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Singly Linked List Dictionary

The job involves implementing a dictionary as a C++ class, using a singly linked list as the
internal structure. The public interface will be provided below.
No containers from the C++ standard libraries should be used, implementation should be
done with a purpose made singly linked list using pointers and explicit recursion.
The linked list should consist of a finite sequence of nodes, where each node stores a key,
an item, and a pointer to the next node in the sequence. Initially, the type of both keys and
items in this dictionary should be std::string.

The Dictionary class should use the following public interface:

class Dictionary
Dictionary ();
using Key = std::string ;
using Item = std::string ;
void insert (Key, Item);
Item * lookup (Key);
void remove (Key);

Regarding insert

If the key is already present in the dictionary, then the associated item should be
overwritten by the item being inserted.

Regarding lookup

If the key is not present in the dictionary, then a null pointer should be returned.

Regarding remove

If the key is not present in the dictionary, then the dictionary should not be


Dictionary implementation should not introduce any memory leaks.

Provide copy operations that do not introduce sharing of nodes (i.e. a deep copy).
Provide efficient move operations.
Simple documentation explaining functions and implementation.

Must be original code written from scratch, no use of standard C++ library.

Budget - $120
Initial Implementation - $70
Full Implementation (Inc. No memory leaks, deep copy, efficient move operations, simple
documentation) - $50

Ideal Deadline 07/01/17

Final Deadline 18/01/17

Last updated 30/12/16

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