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DAVID BROWN 885, 885G & 885 Narrow Tractors Instruction Book ‘mant and imoteverant and tavtore the species ion rate ray Fave been are sins ts book Moreover 5 the Davi Brown trator ie oed in 2 ro covet ings namo of mates sk yeaa ls iar ‘hich tas been supped In tis repec should De noted espocaly thatthe G25 Tractor is avable ‘Nosh Amores and the Narow actor fe rostictad 1 8 sal numberof coun. DAVID BROWN Instruction Book 885, 885G and 885 Narrow Tractors David Brown Tractors Limited Meltham- Huddersfield - England- HD7 3AR A SAFETY POINTS Always lock the wo foot brake pedals together when running on the highway Always ensure the PTO (and Bat Play when fied) is adacuaey ‘usr Der Always remove lease clothing when working nesr moving pars of the tector, engine and implements or enaute tat ie ‘Bloquately fortned ood Up Always remove tho igniien/stator key from the tactor ven leaving unattended. especially where ehldrn have acces. ‘Always oowate the stesing and diving conte with cae, fr Don't swore or tur sharply at speed, Don't let he cluch in ucdeny going Up hil rth rector may res Don't bra Fercety, especialy going Dackarde down il ‘Always tse extra car on stanly sloping ground. Move cautiously Bs thesuddon swing ot aneavy implement of pl faa, may cause rouble. ‘Alwrays make sure before turning that ther ig om for any mounted Implement which wil sing outwards at the rear ‘Always fitch wales to the approved cawbar of pick-uphitch which iebeiow the con in ofthe tar ne Do net ith ove the cont ine. A imporTANT DON'TS & ‘Do Not cary passongerson the linkages or on the wactr excopt in ‘sn approved passenger se Do Not dei into the safety fame ox cab. Note: Any damaged pars shouldbe repacad irmediataly ‘vith new parts Bont pore should note staightoned but Teplaced ahd no welding should be atempied on the safety Mam. alts whan replaced, must be ofthe cect tense Etrength, Atr any oecgent toa safoty fame tle odvanbla fo repor thst your loca ster offi Do Not lit te tractor bythe cb iting Nooks. These are designed only or removing 639 from the actor eee eee INTRODUCTION ‘We rocommend that even the most expaienced wator user feeds the Operation ond Regular Melnionance sectons of tis eae before sommoncing operons with Fs now woctr. The ‘argue taks ean fact be periermed by any but the complete Novice, but the book detals the eases, quickest and’ mos cont ways of carving them out ‘The most important aspe. however. safty, because a wactor Gan be 4 dengerous machine it handlod without duo caution Kowlodge gained Leforanand from thie book ean provent sents “The €86 vector fhe culmination of many yee of development {nd igerou ld tating, The 2cyiinda cael engine andthe Salectamatie hyaretes have prowousy obtained remarkably ‘ucceasul results infield operation and in offic teats Sub “oquentimprovemans in those ond ether Yostures have mado the 865 an exceptionally Yelle and efcent tater Healy the incorportion of hand and foot throttle conta (except on ‘the norm tact) on ofthe David Brown aynchromesh goat box mates tas omy to handle asa family eat {cis a tractor which will amply repay the usar provided thatthe simple malntenance routing are cand out equ, When ordering pans or with any query always quote she fll, ‘rol end srl numba es follows “Tractor letters and numbers a stampod on right-hand edge Of the chasse front extension at A end on the danietion late. Engine Numbers ae stamped on the ft vrtalsurfaco onthe "iglehendscetthe cyngor oo a Bond onthe entision plate Tractor Registiation No. Tractor Serial No Engine Sata No. CONTENTS Page Safety Points 2 Take spell esi of your new tacior 10 Fist sovice (50/100 hours) 19 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION — GENERAL INSTRUMENT PANEL Engine Oi Wetning Light Charge Warning Light ‘Fronamigeon Ptr Werning Light Light Sten Engine Speed indicator Braco Inacator Harare Waring Switch Engine Stop Corte LEVERS AND PEDALS. Use ofthe ores Brakes huts Gear Lovers Siterent Lock STARTING AND STOPPING ENGINE Staing the Diesel Engine Staring in cold woatar Starting in extreme cold condions Stepping the Dies! Engine Staring the Gasoline Engin ‘Stepping the Gasoline Engine ‘Stopping te Tractor Bring the Tractor (gears, ditornial locket.) \0N 2 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION — S6(zetAmarie HvoRauule system INTRODUCTION Salactor al Pointer Hae to Senang On owing Coma ita Sump vaio (OPERATING with DEPTH CONTROL ‘OPERATING with DEPTH WHEEL (TCU) OPERATING EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT Caton Unie Say Valve LIVE TAKE-OFF VALVES: OPERATING with HEIGHT CONTROL, SECTION 3 — ADJUSTMENTS AND SETTINGS UnkaGe seTTINGs Stobiisors Drawer Prkcup hitch WHEELS AND AXLES Tack settings for plouahing Rear eck adjustment ~ stendod Fron tack adjustment — standord Feat ack adlusmment — narow Front tack ajustment — nerove Tite Pressures Balas POWER TAKE OFF BELT PuLLeY Page 2 2 3 26 30 4“ % 0 50 52 3 56 38 Err tc RPGULAR MAINTENANCE: ‘SECTION 6 — SPECIFICATION AND DATA 105 Sih lin sc aks & ection 1a BEES Ct aca 8 Ss asco 8 i Ai Cleaner 7 Ee z mah 8 Sse ba g eer Sony e seers é Sarees z getty 2 at 8 ie 2 aes & aurora. » ic > tay cae g TAKE SPECIAL CARE OF YOUR NEW TRACTOR Although overy engine i ested and run-in at tho factory, cre ‘Should be taken dusng the fet 25.10 60 hour us. Avord frcossiveepeads or loading. Do not allow tha engine ta labout Urauly Instead change toa lwer gear. Uso vo mist rango of Engine epee em 1200 to 1800 rov/min. Prolonged lie food Should alo be avolded se this might lasd ta cyngor all ont High ol consumption. Bost runrngn femoting Between fow/madiom ‘and high {otmaximur} iadine FIRST SERVICE (50/100 HOURS) “Tha fist sonvice should be done by 2 David Brown dealer who dream ot ll check onthe actor he man een n 1. Change the fol tar alamant 2. Chango tho engine oil and fitrelaent 4. The transmission gearbox should be flushed and the wi ‘mosh and magnetite leaned. A new pops iter elomant ‘Should be ited snd the gearbox rlled with new ot 4, Change th olin the final dive reduction housings, 5. Check the tighinss of cylindr hoad bolts and the valve ‘loarances, andthe tightness of main extorral nuts ad bolts spocay ear whee nurs NOTE—The transmision gearbox is fled atthe factory with spots oll having iehibiors to prevent corrosion ‘and assist, {nl bedding in Tic all must bo diearded afr 109 hour are the gastbox flied with now pages 7210 74 10 _ SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION — GENERAL INSTRUMENT PANEL 5 c 6 x femme ipgemen et eee green) stias 1, Hazard warning switch " Engine oil warning light Sth gloom ight tuminstod when oll pressure 10 lw Ensure that hunts when the seating sch i ued on ed (ges cut when the engine Ture charge warning light "feted tel ltioated when the iaoating site etre ‘onbut shoud extinguish ab soan asthe dynamo commences to thage. “Trenemizston filter warning amp ‘ton te im pray ares the fll ow fir element Inthe nya sytem sigh enough to open te iter by-pass ‘ave ond slow fo bypass the hte lemon the yellow Waring lompleminstea’ Ths may occu () when the iter femoris bleked win at and requires changing fora new one Fo) wien the a clé and engine speed high itis algo erangod to ight when te olting switch is wre ‘onand the diver should check tha the bulb a set each time Scio string teen Af Bl shi relcad I the bulb lows or fickers st ing spaeds, this should be tnnored| The watring lamp may ilumiate alas han fl engine speeds ‘when ol col Te agin speed shuld be adjusted 2 a Tights ot kept on formar thon fe minutos otherwise ‘rer ting oF ll wl ot ake lacs. ‘As te fier element becomes Blosked with dt. the warning {Stew cove ons progressely lower engine sods so that. fon when the ol is wer, ful woRing Speed may not Bs {ehveved without causing the bub Baht ‘When the bulb lights at 1800 rav/min aftor a warming up period of 30 minutes the full flow filter element must be ‘changed for anew one at the first opportunity uGHT swircH hig hae 4 postions: or 2. Side and Tall 2. Sido tall and head (low boar) 4, Side, all and ead (high beam) “The fear plough lamp is contlled by is own sajtch. mounted nthe lamp Rousing Fhe lamp canbe suitehed an when the ‘tin ight swsten on the instrument pana ts In any” the postions 2,S0r4 z_ Engine speed Indicator ‘The engine speed indicator (re count ite to the instrument panel shows the engine revelulions pat minut and should be Daeg inconjonetionwith the can atached tothe banat (hood) {ord to detrmine the tavel speedo the acta (ono. 172). ‘The engine spoed ig markod along the bottom edge of the char Zn imaginary vercal in projected upwards wil cose tho ‘iious honzentl goer bands at the soproprite spond. The Vavel speed. in any goat can tetsare, be obtined by fist feading the engine speed indicate and refering tothe chart ‘Atoratvely, any requied travel speed in an epproprats gear fan be projected downwards and tho rovowtry engine sped Gbterinod Tho tattle ean then be sot fo gue the Yequtod fngina speed as served on the engine speed indicator. A. Bustos st 40, PTO. C. Redine at s40 renin PIO Use ofthe char for pto work ie fitted by the provision of ‘io rod vers! ines corspening fo the high pio favo and 2 ‘ie fie fr the ow po rato (aso sil aio po). Each ine ‘marked immeciatsy. above the engina opood with tho tata (igh or tow) andthe pto speed (640 or 1000). Therefore, having decides whch px speed ar ati is reaultad for te of work hand ts only nacesery to Inspect the appropra Vertical coloured line and note which horsantal Band bea’ he Nearest dosed travel spend an choose the gear rato shown tthe ttchend edge a “The speed chert gives accurto speeds forthe yrs fied 10 ths actor non fer it desied to ft Wtes Of elforan ‘ie, is ony necessary to obtain anew chart fem your desir forking othe bannato ‘The bot ply should be used a @ PTO speed of 1000 rev/min Big t/Zandmay teretore ony be ited totacorshaingthe ‘muttespeed PTO Not: Highway actors are equipped with a speedometer which Indicates raed spoeds in top ae Direction indiostor swith (i fixed) ‘Move the swith othe ot o operate the left-hand foshare and ‘le versa Do net forge to eu the sich to centre positon ‘er use. Hazard warning switch (i ted) ‘When the eich ie pulled out al four fashers work 1ogether. “Tia ussfl when working the highway at vty slow speeds. ‘Make sure its sitohed ot before proceeding novmally onthe road Engine stop control — (Diesel) This cus off the fue supply tothe ijoctos. Never lt the tank fun dry. Th slows a 0 enor the sytem and Is very iil toed ot Belor starting the engine pullout the stop contol and lower Into eretainingsatTo soo; ithe no and llw to move forward LEVERS AND PEDALS Use of the throttles “The rated speed ofthe engines 1800 rv/min and may beset by ‘beorsng tho engine apocd indeator The spood thould be ‘onaldered the maximum fer most purposb o eonserve uel and to prolong angine If. 1 aso ives the standerd PTO spaed of 540 rev/min ‘Ta foot trae wil be found pariculaly convenient for road work and for obs invelving fequant gaa changing 9. Toader feo Foot throttle (Oissl; not tted on 825 Narrow) To ebain the fll noe of engine speeds rom the foot thot, the hand thetic should beset othe icing postion. Foot throttle (Gasoline) wath the cath onthe foot hone rolase pull the hang rote evar fully earn in the maximum speed pestion, The Toot thiote wil then contl engine speed Hand throtte (Gasoline) Before using the hand tote, ensue thet the foot thot s ecuredin ie cow postion with hesong loads cate onthe foot plate Brakes Tin foot pda tthe right-hand side giv independon cont Afters to asst tering In conned sosces Howes 0 Snare fl baking ower onthe rod end at higher spd, he Icing bar G13 should be une ‘Tha balance ofthe braking system shouldbe checked each woot 4nd also whenever eras tobe ten on the ood raven At higher spends This ispaleny necstsry wien ore Date fe been used mich more ante otro ung at headlands ste Htprecaunons not tken an unespseted Sd angers Highway actors ae ted wth hydauis brakes onthe front ‘wheols ith a single pedal ectstng both these snd ihe Irechanical rear wheal brakes togetecWharo’ this safety {eat Is raved for requent use an the hohway te four wot baking pote can sso bacon tad an stoned {actor "Note that Indopendont or Whoo! broking not ‘iia wherefore kes oe fe, Pang brake—Thatanda Fg 1/4 shouldbe pled upwords ‘withthe hard gto tumod tthe vgn way rom the diver ‘poison sexs the foot bakes prose at the same tine ‘okelease tr the hand ei 10 tho le towards ever ed (were shown a8 FIGURE 1/8, PARKING BRAKE AND BIF-LOCK Bain bate on Cen kpc 16 _ utch Grae here ete two main stages of pedal movernent BO} SY Stoge 1 — Complete disengagement of the wansission clutch is fet by an increase in pedal prssure at point B. Fg. 1/3. In Dace the peel should share be depressed to this pont. 1 Should not be “essed to reduce fred specs! 25 hs wll aba premature nea of tho clich plates, “Thorefor to educofowerd speed on FTO tak such a baling te, even if ni temporaiy vera Feary patch, cesngege he fonison cach any rd enge ger Sion sar You regoingtochonge dawn oat gear reverse oro another Fangs ou need nat Sop, howe, when changing Gown fom th to second nortoetun toa Higher eat. Wen moving off wth heey allo kep the engine speed lon os pose, using the ist gear the higher gears can Suleequenly be angaged on the move: Obtain full ecpogement tho cltoh as ley as possible then open the tives Bo at operate the lute at fll engine sped or excessive what ‘wi su ce ‘Stage 2 — Fully doprossing the clu pada (, Fig. 1/5) also engages the dive to tho PTO snd the hydeulie pump, I the FTO clutch snot used feauorly the pedal should nevertheless be full opereted once 2 woe, “esing the PTO cluten plate to prevent bincing, ” oar overs rene forward and fou vase speeds a obinale by com ‘hal Satine ofthe gor shi ever and ong oer ain section of te gearbox i conte by the right-hand shai fs 8 ora and | teve apo a nesed ih four 18 “The eng cation of he gearbox is contol by heft and Imp te wich hava Hahandloerae wth lew (mp) tebgessclted wih ach HS and, obtained by moving the iets od entrar. nul postion bovlae tse beeen Hand ach shoul bg used whan th tacit stony fr belt ley ov PTO works ‘On-the-move synciromash gear change can bs made ino 2nd Sra Bu gerin any of ro ron, : wo oner of ta gear roti i shown in he vel sed able ‘hon her tei etandard actor at @ PTO soa of 240 nie Travo speeds at fret engine speeds for bath Sandardara Noro tector oregon n te data eection atte Hecate boo 1 lll ‘revel speeds PTO speed 540 rev/min. Engine specd 1800 rev/min aa Fane [rel Sed sence [1S [AS | [A [Mie Rn 1 asi | os aa 2 | |& # i wa} | | eB i uu nou § usa nu : Ws2 fae ; ua a a jus | #2 BF $ wea] | | a5 38 % us a a5 % nz | 83 112 B AB [088 193 im ren Ht sr BB ik on] | 32 88 a [na | 83 149 Difforental lock The pedal Fi. locks tha diva so thatboth rear wheasturn the some spend this ne whee anne pune the her The cron ock must ot be ued inthe higher gr, Ay Nien sored on berighvay feats ‘See page 24 for special instutions on engaging and dicen ‘ening STARTING AND STOPPING THE DIESEL ENGINE Starting "L With fuel in the tank. pull the stop canto! knob to the running positon and drop ito the vtainng lot. 2. Pull he hata lever towerdsthe diver, approximately one ‘quart of the wey (won cold pull to ful tte Frostion) 3. The geerlever must ba in noua In any otber positon an ieoating sien prevent these motor om bang veried 4, Turmte stator key ono click othe ight and check thatthe Ahree weming lights slow. I nou chee for a foul oF detoesve but ‘4a, Do at daprose the clutch pedal when stating 5. Turn the stare key futher tothe right eosin the aping to operate the carer Releases soo asthe engine rin 6. Choc the trots to give about 1000 rev/min to warm up, 7. Check thatthe wating ights have gone out nore: A Hk the ong ftater awtch end weit 20 seconde. befor tying. agin, ‘trenuise he batory wal bo overheated and damned ._Hthe engin ail warning light (ateen) stays on oF comes on whe the engine is running, stp the engine and investigate {orlose of ol prose, naucont ain te sump, or felt inthe ol such ©. Ifthe charga warring light (ed) sts on above 800 rev) sin, investigate for an elctcl fet 1. If tha wanemission ft: waming ight (yellow) stays on ‘while the oie co, reduce engine speed unt it goes out [Ar the transmision oll warns uo, gradually Ie‘ease speed Keoping just baw that at which the wearing lamp hts es running for 30 minutes, the woring lm Hos a 1800 reu/min or lesa, te fier element must be reneveed ‘van thadgh may not have competed 800 ours senes ‘Fat manu eas ai 173 hha tt nt ‘Starting in cold weather — In col conatons the wing nut ns te eton pup shui be screed beoe rng the engine To proven Sock exhovet smoke, unser he wing nut immedistely th engine stars FIGURE 1/7. O1gSeL ENGINE ‘Starting in extrame cold conditions — To assis stating in Sub-zero clmgtes o thermcstar may be fied ard used in conjunction withthe wing nut A Fg. 1/7 on the do ofthe ion pump. The thermostat operates by Burg Tue! in the inl mano and thereby hesting te Inet i ‘The units actuated by a hres postion ignition switch, The fist position or cic tothe ight urinates tha woe warning igs Dostoned inthe insvument pana (¥ net, check for 2 out oF (Gefective. bulb "before staring tho ongia). Turing’ the key further to the ight and hating agains the sng switches the ‘thormostar fo the pre-haatposkion. Do not hold inthe ao: eat Brston for mora fnan 98 second Fura tuming ws the ght ‘paint the spring engages the slater When the engine stars ‘eleao tho ky. Tho warming ghts should not low or iuminats (Geenoteson nage 20) ping the Diesel engine Close tha toteoreduce engine spac it the ful cut-off nt alo ito move forward the sop potion Sach of end a ‘THE GASOLINE ENGINE (SPARK IGNITION) (vaiabie only in Noah Americ) Starting from cold IMPORTANT — To stat the engina ie ecsonal thatthe hhand-thrtte eve fly closed 1. With fuel in the tank, pull ut the choke contol 2 The opr lever must bein neural” In any ox postion an ioeting switch praverts tartar motor rom being energie 3. Tuimthe onion key one cick to theight and check thax three. woming lights glow. Nou, ahack for a fault oF Solesie bulb 4, Turn the ignition key futher to the sight again the spring tocoperate the starter Do rot depres the eaten pad! whan ‘Saring.Releese te igolion kay as soon a tha engine res Sand immediatly ir rurs push the choke control par way in fo prevent cwserch mature with erate running and “ody exhaust Leaving the choke pert way ut will autos {acting speed to go a quick warm-up. The choke may th peshod home se on athe angine is warm enough idle siowiy 15. Check that he waming lights have gone out, See warning hotes on page 20. Restarting when warm — When tho engin still warm, or the weather very ho. theeogine wil stat witheut uso of the ‘Choke, Do not use the choke unnecossarly a his causes wear ‘uot latin ef tho lubricating oi by fl. 1 the chokes used excessively an flooding occurs, the engine may be stated by opening the rte wide withthe eho pushed in. Close the tote Immed aly stating. ‘Stopping the gasoline engine ‘Clots the ttle. ithe engin has been working hed, allow it {ollie for 2 minutes Switch of the ignition: Remave tho hoy teen leaving the rector unstended. “ttt dr 17h eng ven te _ “sopPING THE TRACTOR edice speed by closing the throttle and epplving the bakes Etonae down frm trd 1 second fo help reduce speed. Just [Sir the tactor comes to rest. isongane tho cuts tho hand broken lace ho gear lever (hit) in rst or ‘(Biron te enoe lover i am ange, AL an addtional frecauon: chek ta he starrer such hs ben oe [iio sop poston and he key removed DRIVING THE TRACTOR Geer election ‘Synchromesh gear changing reverse ger in each range, and for nome on te sonar and gasoline wactrs, make diving {Choose the eppropsiata range forthe task in har lore moving SH changing range wl the tractor i mowing isnot Yocom” ‘ended arin any ease should not bo necessary. Within each range, synchromesh on tho 2nd and Sid gene permits on-the-movs changing uw (om ‘st 10 2nd and fom 2nd ta Sd and downwards rom Sed to 2rd. Care should bbe taken not to overspeed the engine when changing down The tet and reverse gen lever postions are paced directly Sppotite wach other fo facets forwaré and reverse man: ‘uring, 9g: on tart loader operations Same examples of the use of verous goar combinations fellow Roed travel with heavy trailers: usually performed in the High range (Hi): Witn heavy tales you may uns Tat gent Inove of easiy‘and srecthiysubseauenty engaging the 2nd ‘nd Sd. geare cn the move, Deng ths by convenient stages il Snauroemooth progrension to top speed. Dawmwera changing fn ths mave Irom Sr 0 2nd facets cmb prions or 19 five increved engine baking fox the davmaredes, for slowing Sovn nour ood nsactone a to bring to tractor smathy id tasks: most oon portomod in other of ta intrmediato anges HS and L. Both thse ‘anges provide raasocabWy high ‘Soouds in Be gee, ch ean be engaged an the move atthe Fosdionds fr fast umebout eg on ploughing ard PTO tests ‘With mourtedimplomants which donot engage the ground and ‘with PTGcponered implemonts which rol feey sof cauree Sesuble i chang tynoneah Gerson move eng ‘Very low ground speed, «9 or precision cultivation tasks, are Dotrnabi in Doth LS and HS ranges. Front Looder operation: quick foward-and-reverss shiing ‘petted by direct oppose placing ofthe Tst and reverse (Gent postions. The fange levor is used only forthe ial SSocton of sy, High ange fr fet loading operations. Differential took ‘On gray surfeces client ack shouldbe used, Do not lay Soapemant uni sip has got out ot hand anid the wheels are beginning to ‘gin this does happen, de-clutch immoditaly "Fink anoed and tr to anticipate the poss ty of sipping Engaging — To engage dient lock. press the pedal frmly ‘wih the ight het, Bano! atempt to engage slips occuring. {lose tho tre utile wheelsare turing atthe same speed, grde-cluteh fone whee ir staoray. before pressing the Siforniol lock podl Ro-egoge the clutch gradually, Maintain fem pressure’ on the pedal untl the ferential Tock fly Engages (pedo! pressed down th fall amount). Reta to Tock In engapement by resting the Halon the pedal Disergeging — The ciferenti! look i sping loaded to push it ‘ut 08 engagement but any tendeney to sip wil create Bing aeion wich wil ever fon, engaar, Te jaengage, ifs only nasaseaty to momentary relieve th 12 ‘rovers the foad. This done by precsing quickly fst on one brake pedal hen onthe thor When ploughing iis often only ‘eceatey to press on the landwhecl brake. Hebert locks use fr valer work, when the bskes should belocked togetnor ni tho locking ba, ceongagemant cen be ‘biained by soonng itt ono sie, thon to the other. Ifthe tractor ls stopped and tho difrial lock remain in bngagement, may Be Teleased by momentary reversing the A Wise tm trot gk ot busin ihe genre thigh speods, or an the highway Py , ae SECTION 2. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION ‘THE SELECTAMATIC HYDRAULIC SYSTEM introouction ‘The David Brown Selectamatic hydraulic system embodies the following seventages 1. Sinple Conyo! — Li noid, kop, lant postion. doth pomtion” TEY (weight wenston| and outa extra] Erez equipment ar ai contd by snl and 2. Simple change of systom — Solection is by 9 3-2oston pina. 3. £087 conrol— Dopih and height savings ae not atfctad ns in engi speed. Fnge Gules ae provided wnt. suction fir femoves porices of dit which could iteere wth the ‘working of high prascur Mydratle vaves, 5. ary sevice ~ The contol valve asombly i single unit ‘which can be bench teed befor fing Orly 2 smmpi2 ‘djusimonts ro raqlted eter fiting to the eco, only ‘no of which require th engin tobe rah ©. Variable top — The rao can beset by a handvhes! and is rot afected bythe lod. An overie dump valve slows an ‘ra fast drop when rogues, 6 SELECTAMATIC CONTROLS FiGURE 21, SELECTAWATIC CONTROLS Selector Dial Pointer — Mounted on the rer axle ase at SGN at ine set, has tee posons to select the rode, of Berton required — “Dopt"Height or ExenalTCU Feld" hand Teor eensrerdé inthe ‘soc poston while fuming the pointe. ‘The txoma/TCU' poston should be used folinkage mounted Ingles suppated by dept whee (gauge when) TCU ‘Berens applied to transfer weigh to the tractor rear whol Mand Lover — This operates in » quadrant and once the hlecor ‘shal has been sete used to contol the hydroue ‘Sytem according tothe chosen mod Sonsing Unit — The top (vpoe) tink is etached wo @ soxng iSeded Sonn unit uti is connected t@ the conrol aia by 8 ‘Ge: Vertonsn rough foreas vary the compression ofthe Sing aod cause he eae to move. The movement opens 15008 conta vate such a menor ta the depth Kost Sctaiy consunt The han ever overdee the sensing unit 0 lomine he deaught a which tho contol valve works, 2S {herdopm ean beset bythe operator Fg Guides —Two frog gues re proved whic can Eirtped tothe quadant by thm sco in any eae fsfon co thatthe hand lever maybe retuned tothe same ie when equied 2g hor vary FEU stone fl Oop Sth oter fo the seuss shout of ¥C0. Wey only er {de rue push to oho ght wo he ont oe ek Lowering Control —The ae of loweing may be adjusted ‘ting the knob Fue 3/1 Ones st thotpaedisincependent tof he food on the system is use for potecing shares and points en heovy implements Pune 2/2 3.WAY VALVE S.way Valve — Fited as standard in some counnies and ara" pon, othe teetering fame of implement sich me lode ond sppng Wale 1 ontoled"tom the Selamat ond Ler it iss a ‘positon lever to seleet between routina the of fo the actor linkage ot ether of two extemal supply poins Te fouth Boston lows operation ofthe nkege and humbar 1 extort Suppl pont simultaneous. See pages 34-8 for speci Instiuctions regarding continuous fon of aptcatons » Luft Lateh OPERATING WITH DEPTH CONTROL Implements without depth wheel (gauge whee) A Engeged—— Dizrgneed {A tach is provided for stowing tho links inthe top poston ‘Shon notin vba or ae a sufty measure when pated wih & ‘Sed implement. Te should not be used to supporto heavy FHGURE 2/4, HYORAULIC CONTROLS FOR DEPTH CONTROL, implement while ving the actor ‘A Utpostion——&. Fnge a eth To engage — push the lever downwards and raise the lnk to ‘Tee Tut eight by hand or pulling tho hand ever fly rearward reparation {eihe select potion when te ate wil sring in Fist sor the tractor conto follows — ‘To Guengege — raise the Inks to the ful height as above, and 1. Solector Dial Pointer — Pul the hand lever fly reawerds Tinea in theved scr ose and whe hk ta orn the selector dial pointer to “DEPTH”. 2 ering — Neve ses tne ond unde the ito and aa Meee ese hefxeh Sous muy wl occu he inks 2 Lit tach — Disangege the it inch. (Wh te engine ol fa tureing Bul the afd levee fly reread sgn nee Sonn ao pul it teh apware fo denaage i). Dump nv — Te gual aus tin 2. Lowering Coven it mips and at sean Thue gee pe wei fo tpi War or tery al tog the equ re fewer 4. Finger Guides ~ Sette ron guide fly forward ou ofthe Teas! ater izcharge, for vxampl. Finger usdes— Sethe ont ui fly forwand out fh fant nt be ued wih munis Ioamans ao ty vera dP cn Nh gy when 0 feresupina Operation penton Tye dup ye kro on th High ofthe Ate begining of tuo out he hn ee over 10 tte Aaa thor ger gue When ie mdonen hae ote a 1 Push th hand lve fo the lower positon teva ore 1 bras down the du va kn and wr tough 9 ts te cece dept lh naked dah hd oon (eee Sad pl opus fear sane dep San be ind eal on utostret 2. nen tw plone ly toner pat he ch dan Kas Ai oud oh eee ners she Sata ia twit about 90" unt ft loomes in he ratention indent loaded stop tte implement OPERATING WITH DEPTH WHEEL (TCU) Preparation ieee Fiat et th ator contol fllo— fect! Di Pointy ~ Pu an ve uly etwas 1 Shred soca elect opel whe ling hare om {hele poner o “EXTERNAL/TOS 2. Lit Leth Disengage to i sed (HTH the engine ‘lg pl eh ove aly eure gat he rho pe tit istchupmardate dooaeae). 4. Lownng Conte! —Intaly sto rid-pston sea ast ire ttogne tumaiee iia. ides Sethe rar ue te poo fastest Git *Serme oer gus eprvonimstey teh (2am) honor i SAC ee agi mation ate Sap wt come ‘ose tte Tarot san ramet ang Snr sen man ise, Ge tend 0 ust the hand levor formar to the lower position. When the implement ‘hes reeched is fl working depth chy eae amount of TCU (aghetvanater) may astely be abled by pushing the and lover turthor forward Mannan TEU i ob {ained whan the hard lever i fly forword, When the coneet [motint of TCU hae boon dotermines te second finger guise Sovld be re-positoned ito ine withthe hand lees for tre ‘elsence Atihe headland pull he hand lever fully rearward past the ering Icadd stop. Releao when the implement has aly hand ever wil peng back tothe hold positon, To avoid variation in depth, TCU should be maintained to the end ofthe furrow. In ote to get trope eevaion the hand lever should not be pushed forward ta the FCU postion unite oper working depth hes been reached, On'the wher hen 4ppieation of CU should nat be delayed ico oma ce ep Will occur before TCL bocomes effoctve. Once wed! spi has Secured itis ificalto ston, The coment timing and anticipation Of tho required quart of FCU isa mater of sil which Games Vor auexy wiih itlepractice Linkage adjustment when ploughing with TCU Because ofthe diferent forces acting on tho plough wien using ‘TCU sinh e-adjusment othe setinge may bs teqad 1. Thetop (upper) ink shouldbe shortened sight to counter 2c the tendency of he plough to ride cut the grout ‘shoul, howeve, be used ang te posible consatnt with ‘obtaining the required depth, 2 Toconect tendency ofthe trent furrow to become slow, lengthen the ight -hend leveling lve Sight 3. On soft ground rise the depth wheal sighty to maintin tha conet dopth. (TCU tees the waht of te dopth wheel ‘2nd s0 twill not sink a8 dooply nto soft earth ast would ‘without TOU.) TCU with trailers and wailed equipment {n ode o be abo to apply TCL with implements suchas led lee harows,d-wheal tals et special hte i avaliable 9 [iain cours, This tansers weight rom the etewbar ef the Implement onto the wear whess of tho actor, Lae sauipment can therefore be used under more advase a OPERATION with EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT xt equisment operated by te actor hydraulic suppl GURE 26 HYDRAULIC CONTROLS FOR EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT ‘A tfipeston ©. Lomerpsition visa : in the ‘od seer ‘to ‘select’ and while holding It there, {Urn te one a Ga aco ara a Tr rly ari on ma forest suet arseeeg mes) 2 »_ operation Tet acable teense hatter isin ol inthe sump 10 fod xual satan sprointlyhals glen eevee reoded for war or ooder Up 'o ‘ane gaa oars ry added when necessery, 5 : e ‘To pump ole extna equipment pul the hand ever fly ‘epard pos ha sping leased ropa esp the tow of ah Talos te hand lever wich wi goring Beck toe hal fesiton (inthis postion te pump loaded ad tie ocd Inthe extol equpmert) ae of tothe simp, push tan lover foe's oh ogre De not ao forward Beyond the lower postion or TCU pressure intbe opie ond hss sf eave a ower rte a ‘roy iar For extemal eouipment wth is own hydwutc coniols ond fecufing coninueus prot moll she halve nthe fat fontion by wang the Eten Unit U730 see blow Catch Unit GURE 277 carou unr a A Catch i & PBs wte ie 3 Pic D Peace, Matha E im Whon extra equipment which includes ite own hyaue Coral vaho s bong used wih he way wake 9 cotouaus Presto ei gute oe irl yr: nae te holt haed vert ne constant pr team gsr he sh. Exch Unt U 80% noi or ng eo Sica equoteno shown Fi 2/7 Thetlusosvon shows ‘how this unit is fitted. iii A i NOTE: A special catch unit UY686 is required for Narow 2 3-Way Valve 1 oncom rr 2 Otc en the Sunoy valve situated atta left-hand front af the rea axle The Soy va al angle eting ight auty aun uns sch case enables or qos et. to be contaled from the actor as loaders. oe Paver thas a ques election Postion Selectematic aunties No.1 ouret ited with a pps 9 the lover. In socio teminaing i an Exact" of quick release rear of th noc ae avaiable from your Daud Brown Dealer pot aoady ed Connections Connect nal connections ar avaabe on the font ofthe The tg erterypliedsealea with 9/4 UNC plugs, The UPD Unt or Seegnated No, 1and the lower one No. 2. Lubiaton ofthe gearbox ond PTO — Tiss supplied by ove Lubrication of te aracie pum. When using external eal flow oom oe age continacus flow ofa (20. akauic ae oon fo tne qonfoox and PTO may be reduced {03 oe eee etn Ds fd beck mo tho lubeation A poanconmucter B. Siplycomecion The eum connection shouldbe made tot Gnibeight hun sk of th sot ontop oF tar as cae pom A fig 2/3. vanes this points not sable bacsus ave tale fos bosn ited, wil be neces fo corned te PIUNe tapping om the top let: hond of gM joveino P Iet-hand of the rear axle tae, 3% turn convection on Nooo wectors — The et points Fete ey" tne roused om Narow TCI, ‘ere, eros Hone facts gc at Fee ead Tote gearbox filer using actor 765149 saat oe core 2170, Te ier plug fs then Warsi f0 {Bp ofthe adapta. a NOTE! Wing inh Row af TO we a Seas eet age poaton fo acu ha ol sped SaMEIaNSKeeral atm to vate tho FTO, 1 ha hand Fee eared uly rearward in the constant pumpin ‘eton tis oa be reed Live External Equipment sro with ve. vactr-mouned valve, (This valve is eect oun Bt caer be fd 2 the NAO faut) igure 11, LIVE, QQUBLE.ACTING TAKE-OFF VALE (A Quon en oe i Spang feframsints Bowe 36 of Sar ccna eg Eithora single (U844) or twin (EAB) ie doublo- sting take-off ‘rive may be fted in ace ofthe axtomalRyarele cannecion housing tthe right-hand sie ofthe set on top of te rear ae Connections tothe doubla acting ake-ot valve ar shown st ‘and 8 in Fig. 2/11, When tha contol ovr fs pushed foraar, Gil fed to connection A and returned to the sump via con: fodton & When the contol ove i puled rearward he ol low Feevorsod. Both positons nave detant alls so thatthe lve feigned when pushed to the extomo af is movements. AN ‘Setometc detent tleae le Incerpoated 20 that tha Tove fetumed tothe cenre postion and cuts hollow hen the fxcemal ram resches the end of is tevsl and the pressure To avid posstte contusion when operating externa equipment, Always connect the pines so that whan the lover i pullad oo ‘wards implement ica, and lowers when the lover's pushed ‘nwa When 2 sacondlve-valve is fed, thi ie identical tothe ft Connections and operation se ela it works quite eponaenty Pipe end couplings Pipes and couplings (swivel quicktlease et=) sr avaiable from your David Brown Deal Yo tt sng or tal lve take-off ales Thes anable external equipment tobe removed quickly ‘whe connecting. ensue the mating ends te clan, Se Accessories on page 128 for various unt g a Single-acting equipment — 1 possible to operate sna Sepetcqutnt rm a couble-etng ive valve provided that OPERATION with HEIGHT CONTROL Stine cannocted bomaon te acne out one a Lion davon orimpementswertng aboveground ve Sere accent sis ate Thsaowgol even tre spe ebeceeura valve aren Towing the eal am. TRO ‘Bea uae um nt be pose. : version Kit Whore He keof va Sonesta bw ed orig toe sige fen fenwemon ER UTSS7. A. Maximum high pation 8. Range of hight reparation 1. Selector Dil Pointer — Pull tye hand lever fly rewards Inthe rad sector olen wile hosing shore, tam the selector ial pont to “HEIGHT 2 Lie lteh — isongage tha Hf latch (with the eng ‘unning. pull the hand lover fully rearwards agent the Spring and pil hit ltch upward fo danngoge 3. Lowering Control — tilly et 10 mid-poston nd adlust, {ster byl to giveth raquled rate of lowering. 4. Finger Guides — So the rasr qui tampocaly to mid Bostign Push theother ul forward enaick out te wy, Operation Reis he implement by pling the hand love rearward up t9 8 2 BEE EEreEEecEe cheat c are Meee Sec haut Leto ee eer et oe ree eoat te soring loaded stop, Push she lover foward until the im Plemert lowered to he ein th th hand lors a the sare high may be Fat ean eaaty-Ts seting wil ot vary wth any change 8 {Rektnaat wert ar chonge mn engine se 40 A fe aeelbeacbeee ror" gash arch berth eee race eGo » le SECTION 3. ADJUSTMENTS AND SETTINGS LINKAGE SETTINGS Dus! Category Linkage — U1508 (Gategry +e nts ed oa Navow asta, o To alow ether category 1 or 2 implements tobe connacied to the lower links they have 8 smal bal (czeoory 1) at ane eed A pa of buses ae {or category 1 implements the bushes fe slipped over the {taetor hte pins to accommodate tho lgor ball Te pesoning of thalinks trod and check cheis are shown in igs 2/1 end 3/2 fr category 1 and estegory 2 implomonte especial Sefer Cgar 1 implemets © Bua fom oben) forint a 2 single Category Linkage (Fit a standard in The th 1384 — Except Narrow rectors ve counties.) point linkage is suitable only fr eatagory 1 (Nartow {rose shat) implements, The It rods and check chains 8 tttached os shown in Fg 3/5, Let and ght-hand lone inksorenotintrchangeable. Thehole forthe if od ig newer the top edge and forward of tne check ‘hain hale which ls mid-way long he Feng ofthe FigURE 9/2. DUAL CATEGORY LINKAGE UtSD4 Sst for Ctegery 2 mglemets 4 toe Checkin ots | 4 Soret Gres ot ie & tire tage ni & ehaaaininanemoes — "(puter tb) | se zs Jn sods ~The ro and leveling tv shoud be ai & i : ona aad en er FHGURES/S CATEGORY 1 ONLY LINKAGE UIaH4 } | Sane sscount shoud they othe top tk be extended eyend | SEES ee Se eae ecen dood engeged an damage wil be caused. a ‘oot Nomial ‘184in (47cm) Bin (332m) Bitte (8260) 25tin (38160m) Lit rods — The it od and leveling lever should be et ntily {arther nominal length measured between the pivot conten. On ho seoount shoul eyo the tap link be axtanded beyond the Taximam lengths shown bsiow otherwise thera wil be xcensve strain the remaining head. ‘Nominal length — lif od and loveling ever 183i (386m) | Maximum length — it od 17Hin (gage) leveling lover Win een) | top ink Alin (628m) 2 4“ nl rei are bag ada, ae a i Single Cetogory Linkage — U1868 — Narrow tractors This linkage issuable only for category 1 Implements or for peciaimplements with 2 very shor erase sat The gree links may be tuned ove: fr this purpose as shown In Fig 3/4 whieh alo shows sve attehment ofthe it rods snd cheek chains 4 tite feta dry hoes we. (ater C1265) Lute rods — The itt 14 and levsling lever shoul be adjusted Initay tome nominal ength moasured borweon pivot centres. Onin account should they oF the top ink be extended bevord tho maxmum langth shown below otherwise thee will be Insufcion tvead engaged and damage wil because Nominal length — it od an leveling lever 18zin ¢47em) Moxioum length — if tod lin (68:36) Tevaing lvoe odie (83,70m) ‘op ine 2adin (62'82m) = STADILISERS When side movement must be avoided, satilsr bare can be {itod to the reamont hole in the lower ink {ront hole on Nattow actors). Thanks are sil eet it up and own DRAWBAR — Excopt Narrow tractors FRGURE 9/8, ATTACHING ORAWBAR IN EXTENBED POSITION A. Scaife B. Caney aenrg ata ‘The drewbar fame, whic i inged st tha pice up hteh Fr drewbar use the boted tothe teh bactat. The dawbari anzchod othe pivot pin Aig. 2/5 which poicts Under the font of the ame, There aro two holoe in tha drawer ao that it may be attached flier In the forward postion fr heavy loads ‘up 2500 Ib (3720Ka) erin the extended positon, which conforms wth the Brith and SAE" standard for PTO ivan implements ane Dermis 3 downsardlosd of 2000 Io (807K) ‘The rea ofthe dawat can be secured, conalyorin two offset osons either sid, by means ofthe U' shaped bracket A Fig 3/6 and sping cip 8. Hoe, fs common to end ofthe fame i Scena en 5 Linn Femoving the daw — Theis a sloping cutaway on the amber fame 8 Fg. 3/5 that wine te deawber fs moved to the rat tine up wth, the font end con be lowored fr Fomavl for changing fom the forward ts extancod poston, “The drawoar canbe inverted 10 give a lower hich pont. DRAWSAR — Narrow tractor FGURES/7, ORAWBAR-NAAROW TRACTOR (EXTENDED) 6 ‘The ron of tho frame i eocuted bythe hinge bar A Fig. 9/7 and thovoaris bated tothe hteh bracket by bok B The diswbar Nos two postions inthe forward postion Fig 3/8 sid bene the fo pags inthe fama a soured bythe dewpin nis Bosion,"ecommended Yor wo shee tala the maximum Slowmicd load fs 2000 Io (207K) FIGURE 5/6, ORAWOAR--NARROW TRACTOR-FORWARD POSITION ‘Tho extended poston, which conforms tothe Bish and SAE standard for PFO driven implomant, fe abtaned by ooking the foy-hole shapes holon the front ofthe dew amo the cents fixed pin Cig 9/7 and usng the shor pin D tvough one of the holes in tha awa’ frame either cently er ef-aet ase uted. Always use the ih pins to sorte the in D and the in ‘Sern Bok Te ond ight ane it rs othe nie of he ram ia nn thes UN iin Comm) bok ‘tach bo it oan atm oh tas singe SiG poe pond ‘fr (tun) womrre Te Male ae nosed in shal be nara e Sra aad asco s wore sere that te link and washer engsge one another. Altoch the lower end ofthe chins to he drawer support wipe and sping eips, Leave the chan slack Le. with the svat link fly down and eraure ta chain ao not tite {8 Unbol the drawer suppor from the hitch brekets, Lower te supporto the ground, 1. Remove therght:hana hte bracket and ingrt to ltch bor through the hol in the la hand hitch bracket "the hooks ‘on tho latch shoud face reanwats, 8. Refit the right-hand hitch bracket withthe atch bar inserted ‘trough the ole 9 Fitthe collar on the right-hand ond ofthe ath bar andthe te lover (projecting forward) 0 the aft hone ond. Secure withthe spring pies. 10, Place a in (10mm) washer on he lover end ofthe rloaco ‘od and inser the end ofthe fod through te lever onthe tendoftheletch rod and socur with spl pin 11. Slide the spring onto the lover ram the 1 and follow with tha guide 12, Bot the release rod guide tothe PTO flange using the ‘eating batt which fasts tha PTO housing tothe ene caos ‘2d is positioned immediaay above the dow onthe et hand Setting insinsctions — With the iin the ful eed postion, ‘aust the chain lengthy rears othe seete ik sana 6 2 hooks engage the piso tho diawbar suppor. Operate Ne linkage manually fo ensue tho chain are the Cores engths et too tight and taking eausl stan adjust es necessey unt 1 Pull the hand lover earwords int the select positon and turn the dal fo “EXTERNAL” 2 Hold the hand lever uly rearward agains the sping and pute relesse rod 3. Push the han lover forward to lower the hook then release thera) 4. To obtain aquichor drop with an empty hook, use the dump Toralse — Move the hand lover othe lit postion, When fly raised the ‘rawba" wll ock ite postion stomatal WHEELS AND AXLES NOTE: Al rack wicts ore measured tothe conus of the tyes th I eng 40 (80) 8 wate tne “TRACK SETTINGS FOR PLOUGHING — standard width rr 12in to 16in ploughs (296 to 40.Bem) he ear wack should Fe aze sein’ idoan onthe front wack to 62in (132em) ‘Ril Enos te insides of Uo font and reer tr int ne For plougta of Bin to in widths (20em to 30.50m) the rear Fer te sBouig bo get to ain {132em) and the font axle ro $80 Hae retiring the ined ofthe ont yest ine wit Goze Wal ofthe rar eyes Where, Because of large es he ie ow setange art not avalable, usb he Stings — {Gar Sein (1d) and front 52in (132m) REAR TRACK (TREAD) ADJUSTMENT — standard width tractors “The rear tack width com ba vid by 2in (Sem) stops on each TR Rt ate whoel canes en be ite othe hush way site Te logs on te rim a ff-cnte o thet vartions ca (ead by rang the hoo! ether way round, A further be obtain Plana by fiting the rim Togs either side of tho {ished sone So ful ange of geting i shown in Fig. 2/17. Not, hows, Tea GBR (h-zem) minum ating is apalieabe only whee near fied with 1204/1128 oor tyres and fan of shell Pherae guards) Wh larger yes and with full cover Srhantegecrmietateamm Woncrg te io ane Pieie, GEER Monier Heit ee Bh Re BGS ee Ty en a tt cn or am acme ant Sacral rset otye fataarbemctone ne a Reread ie lector FRONT TRACK ADJUSTMENT —stondard width ttactor ne ina. PRONT AXLE TAACK ADJUSTIENT & Sesina wm Beaten ar Ne SSR ew Samee de ttre si i iat pe pa en sehen Somer wee geen me ef othe been adjusted. refit the nut and epee een ees ‘gna Yo-set If necesaary. Toe in should be Bin (3. um) At EA Soriano Ii she tack lath sso out to ther ofthe to widest satings, Bin and 72in (t,73m and 133m) the dag link shoul Bo extended to 464i (118m) longthbetveon ball cones, When returning the wack width o Sin (162m) os, the drag link should be reset to 45g (118m) batwoon bal eons, NOTE. Never ft the font wheale withthe wheel contre dishes ‘outwards for extra width, This upsets the string geomet, "using poor steering end heevy weer tes and pots [Minimum front track setting The minimum fron wack stings ar a follows — STEERING 600-16 750-16 tyes yee Monuat 48in (122m) | ABin (122m) Hydrosae 52in (182m) | Sein (142m) Noe: we fon steep ‘hiliges, Wider sti ‘epocaly with loaders or tails naow setting mast be used, care shouldbe taken 98 ato advieblo fr sab, REAR TRACK (TREAD) ADJUSTMENT — Narrow tractors P2288 FIGURE 3/13. REAR WHEEL_ain AND CENTRE POSITIONS ‘The rear ack canbe varied by 2in (Gem) stapson each side in the same way 35 on B88 stondard aston Whee 11 210-28 5/926 rae a ited ho one of tack Adjustment is from 39in (1,0m) to B8in ( Whee 124/11-28 rye ar und th tack (2m) wider sch fin, img aren ot sjutent of abe (heme Sein (i Simi fh boast span ed bene eo eal nd hbo reco he ong the soe , FRONT TRACK ADJUSTMENT — Narrow tractors TYRE PRESSURES I pay to cheok tho posure iter to High foo low the eet eaves of fre wou ond amage. Chock pensar’ nce 3 woot water foes, be ‘pressures should be checked very frequently. ve Fron es re oneal wat 3 1.78 alot ao ores = ear 8-0 ee 3 ir (318 toler i 12 Bin a ele) to 12 Bites srs BALLAST When wa he os es uncon, owe wa don souk be cuprates td opts — see page 30, a ie sional vcion ot et sali is equi, se balls Shasatatuensts Aarstheh cr Sdn wag ine es canbe usa. fore cro iing spe sd isructors. consult" your desl or the te manuiauers FIGURE 3/14, NARROW FRONT AXLE ADIUSTAVENT “The ane extension i secures by two bois A Fie 3/14, sowed Tifkour ots Into tveadea hols in tho axl. The postion & Been forthe widest sing To acust te tack width tc the get ol move te adjustment nut end bolt Crom the ‘aremove completa the xo bolts A, sido te ale extension Ra reread postion, ret tho bots A with thei Spring \oshere and tightn tpem securely. ‘When both ends ofthe aie have boon adjusted et the nut end SUPE onthe wack rod and adust is tive the wheal @toein ein Gdn) measured at ho edge ofthe whoo! im She rege of tack austen wih 5-00-15 yes i fom 4139 TS 85ul8 (05 0 1,60m) by Zin (Be) stepson each se ‘tn 650-16 tyres he rack’ Tin (25cm) wider atooch set9e, (Nets ths being fom 42) to 604i (7,08 0 1.83). Wihero 2, narow seting must be used, dive with caution, ter gy on sling ground. Wier setings are ediable for Bani, saclay wih tosdrs or tales Note: Never ithe font whos with the centre shes outwards Rote: Neve Ths upsets the sering geometry, coins Boor ‘Stang and heavy wear on tres and pO. FIGURES/I8. FRONT CHASSIS BALLAST WeIGHTS| fy Rat ccc deena DMMB ad aie aac ie 2b [Tia tres should never be completely filed Whore temperatures low teeing point re encountered, «| ‘aldom ehlonae an-reoze solution shouldbe used 75/80% weterbollst ads the fllowing approximate wehts per whee! 4124/11-28 tyes — 280 Ib (127k) {130-38 tee — 205 1b (80a) 136/12-28 tyes — 350 b (15040) 13/13-28 yes — 440 fb (200%0) $24/11-22 rea — 31016 (140%) Rear whoo! weights U729 edd 90 16 (ka) per weight (lr FeV “twels onder UTE4 which weigh the same) Unly avo werght ae fitted 9n ach wheel, The addon of nore then two rights par ehoaiereese the overall ith of {he tator and may ba fneonvenient. Front wh weights can be ited on tho out ofthe wheal or Ee Both aes of i aoearding te typo and ize of wee! ited ‘Fy woigh 0 lo (36ka) each. UE for 600-16 and 560-18 ‘Tort wheal equipment compises 9 pai of neigh ‘Note, however that font wheel vsights are not recommended {2e'Gge on the road baenuea ot ie speeds thy can cause @ fenain amount of hee! wobble. Tn any caso the front chasis Dalat s preferable. ‘he font chassis balest U1362 comprises @ mounting fame, ‘Dakdng bor and ine weights of 48 1b (Z0ka) each. The entre fsteembly weighs 460 Ib (210k) POWER TAKE-OFF (PTO) “Two altemetive PTO units are avaliable, one othe other being TeSdard cauipment in dierent counties, Each is ited wih 9 {Fn Goasmry sc spine shaft co British Standard (BS 1495), [Se data ston for postion of shaft ‘Singlespeed PTO Ths ves an output of S40 rev/min et an engine spead of 1800 ulin The loves provider a neural Ie the upper poston, {Te should bo used whenevet the PTO fs notin Use De-luted before engaging sith the engine running Maul-speea PTO This eo Spon aos sls by the lr whi as Tula epost Fs tnd be ued whomever he HOS tot in'um’Beshich aise ensmy the segs faving St kg 116 orto ange sobaons we he etapuds son to hom car Cc FIGURE 9/16. POWER TAKE-OFF UNIT € fiebnce LOW Ri a= ‘ANGE | HIGH RANGE spood ere ee ee eee {ovniny | 1800 100 2000 Fr Set 0 = 1000 | Usefor medium | Use or ‘ormediom| Use foriow | Use or igh power imple | power imple- | power inp hrentsog. |monteg | mons og manure” /famtmar®” |p sorender spreader | eultvarr, Bitch stander bet uly eed BELT PULLEY (Optional unit) “the bel pulley is ule only for use wits the mult-sobed PTO. Forman power ourput, te igh PTO rao must be used giving {800 tev/rn Ts hts a Bish Standord belt speed of 3120 ‘min (e57mjmin) an engine spond of 2000 fv. This Broce gacmum ba Doseonme ft minimum aio (Goding, Atnoug be speed of 1698h/min (220m/min) con Se used wth a P10 aoeed of 540 feminine range Ns fot recommended for Tong tariods of continuous opeation Because the torsional lesiag ls twzo that ie high range See page 95 for fiting instructions SECTION 4. REGULAR MAINTENANCE iwTRODUCTION ‘Your David Brown dealer will heve thoroughly checked your Itocor below davary and wil advise you ofthe arangorants {orto fst srviea. In the UK. and some othr Courts, tals sae von on page 14 ofthe Tactr Service Bookle, Subsequently ropuler routine maintonance is essonil. The Inmportance of crying ths out ragulaiy eannet be. over fmptassed. A propery maintained tractor rans ts efficiency {anger and romaina lable and rey foro ot any tm. Fale torcary out he maintenance propery can lead to unsocessry feost, usualy at unexpected and avAwetd mos and tot Tong wun fs much more expersvo than the ost of the rogue Because of I inponence, the David Brown maintenance proces has been mac vary simple. To this end the requ ants have bean givded Into day inepection and greasing, plus tasks A.C, Dand Eto bo eam outa set poiods. The fequency ofthese task e shown inthe table (page 60) and iscnlynacostay to Koop an eyo on tho vacterhaur moter. Te recommended times ara fr noma tsmpateture conditions and In teas of diy dust or wel mud, the dally greasing and Inspocton of tho a elaner, ehould be carod aut twica a day Crmore often if lta by experince. The othr tacks should tlso be cared out at conespondinaly short Intenals Ine svonely recommended tht the task be cared out atthe tnd of th doy on whch the hour mater esches the stipulated ‘ime, Tee ol wil then be warm andl rin away esi NOTE: Attention to cleanness is very important. Al grease Points must be cleaned before apolvng the gtesse gun, Sump luge and filer capa muct be wiped clan bale removing and ny containre sed for ‘iling the engin, gearboxes‘ Tel fank must be kept perfect clean. Tre smallest gran of dust inthe fuel syst con cause felts with los of power and say Implacemant Ite vecommended thst soricing be cared ott Under eover wherever posse Win doubt a ey time, consult your David Brown ‘han risk damaging Your vector, TABLE OF SERVICE TASKS NOTE: Recommended times ete for normal conditions In ary wet end muddy conditone — grosso mors olen In dry ‘sty condtons (le, satorary mork or hot cimates) — cleen tho a fite of and fl ters and cay outa! charges more Inecuonty In selon to the Daly inspaction and grasing carryout the ‘tse marked X tthe tmes shown, Reading oo 15 785 250 38 a8 “#40 300 DAILY INSPECTION 1. Inspection Check toro, waar an! ue eae 2. Engine Ol — Top up te ersne eum if below the ao 3. Fuel — Top up the fel tank to within 13n (4em) of the top, This snaures« good suppy and reducos condensation inthe tank: Vaualy shack the fel water ap for excess ‘Sor water, Clean ¥ neces 4. li Cleaner ~ in dusty conditions, clean as folows ovary Brcurs ora found necessary by expetonce, (ee page 77) Enpty and clan the al eth bev exp) and rll to tho baad with clean engine ot Detach the va mash element and clean In petol (gasoline) o” karosane (ust ol). It Racotaay cla ih proffer and cone tbe ofthe ol bath Fito Ret the wite mesh sloment wth ite eosing ng and secure the a bath fm wih he 3 tale cis. o rent pre-fiter i ited, thi must be cleaned od hybate FIGURE 4/2, PAPER AI FILTER orf 5. Greasing — In dusty a wet end muddy conditions appty eet REeeE the folowing points (ce Fig. 4/3). Cleon the {rence points iting) before applving the gun King pins SAE1a0 OL {Shae ronson (pons) Front hubs encase ——_{ Errng box ssa (2 point) 6. Power Staring ~ Cook ho el and reo 7. Wheels — Tighten the wheel securing nuts each day for WAbfint so nous when nev oats tho nuts have Boon ls ‘Rood tighton unth na further movement canbe detected, Incest that hey have uly bedded inthe conical st. + comin nt as exes rr ini fab, Tis a na Sena cae geting eer Grane Sanig ut FIGURE 4 LUBRICATION CHART SERVICE TASK A Feedaserys ny ut the Oat Inspection peste flowing pret i 2. Gearbox Oil — Top up the goaibox ol te within the sto ‘harks onthe dip tick i casey 3. Greasing — Apply lubricant atecleaning the grease points (tings) SAE 10 {E8200 oy Front hubs Storing box cross. shaf (2 points) Storing eoiumn top ae0ing Gluten cese:shat (2 pots) Rear hubs Broke peda (1 point Foot vote pede! Sensing unt Fart ast (9 points) {ited Sn rling te pr) GREASE 4, Controls — Lubricate the cones and pivas with new ging ln dy duty condor thve pnts re est at 5. Brakes — Chock th foot bakes or adjustment andbalance ‘with the locking bar connecting te pedals (se pape 16). 8. Clutch —Checksree:playandre-setto201in(1,9102,5em) iH racessry 7. Water — Top up the radio, ifnocaeary, to within tin (2.5cn» of the neck tallow for expansion. elaeso the cap Slowly asthe sytem fs prozouried 8. Battery — Top up the betty with disilld wate, Ory off the top ofthe batery. The batery wil require more equ "ttentfon in hot dry conden. 9, Tyres — Inflate tyes to cont prssus. Front yo — ganeral work 25 int (1.76kq/am*) “th loader 6 ly tyre 8 lyin (21 Gk) warty { Se! work 12 ine (0.84Ka/em?) foe {Sod won 14 Ble (BaBky ca 10. Ful Water Trap (Diesel only) — Clean out the fuel \Nater Uap and secon: bow, Ble at he int tothe fst ‘elie ferrefting tn bow, to geri fal thet. 11, Wheels —Chook the ightnoss of al whee rut, Tate cae 0110 ore rs. Appr ony 2 sat ofthe anne gun 6

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