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Loud & Clear: Tuition Increase

Agora: An Ancient Tradition

SafeRide Comes to Campus

ave you ever found yourself in the library at

2 A.M. finishing up your report or project?
As students, we know that in the middle of the
night, even a campus as safe as ISU can make you
feel uneasy. Fortunately, there is now a service
through Department of Public Safety that offers
students a safe and convenient alternative to
walking home alone. Avoid that long, worrisome
walk home by downloading the, SafeRideISU
app on your smartphone. Students who use the
smartphone application will be able to schedule
a ride with their ISU Net-IDs. Students who do not
have access to a smart phone or campus visitors
can call 515-294-4444 to schedule their pickup.
Similar to the services offered by Uber, the app
provides the user with a notification of the estimated pickup time, vehicle license plate number,
and an interactive map that allows the student
to track their ride in real-time. This service is a
replacement for the Safety Escort program and
operates from 6 P.M. - 6 A.M. Service applies to
locations on-campus & in Greek Land.

Printing Reimagined

tudent Government has been working dilligently since last semester to standardize the
printing credits system on our campus. Students
at some locations were paying up to ten cents
per page to print reports, essays, and projects.
Meanwhile, across campus, other students had
access to printers that cost one cent per page.
This inconsistency is what motivated Iowa State
University Student Body President, Cole Staudt,
to strive for a transformative overhaul of on-campus printing services. After many discussions
with administrative leaders, President Staudt
and Vice President West, along with other leaders of Student Government were able to reach an
agreement. As a result, all students can print their
papers for a campus-wide fee of 5 cents per page
for black and white pages.

fter the spring semester ended in May, leaders of the Iowa State University administration began discussing the need for a tuition increase to fund services that are important to our
students. Before President Staudt addressed the
Iowa Board of Regents on June 9th, he made it
a priority to personally respond to the hundreds
of inquiries from students about the increase.
After collecting these empowering stories from
our constituents, Student Government decided
it was best to support the tuition increase due to
the need for increased student services. Stressing the reality of the consequences of a tuition
increase, President Staudt said to the Board of
Regents, ...being the most affordable is not an
excuse for raising tuition. He stressed that the
funding increase was only supported by Student
Government because of its necessity for the success of ISU students. However, Staudt finished by
stating, If we want a high quality education with
all the services our students expect and make it
affordable, we have to work for it at the Capitol.

racing all the way back to ancient Greek society, the Agora has once again found a home
in modern times on the Iowa State University
campus. Working with administration officials,
Student Government has succeeded in renaming
what were formerly known as the, Free Speech
Zones in front of Parks Library and directly south
of the Campanile. This shift in branding encourages the practice of free speech all over campus
while also providing a centralized location for
students to present and discuss their concerns.
Similar to its function in Greek society, the Agora will serve as a place to express opinions and
ignite conversation over political, social, and cultural issues in todays diverse world.

Meet Your Stu Gov Leaders!

President Cole Staudt (Right)

& Vice President Cody West
Get Involved!

Were committed to improving the

student experience for all Cyclones.

here are multiple ways for students to become

involved in Student Government. The mission
of this organization is to serve all Cyclones. Below
is a list of openings that need to be filled as soon
as possible!
1.Public Relations Committee.
2. Finance Committee.
3. University Affairs Committee.
4. ISU Legislative Ambassadors
5. Campustown Senate Vacancy
6. Engineering College Senate Vacancy
7. Fredrickson Court Senate Vacancy
8. Graduate College Senate Vacancies (3)
9. Human Sciences Senate Vacancy
10. Panhellenic Senate Vacancy
11. Veterinary Medicine Senate Vacancy
12. Graphic Designer

Learn more at

Speaker Danielle Nygard (Right)

& Vice Speaker Conner Tillo
Our door is always open, and we love
to talk with students about what is
important to them on campus.

Vol. 2 Iss. 1

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