Case Study: Civil Disobedience in The South 1960s and Dakota Pipeline Mini-Project

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Case Study: Civil Disobedience in the South 1960s and Dakota Pipeline MiniProject

1. Write down everything you can remember about Martin Luther King Jr., civil
disobedience, segregation and protests in the Southern U.S. in the 1960s. (Use your
vocabulary notes and remember what we talked about).

2. (google: dakota access pipeline high country

news). What is a Pipeline? Add it to your vocab binder.
Look through the pictures (and read the captions) about the debate in the dakota access pipeline.
Read the first paragraph and the last paragraph before the map. This is an example of modern
civil disobedience and oppression.
3. How is this pipeline controversy similar to MLKs protests and civil rights acts?

Who is being oppressed by the Dakota Access Pipeline?


Who does the pipeline benefit?


4. Reflection


What issue would you like to see change in?

In your opinion and for the issue you are interested in would non-violence direct action or
legal negotiation be better approach (enfoque)?

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