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-Prehistory to 12th C: Blue is an uncommon colour, marginal colour

-11th-14th C: Blue as a new colour (esp. starting in the 13th C) (chromatic revolution, a
new colour order, before 10thC: blue is an absence, then 11th-12th: blue is used in
heavy/dark tone, in 13thC: blue became a clear, luminous, divine colour, a colour of
sanctity and divinity) // colour of Virgin
-12th century: blue alone evoke the virgins mourning // In medieval times, blue was
an expensive pigment
-12th 13th centuries: The rise of blue in aesthetic, social and economic spheres:
divinity, royalty, heraldry
-13th: Progress in dyeing techniques permitted the production of stable bright blue,
cultivation of woad
- The struggles of the blueman of the 13th and 14th centuries
-Before late 14th C: three quarters of the dyeing recipes are devoted to producing red
-15th C: Dyeing recipes for producing blue are of greater frequency
-14th-15thC: Sumptuary laws and dress codes
-15thC: Dominated by black
-14-15th C: Early Reformation [colour is luxury, artifice, and illusion, HB 107]
-16th C: Reformation [Usually their dark portraits are placed against bright blue
backgrounds that evoke the heavens to which they aspired HB 110]
-1666 / mid 17th C: Newtonian theory of optics, three basic colours, blue and green at
the centre of the spectrum
-Late 17th C: witnessed an explosion in chromatic scales, charts, samples that declared
the numbers, laws, and norms defining colours nature. From a scientific point of
view, colour from then on seemed more or less mastered; as a result, it lost much of
its mystery; Colour could be mastered and measured [HB 119]
-Early 18th C: Jakob Christoph Le Blon invented colour graving
-In 1957, Yves Klein proclaimed the advent of Blue Epoch, sending out invitations
to two Paris exhibitions with an original timbre bleu (Blue Mythologies)
-Blueprints (Cyanotype discovered by Sir John Herschel in 1842 and Anna Atkins
brought the science into photography
Blue in Literature
-The Sorrows of Young Werther, first novel by Goethe
-Virginia Woolfs Green and Blue
-Steven Crane, The Blue Hotel
-Joni Mitchells poem Blue [BM]
-Modern French poet, Cocteau, The ink that I use is the blue blood of the swan
-Emily Dickinsons I Heard a Fly Buzz [BM]
-Louis Antwi, Blue and Saliva, 2005 (poem) [BM]
-Nursery rhyme: Roses are red, / violets are blue[BM]
-Prose romance Perceforest, completed in 1344, was the first indicator of the changes
in the heraldic code of colours, there knights dressed in blue are courageous, loyal and
faithful characters [HB]
-Jean Froissart, Dit du bleu chevalier, 1361-1367 (poem) [HB]

-Dyeing VS Church in Medieval times
-Colour VS Church

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