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Steps of Running MapInfo to Create Topographic Map:

1. Save as excel - Excel 97-2003 Noteboook.

2. MapInfo - File - Open - Change files of type microsoft excel.
3. Excel Information will pop up - Check the use row above box.
4. Set field properties will pop up - change the fields into X Y Z - Change the name to Z OK.
5. The data will pop up - File - Save Copy of Table As - Change the name whatever you want
- File type MapInfo (.tab).
6. File - Close All.
7. File - Open .tab
8. Table - Create Points - Projection... - Category WGS 84 - UTM Zone 49 - OK.
9. Change Symbol to Circle (from square).
10. Options - Preferences - System Settings - Centimeters - Meters - Square Miles - OK.
11. OK Again.
12. Window - New Map Window - The circle will pop up.
13. Discover - Surface Menu - Surfaces - Create Grid - Interactive... - OK.
14. The Interactive Gridding will pop up - The methods of Minimum Curvatur - Output Output Grid File - Save - Save Again.
15. Surfaces [To show the bnw contour] - Contour a Grid - Must be 1:5 (Contour
INterval:Major Contour Interval) - Output - File Name - Save - OK.
16. The contours will show up.
17. Now, we create a grid! - Unchecklist the box that shows the colours of the maps and also
the contour dots.
18. Turn on the automatic labels (the label icon) in garis_kontur.
19. Discover - Overlay Map Grid - Line Style (A linier Line) - Checl the box of Overlay
Another Grid - Save As - File - Save - Preview if you wanna see the grid first, if it
turns right - OK.
20. If the grid is bigger than the maps - Turn on Editable (the pencil icon) - Drag the maps
surround it - Double tap to the box of maps - Change the Style - Pattern (None) - OK.
21. Turn on edit table in grid - CLick Kanan - Select all from selection layers - click kanan edit object - set target.
22. Clixk one of grid box - Edit objects - erase outside - Data Disaggretion will pop up Choose 'blank" - OK.

23. Click Marquee Select - Drag the unnecessary coordinate - and Erase that (the coordinate
that isn't even touch the level of the maps.
24. Drag the necessary coordinate and move it near the maps - Make sure it is straight to the
grid of the box.
25. Click the almost brown dots above the mE coordinates than tilt it until it reachs 90
degrees form 180 degrees do the opposite to the mN coordinates.
26. Copy the coordinate using marque select, place it beneath and on right side of the maps.
27. Unvisible the Grid - Erase the red pattern / kotak kalo kata mas bryan.
28. Click Line - Choose the begining and the ending of the 'Sayatan' or slice - Make sure it
draws throught the maps.
29. Surfaces - Draw - Grid Profile
30. Export.. - File type.All files - Save - The Profile will show up when you minimize it.
31. File - Print - Nitro PDF Creator (So you can import it to CorelDraw)
32. File - Close All.
33. File - Open - garis_kontur
34. Editable : On - PolyLine - Create the River Flow - Click the river flow - Right Click Edit Object - Erase - Data Disaaggretion - OK.
35. Click the Line - right Click - Edit Object - Convert to Regions - The surface will show up.
36. Click the river flow - Region Style - Coloured - Change the foreground color to white
from black.
37. Create the 'sayatan' again using the same method as before, and make sure it goes across
the river and choose the profile
38. Create this map and the laporan isinya langkah2 pembuatan peta dengan software
mapInfo kertasnya A0 HVS Pengumpulan yang peta software hari selasa yang stake out hari
sabtu. Data kontur pake data kelompok sebelumnya.

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