Cards - Wizards of Morcar

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‘You may fire these magical bolts at any target within your line of sight. You may then atack the target with two attack die and he must defend with as many dice at ‘he hae Mind points Discard after use. You may ask the Evil Wizard player to lay out the contents of ‘one room anywhere oa the board ‘once. f tat room is empty Discard after use. ‘You may pick one spell-using figure and free him o discard fone of is unused spel cards at random. That spells then lst forthe duration ofthe Quest. Discard after use. ‘Yu may cast this spell on one figure. That igure may not move or fight until the begining of your next tur, although they may ‘defend or cat spell Discard after se Play this card at the end of our turn. You may reroll any atak, defence or movement die rolls ‘once una the end of Discard ater use. ‘You may become invisible and ‘move around unseen unt the beginning of your next rum ‘While you ar invisible, you cannot atack anyone, bu neither wwill wou be attacked or be affected by spel Discard after use Cloak of Shadows You may summon up a patch of darkness and place a Cloak of Shade tile on the gameboard Any figures in the shadows may not ata, be attacked or cart spells while they are there. This piece may note moved and lasts ‘unt the end ofthe Quest. Keep this ead by thesde of the ‘szameboard for reference Treasure Horde for treasure, you may draw three You rust ake all three cards whatever they are Discard afer use. Wall of Stone ‘You may create a magical wall of stone which covers wo squares, This wal as one Body point and rolls sx defence dice. Keep this ‘card to hand until the wal is destroyed, then discrd it The Sorcerer may choose one Ore within his Line of sight wo be filed ‘with immense strength and vigour. That Ore may then move twice and attack wi during that turn only Discard after use. ipirie of “Vengeance ‘This spell allows the Sorcerer to seni an invisible spirit to atack any one figure on the board. Tae spirit aracks the figure ance with four atack dice which may be Aefended against in the normal sway and then vanishes. The spizit itself cannot be harmed. Discard after use “This spell summons two sheltons which appea immediately anywhere within sight ofthe Sorcerer. They may ‘move and attack at once. Discard aftr use. ‘This spell allows all Orcs inthe same rom asthe Sorcerer to rll an extra dein attack for that tara oly. May only be east ina room, Discard afer use in figures from ‘on o off the szameboard and place them anywhere within his line of sight, ‘The Goblins may move and arck immediately unless they have already done so during this ‘turn, Discard af The Sorcerer may hurl his spel atone target in sight That figure then automatically owes one Body point Discard after use Shield of Protection “This spel allows the Sorcerer and all Ores inthe same rom t ol ‘meta die in defence until the beginning ofthe Sorcerer's next tum. May only be cast in 00m, Discard after se Summon Ores ‘The Sorcerer may immediately take two Ore figures fom nyohere within his line of sgh. The Ores may move and attack immediately unless they have already done so during this turn, Discard after use, The target ofthis spell is with unreasonable terror, and may not atack or east spels on his ner urn, although he may ‘move and defen. Discard afer use 2 Or Sana spas [Ore Shaman Spells (Cast this spell on another player's turn after a monet killed. The mon replaced with a skeleton which can move and atack immediately Discard ater use, The Sorcerer may pick one spell using characte and force him 10 discard one of his spell cards at random. That spells then lost, for the duration ofthe Quest Discard afer us. This spell causes one item of equipment of the Evil Wizard player's choice to rust and ‘become useless That equipment ‘card should be discarded. Discard after we. This spel allows a Sorcerer © ‘burl a magical skull a any ‘opponent in his line of sight. The ‘ul explodes like a fireball and attacks the target with (wo combat dice which he may ‘defend against normaly Discard after use The Sorcerer may use this spel ‘to move instantly to any unoccupied square on the sgameboard Discard after we. Strands of Binding Summon Mummy ‘This spell summons « mummy ‘which wil appeae in any square ‘iacent othe Sorcerer ‘move and attack at once. Discard afer use (Cas this spl on one figure to alfect i with a frightening madness, The Evil Wizard player tay then move that figure on his ‘ext turn although the affaced figure may not atack or east spell Discard after use. ‘The Sorcerer may fre magical threads from his fingers which will entangle one target. The target may not move or attack ‘until he destroys the Strands of Binding which have one Body point and rll four defence dice. ‘The target may defend against ‘other attacks. Discard afer use “The Sorcerer creates a magical ‘wall of lame which covers 0 squares, The wall has one Body Keep this card wm hand unt the ‘all is destroyed and then discard i Blinding Slee ‘The Sorcerer may fil oom swith blinding sleet, None in that room may move, make ranged attacks or cast pells until the beginning ofthe Evi ‘Wiard’s next tur. Figures may only atc or defend if they are sujacent to another figure Discand after use ‘The Sorcerer may fire a lighting bolt ia. straght Line of six squares, Use the lightning bot card piece ro determine who is Init, Anyone hit is attacked with three combat dice which they smay defend against in the normal ‘way, Resolve each atake separately. Discard afer use. ‘The Sorcerer may split the round sssunder in straight ine of six squares. Lay the Earthquake card piece onthe board to determine who is affected. All thse caught will sulfer one Body point of damage asf they had fallen into a pit teap, Discard after use. This spell must be targeted a one figure. The figure loses one equipment card chosen at random which sreturned tthe ‘equipment card pile Discard after use Hurricane a one target who is ina straight line i front of hrm. That igure is then forced back ina straight line of squares until he hits a wal, anothe igure, als down @ pit rap of triggers another tap. Discard aftr use. “Wall of Tee "The Sorcerer creates a magica wall of ce which covers two squares. The wall has one Body point and sic defence die. Keep, this card to hand unt the wal is destroyed and then discard it The Swordsman Price o Hire 75 Gold Coins ‘The Swordsman ‘Atuck 4 dice Defend 5 dice Body 1 Mind 2 Price to Hire 75 Gad Coins ‘The Swordsman Move 4 squares ‘Antack 4 dice Defend 5 dice Body 1 Mind 2 Price to Hire 75 Gold Coins ‘The Suton 7 ‘The Suton hearer ‘Attack 4 dice ‘Attack 4 dice Defend 5 dice Defend 5 dice Body 1 Body 1 ‘Mind 2 ‘Mind 2 Price to Hire 75 Gald Coins Price to Hire 75 Gald Coins Price to Hire 75 Gold Coins u u u The Halberdier ‘The Halberdier ‘Move 6 squares ‘tack 3 dise Defend 3 dice Body 1 ‘Mind 2 Price w Hite 0 Gold Coins ‘The Halberdier ‘Move 6 squares ‘tack 3 dise Defend 3 dice Body 1 ‘Mind 2 Price w Hite 0 Gold Coins ‘The Crossbowman Price t Hire 75 Gold Coins (may be ranged) ‘Move 6 squares ‘ack 2 dices Defend 3 dice Price t Hire 75 Gold Coins (may be ranged) Price o Hite $0 Gold Coins ‘The Scout ‘The Scout ‘rice to Hire $0 Gold Coins ‘As you are searching the room, you set off a Fireburst trap. Place 8 Fireburst token inthe cent of ‘the mom and refer to the Magic Reference Chart to check the fects ofthe trap, Discard after use Ta the comer ofthe room you stumble across a worn pot coming a dull paste. Ifyou spread this paste over one item of equipment, t turns to god and is ‘worth 100 gold coins. Thst equipment card is then lost Discard after use, along withthe ‘equipment car, ‘As you are searching the room, you set off a Fireburst trap. Place 8 Fireburst token inthe cent of ‘the mom and refer to the Magic Reference Chart to check the fects ofthe trap, Discard after use ‘Behind an old tle you find a sided bottle filled with a gold liquid. Drink all ofthis potion berieen Quests then you want to ire Men-at-Arms and you will then beable to hire upto three Men-at-Arms fr 25 gold coins less than normal foreach Discard aftr se “Poison uncover a rusty brown Mask sd with aliquid, You taste i and it turns out tobe poison! You ‘must rol oe combat di: if ou roll skull you love a Body point, otherwise you are unharmed, Discard after use, “Potion of Magic “Apecnte ‘You discover a vial of silvery liguid under a love fagstone. Ifyou ae the Eifor the Wizard, you may drink tat the begining of your turn and then cast ewo spellsin tha turn ather than one. Discard after use Tocion of Magic Resistance You discover a red glass botle in a shallow pt. Ifyou drink the potion you will be completely ‘unharmed by the next magical fire attack hit you, bei spell ora Fireburst tap. Discard after re atack has been resisted Tocion of Magic Resistance ‘You find 2 small bate hidden beneath a rasty shield. You can drink the potion when a spel is cast on yo and you may then ignore the effects ofthat spel, Discard afer use,

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