trip. Water leads to food security, with continued access to it
less crop loss occurs and hunger is reduced. As of today many non-profit organizations have


surfaced, all with one goal in common: help fix the water crisis worldwide. One of these
organization is The Water Project which began their work in 2006. They mostly focus their work
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Water.org was founded in 1990. With the experience they have gathered
over the years, the organization is able to help in a more worldwide scale currently having active
projects in the Asian countries of Bangladesh and India as well as the Caribbean country of Haiti.
Charity Water is another large non-profit organization founded in 2004 by Scott Harrison. Over
the years this organization has become one of the most important in the battle for safe water, having
brought their projects to 20 countries around the globe in Africa, Asia, Central and South America.
2.3.2 Current Products
Currently two products consisting of bicycle powered filtration system exist. These are the
Japanese-based Cycloclean and the winner of the 2008 Innovate or Die competition The Aquaduct. Cycloclean
The only company that fabricates a bicycle powered water filtration system sold on the
market is Nippon Basic Co, Ltd.

Nippon was

developed after two major Japanese earthquakes the

Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 (magnitude of 7.2) and
the Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004 (magnitude of 6.8)
[15]. The product is essentially made for emergency
use, it consists on having a purifying case attached
Figure 2: Schematic of Cycloclean [10]

on a rear seat of the bicycle and because of its design

the user can ride it to any destination where it may be difficult for other types of transportation to
access. The bike is capable of purifying almost any type of water source i.e. ponds, rivers, lakes,
bathtub and pools [15]. The device is powerful enough to siphon water from a depth of five meters

[28]. The purifying system consists of three filters, a pressure pump, two water hoses and one
manual fitting as illustrated in Figure 2. Table 1 is an overview of the Cycloclean provided by
Nippon. It should be emphasize that the system is capable of producing 5 liters of clean water
every minute. However, the bike does have its disadvantages starting with its market price of
$6,600 that makes it impossible for people from developing countries to purchase it. Furthermore,
the bike only works in a stationary position and does not contain a form of storage.
Table 1: Overview of the Cycloclean [15]

Parts for filtering

Applicable water resource
Processing capacity
Outline measure
Outline weight

1 microfiltration membrane filter, 1 hybrid carbon filter, 1 primary filter
Dirt, bacteria, smell
Water from natural environments and pooled water in tanks.
With fresh water 5.0 liter/min
W 580 x L1,780 x H1,100 mm
About 50 kg
1 intake water hose, 1 permeated water hose, 1 manual The Aquaduct

The Aquaduct is another example of a pedal-powered vehicle that filters water but unlike
the Cycloclean it is capable of storing water. The prototype was designed and constructed for the
Innovate or Die contest in 2008 by a group of five Bay Area designers from IDEO which is a
global design firm that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to helping organizations in
the public and private sectors innovate and grow [1]. The device is designed to enable the user to
filter and transport water simultaneously. As the user pedals, a pump attached to the pedal cranks
water from the holding tank, through a carbon filter, to a clean tank. A clutch is used to engage


and disengage the drive belt from the pedal

crank, which allows the user to filter water while
traveling or while stationary. The device is
capable of storing up to 5 gallons of water every
trip, which is amount of water a family of four
needs every day. The problem with the prototype
is the fact that mass production of the current
Figure 3: The Aquaduct [05]

design would be too expensive to manufacture

for many parts of the world. The filtration technology used, although not specified, is not in the
low cost range and the inventors are currently working on developing a more appropriate locally
sourced filtration technology. Figure 3 shows the design and points where each of the parts are
2.3.3 Water Filters
Water filtration systems have changed the way we have been able to consume our water
on a daily basis. A water filter generally removes any impurities by flowing the water through a
series of screens where the unwanted particles will be absorbed or caught onto a screen mesh. The
types of filters have progressively advanced since the 19th century. There have been various
processes used depending on the type of contaminants being removed.


Several methods out there do not require the

use of such advanced materials as well. For instance,
a water filter can be made from a sequence of layers
of natural resources: rock, gravel, or sand. Figure 4
shows a pillow-stuffing filter where cloth, gravel or
sand, and rocks are used to filter water. This is an early
technique that utilizes natural resources to filter large

Figure 4 : Pillow Stuffing Filter [9]

contents out of the water. However, the process

requires boiling water in order to remove any harmful
bacteria that can cause a person to be ill. Nowadays,
there are modern filtrations systems able to reduce the
amount of unsafe material that can flow through any
water system.
One modern filtration system is three-step water
purification consisted of three stages: Sediment filter,
Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) Filter, and an
activated carbon filter. The first layer is the sediment

Figure 5: Pleated Cellulose Filter (Sediment Filter)


filter, as seen in Figure 5 that can remove any large matter from the water. These filters are
generally made of pleated cellulose: a collection of natural fibers that are densely compacted. The
KDF filter is the stage where the excess chlorine is removed and converted to chloride. The last
step in this procedure flows through an activated carbon filter. The charged carbon particles attract
other charged contaminants such as heavy metals, lead and copper.


Figure 6: Reverse Osmosis Filtration System [17]

There are other unique and complex water filtrations systems, such as the reverse osmosis
process, that can eliminate almost any contaminants, including radioactive particles. As shown in
Figure 4, reverse osmosis is a high pressure-driven filtering system that uses a quantity of filters
and membranes to eradicate most contaminates. Figure 7 lists the numerous contaminants and
the percent of removal from the R.O membranes. However, removing some these essential
minerals does not mean the water is safe to drink. Also, this approach can be generally expensive
since there are a variety of filters required to flow the water through.

Figure 7: Typical Rejections using Reverse Osmosis [17]


One specific water filtration product that is out on the market now is a combination of
many filtering systems. Sawyer is a company that makes water filtration devices that are made up
of a hollow fiber membrane that filters hurtful bacteria such as bacteria, protozoa, or cysts like E.
coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi (which cause Cholera and Typhoid) to pass
through. According to Sawyer.com, their product is considered small, portable, easy-to-use,
reliable, inexpensive, and can last a decade without needing to be replaced.

Figure 8: 3-Way Inline Water Filter [21]

This product includes the whole package where the filtration is inexpensive and removes
any harmful bacteria than can be found in ponds, lakes, rivers, canals, etc. The Sawyer Inline Water
Filter can be purchased at a retail price of $59.95 compared to an R.O system that the price ranges
from $150 and greater.


2.3.4 Pump
A water pump is an essential device used to
move the fluid by a mechanical system. There are
various types of pumps utilized on a wide range of
applications such as pumping waters from wells,
water-cooling in a car, aquarium filtration systems,
etc. A reciprocating or rotary type of mechanism is
usually found in a water pump. One special type of pump

Figure 9: Peristaltic Pump [14]

out in the industry now is the peristaltic pump. The mechanism draws
in the fluid content by applying alternating compression and relation
motion (rotary).
The specialty of this pump is the applied rolling force, or
restitution, on the tube creates a compression that seals and acts as
suction; therefore, discharge the fluid forward. The advantages of the
peristaltic pump are the strong vacuum created to propel the fluid and
the no-slip effect. This pump is typically operated in the medical
industry to pump intravenous fluids, blood during a by-pass surgery
and other viscous fluids. This ideal pump is considered to provide lifelong tube efficiency and a free flow fluid rate [14].

Figure 10: Peristaltic Pump Motion


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3. Design Alternatives
For the project several designs were implemented in order to assess which fit properly for the
group goals. Two of the major factors were durability and cost. There are three design aspects that
will be presented with both positives and negatives also represented.

3.1 Design Alternate 1

The first design consisted of an all incumbent tricycle or quadcycle with a built-in filtering
system. Figure 10 is the initial prototype created by and independent company called the
Aquaduct. Our goal was to be inspired by this design and improve upon it in areas it was lacking.

Figure 11: Aquaduct Tricycle Influence Example [05]

The design shown consists of a peristaltic pump that uses the riders kinetic energy to filter impure
water (placed in the rear tank) to the front tank. Our proposed tricycle was to be more durable for
more rural areas, and will have filters that can be self-cleaned and long lasting. These
improvements can consist more rugged tires, hardened outer shell, weatherproof tubing and
moving parts, as well as other upgrades. Although this displayed model is very well built, it is
extremely expensive and only in the prototype stage. Once analyzing price comparisons, we also

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came to the conclusion that building a whole tricycle would be far too costly for the budget we are
trying to achieve. Therefore, we chose to move to further alternatives.

3.2 Design Alternate 2

Given the problems presented above the
group decided to take the discussion into
another direction. This included the idea of
creating a caboose cart that could be dragged
along behind an already existing bicycle. The
same idea of filtering the water by the energy
presented to the pedals would be used. But
now this attachment along with the pump
Figure 12: Bicycle Trailer Caboose Influence [12]

could be dismantled and attached to any other

bicycle at the rear. In other words the entire system would be self-sufficient with the capability of
being retrofitted to any existing bicycle. This seems like an excellent method to consider, where
the tanks and pumps could be placed on a rear platform and the collar would be fastened around
the seat stand. Some concern though does exist in weight distribution, as well as the sloshing of
water when moving. The possible addition of baffles could be a great preventive method in this
scenario. Depending on the size of the tanks, hauling through undeveloped areas could become an
issue as well, but other than that this is a very possible solution.

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3.3 Design Alternate 3

The third and final option is somewhat similar to the design above except for it is versatility
and location on the bicycle frame. This option acts like a sidecar that can be folded in and out when
carrying loads or just needing the bicycle to get to another location.

Figure 13: Bicycle Foldable Side Cart Influence [27]

This product seems to be another great method for transporting the water to and from the
source as it is cleaned. In this case the pump could be attached to the two water tanks (clean and
dirty water) in order to properly move through the filtering system. Another great characteristic of
this option is that it could be used for hauling other loads if they needed to be moved from
communities. When not in use the attachment is easily folded upwards and over the frame to allow
the bicycle to move without any hindrances. Balance would be a contributing factor to consider,
as now the weight would be distributed across three wheels helping to establish more points of
contact on the ground. But at the same time this distribution could lead to possible problems when
loaded with a large capacity. Having all of the weight on one side could cause some steering issues
especially when encountering rough terrain. This is an outstanding negative of this design, and one

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that can make this model inferior to the trailer alternative we previously listed. Again, this is
another solid option that has the possibility of becoming our final design if we decide to do so.

3.4 Proposed Design

The designs contemplated occurred in the order listed above. Due to the described positive
and negatives of each design, we are still undecided on the exact model we will use. The design
that provides the best overall benefit and versatility will consequently be the one we choose. It is
important to note that Figures 11, 12 and 13 are models built by another companies that will be a
basis for our design, but not completely representative of ours. Instead these influences will be key
in helping to set a foundation for our specific model, in which we would attempt to improve upon
their deficiencies as much as possible. We will look to create a more heavy-duty sidecar/trailer
that could withstand a beating, as well as be able to handle larger weights acting on it. As we move
further into prototype testing, we feel that the correct model will reveal itself. But with either the
sidecar or trailer we feel very enthusiastic that this will satisfy our needs and goals presented

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4. Project Management
4.1 Organization of Work and Timeline
The project timeline in figure 13 shows the major milestones of the project starting in the
beginning of spring 2014 semester and ending in fall 2014. This Gantt chart will be used to ensure
that all of the important goals of the Project are competed in an efficient and timely manner.

Figure 14: Gantt chart for Bicycle Powered Water Filtration System

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4.2 Breakdown of Responsibilities among Team Members

The responsibilities of each team member is listed in Table 2. It should be noted that each
of the four members contributed equally to every report and presentation.
Table 2: Breakdown of Responsibilities

Breakdown of Responsibilities
Betzabe Sandra Justin Kenneth
Filtering system
Pump mechanism
Attachment assembly
Cost Analysis/Material selection
SolidWorks modeling

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5. Global Components
5.1 Users Manual
One of the original goals for the project was to ensure the assembly of the cart and the usage
be simple and straightforward. Another goal the team had in mind was that ideally the cart be
shipped to any part of the world. The package would contain the cart parts, the platform, the filters
and the peristaltic pump. For this reason a user manual had to be created. The user manual contains
detail instructions on how to assemble the cart and what parts to use for each stage of the assembly.
The manual also contains a how to operate the H2GO from the correct way to collect the
contaminated water to how to start pumping the water before the rider starts pedaling the bicycle.
Realistically speaking the user will not have much experience operating a cart with such
components therefore the manual had to be as detailed as possible. Also, from the research done
previously we learned that the H2GO could potentially be used in many parts of the world,
including Central and South America as well as parts of Africa and Asia. For these reason the user
manuals were also created in two additional languages Spanish and French. Refer to Appendix B
for the user manuals in three languages English, Spanish and French.

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6. Analytic Analysis
6.1 Pump Engineering Analysis
A pump is designed to move fluids by mechanical energy. Mechanical energy takes two
basic forms: kinetic and potential.
The general equation for a pump comes from modifying the Bernoulli equation into:
(1 )2

+ 1 +

+ =

(2 )2

+ 2 +

+ (1)

V = velocity of the fluid
P = pressure
z = height
w = work done or lost
The principles of a peristaltic pump are mostly
detected in its distinct tubing designed along with the
mechanism produced by the rollers. The tubing is fixed
between the tube-bed and the rotor and is continuously
squeezed by the rollers pushing the liquid in the
direction of the revolving rotor, and producing a
pillow of liquid between the rollers as shown in

Figure 15: Peristaltic Pump Diagram [14]

Figure 14 [14]. The pillow is the pump chamber and it is used to determine the volume per roller
step and consequently the flow rate. The roller-step volume depends on the pump system, tubing,
18 | P a g e

liquid properties and application conditions. The flow rate is then calculated by using the following
P.V. x N = V/Rev (2)
V/Rev x = Q (3)
P.V. = pillow volume (volume per roller step)
N = number of rollers
V/rev = volume per rev
= rpm
Q = flow rate per minute
The flow rate is also affected by other components, such as tube diameter, number of rollers and
the speed of the roller [04]. Increasing the tube diameter will increase the flow rate, while adding
more rollers will actually decrease amount of flow but will make it steadier at the exit.
Occlusion is an important parameter to increase the life of the pump and it is capable of defining
the wall thickness required for the tubing. The occlusion percentage is typically between 10% and
20% and it is given by the following equation:


100 (4)

y = % occlusion
t = wall thickness of tubing
g = minimum gap between the roller and the housing

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When given revolutions to find the distance the cart would travel use the following equation,
= 23.5 0.0254 (5)
L = Distance
23.5 = Diameter of wheel
n = revolutions
0.0254 = convection factor between inches and millimeters
When given distance to find the revolutions made by the cart use the following equation,

= 23.50.0254 (6)

6.2 Cart Engineering Analysis

With water moving from the left back (dirty tank) through the pump, and into the right back
(clean tank), the weight distribution throughout the cart will be in a constant state of equilibrium
flux. Theoretically, when 2.5 gallons have been removed from the dirty tank the cart should obtain
ideal equilibrium across the width. In this case the only substantial load is coming from above,
where the reaction of the ground on the wheels is equal and opposite. The vector equation is as
F Fx Fy Fz (7)

20 | P a g e

But in this case, the force is only coming from the upward position. Thus only the F y calculation
is utilized. Although, due to the sloshing effect, forces in both the x and y directions could are
present. But, given no capabilities of calculating this, we could just insert baffles and minimize
these forces as much as possible.
Although water will be siphoning out of one tank and proceeding throughout the rest of the system,
both tanks will be held stationary. Thus, we can treat the load provided by the tanks as static loads
downwards. Despite the small size of the tanks, we still need to take into account the overall crosssectional area .We can utilize the following equations to identify the magnitude of these loads:

= = (8)
F = applied load (psi)
A = cross-sectional area (mm2)
The issue we consistently addressed was making sure that the plywood platform could
manage this load. In order to meet a certain safety factor we inserted two extra lengthwise conduit
pipe rods to make certain there was no problem hauling the loads provided by the tanks. We
performed various real world applications by applying our own weight to check the loading
capacity of the cart. These included three separate trials of weight 140 lbs, 170 lbs, and 200 lbs.
The total force can be calculated using the same equations as above. Given that no more than 5
gallons will be present at any time on the cart, a few quick calculations will show that the cart can
contain this load. Due to cost and sizing limitations, we were only able to fit two 5 gallon tanks on
the cart. But, a much taller tank could fit as well. Even taking the tanks out entirely and loading
the cart down with heavy objects would prove successful.
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Anytime a form of rolling is present, we must make a point of calculating the rolling
resistance. This is an important factor to consider, because not all surfaces are ideal biking terrains.
Factors such as wheel radius, the rolling resistance coefficient, and weight of the object. Building
the momentum to overcome the initial friction and resistance of the cart is where this reaction will
be most present. The equation is expressed below:



CI = rolling
resistance coefficient (dimensionless)

W = weight = m*g = mass, gravity (kg, 9.81 m/s2)

r = radius of wheel (mm)
Finally, due to the attachment of the gear on the axle and peristaltic pump, an angular
momentum is created. The cotter pins fastened into the pin and onto the bolt keep this object
stationary. The pulling motion of the bike on the cart causes the gear on the axis to move.
Connected by a bicycle chain and another gear fitted in the opposite position, the axle gear causes
the pump bolt to rotate. This is turn rotates the peristaltic pump to power our water throughout the
system. Thinking of the gear as just an extension of the axle, the pulling motion caused by it is
forward motion creates the aforementioned moment on the pump axle.

L I (10)

I = moment
of inertia

= angular velocity
Due to location of the gears at the center of both rods, the moment of intertia equation is as follows:

22 | P a g e

ML2 (11)

M = mass (kg)

L = length (mm)
Additionally, a calculation value must be found for the angular velocity of the shaft. It is well
known that we can take infinitely many points throughout the length of the rod. Keeping in mind
that the tangential velocity and distance are directly proportional to one another, we can determine
our fundamental equation.






V = velocity (m/s)
r = radius (mm)
f = frequency (revs/s)
Due to the SolidWorks calculations we conducted earlier, we knew that side supports were
needed so that the sides of the wood platform would not bend/break with the weight of the tanks.
Once we built the cart and knew it supported our own weight, there was no need to perform further
weight bearing calculations. The overall safety factor created by our structural design indicated
that the structure of the cart provided ample support.

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7. Major Components
7.1 Pump
The pump selected for this project is a peristaltic pump. This pump is a type of positive
displacement pump. This type of pump will produce the same flow at a given speed no matter the
discharge pressure, hence the reason they are called constant flow machines [26]. Peristaltic pumps
are easy to clean, service and can provide low maintenance costs. It is also a simple system that
can be repairable shall any failure occur. Another advantage is sludge can be pumped with a solid
content of up to 60% [14].
We will be making our own peristaltic pump for budgeting reasons. Our design will have
three rollers to steady the exit flow. We will be using clear PVC tubing that is non-toxic, FDA
certified, and a thermoplastic elastomer. Elastomeric tubing is necessary to maintain the tubings
circular cross-section after extensive cycles of squeezing by the rollers [26]. In Table 3 are the
properties of the PVC tubing we selected for our initial prototype.
Table 3: PVC Tubing Properties

Outside Diameter
Inside Diameter
Tensile Strength
Elongation at Break
Brittle Temperature
Specific Gravity

Shore A

-41, 60

The average bike pedaling rate or cadence for recreational and utility cyclists is typically
about 60 to 80 rpms [13]. Using these values we could approximate what flow rate to anticipate
once the prototype is ready for testing. A flow of 3,091.2 to 4,121.6 cc/min would be a rough guess
24 | P a g e

if we choose to use a tubing with inside diameter of 19.05 mm and 4 rollers. Since the flow rate
will vary due to different components such as the tubing diameter or the number or rollers, it will
be rather difficult to approximate an actual flow rate therefore we expect to build more than one
pump prototype for testing.

Figure 16: Initial Peristaltic Pump Design

7.2 Filter
The key element to acquire clean drinkable water will derive from the type of filter used in
the entire system. Modern day filters will generally be the ideal devices to be used as the solution
to achieve our goal of removing all bacteria and sediment found within this type of ecosystem.
Beforehand, the water will undergo a pre-filter stage to eliminate any large particles that can
affect drawing out water from the pump. The Pre-filter will be designed by us and will consist of
materials that are accessible to anyone.
The Sawyer 3-way inline filter satisfies our filtering needs and it comes in at a relatively low
price point. This Sawyer filter employs a hollow fiber membrane technology with a guarantee that
no pore size larger than 0.1 micron in size. This makes it impossible for harmful bacteria, protozoa,
25 | P a g e

or cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi (which cause Cholera and
Typhoid) to pass through [21]. The specifications for the pump are listed in Table 4.
Table 4: Sawyer Filter Specifications

Filter Material
Housing Material
Cartridge Life


Hollow Fiber Membranes
ABS Plastic
44.45 x 88.9

7.3 Sidecar/Trailer
A sidecar/trailer attachment will be the largest component implemented on the bike design.
The goal of this type of model will achieve the convenience of retrofitting any filtration system
onto any ordinary bicycle. The car will contain an adjustable one-wheeled or two wheeled device
capable of holding a source of load on a solid platform. The two large tanks of water, a clean and
contaminated water tank, and the water filtration system will be the main components secured onto
the bottom platform of the attachment.
The goal in mind from the team is to have the sidecar/trailer be retrofitted at the back hub of
the wheel and onto the actual frame of any bike depending on which design is chosen. The amount
of weight is a huge factor to be aware of when installing these types of attachments. This
installment is mainly utilized to carry a heavy load enough to handle comfortably for the driver.
In this design, the objective is to carry and store the largest amount of water during one round trip.
However, the amount of water to transport is still in development but it will highly depend on the
cost of types of materials and the manufacturing executed on the sidecar/trailer frame.

26 | P a g e

8. Structural Design
The sidecar/trailer will be the main housing of the water filtration system. As mentioned
earlier, the sidecar/trailer will be attached at the back hub (center) of the wheel and to the actual
bicycle frame. The one-wheeled device will hold a water filtration system that runs water through
several stages until clean water is produced. The system is made up of interconnected water tubes
linked to a peristaltic pump and a Sawyer three-way filter. The initial step is using the pedaling
mechanism to activate pumping the water from the contaminated container. While in motion, the
water will flow through a set of tubes from the dirty water tank and enter the Sawyer filter.
Therefore, the filter will remove all the harmful contaminants in order to produce fresh drinkable
water. Eventually, all the water will be transferred to the clean potable water tank, which will have
the option of easily removing the tank to be utilized around the home.

Figure 17: Proposed Structural Design

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9. Projected Cost Analysis

The goal of the project is to have the entire system built for as little money as possible. Table
5 is the cost analysis for the entire system prototype. The table is divided in three sections; pump,
sidecar/trailer and filter. Each section has estimated costs vs actual costs.
Table 5: Projected Cost Analysis for Prototype

Projected Cost Analysis for Prototype

Pump Prototype
3-Piece Round Spring-Form Cake Set
2 in. Light Duty Caster
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers
10 Feet PVC Clear Tubing
2x4 - 96 in. Premium White Wood Stud
12 in. PVC Type I Sheet Stock
8 in. Schedule 40 PVC Slip Cap
4 feet Silicone Tubing in ID
Miscellaneous Tools
hex bolt
Bushing and Pillow bearing
36 in. Steel Square Tube
Sidecar/Trailer Prototype
1 in. EMT Conduit Pipe
1 in. Steel 90 degree Joint Fittings
1 in. Steel Straight Pipe
101.6 mm square electrical utility box covers galvanized steel

Estimated Cost

Actual Cost






$ 13.88
$ 19.10
$ 12.00
$ 10.00
$ 11.14





Assorted nuts and bolts

Treated Wood Sheet for Base (3 ft. x 4 ft. dimensions)




10 feet Polyester / Nylon pocket for holding objects


Bicycle Wheels
Water Tanks










$ 293.63


Sawyer 3-Way in line water filter
Bathroom Caulking


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10. Plan for Tests on Prototype

10.1 Pump
The peristaltic pump will be tested by first optimizing the size of the pump for an adequate
flow rate at an average bicycle speed. The pump will be rotated for an unknown period of time at
a constant speed to the point of failure, in order to determine its basic rating life and operating
hours. The pump will be tested using a hand-crank which will simulate the human power (pedal
power). The tubing will be tested alongside the pipe. The goal is to have the tubing last as long as
possible to achieve the main objective of this project. Once an elapsed time has passed, the tubes
will no longer return to their original shape after being squeezed by the pump rollers at which point
the life expectancy will be determined. It should also be noted that at any point during the test the
tubing could tear depending upon dirty water contents or repetitive use thus providing us with
more data for a life expectancy.

10.2 Filter
The water will be tested before and after it is put through the chosen filter. The goal is to
bring the contaminated water to a lab on campus for further testing. After the liquid is filtered
using the Sawyer 3-way inline filter. The water will be tested, before and after flowing through the
filtration system, by sending the samples to an environmental lab or using a home-based water
testing kit; thus comparing the results of each experiment.

10.3 Sidecar/Trailer
Using SolidWorks, a prototype will be drawn and tested in order to select the materials with
bigger load resistance. Once the materials are selected the sidecar will be built and attached to the
bicycle for further testing. The second part of the test will consist of riding the bike under different
29 | P a g e

terrains, such as unpaved roads, while the sidecar is loaded and assess how it will affect the bicycle
balance and maneuvering. In case the riding conditions turn to be too difficult, a set of different
tires will be tested.

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11. Prototype Design

11.1 Sidecar Prototype Design
When determining how we wanted to construct our sidecar design we took many factors into
consideration. Most notably total weight, load yield, cost, ease of construction, and durability were
the decisions that led to our final product to this point. In Figure 18, a schematic of the total design
is given, which will help to put imagery to the descriptions of each part that is forthcoming.

Figure 18: Sidecar Design

For the outer frame design, we found that the purchase of EMT Conduit Pipe would provide
the perfect blend of the properties that we were looking for. It is typically pretty lightweight as
well as easily manipulated. The relatively cheap cost of each section also helped us lean toward
utilizing this product as much as possible. Table 6 shows the various types of conduit produced.
Table 6: Conduit Pipe Properties

Conduit Pipe Properties (3.1 m Sections)


Diameter (mm)


Thickness (mm)


Weight (kg)

Steel Tube Institute
Platt Electric Supply


Galv. Steel
Galv. Steel
Galv. Steel
Galv. Steel




Aubuchon Hardware

31 | P a g e

Given the information displayed we decided to pursue the galvanized steel EMT conduit
with a dimension of either 25.4 or 38.1 mm diameter. We wanted the frame to be robust and
withstand the harsh conditions it will be constantly exposed to. In the SolidWorks interpretation
our outer frame is of 38.1 mm diameter, while the smaller inner pipes are of 19.05 mm diameter.
The length and width dimensions were 1524 x 914.4 mm. Although, this seems quite large, it is
only done in order to maximize the towing capacity. In hindsight it will probably be greatly
reduced, but in our initial trials it allowed us to accomplish the goals we set forth. Another
distinguishing factor of this pipe is that given the proper equipment the pipe can be easily bent to
any shape warranted. Given the ability for manipulation and the relatively light weight, there was
no other product that we felt could meet our needs as well as this product.
The platform sheet used to support the majority of the load from the transported product as
well as filtering devices was of the upmost importance in our construction process. Again, in order
to meet the demands previously listed, we felt that our only material options for this task were
galvanized steel or aluminum sheeting. Table 7 shows the options available to us.
Table 7: Platform Sheeting Properties

Platform Sheeting Properties


Dimensions (mm)


Thickness (mm)


Weight (kg)

Midland Hardware

762 x 914.4
914.4 x 914.4
609.6 x 1219.2
304.8 x 609.6
304.8 x 609.6

Galv. Steel
Galv. Steel
3003 Aluminum
Galv. Steel




Metals Depot
Speedy Metals

Once we have completely calculated the dimensions of the tanks being used as well as any
additional weight that will be incurred, we will be able to assess the proper sheet needed. Both
choices of material in these various sizes have their own unique advantages and disadvantages that
32 | P a g e

will be discussed. We conducted several studies in SolidWorks in order to see how each material
would behave under different force loads and help make our choices easier.
11.1.1 SolidWorks Design
For all of the studies conducted, we chose to test the aluminum plate with a static load. In
all instances we were forced to fix the bottom of the frame as well as the part of the plate not
incurring the static load. From here we performed various studies with increasing forces that
would mimic the weight of the filled water containers as shown in Figure 19. The forces chosen
were 222 N and 444 N which are equivalent to the load of a filled 3 gallon water container and a
6 gallon water container on each platform respectively. We decided to consistently use the 38.1
mm EMT Galvanized Steel Conduit for all studies. This choice was easy to make due to the
materials durability and relatively light weight.

Figure 19: Sidecar Solid Work Simulation

In Study 1 our plate dimensions were 660.4 x 1524 mm with a galvanized steel material. We
placed the loads on the cut outs where the water tanks will be seated. For this study the static force
was 222 N.

33 | P a g e

Figure 20: Study 1 Sidecar Von Mises Stress Graph at 222 N

Figure 21: Study 1 Sidecar Resultant Displacement Graph at 222 N

34 | P a g e

Figure 22: Study 1 Sidecar Equivalent Strain Graph at 222 N

As seen by the study, a 222 N load will cause a somewhat minimal von Mises stress and
equivalent strain. Due to the nature of the material in addition to the thickness, the resultant
displacement provided the largest values. This was to be expected initially, and was thus confirmed
by our results.
In Study 2 the static force was doubled to 444 N. The bottom sheet is once again
compromised of a galvanized steel sheet. If the sheet can withstand these values, it would provide
more than enough support for our application.

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Figure 23: Study 2 Sidecar Von Misses Stress Graph at 444 N

Figure 24: Study 2 Sidecar Resultant Displacement at 444 N

36 | P a g e

Figure 25: Study 2 Sidecar Equivalent Strain at 444 N

Once again the sheet easily withstands the load, giving us a material design that is ideal.
Obviously the stress and displacement factors were dramatically increased when we doubled the
force load. Due to the results of both studies it can be easily concluded that galvanized steel
sheeting is a versatile and worthwhile material for many applications. We initially thought of
changing the material to aluminum, but given the research of maximum load yield and pricing, we
finally decided against this. The pricing was somewhat different, but not enough to deter us from
the stable properties presented in the steel plate.
The initial plans of pursuing a sidecar design were incorporated with the idea that we could
position the cart to have constant contact of three wheels at all times. The theory was that this
could help to keep the bicycle more balanced when traveling over bumpy terrain with a full load
of water. We also thought to test the two-wheel design, shown in Figure 18, in order to maximize
balance and stability of the frame. The thought was that since water would be sloshing back and
forth as the cart moved from one location to another, the extra wheel would be necessary. Our idea
37 | P a g e

was to attach the sidecar to the bicycle by implementing a collar design that could latch onto the
seat base as well as around one of the bicycle main beams (Figure 26). This clip is presented in the
trailer explanation section preceding this one. Finalizing the complete design of the sidecar allows
us to measure how it compares to our other ideas. As with any device there are always advantages
and disadvantages.

Figure 26: Attachment to Bicycle

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11.2 Trailer Prototype Design

One of the design considerations the team had when dealing with the cart was connecting it
to the back of the bicycle by the seat post, and having it behave as a trailer. The trailer design
consists of six components illustrated in Figure 27. First are the bars that connect the bicycle to
the cart support. These bars are built in such a way that they form a semicircle around the back
wheel of the bicycle, thus preventing any contact that may cause the wheel to malfunction. Second
is the connection to the bicycle itself, this will be accomplished by adding two round metal clamps
to the top of the bars which will be able to adapt to any size diameter the seat post may be. The
cart support is made of one 25 mm by 700 mm bar intersected by two 12 mm by 425 mm bars
placed equidistant to each other. On top of this support the platform, which will contain two slots
for the water tanks, is placed. Last is the connection from the cart support to the cart wheel. The
connection to the wheel is simply made by two hooks that attach to the hub and are tighten between
two hex nuts. The one wheel design is also capable of folding around the wheel for easy storage
when not in use.

Figure 27: Trailer Car Design

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11.2.1 SolidWorks Design

The design is modeled in SolidWorks and run through simulations for the purpose of
choosing the correct materials for future construction. Upon researching the best materials in terms
of pricing and durability it was decided that the body of the cart could be built from EMT conduit
metal rods. In SolidWorks simulation it is equivalent to galvanized steel. The platform material
would have to vary since steel is a heavy material and the cart must be made as light as possible,
the material chosen was aluminum. In order to obtain the best results from the simulation only the
platform was subjected to a static load while the support frame was fixed shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28: Trailer Cart Solid Works Simulation

In study 1 the material for the platform was Aluminum 3003 Alloy, a load of 222 N was
placed on the slots where the water tanks will be seated similar to the studies made for the sidecar.

40 | P a g e

Figure 29: Study 1 Trailer Car Von Mises Stress Graph at 222 N

Figure 30: Study 1 Trailer Car Resultant Displacement Graph at 222 N

41 | P a g e

Figure 31: Study 1 Trailer Car Equivalent Strain Graph at 222 N

As seen in this study the 222 N load caused more deformation on the back side of the
platform than the front side which shows us that the platform is being better supported in the front
than in the back. The platform itself had minimal von missed stress present however the strain was
more significant on the back side of it.
In study two the material for the platform was changed to galvanized steel, the loads
remained the same. After learning from the previous study that the platform is better supported in
the front side than the back side similar results are to be expected.

42 | P a g e

Figure 32: Study 2 Trailer Car Von Mises Stress Graph at 444 N

Figure 33: Study 2 Trailer Car Resultant Displacement Graph at 444 N

43 | P a g e

Figure 34: Study 2 Trailer Car Equivalent Strain Graph at 444 N

As expected the deformation happened as predicted, however the deformation from left to
right looks to be more. Because of the amount of deformation, this design is not optimal for the
purpose of the project. The support design would have to be changed significantly to avoid any
issues while carrying the water tanks from place to place.
Our final design combined factors from both of our sidecar and trailer designs in the effort to
maximize both designs. We found this plan to be the best method of action, while allowing us to
utilize our favorite components of each design.

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11.3 Peristaltic Pump Prototype

In order to select the necessary peristaltic pump, an initial pump was built to perform all
needed tests for future design considerations. By constructing the first prototype, a general
overview of the ideal pump can be studied and analyzed until a final product can be later
completed. Due to the lack of information and governing equations specifically related to
peristaltic pump the main goal of this prototype was to understand the flow rate of water exiting
and the overall performance of the pump.
11.3.1 1st Prototype
The prototype built was made out of inexpensive materials that can be easily purchased at
a local hardware store.
Materials List:

228.6 mm or 259.08 mm Springform Cake Pan

101.6 x 50.8 mm Cart Wheels

121.92 cm Silicone Hose (12.7 mm ID, 19.05 mm OD)

152.4 cm Vinyl Tubing (12.7 mm ID, 19.05 mm OD)

A block of wood

2x Large 25.4 mm Washers & 2x Small 12.7 mm Washers

2x 6.35 mm -20 T-Nuts

2x 6.35 mm -20 Nuts

1x 6.35 mm x 76.2 mm or 6.35 mm x 152.4 Bolt

8 #12x 19.05 mm Wood Screws

45 | P a g e

Several blocks of wood were cut to obtain the ideal size to fit all four rollers in the pan and
maneuver at ease. A hole was drilled at the center of the block and inserted T-nuts on each side for
the bolt to thread in and act as the shaft of the pump. The caster wheels were drilled down on each
side of the wood acting as the rollers for the pump to create occlusion. The housing of the pump
will be made from the springform cake pan. A hole will be drilled out from the center and smoothed
out using some Dremel grinding tools. Also, two square cut out openings using a Dremel will be
made to let the tubing in and out of the housing.

Figure 35: Cutting out Center Hole on Spring Form Cake Pan

The large washers and the two small washers will act as bearings in order for the block of
wood to rotate freely around the housing. Once the block of wood (with rollers) is inserted through
the shaft, the tubing will run along the housing and the cake pan will lock in all the parts of the

46 | P a g e

Figure 36: Larger Washer and two small washer set up

The first prototype built stumbled upon many design issues. Initially, the blocks of wood
were sized using the occlusion equation to find out what the ideal gap should be between the rollers
and housing. Unfortunately this theoretical calculation was not helpful because the size of the
block ended up being to large and thus the friction between the roller and tubing too large to
overcome either by hand or with the drill. Thinking we had made a calculation error we cut a
second block of wood using the occlusion formula and the block ended up being still too large
consequently deforming the cake pan we were using as a housing. From observations, the type of
vinyl tubing was also creating an excessive amount of friction between the rollers and the tubing
as well as, not creating enough suction when the drill was turned on. The drill needed enough
torque to spin the shaft of the pump. As a result, the excessive amount of torque needed to rotate
kept splitting the block of wood.

47 | P a g e

Figure 37: 1st Wood Block Fail

11.3.2 2nd Prototype

From the acquired test results of the first prototype, a second model was built with a larger
size baking pan (259.08 mm diameter) and different tubing. From further research, silicone tubing
was a popular choice to utilize as for the pump. This tubing was visually better suited for our
project having no kinks to reduce flow, easy to clean and flexible enough to create suction between
the rollers. The same procedures were performed to create the new model. A 114.3 mm in by
114.3 mm wood block was cut to fit at the center to connect the wheels. Metal flaps were cut and
left on the outside of the pan to zip tie the tubing from moving around during testing procedure.

Figure 38: 2nd Peristaltic Pump with Silicone Tubing

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11.3.3 Testing Results of Pump

As mentioned earlier, the first prototype was initially tested, but kept failing from
successfully rotating. However, the second model was able to rotate comfortably around the pan.
In order to draw out water, two separate drills were used to rotate the shaft. One end of the hose
was inserted in a jug of water while the exit was in another bucket. Thirty-second trials were
performed to calculate the amount of water being drawn from the pump. A laser tachometer was
utilized to acquire the amount of rpms the drill was performing.
Only two trials were applied to the pump since both drills would slowly lose power after 15-20
seconds. For instance, one drill would start to build up smoke from the inside and slowly lose
power when reaching the thirty-second mark. As a result, the testing conditions and data acquired
from using a drill would not have been an accurate approach for analysis.
Since the pump will be human powered (pedal power), a hand-crank was built and attached
to the shaft to create a more realistic approach to the analysis. The hand crank was made using a
painters handle, washers and nuts to lock on the shaft, and a longer bolt for easy maneuvering. By
attaching this spindle, the pump will provide initial data readings as close to understand the amount
of flow and performance.

Figure 39: 2nd Prototype with Hand-Crank Attachment

49 | P a g e

A major difference from using a spindle is the initial priming needed to be done on the
tubing in order to achieve water flow. By using the drill, there was enough rpms and speed to draw
out water without any trouble. This is an issue we will be looking to eliminate as further testing is
done but if need be a priming device can be attached to start pumping out water without any issues.
Future tests will be performed by attaching a pedaling mechanism to the pump. From there on, the
analysis will determine if a priming attachment will be needed or not.
To measure rpms we initially used a tachometer but after the hand crank was attached it
proved to be unnecessary and even inconvenient so we instead we counted the revolutions
manually since the rotational speed was slow enough to make this a possibility. Thirty second tests
were performed in an attempt to make sure that the person cranking could keep a steady speed and
not fatigue. After these 30 seconds we recorded the volume of water. Table 8 shows the results.
Table 8: Experimental Values

1st Trial
2nd Trial
3nd Trial
4th Trial

4 wheels hand cranked at 30 seconds

1st Trial
2nd Trial
3rd Trial

2 wheels hand cranked at 30 seconds


Theoretical calculations were made using made theoretical pillow volume chart found
during research for our specific tubing diameter and is shown in Table 9
50 | P a g e

Table 9: Pillow Volume Values [20]

Tubing ID

V = Volume of Occluded tubing


Then we found the theoretical flow rate using the equation below:
= "V" (11)
Q = the flow rate in ccs/min
V = the volume of occluded tubing from Table 9
S = the arc length of the tubing found using the radius of the pan and the degrees between rollers
N = the number of rollers
These theoretical values were compared to our experimental values and a percent error was found
to quantify the differences between the theoretical calculated output of water and a working model
seen in Table 10.
We ran tests using four rollers and then two rollers to see what effect if any this would have on the
output volume of water and also the amplitude of the fluid pulsation. The test was inconclusive in

51 | P a g e

the sense that we didnt see any significant effect and can assume that the number of rollers used
in the future and final prototype will be chosen due to cost and not necessary fluid output.
Table 10: Theoretical Values

1st Trial
2nd Trial
3nd Trial
4th Trial

1st Trial
2nd Trial
3nd Trial


4 wheels hand cranked at 30 seconds
RPM CC/min
126.6 6531.449 3265.725 3.265725 24.96461
125.6 6479.858 3239.929 3.239929 23.76814
132 6810.042 3405.021 3.405021 10.98316
129.2 6665.586 3332.793 3.332793 14.01847


2 wheels hand cranked at 30 seconds

RPM CC/min
126 6500.497 3250.249 3.250249 12.82214
130 6706.862 3353.431 3.353431 16.20523
3.30184 23.98178

11.3.4 Future Design Considerations

Our group is still performing tests on this prototype pump to find the best combination of
variable such as number of rollers, tubing size and material and housing size. Yet the test we have
already performed and been very informative. We have learned that the selection of the housing
material is going to be critical as our current cheap prototype began deforming during testing.
Building a channel where the tubing could sit would be ideal to prevent any slippage. Also, because
the occlusion formula was little to no help to us, extensive testing and perhaps modeling will have
to be made to determine the best dimension between the roller and housing to not only be efficient
in pumping water but also prevent wear and tear of parts within the pump and tubing.

11.4 Pre Filter Proposed Prototype

There are several filters that will be tested to acquire the ideal flow rate entering the filter
and the amount of bacteria removed after flowing through the system. Before the water enters the
52 | P a g e

pump, a pre-filter will be utilized to remove any particles that could affect the pump from drawing
out any water or clog the tubing. The pre-filter will be set up with three stages to catch from large
to small particles entering the systems.

Figure 40: Sediment Filter Box

Figure 41: Example of Filter Stages

Figure 44 presents an example of how each stage will function in order to obtain any rock
or sediment. The first stage will have the largest diameter holes sizes. As for the second stage, the
diameter of the holes will decrease to obtain any medium sized particles. The last stage will either
contain smaller holes or a cloth (mesh) to attain any smaller particles from going through the
system. Each stage will be able to be easily removed from the sediment filter box, like a cabinet,
and cleaned out after each use. The overall material to be used will be acrylic or polyethylene since
this is an ideal plastic that will not rust or corrode in a short period of time.

53 | P a g e

12. Final Cart Prototype

Now that we have established both designs the sidecar and trailer, we felt it imperative to
weigh the advantages and disadvantages in order to create the best design possible. Some
advantages of the sidecar design were that it had two wheels, was a larger frame, and was better
suited for handling the rough terrain characteristic of our focus areas. On the other hand, there
were some negatives with this option. Placing the cart of the side seemed like a good idea initially,
but when we began to gauge how narrow the pathways might be, we found it not ideal. Also, the
three wheel design in conjunction with full tanks could cause the bicycle to tip to one side. This
could make the driving precision very difficult, leading us to rehash our thinking to correct this
Our next schematic of a one-wheeled trailer was another step in the right direction. This design
was a definite correction to the problems presented above, but came with its own headaches. Our
initial thought was to make the trailer as narrow as possible and decrease it to one wheel. This
helped to correct the steering problem and probability that the bike would lean to one side. But, as
a stand-alone product we became worried that the trailer would not be balanced, causing the full
tanks to tip. Also, the two horizontal bars underneath the plate was another idea. Once we
performed the SolidWorks simulation we saw that this design could cause major ordeals in a real
world setting.
Tying it all together, we decided to combine both designs into the product you see below. It is very
similar to the sidecar design, except in this case it will be dragged from the back as a trailer. This
design will be thinner than the sidecar design, while not interfering with the steering of the bike.

54 | P a g e

Figures 42 represent our design at this point, but has the opportunity to change as we begin to
physically construct our working model.

Figure 42: Sidecar/Trailer Combined Design

12.1 Trailer Assembly Procedures


Gather all pieces of EMT Conduit pipe in preparation for cutting into sizeable pieces


Using a pipe cutting tool, create six 914.4 mm long pieces, as well as four 609.6 mm wide

pieces. This will act as the outer frame of the cart


These sections will be joined at four corners and in centers with pipe connectors. In total

the cart will have 12 fittings, including 8 corner pieces and 4 tee fittings

In the center of various across pipes will be other fittings to create the opportunity to run

more conduits lengthwise underneath the cart.

55 | P a g e


Two 914.4 mm long pieces are to be connected to T fittings at both ends. These will

make up the inner part of the frame where the objects will sit.

Connect two 914.4 mm pipes to corner fittings at both ends.


Place two 609.6 pipes perpendicular to these at both ends, with two Ts placed evenly

apart 76.2 from the center.


Place two extra 914.4 mm pipes in T fittings sitting at center of 609.6 mm pipes.


Once connected, place 609.6 mm pipes with connected inner running pipes into other side

of corner fittings of outer Step Five 914.4 mm pipes.


This will constitute the lower outer frame, Repeat once again for the upper frame.


Four 304.8 mm pipes are to be used as height bars to separate the lower outer frame and

upper outer frame.


Place the height bars in their respective corner fittings, and connect lower and upper frames.


Allen screws can be tightened down to every fitting to make sure the cart stays congruent

and fittings stay in proper place.


Wood platform is to be cut into specific cart dimensions with a 101.6 mm x 355.6 mm hole

to allow for gear/chain movement.


Mount wood on bottom platform and drill holes through to respective mounting holes on


Secure with washers on both sides and nuts on bottom.

56 | P a g e


Two long bolts can be placed on both ends of axle mount to fasten in place and provide

extra support.

Place four bearings into available outer axle holes, and run central axle halfway through.


In the gap between axle mounts, the gear and pin is to be placed into the alignment groove,

with the bicycle chain around the gear.


Run the axle through the other two bearings within the outer assembly.


With both ends sticking out fasten both wheels down with the provided nuts and bolts to

securely fasten in place.


Now a complete frame, wood platform, and axle with wheels should be finished.


Four 76.2 x 76.2 mm L brackets are to be used for mounting the pump and bearing housing.


Place the pump in the desired location so as to keep a tight chain and keep enough clearance

to allow for easy, fluid chain movement.


Secure L brackets with provided nuts and bolts while taking thin plate sheet and wrapping

around the top.


Secure thin plate sheet with other nuts and bolts to keep pump from moving as it rotates.


Cut a 76.2 mm high wood block to place opposite the pump.


A hole the size of the pump bolt is to be cut through the piece.


A larger groove is to be notched to make sure a bearing can be placed into the wood to

allow for smooth rotation of the bolt without restriction.

57 | P a g e


Place the bearing into the wood groove.


Place separate gear and cotter pins onto 254 mm bolt to fasten gear in place. Make sure

chain is now connected between the axle gear and pump gear.

Since the 254 mm bolt is not long enough, a couple will need to be placed onto the end

with 76.2 mm long bolt place through the other side.


Secure L brackets with provided nuts and bolts on either side of the wood block.


This should prevent any movement of the pump and bolt while the wheel rotates around

the hub

Cut short L shaped steel plate into two 304.8 pieces and two 152.4 pieces.


304.8 mm pieces are to be mounted lengthwise to fit the exact width of the tanks at both

back corners.

152.4 mm piece are to be secured widthwise to fit the exact length of the tanks.


This should provide a comfortable groove for the tanks to sit in and not slide around during


Secure down with provided nuts and bolts


On the right side of the cart, mount two pipe straps 706.2 mm apart to act like hooks.


The filter will hang in the groove created by these fittings.


Place tanks into grooves and filter onto hooks with proper tubing.


Make certain no tubing is kinked and that all tubing is fully submerged.
58 | P a g e

12.2 Cart Building Specs

Upon embarking on the building procedure of our cart there were many factors that we
needed to consider. Due to our Solid works calculations we knew that the 44.5 mm conduit pipe
would fully support the plywood platform and weight bearing properties of the water. We
considered bending the pipe in 90 degree angles, but to make certain of the structural integrity we
purchased steel fittings to keep congruency and maintain weight bearing capacity. Given that our
first known variables were frame design and platform material, a lot of our focus went to
establishing a solid and fluid axle system.
Initially we planned to create our own axle by purchasing a steel rod and determining
different methods of mounting until one stuck. The problems began to occur when we looked to
find a rod that could support our needed weight, be cut to specific dimensions, and still be
affordable. We began with a threaded steel rod, but this proved unworthy of the task we needed.
Upon visiting a bicycle picker shop we stumbled upon an old, rusted tricycle. Although not in good
form, we immediately noticed the thick steel outer frame along with incumbent axle within that
would fit our needs perfectly. To top it off, a gear was located in the center and helped us to solve
the problem of how we would connect the gearing of our pump to the bicycle.
It took some time to take apart the complete axle system for cleaning purposes, but once we
did it was easy to discern that we might have a possible solution. To make certain we placed the
rod on cinderblocks at both ends and exerted downwards weight forces of 140, 170, and 200 lbs
to perfect execution. Once the inner axle was completely removed, the five bearings came out
along with them. Our initial thought was to clean them up and reuse, but the bearing proved to be
in too bad of shape. In addition many of the bolts used to fasten the wheels in place were

59 | P a g e

rusted/bent. The tires were completely flat and unfit for travel as well. So everything in addition
of the outer axle mount and rotational axle became scrap.
Our first step was to replace the five bearings by purchasing brand new models online. The
specific bearings chosen had an inner diameter of 30 mm to fit our rod to exact specifications. The
static load rating was 67100 N along with a dynamic load rating of 57110 N. This is plenty enough
support to fit our application on all fronts. After cleaning out the tube of the outer axle mount, we
were able to securely fit all of the bearings back in place with silicon. The next step came in
reparing the axle back to working order. The original fitting was for a M16 nut, but the grooves
had become stripped and worn overtime. We knew that the help of Dr. Ziccarelli in the Engineering
Manufacturing Center could lead to successful restoration. He aided us in cutting down the axle to
fit a inch nut and ultimately to successful remount of our wheels.
Once the gear and had been cleaned up, and pin replaced, we were able to finally put it all
together as one unit. An additional steel plate was purchased for extra support underneath the cart.
Long bolts were fastened through the wood, plate, and axle mount to tie it all together.
For the platform our initial thought was to go with a thin steel sheet, but decided against it
later. Instead, we found that thin pressure treated plywood would work just as well. Due to the
treatment procedure of the wood we knew that it would hold up to various weather conditions
without becoming damaged. The price was also considerably less and was easily manipulated to
our cart dimensions. Cutting grooves into the wood, and mounting objects beneath also seemed to
be an easy task.
The gearing structure was of the upmost importance as we found throughout our assembly.
Making certain that both gears were lined up correctly with sufficient tightness proved to be one
60 | P a g e

of the most important variables. The large amount of force that powers the peristaltic pump would
cause it to rotate during each revolution. Thus, a secure mount was put in place that would assure
only the inner hub of the pump rotated. Due to the limitations of the bolt length being only 254
mm long, we added a coupler and another 76.2 mm bolt facing the opposite end through the
bearing. This completed the need to have the gears completely mounted across the chain gap. The
76.2 mm bolt was fastened to the outside of the wood block opposite of the pump by L brackets,
where it would stay secure. Two other L brackets along with a think aluminum plate helped to
secure the pump in place. Through our many trial runs this method proved successful with no
doubt in our minds that our pump would not budge whatsoever.

Figure 43: Final Cart Assembly

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13. Final Filtration System

13.1 Final Pre-Filter
From the proposed filter design, the same pre-filtering stage ideas were kept. The issues
stumbled upon from the initial design was the size of the model and the assembly of all parts.
Instead of purchasing a sediment filter, a set of 7.62 cm PVC pipes and couplings were utilized to
form all the various stages of the pre-filter. A series of four stages were made, instead of three, to
filter as much large to small particles as possible. The couplings will be used to fasten the model
and meshes together.
In order to utilize this device, the end of the pre-filter must be inserted inside the dirty water
container. The pre-filter functions similar to a basic funnel used for various applications. Figure
44 shows the initial section that consists of a wire grid mesh that will obtain any large sediment as
previously stated for the initial prototype. The water will be initially poured through this opening
to begin the initial filtering of the device.

Figure 44 : First Stage of Pre-Filter

62 | P a g e

The water will encounter with the second stage that consists of a twenty-three-gauge
galvanized zinc mesh that will attain medium size particles that could possibly affect the pumping
mechanism of the filter. Furthermore, a third stage made up of a stainless steel mesh was installed
to catch any smaller particle that was not caught from the previous stages. A PVC reducer from
7.62 cm to 3.81 cm was install to between the third and fourth sections of the tool. Figure 45 shows
the final stage of the pre-filter that is will collect any smaller particle, no larger than the cloth being

Figure 45 : Final Stage with Cloth

The similar cloth idea was applied to the final model. Adding one extra stage in the prefilter will ensure all types of sediment will be able to be caught from the device. A second PVC
reducer from 3.81 cm to 1.9 cm was needed in order for the pre-filter to be inserted to most types
of jerry can tanks and used as a universal tool.

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Figure 46 : Final Pre-Filter Assembled

13.2 Main Filter

The Sawyer 3-way inline filter satisfies our filtering needs and it comes in at a relatively low
price point. The significance of applying this as the main filter is the inexpensive price and the five
million gallon use guarantee. Rather than replacing a cartridge as found in ordinary water filters,
the Sawyer inline filter could just be replaced alone with a relatively low price. In addition, this
filter has the capabilities to last longer than normal filters used for household applications.
Many tests were performed using the Sawyer 3-Way inline filter in order acquire our test
results. One conclusion was the amount of decrease in flow rate exiting the system compared to
the amount exiting without the filter. (Refer to Calculations) However, the peristaltic pump is
rotating at an ideal pedaling speed in order to filter the water successfully. Using an electric pump,
for example, would not be an essential tool when using for this application. A filter than can
withstand a higher amount of pressure would be the ideal filtration for utilizing that amount of

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14. Final Peristaltic Pump

The first step to building our final peristaltic pump was finding an adequate housing. As seen
during our prototype testing, the housing is under a much larger load than initially expected and
thus susceptible to deformation. Though several materials were considered in this step, PVC was
chosen because it is durable, cheap, versatile, and easily accessible to us. We reached out to several
local plastic manufacturers in hopes of having a housing professionally made. This however
proved to be too expensive and detrimental to our overall budget being as the quotes we received
were between one hundred and three hundred and fifty dollars. We went on the hunt to find
materials to build the least expensive housing possible and found and PVC cap at Home Depot
similar to the one seen in Figure 47, however the diameter was only 152.4 mm (6 in). In speaking
with some contractors, we were made aware of PVC caps that were larger but only available online.
When we expressed our need for one, they graciously donated the one pictured below wish is
approximately 215.9 mm (8.5 in) in diameter.

Figure 47: PVC Cap

The curved part of the PVC cap was cut off leaving just a tube 101.6 mm (4 in) in depth.
Seeing as the bottom part of the pump, or the part where all the pieces were bolted to, was the area
that succumbed the most to stress, it was imperative to find a thick sheet of plastic. We chose to
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use the same material as the cap, PVC-1, to ease the bonding process between materials. We found
a square PVC sheet with a length of 304.8 mm (12 in) and thickness of 12.7 mm (0.5 in) stocked
at a local Grainger. This was cut to find the outside diameter of the PVC cap as seen in Figure 48.

Figure 48: Cut PVC cap and sheet

The outside housing and bottom piece where adhered together first using solvent welding
specific for PVC and left clamped together for forty eight hours. This method of bonding proved
unsuccessful for our needs because the bond was not sufficiently rigid and would not hold to the
stresses put on the housing as a whole while the pump is running. After further research we chose
to use a silicone to adhere the two pieces. The silicone is a type two which has mold inhibitors is
completely weatherproof. It also dried much faster than the solvent bonding and left a very rigid
bond between the two PVC pieces which left us confident that it would hold to the stresses of a
running pump. One of our team members had a sheet of Plexiglas at his home which we also cut
to the same diameter that will be used as the cover of the pump. This Plexiglas will be bolted
instead of permanently bonded, to facilitate any future repairs that may need to be made.

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Once we had settled on a housing for the pump we again cast about the internet in search
of ideas for our internal components assembly. The first thing we were certain we needed was a
flange bearing to accommodate the shaft that would hold our inside components and protrude to
the outside of the pump so a connection can be made from the pump to the bicycle. A four bolt
cast-iron pillow block bearing was chosen with a 15.88 mm (5/8 in) shaft diameter. The basic
dimensions of the bearing can be seen in Table 11. Though a smaller shaft diameter could have
been chosen we wanted to err on the side of caution and thicker, stronger shaft. Once the shaft
size once chosen we drilled a 15.88 mm (5/8 in) hole in the canter of the flat PVC sheet that is the
bottom of our pump.

Figure 49- Four bolt pillow block bearing

Table 11- Basic Dimensions of Pillow Block

Basic Dimensions of Pillow Block Bearing

Shaft size (mm)

Bolt Distance

Overall Length

Thickness (mm)

Bolt Hole Size


67 | P a g e

The need for a center piece to hold our roller arm assembly was essential and quickly
landed on the idea of using a bicycle sprocket because it had predrilled holes, was made of durable
material, was easily accessible, and fell in theme with our entire project. In our research we found
that normal bicycle sprockets have a minimum of 190.5 mm (7.5 in) in diameter which would be
inconvenient to place in a 215.9 mm (8.5 in) diameter housing. When reaching out to local bicycle
shops we were donated a childrens bicycle which utilized a 165.1 mm (6.5 in) sprocket with holes
conveniently drilled at every sixty degrees. The only drawback to this sprocket was its center hub
which was approximately 24.13 mm (0.95 in) in diameter. Knowing that we needed a bushing to
scale down the hub to a 15.88 mm (5/8 in) diameter we bore this hub out to 25.4 mm (1 in). Once
the hub was bore out we pressed the bushing, whose dimensions can be seen in Table 12. The
pressed bushing is seen in Figure 50.
Table 12- Bushing Dimensions

Inside Diameter (mm)


Bushing Dimensions
Outside Diameter (mm)

Length (mm)

Figure 50: Sprocket with bushing; top and side view

The bushing was sprocket were then slid onto the shaft which we chose to be a 254 mm (10 in)
long 15.88 mm (5/8 in) bolt. The threads dont begin for about 88.9 mm (3.5 in) from the head of
68 | P a g e

the bolt which is ideal as to not have threads passing through the bearing or sprocket. The threads
will be utilized to secure the shaft onto the bottom of the pump and to place our second gear that
will then be connected to the gear on the axle.

Figure 51: Sprocket and bushing on shaft

We then mocked up the sprocket, bushing, washers, and pillow flange bearing to assure that we
has enough space in the unthreaded portion of the bolt to fit all our components as seen in Figure

Figure 52: Sprocket, washers, bushing, collar, and pillow bearing assembly

69 | P a g e

This is when we ran into a little bit of trouble. We realized that there was a slight wobble on the
gear and the that the pressed bushing wasnt completely flush to the top of the sprocket.

Figure 53: Pump Assembly

Despite our best efforts, and countless modifications and additions to this version of
internal components we were unable to calibrate this sprocket to completely remove the wobble.
This led us to find an alternative centerpiece for the pump. The main reason we couldnt stabilize
the sprocket was because the hub and the sprocket where a uniform thickness and leaving very
little material around the bushing to center and press it into. We couldnt find anything locally and
finding a hub that was small enough to fit inside the pump, with a thick enough hub the center the
bushing, and economical to fit within our budget proved to be difficult. The most affordable option
we found was a go-kart axle sprocket holder hub whose dimensions can be seen in Table 13.
Unfortunately, it had scarce technical specifications about the material of the hub but it is designed
for outdoor use so it is assumed to be resistant to damaging corrosion.

70 | P a g e

Figure 54- Axle sprocket holder hub

Table 13- Basic Dimensions of Axle Sprocket Holder Hub

Bore (mm)

Basic Dimensions of Axle Sprocket Holder Hub

Hub Length
Key Way (mm)
Diameter (mm)

Bolt Hole Size


The hub then went through the same process as the sprocket where it got assembled with the
bolt, bearing, and washers. The exact height that the hub had to be positioned was crucial and
determined once the rollers were assembled and ready for testing. Both the hub and bearing have
set screws to assure that the entire system moves together when the bolt is rotated by gear attached
as seen in Figure 55.

Figure 55- Bearing, Hub, Washer Assembly

71 | P a g e

The roller assembly took many prototypes to perfect. Our main goal was to make the roller
assembly spring loaded so that several different size tubing and tubing materials would function
inside the pump. Our main point of contention was that the spring had to be small enough to fit
within our design but still powerful enough to create enough occlusion with a variety of tubing
materials such as silicone, PVC, and vinyl. Vinyl tubing has more than double the tensile strength
that silicone tubing as seen is Table 14. These three types of tubing are the most commonly used
in peristaltic pumps.
Table 14- Tensile Strengths of Commonly Used Elastomeric Tubing

Tensile Strengths of Commonly Used Elastomeric Tubing

17.58 (MPa)
13.79 (MPa)
7.58 (MPa)

For the two bars in the roller assembly we chose to use a square hollow steel bar with a
width of 12.7 mm (0.5in) and a thickness of 1.59 mm (1/16 in). Though the steel is corrosive, we
felt that a metal with a lesser strength would run the risk of wearing out with long term especially
with a strong spring. Unfortunately, the timeline does not permit for long term testing of the pump
but again we wanted to make a durable project that could run, without repair and in underdeveloped
countries. To prevent corrosion the steel bars were painted before assembly and given a final coat
at the completion of the entire pump. The dimensions of the bar were heavily influenced by the
lack of work space we had once the hub was placed inside the pump.
Once the steel bar was cut to 50.8 mm (2 in) sections, we knew that the springs inside
diameter had to be less than 7.94 (5/16 mm). The design was to place the spring on a shaft that

72 | P a g e

would pass through both 50.8 mm (2 in) sections of steel bar and making a hole any larger than
7.94 (5/16 mm) would affect the integrity of the material.
In order to acquire the desired spring, the spring needs to fulfill certain dimensions to fit
within the specific parameters. However, from further research, there was no spring available for
purchase that could fit and apply proper pressure to the roller to provide enough occlusion for the
harder tubings we wanted to test. In order to stay within budget and not order a custom spring,
various squeezing clamps were purchased to acquire the proper torsional spring for this system. A
44.45 mm (1-3/4 in) Nylon spring clamp was found, and disassembled, in which we found the
ideal spring that would have enough torsional strength and size to meet our performance needs.
Though the spring didnt have any actual specs because it came as part of a clamp, we do know
that the clamp it came off of has a clamping capacity 93.41 N (21 lbs). Only the ends of the spring
were modified to go through the steel bars. In table 15, the basic spring dimensions can be seen.
Table 15: Spring Dimensions

Diameter (mm)

Spring Dimensions
Inside Diameter
Wire Diameter Deflection Angle

Body Length

Figures 56 and 57 show the roller assembly attached to the hub and Figure 58 shows the roller
assembly on its own where the spring modification can clearly be seen.

73 | P a g e

Figure 56: Roller Assembly and Hub

Figure 57: Close up Roller Assembly and Hub

74 | P a g e

Figure 58- Roller Assembly

During prototype testing, we realized there may have been a need for priming the pump
before it can draw out water from the tank. Now, the need has been exacerbated by the placement
of the filter, thus, a syphon pump will be included with the system. As mentioned in the major
components, the major filter used (Sawyer) effects the amount of flow rate exiting the system. In
addition, there needs to be enough pressure to flow from the pump to the filter. Therefore, the
syphon pump needs to be connected at the outlet of the filter to provide the most effective priming
to the system. The syphon pump that will be included with the assembly can be seen in Figure 59.

Figure 59: Syphon Pump

75 | P a g e

15. Testing and Evaluation

15.1 Design and Description of Experiments
The majority of our testing was focused on the pump. The cart deemed to be very sturdy and
even halfway through building it we could see that it was going to hold more weight than initially
projected. We early on ran out of full water tanks to place to test how much weight the cart was
capable of carrying so all four of our team members stood in the cart, each at different times, with
little to no deflection. We went in incremental order from smallest member to largest member
which comes out to a range of 391.44 N to 911.88 N. Due to this fortuitous occurrence we chose
to test how well the cart maneuvers on turns and different terrains simultaneously while testing the
pump. The cart not only exceeded our expectations in the weight hauling department but was very
ease to maneuver even in grass and gravel.
The pump had several stages of testing. We initially began with the pump with the cart
elevated off the ground and tested different diameters and materials of tubing to test the function
of the spring loaded roller assembly. Once we established a functioning combination of spring and
length of roller arm that gave proper occlusion to pump water, we turned a wheel, counted the
revolutions and measured the water output of the pump with the different size and materials of
tubing. The results for this can be seen below in the charts labeled Static Testing. Thus, tested the
array of tubing while riding the cart and recorded the distance travelled and water output. For
parity we made the tests in one minute intervals. Then used excel to calculate the distance the cart
would have travelled in the static testing using equation 5. We also calculated the revolutions of
the wheel in excel with equation 6 in the riding testing. We did this to facilitate the comparison of
the results in both the static and riding testing.

76 | P a g e

From performing all the tests using the Sawyer filter, the overall water quality results can be
seen in Figure 60. To test the water quality, a home water quality testing kit was used to test for
iron, nitrite, copper, PH Level, alkalinity, hardness and chlorine. Unfortunately, these tests were
inconclusive because the dirty water collected was not contaminated enough to acquire the results
different from the clean water. Both dirty and water tested to be safe for human consumption.
Despite these inconclusive results, it is evident from the Figure 60 shown that the filter has
successfully cleaned the water to some extent.

Figure 60: Clean vs Dirty Water

77 | P a g e

15.2 Test Results and Data

Table 16: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD No Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


12.7, 9.525




no filter


12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525




no filter
no filter

Table 17: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD No Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525




no filter
no filter
no filter

Table 18: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD With Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525





Table 19: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 12.7 mm OD With Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525
12.7, 9.525





78 | P a g e

Table 20: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD No Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875




no filter
no filter
no filter

Table 21: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD No Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875




no filter
no filter
no filter

Table 22: Static Testing Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875





Table 23: Riding Test Vinyl Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)


Vinyl Clear


19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875
19.05, 15.875





Table 24: Static Test Silicone 19.05 mm OD No Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)




19.05, 12.7
19.05, 12.7
19.05, 12.7




no filter
no filter
no filter

79 | P a g e

Table 25: Riding Test Silicone 19.05 mm OD No Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)




19.05, 12.7
19.05, 12.7
19.05, 12.7




no filter
no filter
no filter

Table 26: Static Testing Silicone Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter

Static Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)




19.05, 12.7






19.05, 12.7






19.05, 12.7





Table 27: Riding Test Silicone Tubing 19.05 mm OD With Filter

Riding Testing

# of Revs

OD,ID (mm)

H20 (L)

Distance (m)

Time (secs)




19.05, 12.7






19.05, 12.7






19.05, 12.7





15.3 Evaluation of Experimental Results

The results were very consisted with all the different tubing materials. For instance, the vinyl
tubing pumped out less water due to the material being much stronger than silicone. The silicone
tubing results show a clear representation of the greater amount of water drawing out from the
pump. There is more suction occurring with the silicone tubing. Also as expected, the smaller
tubing pumped out less water than the larger tubing. The peristaltic pump obviously pumped out
twice as much water when being hauled by the bike than being hand-cranked due to the velocity

80 | P a g e

differences. As mentioned before in the filtration section, the filter is a major constrained on the
amount of flow exiting the system.

15.4 Improvement of the Design

There are many improvements that can be performed to the overall device. One specific
improvements is attachment between the bicycle and the cart. More points of connection should
be installed to stabilize the movement of the cart when hauling. The trailer maneuvers well
however; a slight improvement of the attachment should be further researched. In addition, the
position of the pump should be moved to an ideal section in the trailer. For instance, raise and
mount the pump higher to have gravity help the flow rate be consistent. As well as, the position of
the pump can remove the syphoning procedure of the system.

81 | P a g e

16. Final Cost Analysis

The overall cost of the projected goal was intended to stay within the five hundred dollar limit.
However, additional parts were necessary to purchase in order for the system to work as expected.
The final cost came out to be $596.76, which was slightly over budget by ninety-six dollars. The
whole cost effective goal was moderately achieved considering staying within the same range of
the project cost goal. In the most updated cost analysis, an estimated cost was left at zero because
the parts were needed after the projected budget was created.
Table 28: 1st Pump Prototype Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis For Prototype

1st Pump Prototype


3-Piece Round Spring-Form Cake Set

2 in. Light Duty Caster
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers
2x4 - 96 in. Premium White Wood Stud
4 feet Silicone Tubing in ID
6 in. Shed-Resistant Woven Fabric Roller
4 ft. Wood Extension Pole with Metal Tip


Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Table 29: Final Pump Prototype Cost Analysis

Pump Final Prototype


12 in. PVC Type I Sheet Stock

8 in. Schedule 40 PVC Slip Cap
Hex Bolt
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers
Bushing and Pillow bearing
36 in. Steel Square Tube
Silicone II 2.8-oz. Clear Window and Door Caulk
24 T Sprocket, 2 set screws
2-Inch Rubber Rigid Plate Caster
Spring Clamp
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers


Estimated Cost

Actual Cost
$ 116.96

82 | P a g e

Table 30: Pump Mounting Cost Analysis

Pump Mounting
1-1/2 in. x 36 in. Plain Steel Flat Bar
5 in. Galvanized Corner Brace
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers
Radial Bearing

Estimated Cost
1 $
4 $
1 $

Actual Cost

Table 31: Trailer Cart Cost Analysis

Trailer Cart
1-1/4 in. x 10 ft. EMT Conduit
Cast-Iron Pipe Fittings Side-Outlet Tee
Cast-Iron Pipe Fittings Single-Socket Tee
Tricycle Axel Assembly
Pressure Treated 1/2 2x4
Assorted screws, bolts, t-nuts and washers
3/4 in. x 5 ft. Electric Metallic Tube (EMT) Conduit
1 in. Galvanized Steel 2-Hole Pipe Straps (4-Pack)
Water Tanks


Estimated Cost

Actual Cost
$ 201.19

Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Table 32: Pre-Filter Cost Analysis

Pre - Filter
4 in. x 2 ft. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe
3 in. PVC DWV Coupling
3 in. x 1-1/2 in. PVC DWV Hub x Hub Red. Coupling
1-1/2 in. x 2 ft. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe
3/4 in. x 2 ft. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe
1-1/2 in. x 2 ft. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe
1-1/2 in. PVC Sch. 40 S x S Coupling
1/4 in. x 2 ft. x 5 ft. Hardware Cloth
2.5-Gal. Paint Can Grid
15 in. Aluminum Adjustable Screen
1/2 in. x 2 ft. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe


83 | P a g e

Table 33: Filter Cost Analysis

Sawyer 3-Way Inline Water Filter

Estimated Cost
1 $

Actual Cost

Table 34: Tools, Accessories and Total Cost Analysis

Tools and Accessories

5/16 Cut off Wheel
1/4 in. Oval High Speed Cutter (2-PacK)
1/2 in. 60-Grit Sanding Bands (6-Pack)
F Drill and 5/16 in. x 18 NC Tap Set
3 in. x 21 in. 50-Grit Sanding Belt (2-Pack)
6 in. x 8/10 Teeth per in. Bi-Metal Recip Saw Blade
12-oz. Textured Metallic Spray Paint
12 oz. Protective Enamel Satin Black Spray Paint


Total Cost for Prototype

Estimated Cost

Actual Cost



84 | P a g e

17. Conclusion
Through extensive research we found cost effective parts that met our goal of building a
portable filtration system that can be retrofitted to any standard bicycle and facilitate the
transportation of water for the daily use of families in developing countries. Our initials goals were
to construct a prototype that consists of a peristaltic pump, a filter and a trailer. Each component
was thoroughly tested in order to provide results for the best product possible at the most
reasonable price. There were obvious modifications applied to the final product in order to
successfully aid these families in a stress-free manner. Not only is the trailer capable of
transporting large amounts of water, but also the successful pumping mechanism justifies this
system can be utilized in developing countries. It can be understood that not everyone in the world
has access or can afford a bicycle. However; there can be certain established organizations or
groups found within the community that can acquire this technology and use it for the greater good.
In the future we hope to be able to partner with one of the many non-profit organizations dedicated
to provide clean water around the globe such as, The Water Project, Water.org and Charity Water
and reach the millions of people in need of a product like ours. This transportation device can
hopefully make an impact to various countries. As well as, cause a movement to other groups of
people in the world to build and push forward the campaign for everyone to have clean and
accessible water.

85 | P a g e

18. References
[1]. ApplianceAssistant.com.









[2]. B.V, Verder International. The Green Peristaltic Pump . n.d. 16 March 2014.
[3]. Bearings,










[4]. Beer, Ferdinand. Mechanics of Materials. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2011.
[5]. Flahiff, Daniel. "Aquaduct Bike Purifies Water as you Pedal." 08 November 2008.




[6]. Folkner, David. "Peristaltic Pump." 20 March 2012. Powepoint Presentation. 6 April 2014.
[7]. Hibbeler, Russell C. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (12th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2009.
[8]. . Engineering Mechanics: Statics (12th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2008.
[9]. How to Make A Water Filter. 21 09 2014. <http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Water-Filter>.

IDEO. About IDEO. n.d. January 2014. <http://www.ideo.com/about/>.


Janna, William S. Design of Fluid Thermal Systems - SI Version. Cengage Learning,


86 | P a g e


Lipton, Josh. "Trailer for Adult Passengers." 4 July 2007. BikeShopHub.com Blogs.

March 2014.












Michael Smith Engineers LTD. "How a peristaltic pump works." 22 July 2009. 6 April




Nippon Basic Co. Water Purification System. 2006. 20 January 2014.


Organization, World Health. Progress on Sanitation And Drinking-Water (2010

Update). New York: UNICEF, 2010.


Products, E.S.P. Water. How Do Reverse Osmosis Filter Systems Work & What Do

They Do? 2009. <http://espwaterproducts.com/about-reverse-osmosis.htm>.


Programme, United Nations Development. ""Resource Guide on Gender and Climate

Change."." 2009. <http://www.undp.org/climatechange/library_gender.shtml>.

















87 | P a g e





















The Big Bearing Store. 5/8" Four Bolt Flange Bearing UCF202-10 . n.d. October




The Engineering Toolbox. Positive Displacement Pumps. n.d. 6 April 2014.



























Zimmer, Lori. Cycloclean Purifies Drinking Water Using Bicycle Pedal Power. 17





88 | P a g e

19. Appendices
19.1 Appendix A. Engineering Drawings

Figure 61: Platform Area SolidWorks Drawing

89 | P a g e

Figure 62: Sidecar/Trailer Layout Inner Frame

90 | P a g e

19.2 Appendix B. Standards Used in the Project

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Pipe Fittings

Four Bolt Flange Bearing

Society of Automobile Engineers: Oil, lubricant and steel standards; aerospace, automotive (SAE)

Plain Steel Square Tube

American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA)

Four Bolt Flange Bearing

Fully enclosed roller Bearings used in Axle

91 | P a g e

19.3 Appendix C. Specs of Materials used in Project

Figure 63: Four Bolt Flange Bearing Properties

92 | P a g e

Figure 64: Roller Bearing Properties

93 | P a g e

19.4 Appendix D. Multilingual Users Manuals

19.4.1 English

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19.4.2 Espaol

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19.4.3 Franais

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