Type Moon Guide

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Type Moon Guide

By Your Local Cave Explorer

(sam v/w)

What is this guide?

-A helpful resource for all interested in Type Moon. This includes
newbies, fans that are neither new nor old, and veterans alike.
-Your questions will likely be answered here.
Includes: Descriptions, Links/downloads, Recommendations,
and more
By the way, I wont be giving links to anime sites/downloads
because everybody uses different programs/websites/subbers
and shit. But feel free to ask for something specific.

Goal of this guide

A lot of secondaries instantly think an elitist such as myself automatically hates secondaries, but thats not true. If I truly hated secondaries,
people who do not involve themselves with source material, I wouldnt always be saying ask me anything, giving links, or making this guide
or any other guide in general. This is also why I dont consider myself a true elitist. I am not the type to spite secondaries literally just for
being secondaries. I do not think I am better than you. Do I think I am more knowledgeable about all this? Of course. A fitting comparison
would be that you are one who has only watched the movie adapting 1 book out of a large book series. I have read all of the books, so I
simply know more..thats it. Also sorry if you dont like being called a secondary, its just the easy term to use at the moment, I dont wanna
write out the meaning every time lol. Conflict isnt the answer...conversion is!
My main gripe with secondaries is that a lot of them get so entitled and defensive over limiting themselves to usually inferior material, i.e.
adaptations. No adaptation is perfect, and thats a fact! I dont hate nor have any problems at all with like 90% of secondaries, it just bothers
me that people limit themselves so much. I know plenty of secondaries (that happen to be great friends) that really enjoy series and just think
they could be doing so much more and having so much more fun. I mean, out of the almost 30 or so titles this guide mostly covers, I dunno,
like 6 or 7 at most have some form of anime adaptation?
You spend so many hours reading subtitles! Youve spent hundreds of hours playing FGO, a game you probably cant understand nor have
made any effort to understand in the first place! Read some goddamn source material! Type Moon is a great company, and you need to see
more of it. <3
What I want is education, acceptance, and acknowledgement. You have work to do and there is so much more out there that is to be
enjoyed. Elitists may be bad but there are some pretty horrible stubborn little scrubby secondaries out there. That being said, there is
definitely too much hate going between the two. Accept that you are a secondary. You want to change that? Great! Thats my goal and the
goal of this guide. To help people like you. But dont get all mad and defensive at elitists. Most elitists dont get mad at the really chill
secondaries who dont say anything, they get mad at the shitty stubborn ones that act like they know what theyre talking about. Guess what
buddy, that scummy elitist may be a bully right now but hes more experienced and knowledgeable than youll ever be. But yeah none of
that...happy thoughts people, happy thoughts.

First of all, what is Type Moon?

Type Moon is a Japanese company in 2000 by Nasu Kinoko
and Takashi Takeuchi
They are responsible for the creation, oversight, and
publishing of many works and series throughout many
mediums including visual novels, light novels, short stories,
and anime.
Notable works are Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, and Kara no
Kyoukai. They have a pretty website at http://typemoon.com/

Common Misconceptions: The Type Moon Wiki

The Type Moon Wiki is a great source of information but one should not rely on it.
Anybody can edit a wiki, and the TM Wiki is known for having a bit too much
speculation, estimation, and assumption into implications. There are plenty of
entries and sentences without a source at the end.
If youre trying to cite from it, please check if its sourced on the wiki.
Other great resources are the translated materials, encyclopedia and the source
materials themselves. Check the next few slides for a source slide.
Its pretty obvious if youre trying to argue or discuss and youre just pulling shit
from the wiki, think for yourself.

Common Misconceptions: Whats Canon?

First of all, Nasuverse =/= all of Type Moon.
Obligatory "Kaleidoscope means everything is canon" comment.

While most Type Moon works are part of the Nasuverse (A multiverse, collection of many sub-universes
that share similar elements, characters, concepts and more but do not normally interact with each other),
there are some that are completely not part of the Nasuverse such as DDD and Canaan. But there a lot of
series that are still debated as being a part of the Nasuverse or not.
Everything in the Nasuverse is canon. That is a statement. All routes and basically all series. There are
some series that are widely debated as being considered Nasuverse or not.
Inb4 zero isnt canon cus that one stream xDDDD. No, stop being an idiot, I doubt you know what that
stream ACTUALLY was talking about. They were not talking about what is canon and not canon. They
were just presenting FGOs place in the timeline in reference to Nasus other works. The other section
was literally just other things.
Things not part of the Nasuverse just share little to no similar concepts, and thats about it.

Personal Recommended Watching/Reading Orders

Source Material Route

Fate/Stay Night (VN)

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia or Fate/Zero (personally
would go Zero first) (VN/LN/Anime)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia or Fate/Zero (VN/LN/A)
Tsukihime (VN)
Plus disc and Kagetsu Tohya (VNs)
Kara no Kyoukai (LN/Movies)
After KnK, youre free to do whatever, these
are generally bases you should cover first*

*Nothing in Type Moon is forced except the main timelines

and the Tsukihime timeline. For example, you could honestly
play Fate/Extra before all of these. But these bases give the
best understanding and information to enjoy later titles more.
Check the notes/caption for extensive reasoning.

I just wanna watch anime all day hey hey hey


Fate/Stay Night UBW (not the Deen movie)
Kara no Kyoukai

And the Heavens Feel movies whenever they

come out.
Things you can (aka are fine with doing so, you
are free to watch them) avoid
1. Deens 2006 FSN adaption. Horrible
adaption of the Fate route that ended up
mashing a lot of shit together and being
garbage. You wont be missing anything.
2. Tsukihime. Yes, it has an anime. Jokes aside
for now, its complete garbage.
After your anime you can read whatever.

Recommendations on Adaptations vs Source Material

While it is perfectly fine to just watch adaptations if thats how you prefer things,
just remember that no adaptation is perfect. (This is coming from someone who
wastes his life away reading and then judging adaptations lol)
As for Fate/Stay Night I still highly recommend the visual novel over the
adaptations, and even to read the visual novel even if youve seen the
adaptations. Youre still missing out on the Fate route (Deens adaptation does not
count), and even with how good Ufotables adaptations are, youre still missing
minor things.
Fate/Zero is kind of in a similar boat, but I think just watching the adaptation is
perfectly fine. Just remember that youre still missing minor things.
With Kara no Kyoukai, Ufotables movies are beautifully made and you can go
ahead and just watch those. The novels are not completely translated anyways.

Sources, Interviews, Encyclopedias and More!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49crU71miHObWRvV2tDUllYTjQ/edit - Type Moon Encyclopedia (Official)
http://tmdict.com/en/ - Type Moon Dictionary/Glossary (fanmade)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NEZzQsil7Zgkajr6ESYIoW1JNN6aeBuG4kE2SZWghXw/edit - Useful
Compilation of Beasts Lair notes on all things Type Moon
http://completematerial.pbworks.com/w/page/32479544/Index - Fate/Complete Material III World Material
http://tsukikan.com/misc/ - Compiliation of Interviews with Nasu and CO. http://pastebin.com/VQwThQ8k (more)

http://tatari.co.nf/ - Collection of...well, a lot of different things. Lots of links to TMs various April Fools stuff
A lot of the Materials havent been translated, but Fate/Complete Complete Material I can be bought in English
(officially localized) on Amazon here and the second one will be released in October, found here.
http://heavens-feel.com/translations.html - Fansite based around Type Moon translations and blogging, has a lot of Type Moon
CD Dramas translated

Special thanks and creds to mcjon, mewarmo, canonrap, and any beastlair fam that contributed to any tls ever

Manga/Etc (some manga are listed on their specific slide)

This slide is mostly for not wanting to cram a lot of links on certain slides
First of all, heres Karoshis Type Moon Manga Archive, a work in progress. Go like my good friend
Karoshi on facebook. He posts a lot of manga on his page, both raw and translated. I am also an admin.
(This contains stuff like the Extra manga (x2), KnK, etc)
All Around Type Moon

Melty Blood

Melty Blood Act 2

Take Moon
KohaACE Raws - Scattered TLs can be found on Beasts Lair
Clocktower (Raw PDF)
Some TL'd Capsule Servant Scenarios

Visual Novels
Problems with visual novels? Want to read more?
Join my visual novel facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/614956271934653/
Guys if you want to read VNs and a lot of shit, youll either have to import them, or
live a life on the high seas. Heres newbies guide to living on the high seas.

Pretty Important
To play visual novels on a system thats not Japanese, you need to set your locale to Japanese. You can do this by going to
ControlPanel>ClockRegionLanguage>RegionLanguage>Administrative>Then bottom setting, change the system locale to
Japanese. Your system will need a restart. This setting doesnt really do anything but its job here, so dont worry bout it
interfering in other places, its not like youre changing your systems entire language.
Most of the visual novel download links in this guide are to mofumoe. It is a website that scavenged old fuwanovel torrents, and will
continue to host torrent links in a style that fuwanovel once did, and I use it often. You should be familiar with torrentinting.

Part 1: Fate series



1. Fate/Stay Night
2. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
3. Fate/Zero
4. Fate/Extra + CCC
5. Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
6. Fate/Apocrypha
7. Fate/Strange Fake
8. Fate/Grand Order
9. Fate/Prototype + Fragments of Blue and Silver
10. Lord El-Melloi Case Files
Etc Games and Novels (Unlimited Codes, Tiger Colosseum, etc)

Fate/Stay Night

Purchase - Original - Realta - Realta Patch - Garden of Avalon + Subbed GoA Drama CD

Released in 2004 - Story by Nasu Kinoko - Platform: PC, PS2, Vita

Medium: Visual Novel. Adapted by Deen in 2006 and received a movie a few years
later. In 2014, ufotable adapted Unlimited Blade Works as a TV series, and will adapt
the Heavens Feel route as a movie trilogy starting in 2017.
Visual novel with three routes, Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heavens Feel. The
visual novel is quite long at 50+ hours. It personally took me 75 hours. Contains many
choices and bad ends, a guide is recommended.
Description: The Holy Grail War. A battle royale between 7 magi who fight for the Holy
Grail. These magi act as Masters and fight using Servants, high level familiars that are
Heroic Spirits, heroes and beings from history, legends, and lore. The 5th Holy Grail
War is beginning in Fuyuki, Japan, and a young man named Shirou Emiya finds
himself caught up in it. Caught in a battle as simple bystander, during a life or death
situation Shirou accidentally summons a Servant of his own, joining the Holy Grail
War. That Servant is Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights and Britain.
Realta Nua: An updated version of Fate/Stay Night released in 2007. This new
version contains cleaner visuals and CGs as well as more of those CGs. The
soundtrack also has been remastered. Realta Nua is all ages so all 18+ content was
removed. There is a patch for Realta Nua on PC. The fan patch can restore all
missing content and changes made from the original. There is really no reason not to
read Realta Nua unless you want it as a treat for a re-read.

Fate/Stay Night and Realta are translated.

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

Purchase - Mofu DL

Released in 2005 - Story by Nasu Kinoko - Platform: PC, Vita

Medium: Visual Novel with one main story yet lots of optional slice of life fanservice
(the good/normal kinda) and some mini-games.
Not nearly as long as Stay Night, I think I completed just the main story in around 30
hours. That being said, I didnt do much of the optional stuff. A guide really isnt
needed, there are many required bad ends and as long as you select the ! events
during the day and do the stuff at night, youll advance the plot.
Description: The direct sequel to Fate/Stay Night. Ataraxia takes place 6 months after
the end of FSN. (It takes place after a FSN ending that combines elements of all
three routes, with every human and Servant alive except Kirei) Bazett Fraga
McRemitz has been sent to Fuyuki by the Mages Association to be a Master in the
Fifth Holy Grail War. The story begins as she wakes up on the 4th day of the war with
no memory and a Servant by her side...Avenger. Meanwhile, Shirou Emiya is living
life happily after the Fifth War, when he starts to notice a disturbance in the city. With
the Servants sensing danger and the appearance of new dark creatures and the
mysterious Caren Hortensia, both Shirou and Bazett find themselves in a four day
time loop.
Dont think too hard about it - Nasu
An updated version was released for Vita in 2014. It contains enhanced visuals and Ataraxia is translated, but the current translated PC version
has no voices. A voice patch is being worked on.
mechanics as well as voice-acting. Ataraxia is 18+ on PC.

Volume 1 released in 2006, all 4 volumes were released within the
next year. - Story by Gen Urobuchi although heavily supervised
and influenced by Nasu.
Medium: Light novel, anime adaptation in 2011 by Ufotable.
Description: Fate/Zero is a prequel to Fate/Stay Night, taking place
10 years before the events of Stay Night during the Fourth Holy Grail
War in Fuyuki. The Einzbern family, stressed over three consecutive
losses in the war, elects to hire Emiya Kiritsugu, a widely known and
hated magus killer and assassin known for employing whatever
means necessary to take out an opponent. The story follows
Kiritsugu as he struggles with his new family, the war, and his ideals.

The Fate/Zero light novels are translated and can be found here.

Fate/Extra + CCC

Purchase - Download

Extra was released in 2010 for PSP - Story by Nasu Kinoko

Medium: Roleplaying Game with visual novel elements (technically considered a VN
as well due to the novel-like narration). A Fate/Extra anime titled Fate/Extra Last
Encore by Shaft is due for 2017, and is not a direct adaptation of the game.
Description: While originally sharing events with the Fate/Stay Night universe, a split
occurred when major incidents happened in the 70s that began to suck the worlds
mana dry, to the point where all of the worlds mana was gone by the year 2030. In
2032 humanity discovered the Automaton, a spiritual computer built by a pre-human
race that has recorded all of history, and soon created the Moon Cell, an artificial
environment where the system SE.RA.PH. and the Automaton construct a Holy Grail
War with 128 participants. As the main character, you wake up in this enigmatic virtual
world without any memory of the past and are thrown into this Holy Grail War, with
Who am I? as the main question being posed.
CCC: Not necessarily a sequel to Extra more than a continuation or separate route
that is comparable to Heavens Feel or even Ataraxia. It takes place on the Far Side of
the Moon where the advanced AI BB has brought over Masters and Servants into
her Labyrinth. Released in 2013
Fate/Extra is officially localized. CCC was not localized and is not translated, but is being translated (20% currently).

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya

Medium: Ongoing manga series by Hiroshi Hiroyama that
branches into sequels 2wei and 3rei. Silver Link has already
released anime adaptations for up to 2wei, and the 3rei adaptation
is to air in July 2016.
Description: The series takes place in Fuyuki City in an alternate
timeline of Fate/stay night. Kiritsugu and Irisviel helped end the
Holy Grail War ritual before it could start, sealing Ilya's memories
away and allowing her to grow up as a normal girl. Shirou and Ilya
live a peaceful life as brother and sister, without knowledge of
magic, under the care of Sella and Leysritt, while their parents are
abroad.The Class Cards, malicious fragments of Heroic Spirits,
later appear in Fuyuki, and they are first believed to be remnants
of the Holy Grail War. It is later revealed that they were actually
brought forth from a parallel world along with Miyu, the completed
Holy Grail of that world. Illya and co get dragged in once the
sentient staves that Zelretch created for Rin and Luvia, Ruby and
Sapphire, abandon their masters and create new contracts with
Illya and Miyu.
Kaleid is one series that is debated as Nasuverse canon material or not, due to
it having a lot of multidimensional stuff of its own going on, as well as it breaking
some multiverse rules (which isnt too uncommon in Nasuverse works in
general..). Personally I dont have many thoughts cus why debate tho?

Read Online - 2wei - 3rei


Apocrypha Materials

Medium: Novel series by Yuuichirou Higashide (hella supervised by Nasu as usual)

that started in 2012. Manga adaption drawn by Akira Ishida to begin in late June.
Description: The setting of Fate/Apocrypha is a parallel world to Fate/stay night where
the Greater Grail was removed from Fuyuki after the Third Holy Grail War and
disappeared for many years. Around the 2000s, around the same time as the Fifth
Holy Grail War would have happened, the group that plundered the Grail,
Yggdmillennia, openly declared their secession from the Mage's Association and that
they are in possession of the Grail. The Association dispatches fifty magi to retrieve it,
but all but one are instantly slaughtered by Lancer of Black. The one remaining
manages to activate the reserve system of the Greater Grail, allowing for the
summoning of fourteen Servants in total. This marks the start of the Great Holy Grail
War in Trifas, featuring two different factions, the Black Faction, whose members are
part of Yggdramillennia, and the Red Faction, whose members were sent by the
Mage's Association with the exception of one from the Church. The Grail itself also
summons Ruler to act as a mediator of the Holy Grail War. The story follows the
progression of the war.
The series is not entirely translated. The first two volumes are published online here
and volume 3 is currently being worked on here. The guy over at the first link is
working on volume 4/5 and will start posting them once canonrap has completed
volume 3.

Fate/Strange Fake
Medium: Light novel and manga by Ryohgo Narita, author of the Baccano and
Durararararara series.
Description: The plot centers around a Grail War faultily copied from the Third Holy
Grail War in Fuyuki. After the end of the third Grail War, an organization from the
United States took data from Fuyuki's Grail War and planned their own ritual.
Seventy years later they use the city Snowfield as the Sacred Land for their own
Grail War. They were unable to successfully copy every aspect of the ritual, which
lead to it acting only as an imitation that has lost the Saber class and allowed for
the summoning of strange Servants due to the definition of a "hero" being blurred.
The Mage's Association has sent Rohngall and his pupil, Faldeus, to investigate
the city and the status of the war. Faldeus, a spy from the US organization, has
Rohngall sniped upon arrival, despite knowing that Rohngall was simply a puppet.
He announces that their Holy Grail War has been in development and that it is real,
which causes an uproar at the Clock Tower, and wishes to "advertise" the project to
the Association. Yeah theres a lot of crazy abnormal shit compared to most Fate
titles, youd have to read to fully get the gist of it all.
Both the light novels and manga are partially translated.
Light Novel V.1 ENG - Volume 2 Incomplete and Scattered - Manga (In Progress) - Manga Raws - Novels (Amazon)
Note - Like a handful of stuff, the only translation for Volume 2 is scattered on the FSK thread on Beastslair

Fate/Grand Order
Mobile phone RPG, released in 2015.
Description: Okay so pretty much, you take the role
of a newbie Master at an organization called
Chaldea that is focused on saving the world, which
is due to end by the year 2016 due to anomalies in
the space/time continuum. You go back in time to
deal with these many anomalies. Yay.
This game is NOT translated, although there are
scattered translations of some of the story
throughout the internet, of which I wont be linking
because scattered af and pointless af.
It is entirely playable without any Japanese
knowledge. You dont play a shitty mobile game for
the story, you play it because youre a gacha
obsessed Fate faggot. Im only in this shit because
Im a fanboy of Type Moon.

Comic Anthology - Manga

There are resources to play the game everywhere

To play, you either need an android emulator on your PC or an
iphone or android. Youll need qooapp which lets you download
from the JP appstore, where you can get FGO.
http://fate-go.cirnopedia.info/index.php - Cirnopedia is basically
all you need. Other resources are reddit, any social group
community (as cancerous as they can be :D), beastslair, yadda

Prototype is a re-imagining of Fate/Stay Night based on scrapped concepts for Stay Night.
The main one being a female protagonist (Ayaka Sajyou) instead of male, and a male
Saber (Arthur) instead of female. Multiple other prototype versions of characters are
I cant give a plot description because there is none...Prototype isnt an actualized thing. Its
only medium is an OVA that was released with Carnival Phantasms Season 3. And there
arent any plans to work it into a full story. Go watch the OVA though, its pretty cool.

Fragments of Blue and Silver

The part of Prototype that actually is a developed story. Light novels by Hikaru Sakruai.
One of the few Fate titles that Nasu isnt hella supervising. (Example: Nasu basically
created all of the characters for even the Fate titles he didnt write, yet for this, Hikaru
actually created the original Servants herself)
Description: Fragments can be compared to Fate/Stay Nights Fate/Zero, AKA a prequel
taking place during the previous war. Uhhh I dont really have a plot description for this
one. While they are Prototypes, the plot isnt really similar to Zeros too much.
Translations are scattered on Lair's TL thread

Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

Medium: Light novel series by Sanda Makoto, author of Rental
Magica and Cross x Regalia.
Description: Case Files focuses on Waver Velvets life as Lord
El-Melloi II in England. After the 4th War, Waver of course
survived, and inherited the title of Lord El-Melloi. This novel
series has no clear plot, but it focused on Waver and co. solving
a lot of mysteries about magic and such things. Characters
include Waver, Grey (believed to be a descendant of King
Arthur), Luvia, and Reines El-Melloi.
This is the link to the translation. Like Fragments, it has a
dedicated translation thread on Beast's Lair. The first volume's
TL is almost complete.
Fun facts: While there are many continuities and timelines in Fate, all of the
authors really like the idea of Waver as Lord El-Melloi. Hes probably one of the
more consistent characters in all ofType Moon lol. He appears in CF, FZ, FSN,
Apocrypha, SFake, and even kaleid prisma

Other Stuff!!!
Fate/Unlimited Codes - Fighting game by Capcom. Has a PSP and PS2 version. The PSP version was
localized - DL Id give a purchase link but its just JP imports on Amazon...wheres the US version lol
Fate Tiger Colosseum - Chibi 3D Fighter by Capcom and Cavia. Only on PSP, not localized - DL
Fate/Labyrinth - Side-story to Prototype Fragments - TL Thread on BL
Capsule Servant - Little 2D battle game included with the Vita release of Ataraxia
Carnival Phantasm - Anime based off Take Moon, a parody comedy manga
All Around Type Moon - Another parody comedy manga
Koha-ACE - Parody manga featuring Kohaku and lots of TM characters. It takes place as a side war to the 3rd
Grail War where Japan has won the war and is using the Holy Grail as the core of a new bomb..It features
mostly Japanese Servants. Uhhh good luck finding any translations other than extremely scattered stuff.

Part 2: Tsukihime Series

1. Tsukihime
2. Kagetsu Tohya
3. Melty Blood
4. Mahoutsukai no Yoru
5. Prelude and Talk
6. Hana no Miyako!
7. Tsuki no Sango

Tsukihime (Pt. 1)
Description: The story follows Shiki Tohno, who
as a child, was involved in a life-threatening
accident. When he awoke, he found himself to
have Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. With
these eyes, Shiki can see lines of death in any
object or being. The elimination of these lines
means the destruction, or death, of said object
or being. Shiki was banished from the Tohno
family due to this injury and lived with relatives.
The story advances to Shiki finally coming back
to his mansion during highschool, with the only
inhabitants being his little sister, and two maids.
As time slowly creeps by, Shiki starts seeing a
beautiful blonde girl in the city. Every time he
sees her, an urge deep inside him builds up...an
impulse to kill.


Medium: Visual novel written by Nasu, released in 2000. It is an 18+ VN featuring five
heroine routes. It is Type Moons first visual novel, and has had numerous manga
adaptations as well as an anime adaptation (for the sake of the guide, I will recognize its
Note: If you see vertical bars (| |) in the game, be sure to install the
default.ttf font included in the folder of the game.

Tsukihime (Pt. 2)
Tsukihime is translated.
A remake of the visual novel was announced in 2008 and we have been
slowly getting new information on it. It features new character designs, new
characters, a heroine route for Satsuki, and large changes to the setting.
Nasu speaks of it as a rebirth that will build a lot on previous scenarios, for
example, the 27 Dead Apostles will be reworked. No release date has been
With how different the remake is looking to be, I still heavily encourage
reading the original visual novel first. God knows when the remake will be out

Tsukihime Plus Disc - DL Link - Glossary

Side-story visual novel. Not really required but its like all of the causal side of
Ataraxia. Nice for getting to know more about the characters.

Kagetsu Tohya
Medium: Visual novel written by Nasu, released in 2001. One main story, although the game is not linear at all. There are hundreds of
differents paths and loops that will eventually lead to the ending. Yeah it made my head hurt lol. Not really a need for a walkthough...maybe.
Just for the sake of your own sanity, do not look up what the flowchart looks like.

Kagetsu Tohya is translated. -

DL Link

Description: KT takes place one year

after the events of Tsukihime. Shiki
awakes to find himself stuck in a one
day time loop with seemingly infinite
endings to the day. Over time, Shiki
discovers the source of the
phenomenon to be Len, an
independent familiar under Arcueids

Melty Blood
Medium: 2D Fighter and visual novel hybrid (depending on the version) first released in
2002, developed by French Bread with scenarios written by Nasu. There are multiple
different versions that Ill shortly summarize below.
Description: Melty Blood takes place a year after Tsukihime, after a non-existent Sacchin
route (lmao). Shiki starts hearing about a new string of murders in the city, and comes
across Sion Eltnam Atlasia, who battles him and tries to capture him. Her reasoning was
that she wanted to get into contact with Arcueid to find a cure for vampirism. Shiki sets
out to help her reach her goal.
Re-Act is the second version that has a short continuation. Act Cadenza is the third
which features an alternate timeline. Cadenza has an expansion called Cadenza Version
B. The final version is Actress Again, which is a true sequel to Melty Blood, taking place
a year later. Actress Again has an expansion called Actress Again Current Code
All versions have translations except the original Actress Again. Actress Again Current
Code has been localized and can be purchased on Steam or elsewhere online. All of the
links I provide will already be patched or will include the patch

Original - Re-Act Final Tuned (The original MB is required, as this is an

expansion) - Act Cadenza - Actress Again Current Code

Mahoutsukai no Yoru

Download - Chapters 1-5 Patch

Medium: Originally a novel written by Nasu in 1996, Mahoyo is the origin of

the Nasuverse. Wishing to revive it, Nasu and Takeuchi decided to remake it
as a visual novel. The visual novel was released in 2012.
Description: Mahoyo takes place in 1989, 10 years before the events of
Tsukihime at a mansion in Misaki town. Aoko Aozaki abruptly entered the
world of magecraft after her grandfather suddenly decided to have Aoko
become the Aozaki family's successor. Since then, Aoko moved into the
mansion under the guise of doing part-time work, Aoko begins to learn
sorcery from a young mage, Alice Kuonji, the rumored witch of the mansion.
Unexpectedly, a young boy named Soujuurou Shizuki is drawn to the
mansion and comes to reside with them as well.
Mahoyo is not translated completely, and there is currently no steady and
reliable translation project going on for it. There has been a Commie
translation going on for a very long time, but god knows if that ever is going
to happen (its been on editing for like 2+ years). Herkz as of March says its
still alive, but Herkz says a lot of things. On the positive side, Mcjon of Beast
s Lair has translated and released a patch for chapters 1-5. He has stated
Mahoyo is to have two sequels.
that he will not continue translating it.

Talk - Translation - Glossary

Talk is a text-based story found in Plus Period, a Tsukihime information book. It takes place after the epilogue of Tsukihime and hints at a
sequel. It features Ciel, Shiki as Satsujinki, and multiple Dead Apostles and magus. It involves Shiki going to Germany to find the Fruit of
Einnashe in order to reduce Arcueids blood lust. Plus Period was published in 2004.

Prelude - Translation - Glossary

Prelude is a collection of short stories found in Character Material, a material book released by Type Moon in 2006. It is supposed to act as a
prologue to a possible Tsukihime 2. It features many new characters, especially Dead Apostles.
Prelude I involves Shiki traveling to hunt down Louvre and steal a mace. Louvre is the newly appointed 10th Dead Apostle due to the death of
the previous owner of the title, Nrvnqsr Chaos, during the events of Tsukihime. Prelude II focuses on the Burial Agency, the group of demon
killer exorcists that Ciel belongs to. It involves Ciel and Mr. Dawn, another Burial Agency member, preparing for the Aylesbury Valesti. The
Valesti is a ritual established by Crimson Moon involving the revival of the Dark Six. It is the earnest desire for the Dead Apostles and multiple
True Ancestors. Only the ancestors with the original blood can attend, limiting attendance greatly. Fate/Extra takes place during a timeline
where the worlds mana has run dry. The reasoning for that is because in that timeline, the Aylesbury Valesti was completed much earlier (in
the 70s) than intended. So yeah, boom, bad stuff. And finally, Prelude III shows a discussion between apostles Solomon and Blackmore about
their relationship as well as the upcoming ritual.
If you couldnt tell at this point, it looks like Tsukihime 2 was completely scrapped now that we have the remake. This is because the remake is supposed to
rework the Dead Apostles and lot of concepts in the series, changing a lot of things. Of course, it could still be a thing some day, but thats just my reasoning
for doubt. It makes me kind of sad because this stuff seems extremely interesting and intense. This Tsukihime 2 would likely be a huge plot involving all of
the Dead Apostles and stopping the Aylesbury Valesti. Kagetsu Tohya teases about this Tsukihime 2 greatly, even stating it by name multiple times.

Hana no Miyako!
Medium: Manga series by Kirishima Takeru that began publishing in 2012.
Description: Hana no Miyako is a spin-off title in the Tsukihime series. Its a pretty odd
and complicated spin-off because its not really spinning off any particular title, it just uses
characters and elements from the other titles including Fate ones, like a female loli
Gilgamesh. The story is about a female Shiki Nanaya who is the weakest member of the
Aikido club. She has been charged with recruiting a new member, and shes set her
sights on Miyako Arima, a girl from her class. Due to a chance encounter of her
defeating a top ranked fighter at her school, Shiki is put on the spotlight and starts being
the center of crazy events.
While the manga has three volumes, sadly only the first volume has been scanned and


Tsuki no Sango - Subbed PV - Text Translation

Medium: Short story written by Nasu in 2010 for Maaya Sakamotos Full Moon
Recital, an event where she read short stories to pictures and music. It has a text
version as well as the PV version that was used for the recital.
Description: Tsuki no Sango supposedly takes place in the year 3000 on a timeline
where the events of Tsukihime did not happen. It is a world that is degenerated but
magecraft still lingers, unlike Fate/Extras world. The story follows a girl, called
princess by her peers, who is the descendent of people from the Moon, specifically
the Girl of the Moon who acts as the Moons core. At some point, the people of
Earth decided that the Moon was the final frontier from their dying planet, so they
launched the Lunar Immigration Plan. Disaster struck, and the people of the Moon
completely shut off entry, isolating themselves. Back on Earth, humanity is on the
brink of extinction mostly due to just giving up.
Unlike Extra, the disaster that caused the downfall of this timelines Earth is not
known. Nor was the disaster that separated the Moon and the Earth properly
explained. This is just my personal opinion and guess, but I imagine that this
timeline happened due to the failure of the Tsukihime events taking place. Without
Tsukihime happening, the theoretical Tsukihime 2 involving the Aylesbury Valesti
of course could not happen as well. I also guess that because Nasu also
compared the world to Extras where that was actually what happened. Of course,
it could be something different since the Earth seems to not be in as bad of a
shape as in Extra.

Part 3: The Rest of Nasuverse

1. Kara no Kyoukai
2. Angel Voice: Notes
3. Angel Voice: Clowick Canaan-vail
4. Mahoutsukai no Hako

Kara no Kyoukai - Translation - Official Glossary

Medium: KnK began as novel written by Nasu released chapter by chapter from
1998 to 1999, with them finally being compiled and released as a full novel in 2004.
The series was adapted in a movie series by Ufotable, with the first chapter being
released in 2007.
Description: Mikiya Kokutou becomes intrigued by the mysterious series of violent deaths
occurring in his town and Shiki Ryougi, a beautiful but unsociable girl. As he tries to
become closer to Shiki, he realizes that Shiki is connected to the mysterious deaths and
that the supernatural forces involved with both could kill him. It is revealed that in Shiki's
family, certain members of her family possess two distinct personalities, both aware and
conscious of one another, but possessing different qualities. The dual consciousness, and
Shiki's upbringing as a demon hunter, has caused her to reject other human beings.
However, upon meeting Mikiya, she gradually finds happiness through their relationship
and a schism develops between her two personalities. As a result, she winds up in a traffic
accident and is left in a coma for two years. When she awakens, she finds herself unable
to connect her past memories to her current identity. Reunited with Mikiya, now employed
as an investigator for Touko Aozaki, Shiki assists Touko's detective agency, Garan no
Dou, whenever combat is required, while struggling to come to terms with her identity.
The movies are not in chronological order. I highly recommend watching them in release
order, because thats how both Nasu and Ufotable intended it to be..they did that on

Angel Voice: Notes

Medium: Angel Voice is a doujin anthology centered around angels written by Nasu
and Takeuchi in 1995 to be re-published later in 1999. It contains the short story
Notes by Nasu and the one-shot manga clowick canaan-vail by Takeuchi
Description: Notes takes place on a distant future Earth where the planet has died.
Only mankind has survived due to advanced technology, and enhanced humans were
created to be able to live on the ruined planet called Liners. A second type of being
called A-Rays, creatures created through the combination of humans and other nowextinct creatures, were created. The A-Rays and enhanced humans have gone to
war, only to be interrupted by the eight Aristotoles, also known as Types, who wish to
exterminate all life. The story follows Gun God, the last unmodified human, as he
struggles to survive against his enhanced human neighbors, angels, and the
Notes established a lot of concepts seen in other Type Moon works.

Translation - Image typeset version with glossary

Angel Voice: Clowick canaan-vail

Clowick canaan-vail is Takeuchis one-shot doujin manga in Angel
Voice. It was originally published in 1995 and later included in
Angel Voice in 1999.
Description: The story follows Gabriel, a humanoid data terminal
that acts as a postman in a barren post-apocalyptic world. Gabriel
runs on a limited power supply, which is due to run out in five days
time, and any technology used to repair or charge her has been
The title is all made-up words by Takeuchi. The work means a lot
to him. Its adorable but pretty depressing. Its probably by no
means part of the Nasuverse but its here to keep it together with
Clowick canaan-vail

Mahoutsukai no Hako
Medium: Type Moons mobile site at http:
//typemoonmobile.com/, made into a drama CD and short
manga. Not used or updated anymore because they got
around to making a mobile version of their main website.

Drama CD video
Drama CD translation
The manga isnt translated and I cant even
find raws for it.
The girls are super cute, I hope to see it
more/again in the future

You can see three of the characters, Hibiki, Chikagi (two main girls), and Keitai-san (Mr. Cellphone) in Carnival Phantasm
working at Ahnenerbe with Cu. The cellphone is a Mystic Code created by Zelretch. The identity of Keitai-san is heavily hinted to
be Caubac Alcatraz, friend of Zelretch and the last/twenty-seventh Dead Apostle. The true form of Hibiki is actually Caubacs
Holy Scripture Triten. He created a labyrinth to protect it, and this labyrinth is the setting of Fate/Labyrinth.

Part 4: Non-Nasuverse and even beyond

1. Canaan
2. Valkyria
3. Decoration Disorder Disconnection
4. Fire Girl
5. Girls Work
6. The Room of the April Witch
7. Extra stuff and whatever else

Not Nasuverse? Huh?

The titles in this section are not part of the Nasuverse, or have good reasoning to
not be considered part of the Nasuverse. This is true even for some titles that are
still written by Nasu.
Its usually the case because the title shares absolutely no characters, concepts,
or themes with anything from Nasuverse, which is a multiverse based around a
group of concepts.
The other titles are just other Type Moon titles or are barely Type Moon, who only
have credit for it.
Thats pretty much all it means, theres not really anything else to say.

Medium: Anime written by Nasu from 2009. It is based off a bonus
scenario from the Wii game 428: Fusa Sareta Shibuya de. There is
a manga adaptation.
Description: The story follows Canaan, a Middle Eastern teenage
mercenary who has been dispatched to Shanghai. She possesses
an ability known as Synesthesia, which is basically an overpowered
exaggerated version of real-life synesthesia. In the world of 428, a
terrorist organization planted a virus called the Ua Virus in Japan.
This virus acts as a biological weapon and kills on a massive scale.
Those who survive the virus are known as either Borners, who gain
special powers, or Unblooms, powerless humans who must wear
masks to survive. At Shanghai, she meets up with Maria Oosawa,
an old friend, and daughter of a scientist who created the only antivirus for the Ua Virus. They learn of the International Anti-Terrorist
Conference going on and the terrorist attack led by Alphard,
Canaans hated rival, and her terrorist organization Snake.

Canaan is pretty damn cool, wish there was more of it. Sadly, 428 is
Japanese-only, and Canaan is just a 12-episode anime. Also, the
manga has three volumes, but only the first is translated.


Medium: A doujin series by Takeuchi published around 1998/1999.
Description: The series focuses on Valkyries, holy beings that serve the Gods.
Ragnarok, the war that will take place between the Gods and the Giants.
Valkyries prepare for this war by...killing heroes. When a Valkyrie kills a hero,
their soul is absorbed into their sword, Valhalla, which is also a manifestation of
their soul.
Valkyria 1
Valkyria 1.5
Valkyria 2
Valkyria NAEV Saga 1 (Part 2 can be found grouped with 1 on sad panda,
although it's not translated)
I kind of fell in love with concept and characters for Valkyria even with such few
short doujins. Takeuchis early art is so cute and charming.

Decoration Disorder Disconnection

Medium: Light novel series by Nasu that began publishing in 2007.
Description: DDD takes place in Shikura City where something called the Agonist
Syndrome, basically demonic possession, is at large. Those who have the syndrome end
up growing new body parts, be it limbs or just tumors, which lead to possibly gaining
supernatural powers. The story follows Arika Ishizue, a guy who lost both his arm and his
parents to his little sister, Kanata, an insanely powerful demon-possessed human. After
returning to Shikura from the hospital, There he meets Kaie Karyou, a lovely looking
young boy who is actually a demon lord. He has no limbs but uses demons to act as his
limbs. Kaie asks Arika to be one who exorcises demons from those with A-Syndrome
using demonic limbs he will lend Arika, and Arika accepts this job.

There are currently two volumes out. Both are translated into English but the second one
is not entirely translated yet. Nasu has plans to continue the series, but not until the two
Mahoyo sequels are done...AKA itll be a while.
Volume 2 PDF (Russian)...if you know Russian I guess

Fire Girl
Medium: Light novel series by Meteo Hoshizora that began releasing in 2012.
Description: Hinooka Homura. Seiran High School 1st year. She likes to talk with
friends. What she doesnt like are essays. By the way, shes the type that gets
sleepy after thinking for ten seconds. Basically she had the air of someone who
had failed her high school debut. When Homura received the invitation Why dont
you try becoming a mage?, she joined the exploration club which had ties with
the United Nations. The club activities consisted of conducting research on an
unknown planet. Along with the Kendo boy Touya Takumi, Misasagi Mayo-senpai
who was efficient both in her studies and in martial arts, as well as the golem
Ameno, Homura parties with her friends and heads to the other world of Nutella, a
huge scale planet that is several times the size of Jupiter.
What a weird synopsis, right?
There are currently four volumes, 1, 1-2, 2, and 2-2. The first volume is translated
and 1-2 is nearly complete on translations.
Translation page

Girls Work
Originally planned to be a visual novel announced in 2008, it was later
changed into an anime project as announced in 2010. To be written by
Meteo Hoshizora.

Uhhh nothing is known about it other than a few characters and the setting.
Thats because it kind of disappeared. There has been no news of it since
its announcements and yeah. I dont even think they announced a
cancellation or a halting of the project, theres just literally been nothing.
Someday though, I believe.

rest in pepperonis
never forghetti
moms spaghetti

The Room of the April Witch

Medium: Short story by Meteo Hoshizora
used for Type Moons 2011 April Fools
Day, although it contains no comedic
Description: The story is about a witch
named April with the power to turn lies
into reality. Due to this terrifying power,
April is confined in a small house.
However, once a year on April 1, April
opens the door of her house to visitors.


Extra and moooooooore

Red Dragon - Role-Playing-Fiction project involving Nasu, Urobuchi, Narita and a lot of other cool author
dudes. Translation
Maid-san wa Majo - Another little old doujin by Takeuchi. Read here
World Conquest Zvezda Plot - Anime co-written by Meteo so Type Moon is given credit
http://g.e-hentai.org/tag/artist:takeuchi+takashi - Check out Takeuchis tag for illustrations and CGs for
basically all the games, materials, etc
https://dulst.com/nasuverse - fanmade nasuverse card game lol
This link is long - Sora no Soto, one-shot manga written by Nasu
Kouri no Hana - Unreleased early novel by Nasu

Localization? Lol whats that?

Lets look at what has been localized officially.Fate/Extra, Fate/Extella,
Fate/Unlimited Codes, Melty Blood, and various books and manga.
Thats really not a lot. But why? Well theres no clear stated reason, but there are a
plethora of implied ones.

Nasu himself has shown little interest nor sees the money in the western market. If we were going to see localizations of major titles, wed have
seen them a while ago, as things like Fate are extremely popular, even with growing western fanbases.
Well why cant another company publish their games in the west? Type Moon licenses are known to be not just very expensive, but very
complicated to deal with and go through with as well. (Sekai Projects word on the matter) Its sooo troublesome. They dont have to deal with just
Type Moon, but whatever is involved in the title. That means going door to door for various voice actors and getting licenses from whatever talent
or voice agency they may be involved with, and more. Apparently the licensing for Type Moon works has even surpassed the costs of Key/Visual
Art (which are luckily doing localizations by themselves).

Is it possible at some point in the future? Of course. But god knows when that will happen.

I quote a guy on reddit with horrible grammar...They know we exist, they should dont give a fuck.

Other recommendations!
Any VN by Key (Kanon, Air, Clannad, Little Busters, Rewrite ((especially)), etc)
Any VN by 07th (Higurashi, Umineko, etc)
Any LN or series by Kazuma Kamachi (Toaru Majutsu no Index, Heavy Object,
Any VN by minori (ef, eden, etc)
Any VN by akabeisoft1/2/3 (G-senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni, etc)
The Majikoi VNs
Kara no Shoujo VN series
Grisaia VN series

Credits and yeah

This guide is free for the public to use, but please credit the creator wherever it
may be posted. That would be Tohsaka's Cave Explorers on facebook.
As always, feel free to ask for anything (within reason pls)
Once again, I give my thanks to anybody ever who has ever translated something.
Not a lot of people appreciate translators as much as they should, hell even Im
Basically 99% of this guide focuses on properties owned by Type Moon (official
name is Notes, fun fact)
Go purchase some stuff or whatever, show your support.
Im terribly afraid of forgetting something in this guide...ehh, fuck it

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