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Submitted to : Sir Asad Shakoor

Submitted by : Rana Haider

Roll no : 820
Subject : I.B.S
Topic : Conflict Management

Behavioural science
Defination:The scientific study of human behaviour.
It involves the systematic analysis and investigation of human behaviour through controlled and
naturalistic observations.

A battle, contest or opposing forces existing between desires and moral, religious
or ethical ideas ( Websters Dictionary)
A state of incompatibility of ideas between two or more parties or individuals

Conflict management
Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible, fair
and efficient manner






Causes of Conflict

Poorly defined goals

Attack on personal values

Lack of cooperation/trust

Competition of scarce resources

Unclear roles/lack of job description

Effects / results of Conflict



Staff turnover



Steps to reslove Conflict

Assure privacy

Empathize than sympathize

Listen actively

Maintain equity

Focus on issue, not on personality

Avoid blame

Identify key theme

Encourage feedback

Identify alternate solutions

Give your positive feedback

Agree on an action plan

How to prevent Conflict

Frequent meeting of your team

Allow your team to express openly

Sharing objectives

Having a clear and detailed job description

Distributing task fairly

Never criticize team members publicly

Always be fair and just with your team

Being a role model


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