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29 Nov 99 - 27 Feb 13


Mudras in Reiki and Healing

On these Pages you will find information on Mudras and some of the
Raku Kai Mudras. Some of you might be wondering why I am choosing
to include these Mudras here on a site about Reiki. The answer to that
is both simple and complex. A short while back, I learned that there were
Mudras used in Raku Kai Reiki. You can view these by clicking this
link. To View these, click the link below.
Raku Kai Reiki Mudras
In my martial arts training, I had seen these hand positions and been
taught them some 17 years previously. When I was taught them, it was
not necessarily in the context of healing, but in the context of inner
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cultivation and energy work and development. Once I learned that they
were part of Raku Kai Reiki, I began to reevaluate my knowledge of
these positions and to apply them in healing as they were used in Raku
Kai Reiki.
Of particular interest to me was that the first four hand positions (Rin,
Kyo, Toh, Sha) seemed to have the same meanings as the four
traditional Reiki Symbols and I have speculated that their might be some
These three hand positions used in Raku Kai Reiki are part of a larger
set known as the Kuji-in or "Nine Hands Cutting", or "Cutting the Nine
Ideographs". They were also referred to as the "Shuji Shuriken". They
were used to develop your mental abilities, your ability to control and
use energy, and to increase one's Ki, and for protection. These
Mudras are seen not only in Japan, but also in Chinese Taoist practices
and Hindu and Tibetan Tantra. In Japan, the practice of "cutting the nine
ideographs" was taken up by yin-yang practitioners, some Buddhists,
Samurai, and ninja to raise their energy and heighten their abilities.
Each Mudra was performed with meditation, breathing and in
invocation/mantra as well as mental exercises to connect the meridians
in the body.
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This site and all its contents, the Reiki Plain and Simple, Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple, Reiki Xtras, and Karuna Ki EBooks are Copyright 1998-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved. The author of said material allows it to be
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to be shared with students, provided that it is given in its entirety, and this copyright message remains intact with the
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DISCLAIMER: Although I personally find disclaimers to be the final death blow to common sense, I state the
The information on this website is offered for informational purposes only. The user of said information
accepts all responsibility for viewing and/or using this information. Energy healing systems such as Reiki,
Karuna, and others are not a substitute for medical care. This information is not offered for the purposes of
substituting, replacing, or contra-indicating sound medical advise or medical care. This information is not
intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. If you have medical concerns you are advised to contact a
licensed physician.
Reiki is a spiritual system and as such is protected, as are all religious practices, by the First Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States of America.

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