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M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 0 3
If It’s Tuesday, This
Must be Oakbrook

Wayne Turmel ........................3

Training Trainers

Don Sandel ..............................6

From the OD Perspective:

Aesthetic Practice

By Debra Orr-Alfeo ................8

Eleven Ways Trainers Can

Create Terrific Role Plays

By Beverly Feldt, Workplace

THE MAGAZINE OF THE CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER OF THE Productions, Inc. ..................10


If It’s Tuesday,This Must Be
Keeping training fresh for
by WAYNE TURMEL you and your participants

n our best days, we know that training their implementation back on the job, Joe Bill. Besides being a long-time trainer

O is fun, exciting, and a constant chal-

lenge that keeps us at the top of our
game. We also know, if we’re honest with
then enthusiasm and sharpness have
significant financial worth. Sharp trainers
are effective and thus valuable assets to an
for Communispond, specializing in
presentation and sales training, Bill is a
theater director and teacher at Second City.
ourselves, there are times when we would organization. Stale, ineffective trainers are He brings that background to every class
rather cover ourselves in honey and roll in a line item. he teaches.
an anthill than teach one more session of This article would be almost over “Facilitation is more than just impart-
“Dynamite Customer Service” to one more now if it were as simple as saying, “Okay, ing information,” he says. “It’s about having
group of blank faces who would rather be so keep your energy up and do a good job people accept the information for them-
rolling in that pile with us. all the time”. If only it were that easy. Most selves. That doesn’t happen unless they are
Trainer burn-out is an occupational of us think we do our best every class, and engaged.” Calling on years of theater tradi-
hazard, much discussed in hotel lounges the signs of burnout are seldom obvious. tion, he adds “The fact you’ve played this
late at night after class participants have Here are some of the leading indicators: part a hundred times means nothing—it’s
gone to bed, but seldom in the light of • If you’re still referring to “new the first time this group is hearing it, and
day. How can we as professionals stay technologies like email” you have to play it that way.”
sharp and be at our best given the • If the examples you use in class begin Okay, but how?
demands of travel (and don’t let anyone “Back in the Reagan Administration” “The key is listening and being in the
tell you commuting from the North Side • If you are still drinking coffee at the moment,” Bill says. “You have to concen-
on Monday morning is not travel time), 11:00 break trate. It’s hard work but that’s also when
the logistical changes we face (we can get • If you find yourself giving answers you get the big payoff—seeing the light
photos from Neptune, but we can’t get to questions they didn’t ask, or giving bulbs go on over their heads. That reward
workbooks to a class site), and the often the same answer no matter the is what keeps me sharp and my head in
repetitive nature of what we train? question the game.”
This problem affects more than the Essentially there are four areas where Part of the trick is to be aware of the
mental health of those in front of the class- trainers can improve their skills and stay differences between groups, rather than
room. Learners pick up cues from keen. They are Facilitation and Platform the similarities. “They may all work for
facilitators. If getting out early to make skills, Business Acumen, General Knowl- GE, but the engineers in the South will be
your flight or beating traffic is the key edge, and Technology. different than the engineers in New York,
metric of success, your attitude has serious who are far different from the accountants
implications for learner buy-in and partici- Facilitation in Denver. Adjusting to the regional or cul-
pation. If the return on investment to a When it comes to Platform and Facilita- tural differences can make every class fresh
buyer is the adoption of new skills and tion skills, few people know their stuff like for the trainer,” says Bill.

Training Today • March/April 2003 3

There are also multiple opportunities they did—a story or an exercise you can training opportunities that relate to our
to learn new skills. Some are obvious: incorporate into your training. position, or good old fashioned hubris
ASTD, nationally and locally, offers work- According to an HR specialist at a is best left to the individual to answer.
shops and developmental opportunities leading Chicago area bank, trainers are Even if you can’t take an expensive
that most members just never take advan- among the lowest per-capita users of inter- workshop, there are some simple things
tage of. Even if the subject matter isn’t nal training. In other words, many of us you can do in the classroom to stay sharp.
necessarily appealing, good presenters will dish it out, but we don’t take it. Whether One is to do something—anything—
almost always inspire you with something this is because of our work load, lack of differently from the way you always do it.
As much as company policy and the course-
ware will allow, try to vary the situations.
Quotes Keep It Fresh Sometimes do an exercise in pairs, some-
times in triads. Use a slightly different
“Men more frequently require to be reminded than informed.” assessment or ice-breaker exercise. Any
change in the routine will sharpen your
—Johnson: Rambler #2 (March 24, 1750) senses. Co-teaching a class is also an oppor-
t was in sales training that I first appreciated the power of the quote. I was tunity to stay sharp. Working with your

I listening to a salesman complain yet again about not getting enough hot leads,
that it took too long to prospect—anyone who has done sales training knows
the song. I remembered something I had read the night before from Robert
compatriot to deliver honest feedback and
coaching, listening for how someone else
handles the same material and the exam-
ples they use should inspire you to adopt
Browning; “Those flowers you carry in June are from seeds of April’s planting.” It
was short, pithy and sounded way more eloquent than, “It takes time to develop some of those things in your own training.
leads—shut up and cold call.” Business Acumen
Have you ever wanted to be that person who always had the right quip or
quote at their fingertips? Well technology makes it easy to have the smartest Business Acumen is a vital area of growth
people in history on your side. for almost all trainers. While we tend to
The mother lode of all quote finders is quotations. be subject matter or courseware experts,
This site, based at Columbia University, contains not only the full text of Bartlett’s many organizations feel that trainers don’t
quotations, the most well-known of all quotation books, but the Columbia World know enough about business in general,
of Quotations and Simpson’s Quotations as well. The site has thousands of mod- and their business in particular. According
ern quotes from thought leaders in business, science, and the arts. In addition to to a former training executive at Sun
the world’s largest data base of quotes, Bartlebys has a remarkably good search Microsystems, “training that doesn’t take
engine that makes finding the right quote as easy as finding a Britney Spears site the real business world into account is
on Google. largely wasted.” Since the true value of
Okay, but how do you decide whom to quote? I recommend some guidelines: training is in its application to the busi-
The older the quote the better—if you’re trying to make a point in training, ness, it would behoove most of us to
reminding people that it’s been a good idea since 335 B.C.E. certainly helps understand that business better.
If you’re going to quote someone, make sure you know who that person is. Besides taking courses in introductory
First, it adds credibility to the quote. Second, it adds to your credibility. People are business and reading the business press,
far more impressed that you know who Epictetus is, than that you know anything talk to participants off-line. Ask questions
he said—sad but true. about what they do; try to understand
The age of a quote also helps protect against the winds of change. Two years their businesses. If you are an outside
ago, any quote from Jack Welch was considered gold. There are a lot of people resource to the company, read its website
replacing PowerPoint slides these days. prior to the training to get a feel for what
is driving the training, besides a need for
When in doubt, quote… your wisdom. Then here’s the important
Samuel Johnson. He had an opinion on everything, a magazine to print it in, and part: incorporate it into the facilitation.
I’ll let you in on a secret: If you quote Shakespeare incorrectly, you might get busted Use of new examples, news hot off the
because people have actually read Shakespeare. Nobody you know has read press help create a connection to a
Samuel Johnson in 50 years. Still, there’s a killer website: learner’s world, an increased sense of with the quotes organized by topic. urgency, and ultimately, better buy-in
Here are some more cool sites for quotes: and learning.
• Quotes on philosophy and religion There are multiple opportunities to
• 35,000 from Aristotle to Zappa learn about business and what’s happening
• Nothing like being told off by Homer in the wider world. Subscribing to free email
newsletters, while it increases the amount
of spam you might get, is a cost-free way

4 Chicagoland Chapter • American Society for Training & Development

to find out what’s happening in the world can is important to your ongoing develop- Ultimately, the issue of building your
of business, a world that will impact you ment and staying in top form. skills in the classroom and maintaining
directly inside the classroom and out. “Our trainers are very experienced, focus on the learners is in your own
very senior, and very good at what they do, hands. As Joe Bill says, “Jerry Seinfeld tells
General Knowledge and we monitor them closely. Because our the same joke, night after night, but still
While subject matter expertise is impor- customers (the individual retail stores) pay keeps it fresh for the audience.” Of course
tant, general knowledge about the world for the training, our folks are held to a very Seinfeld never had to teach seven weeks
your participants live in cannot be under- high standard, and performance issues are of “Dynamite Customer Service” in a call
estimated. This is where analogies come dealt with quickly,” she says. In other words, center.
from, the ability to relate seemingly unre- the trainers are expected to keep themselves
Wayne Turmel is Director of Products and Services
lated things or events to make a point. You sharp and relevant—their jobs depend on it. for Communispond, Inc. In his career, he has been a
also pick up quotes and other resources to standup comic, writer, and used car salesman, as well
back up your position from unexpected Technology as a trainer of trainers. His latest book, A Philistine’s
sources. (See “Quotes Keep It Fresh” on Finally, technology is an area where many Journal: An Average Guy Tackles the Classics, published
the facing page.) trainers do not keep themselves as informed by New Leaf Books ( is due
“We are very lucky at Ace Hardware,” as they should. We’re not talking only out in May 2003.
says Deborah Rakestraw, a senior training about classroom technologies like Power-
specialist, “We get $5,000 per year to take Point, projectors, and the internet, but the
training in anything, from almost any technology that touches their learners
source. It may not be training related, but every day. How many of you have taken
it is all valuable and makes us stronger in part in a web-meeting? Many independent
the classroom.” She is quick to point out consultants haven’t had the resources or
that most internal trainers have access to the opportunity, but going to any of the
the same professional development as providers like WebEx or Placeware can
other employees, but they don’t always get you a free demonstration. Even if you
take advantage of the opportunity. Even don’t use the technology yourself, your
if it’s what NOT to do in a training session, learners do, and it’s their world the train-
the opportunity to take any course you ing ultimately has to be applied to.

Training Today • March/April 2003 5

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