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Md. Nasir Masran

Loh Ying Ying

ABSTRACT: Status of nutrition and healthiness provide great imfluence towards the
students cognitive and psychomotor abilities. However, healthy eatingpractices
among the students are still less applied. This research aims to investigate on students
eatingpractices through eatingintake consistency, awareness and level of
understandings about healthy eatingincluding the affects on students concentration
while teaching and learning process. The issues studied are influencing factors in
selection of food, the consistency of food intake, schools support, level of
understandings and students awareness on healthy consumption. This survey uses a
survey as an instrument. A total of 381 respondents of secondary school students are
randomly picked. The data collected is descriptively and inferentially analyzed using
the SPSS 17.0 software. The results show that environment is the most influential on
respondents choice of food with a mean of 3.70, followed by organoleptic factor,
physical and emotional activities. Respondents have average concentrations with a
mean of 3.42 and awareness with similar average mean of 3.42. Most of respondents
practice consistent intake and students level of understanding on healthy intake is
high, 71.2% obtain 7 to 10 marks. The result also shows schools support in inspiring
healthy intake is average with a mean of 3.01. This study indicates none significant
relationship between respondents level of understanding with the awareness in
practicing healthy intake and no significant relationship between schools approaches
with students level of understanding related to healthy eating. The analysis portrays a
weak relationship between the intake consistency with students concentration while
teaching and learning with coefficient correlation of 0.17. This concludes that
researchs respondents are practicing healthy eating is an average.


In general, dietary habits affect the level of our health. The body requires a balanced
supply of nutrients to stay healthy. Many essential nutrients obtained through food
such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Food is functioned as fuel to
provide the energy which is necessary in daily activities as well as allowing systems in
the body to function properly.
Nutritional and health statuses provide a strong influence on the learning and
students performances in school. According to Govindji et al. (2002), students who
lack with certain nutrients in the diet; for example, iron, iodine and protein do not
share similar potential for learning like healthy students. The food consumed effect the
mental and physical health of an individual. He also stated that unhealthy diet
becomes one of the reasons of depression or unstable feelings and emotions. However,
the symptoms can be avoided by adopting a healthy diet.
School does not treat students who are having unhealthy dietary, but school
does play important role to prevent the issue. This is due to schools environment and
teenager social dynamic can affect to shape healthy or unhealthy eating practices.
Indirectly, in practicing healthy dietary, students will grow up mentally and physically
balanced as well as providing optimum focus while teaching and learning occurs.
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) (2004) report indicate that school with indirect support towards targeted
group because school is filled with skilled staffs and where the community gathered.
Thus, this allows school based health services can be organized with effective and safe
cost. According to the report, healthy nutrition requires students to show good
performance in school because nutrition influences intellect development and ability
to learn.
Based on the researchs questions, researcher produces a theoretical framework
to explain the studied scope. Through the theoretical framework, schools support
towards balanced dietary and nutrition provide knowledge to students about healthy
dietary to students; moreover the understanding triggers awareness that brings to
choice of balanced food and consistent intake to facilitate students focus. The schools
support towards balanced food and nutrition refers to food resources which provided
by the school to students.
Researcher also looks into the extend of schools support towards healthy
eating, factors that most influence students choices of food, awareness and students
knowledge on balances diet and does the consistency of eating habits influence
students focus in class. This research was carried out in Sekolah Menengah Bandar
Sibu, Sarawak. Respondents involved are secondary students. Researcher wants to see
the schools support towards students balanced dietary and nutrition as well as the
affect in increasing the students attention while teaching and learning occurred. The
factors influencing choices of food will also be studied to see the impact on food and
students focus in class. Researcher also studies on the awareness and students
understandings about balanced diet and the consistency of food intake by student.


According to Picciano et. al (1999), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

has made several suggestions specifically for children and teenagers. The suggestion
was created by AAP with the adaptation of food pyramid in order to satisfy teenagers
diet. The food pyramid guidelines indicate that fruits and vegetables are important
diets to gain balanced food and optimum healthiness.
Healthy eating habit leads to variety of advantages. Rosso (1999) indicates
that the expanding of health and nutrition can lead to better academics achievement,
decrement of grade retake and rate of school resignation. Whitman (2000) also states
that health and nutrition are the main source to students learning. Meanwhile, Stroper
(2003) cites that high intake of fiber in fruits and vegetables are important for human.
According to Rahmah (1999), healthy diet helps children growth and food help
human to work productively and feel comfortable. She also states that choice of food
helps to minimize the risk of cronic disease such heart failure, cancer, diabetes, stroke
and osteoporosis. Healthy diet can lower the main risk for cronic illness, factors like
obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in blood.
School students as the captive audiences. School is the ultimate source of
facility, human engine and as an education institution or agent of change in the society
(Rahmah, 1999). Researcher also indicates how the effectiveness of health education
in school involve a lot of knowledges, attitudes and healthy habits studies among the
students shows their knowledge and healthy habits are less satisfied,
The research design used by the researcher is the quantitative research. The
method used questionnaire as data collection instrument. The questionnaires are
distributed to form four students in six secondary schools around Sibu. This study is to
identify schools support towards balanced dietary and nutrition to the students, the
factors influence choice of food, students level of awareness towards the importance
of balanced dietary habits, students level of understanding in the importance of
balanced dietary habits. This study is also to view the relationship between schools
support with students knowledge, relationship between students level of
understanding and awareness in practicing healthy eating and the relationship between
consistent food intake and students focus while teaching and learning. The
explanation on the usage of questionnaire will be explained in the researchs
A total of 64 respondents from each school leads to a great amount of 384
respondents. The selected respondents represent all the samples from form four
secondary school students in Sibu.
The questions in the self-created questionnaire are produced by researcher with
the help from supervisor. The questions asked are related to schools support
problems regarding balanced food and nutritients, students awareness in practicing
healthy eanting habits, factors involved in students choice of food, consistency of
food intake by students and the students focus while teaching and learning process.
The questions in the questionnaire emphasis on the researchs questions raised, The
questions are formed in easy and simple format to ensure respondents are able to
answer accurately in a short time and give full cooperation.
The questions revealed cover:

i. Part A
ii. Part B

: The method used by school toward healthy eating habits

: Students awareness in practicing healthy eating

iii. Part C : Factors that influence students choices of food

iv. Part D : Students Consistency in Food Intake
v. Part E : Students concentration while teaching and learning
A test on Students previous knowledge is attached. A set of test is adapted and
translated from Floyd (2003). A set of test consists 10 questions is attached along
with the questionnaire and checked as well as verified by food expertise in Kluang
Hospital. A set of test is suitably certified to be answered by the secondary school
students and Malaysian culture. The test is function to test students level of
schemata relating to balanced eating. The marks scale for the test is adapted from a
scale of 1 10 which is developed by The Ministry of Education in Malaysia for
Excellent Teacher Application (KPM, 2003)
Table 3.1: Scale of Test Marks


1 until 2

Very Low

3 until 4


5 until 6


7 until 8


9 until 10

Very High

(Source: adaptation and adaptation by Malaysia Ministry of Education, 2003)

The mean analysis and standard deviation are used to test the questionnaires items.
These items are segregated into 5 parts namely schools approach, students awareness
in balanced eating, factors influencing the students choice of food, students
consistency in food intake and students concentration in class. For the schools
approach, the calculation for mean score in each achieved item by dividing the total of
mean score for a criterion with the amount of respondents involved in the research.
The total mean score for each item is average which is 3.01. The part for schools
approach is in the average level.
The highest mean in the sixth item is mean 3.68. The standard deviation for the
item is 1.24 which means that respondents have dissimilarities opinions. Meanwhile
the lowest mean is the seventh item wich is the fruits counter with a mean value of
2.39 along with standard deviation of 1.20 that also mean respondents does not share
similar interest. There are 27 answered questions by the respondents. Eight questions
are related to family, surrounding and peers; five questions associated with emotion;
five questions on students physical activities and nine questions related on students
favourite types of food.

This part consists 27 items for analyzing factors that can influence students
choice of food. As in the table 4.2, the total mean for this part is average of 3.54.
Organoleptic is one of the factors that can influence respondents choice of food. It
involves 4 from 5 human senses which are smell, touch, taste and sight. Through the
research, respondents are tailored to choose food based on delicious taste with the
highest mean of 4.36 while the lowest mean is 2.48 that show most respondents do not
eat more then three types of food in schools canteen. The highest mean is 4.24 that
show most respondents eat food exactly like their families. Meanwhile, the lowest
mean is 3.22 shows respondents are not fond to eat food which they learnt in class.
The following is the respondents awareness in practicing balanced eating.
There are eight questions answered by the respondents. Table 4.3 indicated the mean
gathered. The lowest mean is the eighth item which is 3.01 and the highest mean is the
fifth item valued 3.96. The value of standard deviation for item with highest item is
1.04, meanwhile the standard deviation for the lowest mean is 1.28. As the standard
deviation value is more than 1, it shows that most respondents answers are not
centralized on the same choice of respond.
This is the analysis on food intake consistency by respondents. There 7
answered questions by respondents. Table 4.4 shows the collected mean. This part
consists 7 items for food intake consistency by respondents. Through table 4.4, the
highest percentage for students frequency to take breakfast is 32.8% which is 6 to 8
times a week. The highest students frequency for lunch is 47.8%. This means a total
of 181 from 381 respondents have lunch 6 to 8 times in a week.
Meanwhile the highest percentage is the total of frequency. Students who take
dinner are 38.1% is 3 to 5 times in a week. In choosing protein food, 51.4% of
students chose to eat them 3 to 5 times a week. A sum of 128 which is 33.6% from the
respondents chose to eat fruits at least 3 to 5 times a week. Then, 201 students that are
52.8% do not eat titbits or eat them twice in a week. There is 50.4% frespondents who
do not eat accordingly to dietary schedule in a week.
For a relationship study among students schemata on healthy eating habits
with their awareness in healthy eating practices, Pearson correlation test is done. The
Pearson correlation test is a parametric test and result produced is concrete. The two
hypotheses need to be filled to conduct Pearson test is the dara in interval and normal.
In this research, test score is to examine the students knowledge and is classes in the
form of interval and after the normality test is done, it is found that the data gained is
Pekali correlation for a relationship between test score and students awareness
for a relationship between test score with students awareness is r = 0.055. Refers to
the strong classification correlation (refer table 3.7), relationship between both
variables is weak. This is because the range value is from 0.01 till 0.30. Meanwhile for
the realationship between respondents schemata with their awareness in practicing
healthy eating is too less, which is the level of 0.01 until 0.40. As the value is p =
0.283 bigger that the meaningful level 0.01, thus respondents schemata significantly
does not influence in practicing healthy eating. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Two assumptions need to be filled is to run for Spearman Correlation Test in
the form of ordinal data and unnormal data. In the study, respondents concentration in
the class and the food intake consistency by respondents is classified as ordinal.
However, the data is scatteredly normal.

The purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of approach taken by the
school in applying healthy eating among the students. It is also to enhance students
concentration while teaching and learning. In addition, this research enriches
knowledge that associates with healthy, as well as enhances students awareness to
practice healthy eating.
Part of respondents agrees that they learn about healthy food in school.
However, some of them mention that the fruits are not sold separately from the food
counter in their schools. This result does not imply to Bowker et al. (1999), where
fruits stall have to be created separately so that it will be easier and faster for students
to get the food without queing up.
Some of the respondents also indicate that they are not involve in producing
food for their friends in school during Sports Day, The Award Ceremony and etc. This
shows that the less involvement from school in encouraging students to learn
producing healthy food by themselves and sell to their friends. Athough in reality, the
teaching approaches on healthy dietary can be done in different perspective and
creaticly so that it can develop students interest. For an example, Stroper(2003)
reports that a class called Cookshop which is created by New York Community
EatingResource Center to help students along with the teachers to cook variety of
Only a part of respondents agree that school should organize a talk on healthy
food and invite professional speakers or motivators from health institution.
Respondents also agree that school should develop a board and distribute pamplets
related to healthy eating.
The conclusion developed is the schools approach in encouraging healthy
eating among students is limited. There are active school and unactive schools that
take part in the approach. Thus, it is suggested that school changes their policies, so
that the resolution can be carried out immediately. Schools authority should also put
in effort consistently in supporting healthy eating habits by developing different stall
for fruits sellers from the other counters and persuade students to prepare and
nutritious food during schools ceremonies like Sport Day.
The human eating habist are influenced by several factors. Kelly-Plate and
Eubanks (2000), emphasis that among the influencing factors in choosing food is the
family and culture, peers, religion belief, emotion, geographical area, advertisement,
values and lifestyle. In the research, researcher divides these factors into four parts,
namely; environmental factors cover parents and peers, emotional factor, physical
activity factor and organoleptic factor.
For the environment, analysis shows that most respondents learn about healthy
eating through their families. This is paralled with the statement made by Kelly-Plate
and Eubanks (2000) that most people are obsessed with family tradition food. The
research also portrays that respondents want to eat similar food eaten by their families.
Respondetns also shows that they are not necessarily eat the food they learnt in the
The last factor is the organoeptic factor which is influenced by human senses
like sight, touch, taste and hear. Most items related to organoleptic factors that voiced

to be the highest respondents agreement. The highest mean is 4.36 shows that
majority of respondents agree that they eat delicious food, followed by mean of 4.00
and 3.96 which is the interesting texture and presentable dishes. Meanwhile, the
fragrant of food and low fat receive a mean score of 3.81 and 3.89. Nevertheless, the
lowest mean is 2.48 that shows only a small group of respondents eat more that three
types of food at a time during recess. This portrays that they do not eat more than the
amount they should. The result is in line with Blades (2001) which explains that food
quality like taste, appearance, texture and smell (organoleptic factor) will decide
whether the food should be eaten or not.
In a nutshell, the comparison of four factors agree that the main factor that
influencing choice of food is environment, followed by organoleptic factors and
physical activity factor. While the emotion factor does not rally affect respondents
choice of food. This research definitely benefits the Education Ministry. Besdies there
are a few future researches that can be done to contribute to health and students
academic performances.
A good health is a priceless priviledge. It can provide positive affects to the learning
and performances. Healthy dietary is the factor that contributes towards students
success. In order to achieve healthy eating among students, there are steps to be taken
and it involve stakeholders from all levels.
The research result indicates that environmental factor provides great impact
towards students. The serious, effective and consistent approaches should be
established by schools so as the effort to develop healthy eatings can be achieved.
Food is the source of energy for students physical and mental health. The results can
be the useful source to enhance healthy eatings aong students and schools
performances. Besides, this research provides the strengths and weaknesses on the
schools approaches. This is to provide an idea of secondary students eating habits in


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