Tanker Technology Cargo Oil System

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World Maritime University

Professor Jan-ke Jnsson, WMU

MSEP 2006

It is easy to see that this is a tanker !

But even in the far distance it is easy to

see whether it is a tanker or not !

Freeboard Tables, ILLC Chapter III, Reg. 28;

Type B ships
(other ships)
Table A

Table B

Length of ship


Length of ship










































F/L 0.013

20% reserve buoyancy

F/L 0.016

D L/15

24% reserve buoyancy

Definition of a Tanker, ILLC Chapter III, Reg. 27

Only transportation of liquid cargoes in bulk = tankers
Only small access openings closed
by watertight gasketed covers
High integrity of the exposed deck
High degree against flooding because of low
permeability of loaded cargo spaces
High degree of subdivision of the hull into many tanks

Applicable regulations for tankers

2. MARPOL, annex I & II
3. Load Line Convention
4. Codes:
IBC Code (chemical tankers constructed after 1986-07-01), or
BCH Code with amendments 1-10 (chemical tankers
constructed before 1986-07-01), or
IGS Code (ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk)

Requirements on ships of type A (tankers)

1. Special requirements on protection of the engine casing
2. Requirement on protected gangways for the crew
3. Upper edge of the sheer strake to be kept as low as

Hatches on deck: Tank Hatch

Inspection Hatch

5.Wing nut
6.Rubber gasket

Tank Cleaning Hatch

1. Cover
2. Coaming
3. Arm
4. Hinger
5. Stopper
6. Fastening
7. Fastening
8. Stopper
9. Rubber packing
10. Spindle
11. Pin

Working Hatch

1. Cover
2. Coaming
3. Gasket
4. Nut

Sloshing in tanks
In tankers there will be increased loads on the structure in the cargo
(and ballast) tanks because of the fluid motion and sloshing.
The influence is both longitudinal (surge -heave -pitch) and
transverse (heave sway roll).

The magnitude of the influence

depends on the filling level,
mass density and viscosity of
the liquid
and the ship's motion and
responses at sea.

Design of the upper part of cargo tanks with respect to sloshing

Gangway for safe access to the bow on a VLCC

Loading Condition

Fully loaded tank means 98 % full

Maximum free surface effect
shall be taken into account in the
cargo tanks up to 5 degrees of heel,
when calculating the stability of the
tanker (the actual free surface effect
may be used, if accepted by the
I = l*b/12

Damage survivability criteria for a Tanker

(ILLC Reg.27)
6. Type A ships > 150 m with empty compartments when
loaded shall withstand flooding of any
one of these (95 % permeability)
> 225 m, also the engine room shall be
treated as a floodable compartment
(85 % permeability)
shall remain afloat with sufficient stability:
a) Final waterline after damage below any opening
b) Angle of heel < 15
c) Positive metacentric height

Damage assumptions:
1. Vertical extent:
From the base line to the sky.
2.Transverse extent:
B/5 or 11,5 m whichever is the smallest.
3. Longitudinal extent:
Flooding of a single compartment between
adjacent transverse bulkheads.
Where two adjacent bulkheads are flooded
the distance between the main bulkheads
shall be > 14,5 m or 1/3L1/3 whichever is
the lesser.
Bulkheads in between shall be assumed as

IMO Code: Standard extent of damage

Condition of equilibrium after flooding

1. All opening above water line

2. No possibility of progressive flooding via pipes,
ducts etc.
3. Angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding <15
4. GM in flooded condition >0
5. Residual stability is sufficient if:
a) Range of the GZ- curve > 20
b) GZ max within the range > 0.1m
c) The area under the GZcurve > 0.0175 mrad
6. Sufficient stability during intermediate
stages of flooding

Openings in bulkheads
Must be provided with gate valves,
controllable from the open deck.
Otherwise also the tank on the other
side of the bulkhead is regarded
as flooded.

Spindle extension of a bulkhead valve

Types of Chemical Tankers

The IMO Code requires particular
protection against spillage of the
most dangerous products (ethyl
ether, anti-knock lead compounds)
by prescribing that the cargo tanks
shall be independent of the ships
hull structure.

General Arrangement

International standards for double-hull oil tanker

construction adopted on March 6, 1992
at MEPC meeting 32.

Regulations 13F and 13G in annex 1 of MARPOL 73/78:

Regulation 13F will require most tank vessels contracted for after July 6, 1993,
to have double hulls.
Regulation 13G will require most earlier tankers to be retrofitted with double
hulls or retired no later than 30 years after delivery.
Regulation 13G also requires protectively located segregated ballast tanks on
the earlier vessels 25 years after delivery.
Vessels calling at ports in countries that are parties to MARPOL 73/78 must
comply with 13F and 13G.
In October 2000 the time table for phasing out the single hull tankers was
changed at MEPC 45.

Double Hull Oil Tanker Construction

How easy is it to clean these cargo tanks ?

The difference makes it easier to clean these tanks !

Structure on the deck to facilitate

effective tank cleaning

CHAPTER II-1 Part A-1 Structure of ships

CHAPTER II-1 Part A-1 Structure of ships
Regulation 3-2
Corrosion prevention of seawater ballast tanks
1 This regulation applies to oil tankers and bulk carriers constructed on or after 1
July 1998.
2 All dedicated seawater ballast tanks shall have an efficient corrosion prevention
system, such as hard protective coatings or equivalent. The coatings should
preferably be of a light color. The scheme for the selection, application and
maintenance of the system shall be approved by the Administration, based on
the guidelines adopted by the Organization.* Where appropriate, sacrificial
anodes shall also be used.
* Refer to the Guidelines for the selection, application and maintenance of corrosion prevention
systems of dedicated seawater ballast tanks adopted by the Organization by resolution

Survey of a single hull VLCC

(very large crude oil carrier)

Total height to climb: 10 600 m

Steel plate area:

300 000 m2

Length of weld seams: 1 200 km

Length of longitudinals:
Bottom area:

58 km

10 700 m2

If there are pittings in only

1 % of the steel area, there
are 85 000 pits!
How much will it be in a
double hull VLCC ?

Construction - Structure,subdivision and stability, machine and electrical

Part A-1 -- Structure of ships .

Regulation 3-4

Emergency towing arrangements on tankers

Emergency towing arrangements shall be fitted at both ends on board

every tanker of not less than 20,000 tonnes deadweight, constructed
on or after 1 January 1996. For tankers constructed before -------The design and construction of the towing arrangements shall be
approved by the Administration, based on the guidelines developed by
the Organization. *
* Refer to the Guidelines for emergency towing arrangements on tankers adopted by the Maritime Safety
Committee by resolution MSC35(63) and to MSC/Circ. 966, IACS Unified Interpretation of "Prototype test".

Part A-1 -- Structure of ships .

Regulation 3-4

Emergency towing arrangements on tankers

Tank and Piping Arrangement

Piping Arrgmnt in the Cargo Compartment

1. Ring main system (modified)
2. Direct or block system
3. Free flow system
4. Combined block and free flow system
5. Multi pump room system
6. Separate pumps
Stripping system
Ballast system

1. Ring main system ( modified)

In general four pumps and dual rings

+Each pump can discharge any tank

2. Direct or block system (most frequently used system)

Longitudinal main pipes with transverse branches

Each pump is discharging one section of tanks

Crossovers between the mains

3. Free flow system

Bulkhead valves between the tanks
In general separated center/wing tanks
Very few pipes
Requires the same type of oil in all tanks, thus only for crude carriers

4. Combined block and free flow system

About the same advantages as the block system, but with less

5. Multi pump room system

Product carriers and chemical tankers
+ Many different products without risk for contamination

Product or chemical tanker

6. Separate pumps

Each tank has its own

deep well pump.
No risk for
contamination of
different types of cargo.

Tank and Piping Arrangement

Stripping System

Nowadays mostly only at

the free flow system for
final drain and slow speed
topping of the tanks.

Other tankers have normal

suction and low suction for
final drain.

Pumps & Pipes

Qv = A1x v1 = A2x v2

Qv = volume flow (m/s)

A = Area (m)
v = medium speed of the liquid (m/s)

The speed of the liquid should be

2-5 m/s

Nomogram for the

correlation between
pump capacity in
m3/h and pipe
diameter in cm or
inches depending on
the liquid speed in
the pipe.

Bernoulli's equation:
The total energy in any place in a closed system is constant. The different modes of
energy are:
1. Potential energy (height to a reference level)
pV =p m / (N/m)
2. Pressure energy (in the streaming media)
3. Kinetic energy (the speed of the streaming media) m .v2/2
p = pressure (N/m2)
h = height to the reference level (m)
v = speed (m/s)
hf = loss of height because of friction (m)
= density (kg/m3)
Add the various kinds of energy in one place; the sum is equal to the energy
in any other place the energy equation:
m.g.h1 + m.p1/ + m.v1/2 = m.g. h2+ m.p2/ + m.v2/2
Divide with m-g and include the losses:
h1+ p1/g+ v1/2g = h2+ p2/g + v2/2g + hf
Geometric head
Pressure head
Kinetic head
Loss head

Plant Characteristic
H (m)

Q (m /h)

H= resistance or necessary pressure head in m water pelarous

Q = delivered quantity in m per hour

Plant Characteristics

Streaming Losses

Pressure Loss in various Types of Valves:

hloss = v/2 g
Butterfly valve = 0.3

Mushroom valve =5.0

Pressure Loss in various Types of Valves:

Non return valve =5.0

Safety valve =

Discharge Pipes on Deck

Leakage is not unlikely when disconnecting the flanges

Take care, because:

When 2-10 liters of a liquid is completely vaporized it will

be so much vapour from that liquid, that even if mixed
with 1000 m' air the gas concentration will be as high as
1000 ppm!

To get down to the concentration 1 ppm it is needed

1 000 000 m' air!

Pipes on Deck

Pipes on Deck
The strength of a pipe is sufficient only to withstand the internal pressure.
Other forces must be taken care of, e.g. by expansion boxes in the case of sagging
and hogging.
Type A

Type B

To allow for expansion and compression because of hogging and sagging and also
various temperatures of the streaming liquid both fixed and free clamping must be used

Impulse and Action

The action force from a mass flow can be explained by the impulse law:
F =m .dv /dt

F.dt = m.dv

if the force F is constant and if m is not a variable function of the speed v, you
can integrate over the time (t1 - t2)
F(t2t1) =m(v2v1)

F =m/ (t2t1) t (v2-v1)

m/ (t2t1) = qm

F = qm (v1-v2)

If a mass flow qm shall change its speed from v1 - v2 in a certain direction, the mass
flow in that direction must be affected by a force F. The magnitude of the force
is equal to the flow multiplied with the change of speed.
d'Alember's theorem:
According to the principle of action and counter action the mass flow will create a
counterforce of the same magnitude but in opposite direction:

F=-qm(v2 v1)


F=qm(v1 -v2)


Pumping Arrangement

Hgt= geodetic pressure head

Hgs= geodetic suction head
Hg = geodetic discharge head

Centrifugal pump construction

Pump characteristic

Plant Characteristic

Combination of pump
And plant char

Change of Capacity
1. Closing valve
2. Non return
3. Discharge valve
or strangler
4. Closing valve
The plant characteristic
will change depending
on how much the
discharge valve is open.

Centrifugal Pump
A centrifugal pump must always have
liquid in the suction pipe, otherwise
the suction capacity will be lost.
That is the reason why it is necessary to
have a stripping pump or a special
arrangement of the liquid supply ( a
priming system) on the suction side
in the final of the discharge
Through the priming system liquid is recirculated from the pressure side
back to the suction side of the pump.

Reciprocating Displacement Pump

H (m)

Safety valve
necessary !?

Q (m/s)


Screw Displacement Pump

(Screws are right- and left hand to balance endwise pressures; suction
at ends, discharge from centre)

Ejector Pump

Gas tight sealing of the bulkhead penetration

Engine Room

Pump Room

Manual level gauging

Manual tank gauging on chemical tankers

Open hand dipping

Partial open
hand dipping

Tank gauging
Bubble (pressure) system



Example of device for gas tight hand dipping

Cargo Heating

Heating coils close to the bottom of

the tank

Tank Ventilation

During loading
During cargo voyage
To get the tank gas

Portable Fan

Fan characteristic

Tank Ventilation With Portable Fans

Total capacity when using more than one fan for ventilation of the same tank

Gas freeing (reduction) with fans

Displacement method

Gas freeing (reduction) with fans

Diluting method

Gas freeing (reduction) with fans

Ventilation through a fixed installation (inert gas pipes)

Gas freeing (reduction) with fans

Ventilation through the cargo pipes

Tank ventilation when loading

Ventilation through a standpipe

The speed of the tank atmosphere and how high above the tank deck it will
stream before the gas flow forms a cloud depends on:
1. The density of the gas
2. The diameter of the stand pipe
3. The cargo loading speed

Tank ventilation
during cargo

Tank ventilation during cargo operation

Regulation 4:5.3 Cargo Tank Venting 5.3.1
General requirements:
The venting systems of cargo tanks are to
be entirely distinct from the air pipes of the
other compartments of the ship. The
arrangements and position of openings in
the cargo tank deck from which emission of
flammable vapours can occur shall be such
as to minimize the possibility of flammable
vapours being admitted to enclosed spaces
containing a source of ignition, or
collecting in the vicinity of deck machinery
and equipment which may constitute an
ignition hazard.

Tank ventilation during cargo operation

High velocity ventilator
to prevent overpressure
in the tank

Tank ventilation during voyage: PRESSURE /VACUUM VALVE

to prevent over and under pressure in the tank in loaded condition

Tank ventilation during voyage & cargo


Combined high velocity

pressure / vacuum valve

Deck structure after over pressure

in the cargo tank

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