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Abbreviations and Acronyms

AC - Alternating Current
ACARS - Aircraft Communication And Reporting System
ACP - Audio Control Panel
ADF - Automatic Direction Finder
AFDS - Autopilot Flight Director System
AFF - Auto Flight Function
AGU - Audio Gateway Unit
APB - Auxiliary Power Breaker
APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
ASG - APU Starter Generator
ATC - Air Traffic Control
ATRU - Automatic Transformer Rectifier Unit
ATRUC - Automatic Transformer Rectifier Unit Contactor
AVS - Alternate Ventilation System
BTB - Bus Tie Breaker
C - Celsius
CAC - Cabin Air Compressor
CAH - Cabin Attendant Handset
CAN - Controller Area Network
CAP - Cabin Attendant Panel
CAPT - Captain
CCR - Common Computing Resource
CCS - Common Core System
CDN - Common Data Network
CFRP - Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CIS - Cabin Interphone System
CMSC - Common Motor Start Controller
COMM - Communication
CSS - Cabin Services System
CSSC - Cabin Services System Controller
CVR - Cockpit Voice Recorder
CWLU - Crew Wireless LAN Unit
CZU - Cabin Zone Unit
DC, dc - Direct Current
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
DSP - Display Select Panel
DU - Display Unit
EBAC - Electric Brake Actuator Controller
ECS - Environmental Control System
EDP - Engine Driven Pump
EE - Electronic Equipment
EEC - Electronic Engine Control (GE)
EEC - Engine Electronic Control (RR)
EFB - Electronic Flight Bag
EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System
EFIS/DSP - Electronic Flight Instrument System/display Select Panel
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature

EICAS - Engine Indicating And Crew Alerting System

ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter
EMP - Electric Motor Pump
EMER - Emergency
ENG - Engine
EPAS - Emergency Power Door Assist System
EPC - External Power Contactor
EPGS - Electrical Power Generation System
ETOPS - Extended Operations
EU - Electronic Unit
F - fahrenheit
F/D - flight director
FBW - Fly By Wire
FCE - Flight Control Electronics
FDH - Flight Deck Handset
F/O - First Officer
ft - Feet
FWD - Forward
GCB - Generator Control Breaker
GCU - Generator Control Unit
GNR - Generator Neutral Relay
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPWS - Ground Proximity Warning System
G/S - Glideslope
HDD - Head Down Display
HF - High Frequency
HLF - High Lift Function
HUD - Head Up Display
HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current
IRS - Inertial Reference System
IRU - Inertial Reference Unit
ISFD - Integrated Standby Flight Display
ISS - Integrated Surveillance System
ISSPU - Integrated Surveillance System Processor Unit
KCAS - Knots Calibrated Air Speed
kg - Kilogram
kVA - Kilovolt-ampere
L - Left
LB - Pounds
LAN - Local Area Network
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LGA - Landing Gear Actuation
LOC - Localizer
LRM - Line Replaceable Module
LRRA - Low Range Radio Altimeter
LRU - Line Replaceable Unit
m - meter
MB - Marker Beacon
MCP - Mode Control Panel
MFD - Multi Function Display
MFK - Multi Function Keypad
MIC - Microphone

MLG - Main Landing Gear

MLW - Maximum Landing Weight
MTOW - Maximum Take Off Weight
MTW - Maximum Taxi Weight
N1 - Fan and low pressure compressor
ND - Navigation Display
NG - Nose Gear
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
NWW - Nose Wheel Well
OBS - Observer
ODS - Overheat Detection System
OFAR - Overhead Flight Attendant Rest
OFCR - Overhead Flight Crew Rest
OVHT - Overheat
PA - Passenger Address
PCU - Power Control Unit
PFCF - Primary Flight Control Function
PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PSU - Passenger Service Unit
R - Right
RA - Radio Altimeter
RA - Resolution Advisory
RAT - Ram Air Turbine
RDC - Remote Data Concentrator
RPDU - Remote Power Distribution Unit
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RVS - Reactive Windshear System
SATCOM - Satellite Communications
SELCAL - Selective call
SPU - Start Power Unit
STA - Station
TA - Traffic Advisory
TAT - Total Air Temperature
TCAS - Traffic Collision Avoidance System
TCP - Tuning Control Panel
TCS - Terminal Cellular System
TPR - Turbofan Power Ratio (RR)
TTP/C - Time Triggered Protocol/Critical
TWLU - Terminal Wireless LAN Unit
VAC - Volts Alternating Current
VDB - VHF Data Broadcast
VFSG - Variable Frequency Starter Generator
VHF - Very High Frequency
VOR - VHF Omnidirectional Range
WIPS - Wing Ice Protection System
WL - Water Line
WXR - Weather radar.

AAF - auxiliary airflow function

ACARS - aircraft communications addressing and reporting system
ACMF - airplane condition monitoring function
ACMS - airplane condition monitoring system
ACS - ARINC 664 cabinet switch
ACP - audio control panel
AGU - audio gateway unit
AMI - airline modifiable information
AOB - auxiliary outboard
ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc
ARS - ARINC 664 remote switch
ASIC - application specific integrated circuit
ASM - application specific module
BIT - built in test
BITE - built in test equipment
CAC - cabin air compressor
CACTS - cabin air conditioning temperature control system
CAN - controller area network
CBIC - circuit breaker control and indication
CBIT - continuous built in test
CCA - circuit card assembly
CCD - cursor control device
CCR - common computing resource
CCS - common core system
CDN - common data network
CDU - control display unit
CFPS - cargo fire protection system
CIPS - CAC inlet ice protection system
CMCF - central maintenance computing function
CMF - communication management function
COM - communication
CPU - central processing unit
CRC - cyclic redundancy check
CSSC - cabin service system controller
CTR - center
D/A - digital to analog
DCAS - display and crew alerting system
DL - data load
DMA - direct memory access
EAFR - enhanced airborne flight recorder
EAI - engine anti ice
ECB - electronic circuit breaker
ECL - electronic check list
ECS - equipment cooling system
ECS - environmental control system
EE - electronic equipment

EEC - electronic engine control

EEPROM - electrically erasable programmable read only memory
EFIS/DSP - electronic flight instrument system/display select panel
EMI - electromagnetic interference
EMI - engine monitoring unit
EICAS - engine indicating and crew alerting system
ETI - elapsed time indication
FCE - flight control electronics
FCM - flight control module
FDCP - flight deck control panel
F/O - first officer
FOX - fiber optic translator
FTS - file transfer service
FMF - flight management function
GG - graphic generator
GPM - general processing module
HBB - hot battery bus
H/W - hardware
HA - hosted application
HDD - head down display
HUD - head up display
HYDIF - hydraulic interface function
I/O - input/output
IC - integrated circuit
ICS - integrated cooling system
ID - identification
IFZ - independent fault zone
IMA - integrated modular avionics
IP - internet protocol
ISS - integrated surveillance system
LPS - low pressure system
LRM - line replaceable module
LRU - line replaceable unit
LSAP - loadable software airplane part
LVDT - linear variable differential transformer
MAC - media access control
Mbps - megabits per second
MFK - multifunction keypad
MOS - module operating system
NGS - nitrogen generation system
NVM - non volatile memory
OFP - operational flight program
OHMF - on board health management function
OS - operating system
OSS - option selection software
PBIT - power up built in test
PCB - printed circuit board
PCI - peripheral component interconnect
PCM - power conditioning module
PDI - power down interrupt
PDS - primary display system
PECS - power equipment cooling system
PFD - primary flight display
PFPS - propulsion fire protection system
PIP - panel interface pod

PLD - programmable logic device

PROM - programmable read-only memory
RAM - random access memory
RDC - remote data concentrator
RPDU - remote power distribution unit
ROM - read only memory
RTC - real time clock
RTD - resistance temperature device
RVDT - rotary variable differential transformer
RX - receive
S/W - software
SDD - system description document
SDRAM - synchronous dynamic random access memory
SPI - serial peripheral interface
TCB - thermal circuit breaker
TX - transmit
WIPS - wing ice protection system
WWFDS - wheel well fire detection system.

ACD - airplane configuration data

ACS - ARINC 664 cabinet switch
AFD - adaptive flight display
AMI - airline modifiable information
ATC - air traffic control
AUX - auxiliary
BITE - built in test equipment
BLS - bezel light sensor
CB - circuit breaker
CBIC - circuit breaker indication and control
CCD - cursor control device
CCR - common computing resource
CCS - common core system
CDN - common data network
CDU - control display unit
cm - centimeter
CMCF - central maintenance computing function
CP - control panel
DCAF - display and crew alerting function

DCP - display control panel

DU - display unit
ECB - electronic circuit breaker
ECS - environmental control system
EE - electronic equipment
EEC - electronic engine control (GE)
EEC - engine electronic controller (RR)
EFB - electronic flight bag
EFIS/DSP - electronic flight instrument system/display select panel
EICAS - engine indicating and crew alerting system
EMU - engine monitoring unit (GE)
EMU - engine monitor unit (RR)
ESIC - electrical system indications and controls
EVAC - evacuation
FDAS - Flight deck access system
FIR - flight information regions
FMA - flight mode annunciation
FPV - flight path vector
GBST - ground based software tool
GG - graphic generator
GPM - general processor module
HDD - head-down display
HPU - head-up projector unit
HR - heading reference
HUD - head-up display
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
IRS - inertial reference system
ISSP - instrument source select panel
kg - kilogram
LIB - left inboard
LOB - left outboard
LRU - line replaceable unit
LSAP - loadable airplane software part
MCD - maintenance control display
MCP - mode control panel
MFD - multifunction display
MFK - multifunction keypad
MKP - multifunction keypad
MWL - master warning light
NCD - no computed data
ND - navigation display
PECS - power electronics cooling system
PDS - primary display system
PFC - primary flight control
PFD - primary flight display
RDC - remote data concentrator
RIB - right inboard
ROB - right outboard
RLS - remote light sensor
SATCOM - satellite communication
SELCAL - selective calling
SMT - scheduled maintenance task
SUA - special use airspace
TCB - thermal circuit breaker

UTC - universal time coordinate

VSD - vertical situation display.

ACP - audio control panel

AGU - audio gateway unit
ARS - ARINC 664 remote switch
CCS - common core system
CDN - common data network
CPM - crash-protected memory
CNS/ATM - communication, navigation, and surveillance/air traffic
CVR - cockpit voice recorder
DPD - direct parameter display
DR - door
ECB - electronic circuit breaker
EE - electronic equipment
FDAF - flight data acquisition function
HDD - head-down display
HF - high frequency
hz - hertz
IDN - isolated data network
in - inch
kHz - kilohertz
km - kilometer
lb - pound
ML - maintenance laptop
mm - millimeter
NIM - network interface module
OGP - operational ground program
PCB - printed circuit board
RDC - remote data concentrator
RPDU - remote power distribution unit
RIPS - recorder independent power supply
SDRAM - synchronous dynamic random access memory
SRT - satellite receiver transmitter
ULB - underwater locator beacon
VHF - very high frequency.

ACMF - airplane condition monitoring function

BITE - built-in test equipment

C - Celsius
CBIC - circuit breaker control and indication
CIS-MS - crew information system-maintenance system
CMCF - central maintenance computing function
CCS - common core system
DCMF - data communication management function
EFB - electronic flight bag
ECB - electronic circuit breaker
EU - electronics unit
F - Fahrenheit
FSM - file server module
MFD - multifunction display
ML - maintenance laptop
NIM - network interface module
PDS - primary display system
RPDU - remote power distribution unit.

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