Trimester 1 2014.2015

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MULTIMEDIA ro] uuversiTY — eT MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY FINAL EXAMINATION ‘TRIMESTER 1, 20142015 BAE 1044 — ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (All Sections) 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 2:30 pm.— 430 pm, (Hous) INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENT 1. This question paper consists of NINE printed page with 4 sectons. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. Shade your answers fr Sections A and B on the OMR sheet. 44. White your answers for Seetion C and Section D inthe Answer Booklet. pana ___mnousemisnssconauteanoy __eseresaenis SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE [20 MARKS} Instructions: Ansver ALL questions inthis section, 1. Communication, withthe help of handshakes, pats on one's hack, and hugs is knowns A haptics B Kinesis Cproxemics D. Ghronemics 2, ames ust graduated with « Bachelor in Accounting. He wants apply fora job as an Account Executive at aloes] company. He wants to send his resume and ‘over leer What i the best lind of information that be should pt in these documents? 'A. The information provided in both documents should be as early as his secondary schol days B. The information in both documents should only be about the latest information fom his nt few semesters of his tay C.The resume should inlude information abou his secondary schooldays ‘ut the cove eter should include only his qualifictin related to being an D, The cover leer should include information about bis secondary schoo! days but the resume should inelude only the quiiaton neoded for an ‘Account Executive. 3. Clara conducted a research on “New Methods for Bifective. Business (Correspondence and she i going to present her findings toa group of managers fina conference, In er presesaton be abould use A. many tables because tables can show comparisoe beter than any other types oflustation 1B. videos because she doesnot have to talk muchas the videos can ‘present the findings for ber ©. graphs asa mean of showing the current trend tht many companies are following in ther organisation . flow chars because they help present the differen processes involved in changing from the ld method to the new ones Continued... Ra v7 4 ‘There are many advantages and disadvantages of writen messages. For someone ‘who is working in a telecommunicaton company that i alwaye keeping isalP abreast with the latest communication teshology, he > sho might fad tht mail messages cannot be more formal than memos and fax documents Eni are sil otto be trusted especially when he messages ae private ‘nd confidential because emails canbe acked emails and memos are essentially similar because both can take sreviations and short forms in their messages memos cannot be used t send messages even thagh the company does not have any resvctons on paper type messages vo BP We should use visual displays, such as to sustain audience's interest in our presentation. tables aaphs frawings photographs end 1 Mand 1, and1v Allof the above pop> ZEB7 Alex is going outro meet a client, Michelle, o ty close a business deal. He is supposed to meet erat 830 pan. but e arves at 8:00pm. He wears a dark Sut leather shoes, a branded watch and a founain panto complement his aie Alex i wing and, te convey his confidence and status in making th Businass wansaction, ‘A. haptics and proxemics 1B. Kinesis and ehronemics C__rtefacs and chronemics . chronemice and proxemice ‘The following are some of the purposes of having a meeting, except 0 show authority expres disatistction ster knowlege and experience Seek assistance in decision making pare Contin ne asin moc onmsnesscmuasscani __ street 1, Haptics, chonemiss, and proxemics are three elements of non-verbal ‘communication. They canbe influenced by the diferent background or esas fof those who use them. Examples of these lements are and espectivly ‘A. holding hands, arsving early fora meeting, and standing part from others wearing gold chains, asiving late fra party, switching on bight Lights in ©. Inughing out ood, reading books with bright lah on, pating one's Shoulder while congratlnting someone DD. standing close to someone who is familia, placing « bag onto a sat to show one's place, hugging someone as greeting ‘When person is tying to got his or her mesage ros to enoher person, it means he ors ie tying 0 the messze. A. decode B. encode compile D. anit All of his information should not be inchaed in ese except ‘A. personal details nd academic institutions BB, fcademic qualification forall levels of edueation CC. work experience that ony relates to the job beng applied 1D. Sills and personal interest that re coniplete with details and explanation ‘There are many duties of a chairperson for any formal weetng. However, thse Altes do notinelads A. dealing with ll comrespondences BL making record ofthe proceedings CC. helping the secretary prepare the agenda 1D. discassng meeting tems in comet order While Clara was talking to Join, a glass fell off the tble and broke. This Incident interfered Clara's flow of communication with John. Tis interference iscalled AL lapse Boise C. Blockage D. distortion Continued. pms _musurorsusnesscomanieanes sesame zit SECTION C: CASE STUDY [15 MARKS} Instructions: Read the following ease and answer the questions that follow. ‘The AnFresh Company received the frst report of food poisoning on the morning of Jane 27,2014, The Wes Japan Branch received a phone cll fom a consumer whose children showed symptoms of food poisoning afer they drank AnPresh's low-fat milk at dinner the day before. An employee of the company immediately visited the consumer's house, but was certain that AnFres’s milk Wak not the case of the children's symptoms. ‘The Osska City Hall also received several reports from loctl public helt centres bout the fod poisoning eases, which were possibly caused by AnFresh’s low-fat milk. Based on a previous experience with an outbreak of fod poisoning, officials fom the City Hall responded tothe situation prompdy and conducted an onsite investigation at AnFresi’s Osaka plant. The ofcals at Csaka City Hall told representative of the AnFresh West Japan Branch 1 recall its products and make @ pblic announcement to inform consumers about the fend poisoning incident |mmeditely; however, the Osa plant general manager thought that complains from Seven consumers out of hundreds of thousinds consumers who had purchased thir products were usual and dt a public announcement woud merely confuse the ‘The next day at 10 am. AnFresh’s executives finally decided to voluntarily recall its products in Wester Jopan, but did not make a public announcement. Tetsuro Ishikawa, the president of AnFresh was informed about the resale hour ater. At 4 ‘pam, the Osaka City Hall held « press conference 1o inform the public about the food Poisoning caused by AnFresh's Milk. At 945 pam. the general manager of the “AnFresh West Japan Branch ls called fora press coferen> fo explnin its product recall. The following week, the number of eases reported increased wo 9,396. AnFresh ‘so published ite official announcement of the recall in te newspapers, bu the manufacture date of posible poisoned products was wrongly mentioned in the fannouncement. In ancter press conference, 2 managing tirector plied to the ‘questions aout that mistake about the product date. “There chaos inthe company Ws very difeut to manage accurate information.” In addition, it was found that two ‘other milk products enused the food poisoning as well. Fist, Anresh denied tht, but the inspection by Osaka City Hall confirmed the product ines fr those two products ‘were contaminated. They found thatthe hygiene standards athe plant were lx. The bacteria collected in «valve tht ad not ben cleaned fr almost 2 month, although ‘egulatons stipulated Uti should have been cleaned every week. The workers also ‘regularly used milk that had passed it sel-by-date as en ingredient for high-cleiam sik and other products During the press conference, media reporters questioned Isikewa many questions. He responded saying. “I do not ow details abou the manufacaring. | fel displeased because information did not reach me” Ishikawa shouted ste reporters, I have not Slept? The press conference was aed on natonwide television, The next dey, the Osaka Prefecture Police conducted an investigation on the grounds of professional negligence resulting in food poisoning. The police found that, “Each person at ‘AnFresh old a different story It seems tat they donot share information among the Continued. saga ___mo.suroneimasieomunscanoy __sssoereunenzue 13, 14 15, 16. In departmental meeting, James wants 1 raise an sss, However, the iss is ‘01 Kistd inthe agenda, How ean he rie the iso inthe meeting? ‘A. Hecan mention it in the introdution part ofthe meting. He ean menton it while the chairperson is ulking about the previous sinites B (C. He can ask peemision ftom the chairperson o rise the issue inthe mile D. ofthe meeting. He can rise the issue when the chsirperson ess whother the members hve any otber business discuss ‘A cover letter should not be duplicated and seat to every potential employer Instead, it should explain spec reasons for one and desrbe the most relevant sil fo the poston ‘bition and demand fo the next five years benefits that one Would lke 1 have when working with he company rescictons and limitations one has as potoial employees of an crganiation pomp Providing information during « presentation is 8 mus. However, sustaining audience's interest inthe presentation is also nacestry This can be made by forcing the audience to keep on taking notes ‘varying the non-vettal elements in the presentation sllowing the audience to hold a discussion while the isa is being presented ‘suring thatthe us of videoclips is more than the slides i visual ids are ‘eo inthe presentation v ome ‘As a manager who has several subordinates, Joyce hes the responsibilty to ensure that her subocdnates have the opportunity t improve ther work performance. One ofthe best ways she can do this is by ‘A. minimising any nose whenever she communicates with he subordinates B Setting a safe distance from the subordinates to easure sess foe ofice (C. using multiple channels whenever she conveys messages to her subordinates 1D. providing ample feedback 19 the subordinates to ensure they know thie ‘weaknesses and sents Continved. 1, 2, Simon, ¢ Markating Dizector, it prested at finding sluions to increase his ‘company's sles. Thus, at one departmental meeting, Simon tld his exestves, “We need to form several groups now. By having. these groups, ou decision making abilities would be much beter risk would be greater, but at lest our profits is guranteed to increase to 100% TIL company’s productivity would hopefilly be improved due to the many ideas that canbe generated IV. response time can be shorter, thus having the ability to improve any inelicencies wien dealing with customers only lenly 1 Tand1V only Land 1V only power Edom isa secretary at Clement Sito Lid. Being an exyerienced sscretary, the ‘knows that for any mecing, iti her duties to do all ne following except to ‘A. write accurate minutes ofthe meeting Bobiainall the necessary documents fom absent menbers (C.__ ensure notices ofthe meetings are sent several days pra the mesings D. - decide, and ater get the approval from her boss, onthe agenda of mectings son, the same can be suid when sending messages trough emails. person is sid to have positive netiquette when the |A. receive replies rude emails with the same language BB. _ sender effains fom using bol, capitalised and colored fons fealy (C__Scader and the receiver both select any recipients of carbon copy ffom thei contact st D. receiver avoids replying harsh emails aliogetha for fear of making ‘Stuns more uncomforable Samuel wanted to sell several products mamuctured by his company. He ‘nos that he needs to do the following excep 0 ‘consider the pubis needs and motivations understand the audience's desires and interests ‘know the potential consumers age, gender and occupation influence the public by manipulating the messages given them pomp Continued. uni __bucustroeusnsscommanacani __ usec SECTION B: TRUEIFALSE [10 MARKS] Instructions: Answer ALL. questions inthis section, Shade (A) ifthe statement is ‘TRUE aad (B) ifthe statement is FALSE 21, To facilitate the understanding ofa message, presentation sides should contain a5 many ilustations as possible, 22, All planning for any activity should be cae out in meeting. 23, Multiple channels are often used to ensure succesful communicetion. 24, ina mepotition proces, choosing what to wear can at tines be advantageous to ‘negotiator 25, The main purpose of visu sds ina presentation sto ap the speaker evaluate the audiences tention, 2, A:memo isa form of communication tht is written to colleagues, subordinates and bosses. 27, To make presentations more interesing, wordy texts and complicated graphics shouldbe ineladed inthe presentation slides wo impres the audience 28. In giving a presentation, one needs o have the ability to persuade, to inform, to ‘motivate and to enters. 29, in an imterview, open type questions sllow the interviewees more feedom to answer the questions aswell ato express their opinions and feelings. 30. In preparing fora presentation, we have 1 ensure that Jailed information of the hartions i provided, 31. Im the communication process, choosing to be silent or tying to stop all communication sill convey as much mestage as giving any message verbally. 32. Inerpretation of writen messages isnot influenced by che readers’ experience snd education 33, Business messages remain consistent in their styles repadles of the pes of messages and diferent receivers ofthe messages. 34. A suitable tone in business message means the message is writen sincerely, iscriminately and appropriately 35. Carla, afresh graduate, i going to attend an interview. For any fresh graduate like Carl, a complete resume and academic ceifiats are two ofthe most ‘important documents o be brought to an terse. 36, Verbal communication is not beter han email because daring the conversation, ‘he speakers can easily be interrupted or distracted by anyone. 37. For more effective presenatons, presenters should use all ypes of visual sds at east once fo ensure variety and for beter understanding 38. Samantha cannot keep up with deans given by her bss. She foes tha she ‘na oo many things to do but wo litle time to complete te tsk. She may have probleme relted to proxemics. 39, Whether a message is understood or not does not depeed on the message, but ‘mostly on the persons who use the message. 440, Sarah and Clara are ovo new colleagues working in te same edministatve

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