SECTION A: Circle The Correct Answers

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Which one the approach that

Aqila used for her job choice?

SECTION A: Circle the correct answers

1. Even though every step in the selection
process is important, the most critical is the
decision to

A. Recruiting Approach
B. Objective Approach
C. Subjective Approach
D.Mechanical Approach

A. accept or reject candidates

B. implement a job test
C. use application forms
D.check references

7. Which of the following is not suitable to

be an alternative planning for surplus of
A. Offer incentives for early retirement
B. Recruiting retiring employees on a part
time basis
C. Do not replace employees who
D. Transfer or reassign excess employees to
departments who need extra workers

2. When new technology is implemented,

some jobs may be obsolete and thus
employees can be
A. dismissed.
B. retired.
C. downsized
D. demoted.
3. Nora Danish does get paid on hourly basis
and also overtime. Her occupation is might

8. Introducing a new employee to the

organization by exposing them to
information related to the company is the
process of

A. Doctor
B. Lawyer
C. Plumber
D. Lecturer

A. training
B. orientation
C. validation
D. coaching

4. Which of the following is considered as

an advantage of external recruiting?

9. Trainees are presented with a written

description of an actual or hypothetical
problems in an organizational setting is the
training method using

A. Better employee morale

B. Better assessment abilities
C. Bring new blood to the organization
D. Shorter adjustment time

A. case studies
B. lectures and seminar
C. simulation
D. computer assisted training

5. Amin nominated himself after gets

interested for the job opening in his
company. What the name of the process?

10. The employee is trained by an

experienced supervisor or senior employee
through a logical sequence of step or step by
step process is training method of

A. Job action
B. Job bidding
C. Job analysis
D. Job Fair

A. vestibule training
B. coaching
C. job instruction
D. job rotation

6. Syuairah evaluates firms based on her

perception of the company, where the firm is
suits her emotional need, image, and

SECTION B: Write T for true statement and F for false statements


The main purpose of forecasting demand for human resource is to encourage the
employees to work with the organization
Better salary offer from another company causing of turnover


Downsizing within a company is a result of economic depression


The main function of the Worker's Union is to negotiate with the employer for the best
pay system for the employees.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is a program that provide the training to
The checking background candidates give the manager a chance to learn about the
candidates ability to communicate, personality and appearance
Generally speaking, the more applicant, the more complicated the selection decision is.
The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining their duties task or
activities is call job analysis
Do not replace employees who retire or leave is the way to solve the shortage problem


Applicant decide which job offer to accept based on Subjective Approach such as pay,
location and opportunity for advancement

1. a) Give the definition of training
b) Distinguish between on-the-job training and off-the-job training

2. List four (4) alternatives for shortage of employees.



3. Illustrate the following terms

a) Turnover


b) Outsource



1. a)

Give the definition of human resource management.

Give three (3) factors to be faced by human resource manager due to numerous
influence and challenges. (6m)

2. Training and development approach can be categorized into four. Briefly discuss that
Approach. (8m)


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