Conclusion Bank

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In conclusion, this report has been written by student of master of business studies in the subject
of Islamic risk management. Analyzing the bank statement of Rajhi bank berhad Malaysia (RBB)
for the years 2013,2014,2015. By going through three major section, section 1 is titled
introduction which introduce a general idea about the Rajhibank, its development and its
objectives. Section 2 is the most important part in which the analyze, expose the main four types
of risks based on the calculations (credit, market, liquidity and operational). Moreover, suggest
solutions of management of the risks referring to the annual bank statement of Rajhi Bank of the
years 2013 until 2015. Then lastly, an analytical comparison of the financial situation and the
trend performance between the three years. section 3 is titled conclusion which is a summery
what is been stated above.
In overall, bank Rajhi is performed very well while the period of analyze (2013-2015). The trend
is in a significant increasing and the bank is able to cover any potential risk based on the high
strong balance sheet and the preservative financial system. However , the total assets and the
total liabilities and is fluctuated because of the non-stable performance of the costumers and the
rate of the Islamic financial contacts. Based on the business review , the Rajhi bank has scored
very because of the standard earning quality in the industry well and strongly able to cover all
types of any potential risks .

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