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Hybrid Health Education

In-depth Study Topic ___Sydney Menne________

DECISION INFLUENCES CHART - Use the sample chart for your reference.
Directions: Use specific quotes or facts to explain how these areas can influence a persons
opinion, either positively or negatively, regarding your topic. Be sure to parenthetically cite each
fact. You must find 2 cited facts per section on this chart.


Media (magazines, newspapers,


The media can help bring peoples attention to

air pollution
("Causes, Effects and Solutions of Air
Pollution." Conserve Energy Future. N.p., 24
Dec. 2016. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

Advertising, TV, radio, videos, films,

promotions, coupons, etc.)

Informing videos can help people learn more

about air pollution and how to prevent it, along
with the causes and effects of it
("Clean Air Primer." Spare the Air - Educational
Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

Technological/Medical Advances
(computer, research studies, new
medicines or procedures, etc.)

Aeroqual is a company that makes air sensors

to monitor air quality
(@Aeroqual. "Air Quality Monitoring
Equipment: Ambient Pollution Sensors."
Aeroqual. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)
United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) is a science leader in the development
and improvement of instruments, methods,
techniques and other tools to measure and
monitor air quality and evaluate air emissions to
protect public health and the environment from
air pollution
("Air Monitoring, Measuring, and Emissions
Research." EPA. United States Environmental
Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

Interpersonal Communications
(family, friends, peers, co-workers,
teachers, etc.)

Children and unborn babies are likely to be

more vulnerable because their lungs are still
growing and developing, their immune and
metabolic systems are still developing, they
suffer from frequent respiratory infections, and
they are commonly more active outdoors than
adults and therefore breathe in higher doses of
outdoor pollutant
("NSW Health." Who Is Affected by Air
Pollution. NSW Government, 30 Apr. 2013.
Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)
People with asthma, lung disease, and heart
disease are also more likely to be affected by
air pollution. Air pollution can worsen symptoms
or trigger asthma attacks, worsen symptoms of
lung disease, and can induce symptoms such
as chest pain or shortness of breath in people
with heart disease
("NSW Health." Who Is Affected by Air
Pollution. NSW Government, 30 Apr. 2013.
Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

Immediate Risks

Air pollution can cause aggravated

cardiovascular and respiratory illness, added
stress to heart and lungs, which must work
harder to supply the body with oxygen, and
damaged cells in the respiratory system
("Air Quality Information for the Sacramento
Region." Spare The Air: Health Effects of Air
Pollution. Spare The Air, 2016. Web. 26 Dec.
Immediate risks include illnesses such as
pneumonia or bronchitis, irritation to the nose,
throat, eyes, or skin, headaches, dizziness, and
(National Geographic Society. "Air Pollution."
National Geographic Society. National
Geographic, 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

Long-Term Risks

Air pollution can cause accelerated aging of the

lungs, loss of lung capacity, decreased lung
function, development of diseases such as
asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and possible
cancer, along with shortened life span
("Air Quality Information for the Sacramento
Region." Spare The Air: Health Effects of Air
Pollution. Spare The Air, 2016. Web. 26 Dec.
Long-term risks include heart disease, lung
cancer, and respiratory diseases such as
emphysema. It can also cause damage to
peoples nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, other
organs, and lead to birth defects
(National Geographic Society. "Air Pollution."
National Geographic Society. National
Geographic, 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 26 Dec. 2016.)

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