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Vollmer 1

Christopher Vollmer
Professor Gantz
A441 Advanced Advertising Strategies
MRI Data Homework
1. The typical user of energy drinks can be described as a person who at least graduated high school
and did not pursue college after graduating high school. Of all users, 65.56 percent are men,
however women make up 34.44 percent of all users; therefore, I believe excluding them from the
target demographic would be missing out on a decent share of the users. Additionally, of all users,
31.96 percent graduated high school and 45.27 percent did not attend college. While there is a
reasonably sized portion of all users who attended college, it is only 34.09 percent. I believe that
including them in the primary target rather than the secondary would divert the attention away
from the majority of the target.
The typical user of energy drinks is also between the ages of eighteen and forty-four. Users in the
three age categories that make up this target, eighteen to twenty-four, twenty-five to thirty-four,
and thirty-five to forty-four, make up 26.19 percent, 31.57 percent, and 21.58 percent respectively
of all users. Additionally, all of these segments are more likely than the general population
eighteen and up to have drank energy drinks in the last thirty days. All other age segments do not
come close to the number of users in the eighteen to forty-four segment that drink energy drinks
and are all much less likely to have drank energy drinks in the last thirty days.
The typical user of energy drinks has a household income between $20,000 and $49,000. Of all
users, the users in this group have the highest percentage of people that drink energy drinks. They
are also more likely than the general population to have drank energy drinks in the last thirty
days. There is also a large number of users in the household income of $75,000 to $149,999 that
drink energy drinks; 30.73 percent. They also are more likely than the general population
eighteen and up to have drank energy drinks in the last thirty days. Even though they have such a
high number of users, I believe they are more of a secondary target, as the majority of users are
within the lower household income brackets.
The typical user of energy drinks is also white. White users make up 75.93 percent of all users
and among all white users, seven percent use energy drinks. They are also slightly more likely
than the general population to have drank energy drinks within the last thirty days.
As for census region, the majority of users are located in either the South or the West. Of all
users, 37.46 percent are located in the South, and 27.17 percent are located in the West.

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Additionally, both the South and the West are average or more likely to have drank energy drinks
in the last thirty days, whereas the North East and Midwest are less than likely than average to
have drank energy drinks in the last thirty days. Also, among all those in the South, 6.95 percent
use energy drinks. In the West, 8.3 percent use energy drinks. These numbers are both higher than
those in the North East and Midwest.
The typical user of energy drinks is also in the Next Five Media Markets. Of all users, 10.48
percent are in this category, which is less than the Top Five Media Markets, coming in at 18.29
percent. However, among all users within the Next Five Media Markets, 7.2 percent use energy
drinks, while among all users within the Top Five Media Markets, only 6.14 percent use energy
drinks. Also, those in the Top Five Media Markets are less likely than average to use energy
drinks, while those in the Next Five Media Markets are more likely than average to use energy
The typical user of energy drinks lives in a county size of B. Of all users, 35.11 percent live in
this county size, and among all people in county size B, 8.13 percent use energy drinks; both of
which are higher than those in any other county size. Furthermore, those in county size B are the
only users who are more likely than average to use energy drinks.
The typical user of energy drinks is also either never married or engaged. Of all users, 42.56
percent have never been married, and among all people who have never been married, 10.72
percent use energy drinks. This group is also much more likely than average to use energy drinks.
Of all users, only 7.95 percent are engaged and among all people who are engaged, 11.22 percent
use energy drinks. The big thing to note about these users is that even though they are smaller
than other users, they are more likely than all other users to use energy drinks, which is why I feel
they should be included over those who are now married and widowed/divorced/separated; both
of which are less likely than average to use energy drinks.
The typical user of energy drinks has a child less than six years. Of all users, 25.91 percent have a
child less than six years, which is higher than any other group of users. Additionally, among all
those who have a child less than six years, 9.82 percent use energy drinks. This group is also
more likely than average to have used energy drinks in the last thirty days. Compared to other
groups in this demographic category, this group has the largest number of users, which is why I
believe they are the primary target.
The typical user of energy drinks has owned a home for less than four years. Of all users, 55.96
percent own a home, 23.91 have been at their present address for less than a year, and 36.36

Vollmer 3
percent have been at their present address for one to four years. Also, users who have been at
their present address for less than four years are more likely than the general population to have
used energy drinks in the last thirty days. Those who have been at their present address for more
than five years are much less likely than average to have used energy drinks in the last thirty
The typical user of energy drinks also has a home value between $100,000 and $199,999. Of all
users, 20.51 percent have a home valued between $100,000 and $199,999. Additionally, among
all users who have a home valued between $100,000 ad $199,999, 6.53 percent use energy drinks.
This group also has the closest to average number of users who are more likely than average to
have use energy drinks in the last thirty days. All other user groups in this category are much less
likely to have used energy drinks in the last thirty days. While there is a large percentage of users
who have a home valued between $200,000 and $499,999, I believe they are more of a secondary
target than a primary target due to the fact that they are much less likely than average to have
used energy drinks in the last thirty days.
2. The media classes most appropriate for this user are magazines, internet, and outdoor. Of all
users, 23.91 percent use magazines heavily. Among all people who use magazines heavily, 8.31
percent use energy drinks and are more likely than average to use energy drinks.
Of all users, 25.54 percent fall into the heaviest internet user category, and 21.81 percent and
22.37 percent fall into the next two highest internet usage categories respectively. Among all
people who use the internet heavily, 8.88 percent use energy drinks, while 7.58 and 7.77 percent
fall into the next two highest usage categories respectively. All three of these categories are more
likely than average to have used energy drinks in the last thirty days.
Of all users, 22.46 percent fall into the heaviest outdoor user category, and 22.3 and 20.19 percent
fall into the next two highest usage categories respectively. Additionally, among all people who
are in the highest outdoor usage category, 7.81 percent use energy drinks, while for the next two
highest usage categories respectively, 7.75 and 7.01 percent use energy drinks. All three of these
categories users are more likely than the general population to have used energy drinks in the last
thirty days.
3. Three magazines that are likely to provide a great mix of reach and efficiency for the target are
ESPN the Magazine, Game Informer, and Guns & Ammo. Of all users, 10.79 read ESPN the
Magazine, and among all people who read it, 12.01 percent use energy drinks. The readers of this
magazine are also much more likely than the general population to have drank energy drinks in
the last thirty days.

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Of all users, 8.99 percent read Game Informer, and among all people who read Game Informer,
14.03 percent use energy drinks. The readers of Game Informer are over twice as likely than
average to have used energy drinks in the last thirty days.
Of all users, 8.91 percent read Guns & Ammo. Among all people who read Guns & Ammo, 14.51
percent use energy drinks. Readers of Guns & Ammo are also twice as likely than the average
population to have used energy drinks in the last thirty days.
4. One media vehicle that is likely to efficiently reach the target is MTV (Music Television). Of all
users, 21.52 percent watch MTV (Music Television) and among all viewers, 11.13 percent use
energy drinks. People who watch MTV (Music Television) are more likely than average to have
used energy drinks in the last thirty days.
Another media vehicle that is likely to efficiently reach the target is The Discovery Channel. Of
all users, 32.49 percent watch The Discovery Channel, and among viewers, 7.84 percent use
energy drinks. This group also is more likely than average to have used energy drinks in the last
thirty days.
A third media vehicle that is likely to efficiently reach the target is Of all users,
28.14 percent listen to and among all listeners, 9.92 percent use energy drinks.
Additionally, this group is forty-three percent more likely than average to have used energy
drinks in the last thirty days.
5. Compared to the likely target of energy drinks, who is a person who at least graduated high
school and did not pursue any college after graduating, who is between the ages of eighteen and
forty-four, whose average household income is between $20,000 and $49,999, who is primarily
white and from either the South or West, who is from the second largest county size, who has
either been never married or who is now engaged, who has a child of less than six years of age,
less than four years at their current address, and whose home value is between $100,000 and
$199,999, sports drink users are slightly demographically different. Of all users, 69.6 percent are
men. Most users are between the ages of eighteen to fifty-four. Additionally, most of the users at
least graduated high school but did not pursue college. Of all users, 47.09 percent did not attend
college. Among all people who did not attend college, 10.45 percent use sports drinks, and they
are ten percent more likely than average to have used sports drinks in the last thirty days.
Most users also have an average household income of between less than $20,000 and $39,999.
This group also has on average more people that have used sports drinks in the last thirty days.
Of all users, 67.87 percent are white, and 16.63 percent are black/African American. On average,
white people are less likely to have used sports drinks in the last thirty days, whereas
black/African American people are thirty-four percent more likely than average to have used
sports drinks in the last thirty days.

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Additionally, of all users, 41.31 percent are located in the North East, and 21.46 percent are
located in the Midwest. Among all people who live in the North East, 10.44 percent use sports
drinks, where 8.93 percent use sports drinks in the Midwest. Those in the North East are ten
percent more likely than average to have used sports drinks in the last thirty days, and those in the
Midwest are six percent less likely to have used sports drinks in the last thirty days. Even though
this number is smaller, they still make up a sizeable enough portion of users to be included.
Of all users, 38.56 percent are in the Next Five Media Markets. Among all who are in the Next
Five Media Markets, 8.83 percent use sports drinks. Because of all users, only eleven percent are
in the Top Five Media Markets, I believe those in the Next Five Media Markets should be
Of all users, 40.9 percent live in the smallest county size. Among all who live in the smallest
county size, 14.03 percent use sports drinks. Those who live in the smallest county size are fortyeight percent more likely to have used sports drinks in the last thirty days. A secondary market for
sports drinks is in the largest county size. Of all users, 33.11 percent live in the largest county
size. Among all who live in the largest county size, 10.44 percent drink sports drinks, and they are
ten percent more likely than the general population to have used sports drinks in the last thirty
Of all users, 45.2 percent are never married. Among all users, 8.02 percent use sports drinks.
People who have never been married are fifteen percent less likely than to have drank sports
drinks in the last thirty days, however due to their size, I do not believe they should be excluded.
Also, of all users, 23.13 percent have a child less than two years of age. Among all who have a
child less than two years of age, 11.93 percent use sports drinks. This group is also twenty-six
percent more likely than average to have had a sports drink in the last thirty days.
Of all users, 31.41 percent have been at their current address less than one year. Among these
users, 10.88 percent use sports drinks, and are fifteen percent more likely than average to have
used them in the last thirty days.
Finally, of all users, most have a home value of between $50,000 and $199,999. Among those
with a home value of $50,000 to $99,999, 8.85 percent use sports drinks and among those with a
home value of $100,000 and $199,999, 8.24 percent use energy drinks. Both of these groups are
slightly less likely than the average population to have had an energy drink in the last thirty days,
however due to their size, I do not think they should be excluded.

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