Raku Kei Reiki Mudras

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5 May 01 - 5 May 05


Reiki Plain and Simple

A Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho

The Reiki Plain and Simple On-line Book, this site and all its contents are Copyright
1998-2001 by Vincent Amador. The author of said material allows it to be used For
Free Use only. It is to be shared freely, without cost. You may print copies of this work
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Raku Kei Reiki Mudras

These are the Raku Kai Mudras. The origin is suspected to be from Aurthur Robertson. Included is
the Mudra, a brief description and the name as it would by used from other sources.

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Kanji Position #1 - SHA

Position #1 is the fingers interlaced with the two index fingers extended and placed together.
Concentrate on the point where you feel the pulse, usually where the finger tips touch. Note the
position of the thumbs, they are not crossed. This was used for spiritual healing. It was also used to
cause distant healing. It was taught that this was done before any type of Reiki healing session. It
was thought to bring spiritual energy into the channels in the body.
This position is called SHA in other systems. It is used to balance the energy in the body, and develop
the heavenly chi and spiritual power. It was used to heal self and others. This was done in conjunction
with a meditation that focused on seeing the bodily fire and connecting to the fire of the universe. This
would seem analogous to the Reiki Dai Ko Mio symbol in application of bringing in the spiritual light
and healing.

Kanji Position #2 - RIN

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Position #2 is the fingers interlaced with the two middle fingers extended and tips touching. Note the
position of the thumbs which are crossed. This was used to increase the efficacy of a hands on
healing session.and to promote balance. It was thought to help connect to the power and energy and
allow it to flow more readily in the channels.
This position is called RIN in other systems. Rin is to help connect to the power or energy of the
universe (cosmic energy) and increase the power in the body. It is interesting that in Raku Kai that this
position was chosen for this. It would seemingly be analogous to the intent of the Cho Ku Rei symbol
in function.

Kanji Position #3 - JIN

Position #3 is the fingers folded inward and all interconnecting. The thumbs cross and also are inward
to the palm. It was described in Raku Kai as bringing knowing. It facilitates a connection to the
subconscious mind of the client and helps correct imbalances in the client.
This position is called JIN in other systems. It was thought to help you Know the thoughts of others. It
increased the empathic abilities and increased the ability to feel the thoughts of others. At the highest
level one could sense others thoughts and feelings as well as hide your own thoughts, feeling and
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intent. It is unclear why this would have been included in Raku Kai as there is no similarity to any of the
Reiki Symbols or practices.

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This site and all its contents, the Reiki Plain and Simple, Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple, Reiki Xtras, and Karuna Ki EBooks are Copyright 1998-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved. The author of said material allows it to be
used For Free Use only. It is to be shared freely, without cost. You may print copies of this work for personal use or
to be shared with students, provided that it is given in its entirety, and this copyright message remains intact with the
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DISCLAIMER: Although I personally find disclaimers to be the final death blow to common sense, I state the
The information on this website is offered for informational purposes only. The user of said information
accepts all responsibility for viewing and/or using this information. Energy healing systems such as Reiki,
Karuna, and others are not a substitute for medical care. This information is not offered for the purposes of
substituting, replacing, or contra-indicating sound medical advise or medical care. This information is not
intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. If you have medical concerns you are advised to contact a
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Reiki is a spiritual system and as such is protected, as are all religious practices, by the First Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States of America.

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