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What makes me happy)))))))))

1) the smell after a thunderstorm

2) find the lilac flowers with 5 petals
3) to catch the falling snowflakes 4) to decorate a Christmas tree
5) amusement Parks
6) the bright sun in the cloudless day
7) listen to the bird's singing
8) to receive compliments
9) large fireworks
10) butterflies
11) the smell of fresh grass
12) to see a shooting star
13) hot cocoa in the morning
14) sit on the beach and look at the sea
15) rainbow
16) being in the spotlight
17) films with meaning
18) to help others
19) to learn something new every day
20) freshly baked bread
21) jumping in puddles
22) laugh to tears
23) to give gifts
24) to listen to music
25) to go to the circus
26) playing snowballs

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