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NOVEMBER 19, 2016

Not a single day passes off these days without the news of road accidents
claiming lives of the people. If we observe past years and
recent road accidents statistics/reports, we can perceive that the propensity
of road accidents in Nepal is on the rise. This paper is about the situation of road
traffic accident in Nepal as well as global scenario. It has focused on the
causes, vehicle-types commonly involved and the trends of deaths. Based on
secondary data, this study has also come up with some discussions on the
preventive solution. As Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) has been proved one of
the major challenging issues of Nepal, the concerned authority should come up
with a decisive role in mitigating deaths and causalities due to this


Generally, accidents are unexpected, unplanned & unfortunate occurrence of events.

They may take place any time any were that may cause injuries or deaths. Since the

advent of vehicles, the number of road traffic accidents (RTAs) has risen
proportionate to the number of vehicles manufactured. In the discourse of RTA, the
term killed is used for the situation in which a person who is injured in the accident
dies on the spot or any time within thirty days due to that injury (WHO 1984).
Reports have shown that Road traffic accidents kill about 3,000 people and 30,000 are
injured disabled for life every day. This proves it as a very serious global problem in
the world. In comparison to developed countries, the rate of morbidity and mortality
due to RTA in developing countries is unimaginably high. Records show that
developing countries account for 90% of global road traffic deaths. One of them, our
country Nepal, as per the estimates of morbidity and mortality due to RTA, it
contributes to 9% of total mortality. Among the problems, the developing countries
suffer from poor roads, ill-managed vehicles, and improper rush driving, highways
being the sites for playground for children and inadequate teaching of traffic rules to
drivers and the common people. Equally, there is inadequate incorporation of traffic
rules and regulations in school curricula which has caused to increase involvement of
children in RTAs. Due to the lack of effective action, the death rate caused by RTAs
in low to middle-income countries forecasts to rise steeply. As highlighted in the
World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, fatal and long term crash injury is
largely predictable, largely avoidable and a problem amenable to rational analysis and
remedy. Research and experience in North America, Australia and Europe has shown
that very substantial reductions in road deaths and serious injuries have been achieved
through the application of evidence-based measures against the background of
increased motorization. However, the case of South Asian countries is not so. WHO
report shows that deaths and injury due to traffic accidents are arising dramatically.
For example, every hour, 40 people in the south East-Asia Region die as a result of
road traffic accidents. Deaths and injuries due to RTAs vary in terms of sex, age

group and so on. Reports have shown that almost three times as many males as
compared to females die out of road traffic injuries. And in terms of age groups
worldwide, the mortality of 15-44 years age group is found higher than any other
though the age group belonging to under 15 is not so less. Studies related to RTAs and
transportation safety has been carried out. These studies have come out with the
results that the situations of road traffic accidents are much more miserable in
developing countries in comparison to the developed ones (Pearce & Maunder 1998
and 1999; Maunder etal., 2000; Jha, 2004). In their studies related to Nepal in
particular and Nepal and other countries including India and others, Pearce and
Maunder (1998 and 1999) have come out with several causes of road traffic
accidents. Poor road structure, weak enforcement of traffic regulations and a lack of
road sense by pedestrians in rural areas are among the most important factors for that.
Among the South Asian countries, RTAs in Nepal is reported even miserable. Among
the major cities here, Kathmandu is considered as the city facing heavy road traffic,
more accidents and more causality in terms of RTAs. So in this situation, studying the
situation focusing on RTAs of Kathmandu valley is worthwhile. It is important for
different reasons. Firstly, road traffic is one of the crucial problems of Kathmandu
valley. Secondly, the city is facing many deaths every year due to road accidents.
Thirdly, the number of vehicles is higher than the capacity of roads here.

Every year 1.3 million people are killed and 50 million people have been injured
due to road accidents around the world. If current trends continue, road crashes
are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030. Studies reviled

that the road traffic accidents have been steeply increasing in developing countries
whereas developed countries have made some progress on this.
Studies indicated that 9000 people have been died, almost 20,000 were seriously
injured and 44615 slightly injured in 54000 traffic crashes in the past 10 years.
The number of road fatalities from 2002 to 2005 was decreasing in comparison to
2001 however since 2006 this trend has reversed and it has become a serious
problem. In an average the RTA related fatality ratio is around 7. The number of
road fatalities from 2002 to 2005 was decreasing in trend compared to that of
2001, however since 2006 this trend has reversed and it is in increasing trend. The
highest number of casualties in road accident is pedestrians followed by
motorcycle riders. Major accidents of public buses cause mass casualty that cost
death and injury to many people. Lifesaving of the severely injured person
remains a major issue in RTA. In country like Nepal, there is no prompt response
team and health facility in the high ways to rescue the injured. Mostly the drivers,
helpers and passengers of preceding or following vehicles are the first responders
or rescuers who are lay people.



Distracted, Drunk and Reckless Driving

Design Defects
Unsafe Lane Changes


Wrong way driving

Improper turns
Street Racing
Absence of sky bridge in urban areas.
Smashed traffic light
Motorbike capturing foot path
Unmanaged footpath business
Lack of road-sense has further complicated the matters.
Vehicles tend to avoid the traffic rules
Unmanaged parking
Narrow road
Absence of sky bridge
Under use of resources
Lack of experience, over confidence, overcrowded roads

Remedial Measures of Accident Reduction

1.Establish the National Road Safety Council with sweeping authority
2.Reliably, scientifically compile, analyze the RTA statistics and research on

3.Develop road-safety audit manual for non-strategic roads and gradually enforce
safety audits in all roads (strategic and non-strategic )
4.Introduce compliance policy for safety audits recommendations (strategic and nonstrategic roads).
5.Develop design guideline for safer roads and construct required infrastructures
6.Investigate accident blackspots for all road types and construct appropriate
7.Enforce work-zone safety from construction to defect-liability period in all road
project contracts
8.Establish road-safety units in DoLIDAR and valley municipalities
9.Review route-permit procedure
10.Train drivers and other road-users
11.Improve driving license procedure scientifically.
12.Establish road-safety units in the Department of Transport Management and
institutional development of the traffic police
13.Construct modern driving training centers and capacity enhancement
14.Introduce toll-free telephone number for RTA emergencies
15.Develop ambulance policy for post-accident treatments and emergency treatment

In My Point of View
Now I think, Nepal really requires an investigation in the geographical distribution
and regional variation of accidents rather than looking at the accidents in a national
perspective. Road Accident is a global tragedy with ever-raising trend. Lack of roadsense has further complicated the matters

There are many causes behind the accidents. Lack of experience, over confidence,
overcrowded roads, are the cause of accidents. The people walking along the road
may cross the road from anywhere. They do not know traffic rules. Some people take
driving as an amusement and drive carelessly. They even drive drinking and talking
on the mobiles while driving. The most important is discipline. if people are
discipline, they will follow the system. After people start following a system, such
events are easily controlled. We should follow some measures to control accidents.
We should train common people. We should make them aware of traffic rules. Giving
of license should be little strict. Incapable persons should not be given a driving
license at any condition. The import of too many vehicles should be banned.
Proper First Aid management at the site of accident can prevent further injury and
death of severely injured. Identification of injured people at the site and proper way
of evacuation and timely transportation of the injured is the key point to save lives.
The situation thus, demands urgent response to prevent RTA related deaths and

The finding of the study proves that Road Traffic Accident (RTAs) is really a serious
problem in Nepal. Many deaths and loss of property occur due to this event every
year. To lessen its effect in the country, both the government and civil society should
join hands and take some strong actions especially for improving road infrastructure,

replacing old vehicles with newer ones and running awareness programs to different
groups of people of the country.


Government of Nepal,2013. Nepal Road Safety Action Plan (2013 2020),Nepal

Status Paper on Road Safety of Nepal, Europe-Asia Road Safety Forum

And The 67th Session of the Working Party 1 (WP 1) of UNECE

New Delhi, India, 4 to 6 December 2013

ADB, 1997. Road Safety Guidelines for the Asia and

Pacific Region, Asian Development Bank,
Manila division.
B K Shrestha Lecturer, Department of Geography Education, T. U

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