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q PT. PHYTOCHEMINDO REKSA IY Yous Partner tn Harbal Henle PRODUCT LIST HERBAL EXTRACTS Plant No Product Name Common Namo | "ant Indications Description ‘Abrus precaiorus (Saga) | Albrus precatorus | Leaf | Expectorant; Bronchiis 7 2 [Aloe vera (Lidah Buaya) | Aloe vera Leaf | Laxative; Digestive disorder Par @ | Andrographis paniculata King of bitters: Leaf immunostimulant; Par (Gambiloio) Hepatoprotector, Diabetes; Diarrhea @ [Annona muricata folum | Graviola/Soursop | Leaf | Anticancer, Diabetes; High blood Par (Daun sirsak) pressure; Antibacterial; Antifungal 5 [Apium graveoiens L. (Seledr) | Celery Leaf | Antinypertension, Diuretic, Aris | Par & [Areca catechu (Pinang) | Areca catechu Seed | Gallstone; Dyseniery, Edema Par 7 | Black tea (Teh hitam) Black tea Leaf | Antioxidant, Heart healthy; Pws Diabetes; Parkinson's disease; High cholesterol, Kidney stone @ | Blumea balsamifera Blumea balsamifera | Leaf | Expectorant; Tonic; Stomach Par (Sembung) disorder; Diabetes; Diarrhea 3 | Boesenbergia pandurata | Boesenbergia Rhizome | Reduce fat, Laxative; Diuretic Pws (emu kunci) pandurata 10 | Caesalpinia sappan (Secang) | Sappanwood ‘Wood | Antioxidant; Analgesic; Menstrual | Pws disorder, Antinflammatory; Ti | Cassia angustofa (Senna) | Senna Teat | Constipation; Hemorrhoid, Losing | Par weight 72 | Ceniela asiatea L Gotu Kola Leaf | Would healing: Keloid; Dermatitis, | Par, Pw (Pegagan) Diuretic; Anemia 75 | Cinnamomam burmani Cinnamon Bark | Diabetes; Lower cholesterol Pws (Kayu manis) Sedative; Antitussive; ‘Antihypertension 14 | Cis aurantifolia folum | Lime Leaf | Antioxidant; Antibacterial; Relaxing | Par (aun Jeruk nips) 78 | Gurcuma aeruginosa____| Black turmeric Rhizome | Asthma; Cough; Antibacterial, Pws (Temu hitam) Carminative; Antiemetc; Slimming 76 | Gurcuma domestica (Kanyil) | Turmeric Rhizome | Antioxdant, Antibacterial, Antiviral, | Pdr, Pws, Hepatoprotector, Vo Immunostimulant; Prevent Alzheimer's cisease; Antitumor 77" Gurcuma heyneana ~~ Curcuma heyneana | Rhizome | Antionidant: Constipation; Bar (emu giring) Stamina; Smooth skin; Simming 76 | CUR X-ZOL" ‘CUR KZOL™ Rhizome | Antioxdant, Hepatoprotector, Pai, Pw, Gurcuma xanthorrhiza Java turmeric Antiviral; Antibacterial; Appetite | Vo, Ess oll (Temulawak) stimulant Hypocholestémic; Bilary disorders; immunostimulant 78 | Curcuma zedoaria ‘Curcuma zedoaria” | Rhizome | Antioxidant, Antitumor, Analgetic; Par (emu put) Expectorant; Tuberculosis; 20 | Elephantopus scaber Elephaniopus Leaf | Asthma; Antidiabetic, Par (Tapak timan) scaber ‘Antinflammation; Antitumor; Hepatoprotector; Antibacterial bat | EUR” EURX” Root | Aphrodisiac; Antinypertension; | Par, Pws Eurycoma longifolia Eurycoma longifolia Antimalaria; Improve stamina; | (Pasak bum Jmmunostimulant Heo fie: Chutn County, Rikan Boseve KB FACE) Na. Fox. 21 286 Factory: Mercedes Bane No unung Pur Bogor 16964 ndonesa_ Te @ slesopny PT. PHYTOCHEMINDO REKSA ap Your Partner on falal fanleh No| Product Name Common Name | Pant Indications Description 2 | FENNEST” FENNEST™ Fruit | Expectorant, Anaigetic; Cough, Par, La Foeniculum vulgare (Adas) _| Fennel Constipation; Hemorrhoid | Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen Fruit rind | Antioxidant; Antibacterial; immune | Pdr, Pws (Manggis) system; Healthy respiratory (24 | Glycine Max (Kedelai) ‘Soybeen Seed ‘Skin aging; Lower cholesterol; Pdr Reduce heart disease; Esterogen replacement therapy; Lower cancer risk "25 | Granati pericarpium (Delimay | Pomegranate Frat | Antioxidant: Astangent Appetite Pa | suppressant; Diarrhea; Diabetes 28 | Graptophyilum pictam L. | Graptophyllum Leaf | Hemorrhoid; Gallstone; Diuretic; Par (Wungu) picturn Constipation 727 | Green coffee (Bij Kopi hijau) | Green coffee ‘Seed | High blood pressure; Losing Pdr weight; Alzheimer’s disease; Type 2 diabetes: Infections 28 | Green tea (Teh hijau) Grean tea Leaf ‘Antioxidant; Appetite suppresant, Pws, Lq Bum calorie; Improve fat metabolism 23 | Guazuma uimifola Bastard cedar Leaf | Fat burner, Astingent Par, Pos (Jati belanda) 30 | Hibiscus sabdariffa (Rosella) | Roselle Calyx. Antioxidant; Anticholesterol; Pws, Lq Diuretic; Tonic; Expectorant; ‘Stomach disorder; Antiscorbutic; Refrigerant 31 | Tmperata cyindrca Gogon grass Radix | Diuretic; Detox, Cleansing Pws (Alang-alang) 32 | Kaempferia galanga (Kencut) | Aromatic ginger | Rhizome | Digestive disorders; Cough, Pwe = Regulate biood circulation; Arthritis 33 | Labisia pumila Kacip fatimah ——_—| Leaf Aphrodisiac; Anti-dysmenorrhoea; Pdr (Kacipfatimah) ‘Antioxidant; Skin protection ‘34 | Mentha arvensis (Mint) | Mint Leaf Antitusive; Expectorant Pws. [35 | Momordica charantia Bitter melon Fruit | Diabetes; Breast cancer, Lower Par (Buah pare) cholesterol and trighyceri Digestive aid 36 | MONTX” WONEX” Fruit | Antioxidant, Hypertension; Pus Morinda citrifolia (Mengkudu) | Morinda/Noni Diabetes; Immunomodulator 37 | Murraya paniculata Murraya paniculata | Leaf | Astringent: Simming Par {(Kemuning) 3 | Myristca fagrans (Palay | Nutmeg Fruit | Tnsomnia; Carminative; Digestion | Pdr, Pwa problem; Migraine; Diarrhea; Antiemetic 39 | Nigella sativa Vinten hitam) | Black cumin ‘Seed | Antioxidant, Asthma; Respiratory Par system; Cardiovascular system; ‘Antiuicer; Immunostimulator, Liver function: Antinflammatory; Skin 0 | Orthosiphon arstatus ava tealCats Leaf | Diuretic; Gallstone; Diabetes Par {(Kumis kucing) whisker “1 | Parameria barbata Parameria barbata [Wood _ | Reduce fat, Astringent Par (Kayurapaty 2 | Phaleria macrocarpa Phaleria macrocarpa | Fruit | Antitumor, Anticancer, Diabetes, Par (Mahkota dewa) Hypertension i Boeiovard Bk B 1 ete lndonea Tee (21)25 46 a (21 867 1086 251-52 Fox 61289 q PT. PHYTOCHEMINDO REKSA IY Yows Partner im PorOnl fanlee No Product Name Common Name | Fiant Indications Description 48 | Phylanthus nirari(Meniran) | Phyllanthus nirun’ [Leaf | Diuretic; Hepatoprotector, Par, Pas Immunostimulant 2 | Pimpinelia pruatjan Pimpinela prualjan | Radi | Aphrodisiac Diuretic Par, Pw (Purwoceng) | Piper belle L (Sith) Piper betle Leaf | Antiseptic; Antibacterial, Pws Antinflammatory, Antitussive 6 | Piper retrofractam “Javanese Tong Fruit | Antioxidant, Antinflammatory; ws (Cabe jawa) pepper Stimulant; Antibacterial “Antidepressant 7 | Peidium guajava (Jambu bi) _| Guava Leaf | Diarthea; Gastroenteritis, Par 8 | Quercus infectora Gall oak Fruit | Antimicrobial, Astringent, Ani Par (Manjakani) ‘oxidant; Gynecological disorders 49 | Red rice bran Redrice bran Bran] Antchypercholesterolemia; Ant Par (Bekatul beras merah) hhypertrigiyceridemia; Antioxidant 50 | Sauropus androgynus Sauropus Leaf | Lactagogue (Stimulate milk Par (Katuk) androgynus production) 31 | Sida mombiolia (Sidagur) | Sida rhombifoia | Leaf | Anaigetic, Rheumatism Par 82 | Sonchus arvensis ‘Sonchus arvensis | Leaf | Diuretic, Appetite stimulant, Une Par (Tempuyung) acid; Kidneystone; Cholesterol 33 | Strobitanthus crispus ‘Strobilanthus Leaf | Diuretic; Gallstone; Kidneystone; Par (Kejibeting) crispus Hemorrhoid 54 | Swietenia mahagonia Swietenia Fruit Diabetes; Hypertension; improve Par (Mahoni) mahagony 35 | Syzgium polyanthur Syzgium Leat ~ Par (Caun salam) polyanthum Anticholesterol; Uric acid 36 | Tamarindus indica “Tamarin Pulp | Appetite stimulant; Antipiretic, Pus 1g (Asam jawa) Antiemetic; Laxative 57 | Tinospora crispa (Brotowall) | Tinospara Trunk _ | Diabetes; Antpiretic, Bacterisid Par 58 | Trigoneliafoenum-graecum | Fenugreek ‘Seed | Breast enhancement and health, Pdr (ii ktaber) increasing breast milk, sexual esire, PMS, blood sugar, anti- | Z oxidants, menopause, 58 | Uncaria gambir (Gambit) | Uncaria gambir | Leaf | Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Par ‘Stomachic; Diarhea; Dysentery 60 | Zingiber aromaticum Fragrant ginger | Rhizome | Analgetic; Hemorrhoid Par, Pw (Lempuyang wang) 1 | Zingiber officinale Ginger Rhizome (ahe emprit) Antinflammatory; Carminative: La 62 | REGINX” REGINX” Rhizome | Antitussive; Stimulant; Antiemetic; | Pdr, Pws, Zingiber officinale var. Rubra | Red ginger Rheumatism iq (ahe merah) ‘55 | Zingiber purpureum (Bangle) | Zingiber purpureum | Rhizome | Antinflammatory, Stomach Par ___| disorder: Hepatitis; Cough 64 | Zingiber zerumbet Zingiber zerumbet | Rhizome | Antinociceptive; Antinflammatory; | Pdr (Lempuyang gajah) Antipyretic; Antiallergic; Immunomodulator; Antimicrobial Note : Par= Powder (not soluble) Lg = Liquid Ess oll = Essential oil Pws = Powder (water soluble) Vo = Volatile cil wy, Rue ‘curueg Pu yO Bok B (BOE) No.8 Cl Bogor 16864

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